
microscopic lesions suggestive of marek's disease in a black francolin (francolinus f. francolinus).microscopic lesions suggestive of marek's disease were found in tissues from the exotic game bird black francolin (francolinus f. francolinus). these lesions consisted of a solitary spherical mass near the syrinx, histologically composed of sheets of small pleomorphic lymphocytes and a few plasma cells. lymphocytic cell infiltrates were also seen microscopically in cuffs around vessels of the brain, in the sciatic nerve, and in several visceral organs.2003938389
molecular evolution of the asian francolins (francolinus, galliformes): a modern reappraisal of a classic study in speciation.we investigated the evolution of the asian francolins, five little known species in the genus francolinus (phasianidae). evolutionary affinities of two of these species, f. gularis (swamp francolin) and f. pondicerianus (grey francolin), has long remained unclear. in contrast, the other three species, f. pintadeanus (chinese francolin), f. pictus (painted francolin) and f. francolinus (black francolin) have been cast among the "spotted francolins" on a morphological and ecological basis. previou ...201222828178
on a new species of pseudaspidodera baylis and daubney, 1922 from the black partridge francolinus francolinus (l.). 19685753054
skrjabinus francolini sp. n. (trematoda: dicrocoeliidae) from the black partridge, francolinus francolinus (linnaeus) in india. 19705530162
impacts of biological globalization in the mediterranean: unveiling the deep history of human-mediated gamebird dispersal.humans have a long history of moving wildlife that over time has resulted in unprecedented biotic homogenization. it is, as a result, often unclear whether certain taxa are native to a region or naturalized, and how the history of human involvement in species dispersal has shaped present-day biodiversity. although currently an eastern palaearctic galliform, the black francolin (francolinus francolinus) was known to occur in the western mediterranean from at least the time of pliny the elder, if ...201525733899
karyotypic analysis of three species of phasianidae (galliformes: aves).the karyology of the partridges francolinus francolinus asiae (2n = 70) and f. pondicerianus interpositus (2n = 68) and the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica (2n = 78) was investigated. the frequency distribution of the diploid number of chromosomes was tabulated and the most frequent number was taken to be the diploid number. all species showed a bimodal karyotype and the variation in the number of chromosomes was attributed to the macrochromosomes, although twelve macrochromosomes were ...19957671640
examination of mercury concentration in the feathers of 18 species of birds in southwest iran.this paper presents the levels of mercury (hg) in tail feathers from different species of birds, in southwest iran (khuzestan to persian gulf). between april and october 2005, we collected tail feathers from 77 birds belonging to 18 species, mostly raptor birds. the birds were collected for the museum natural history, faculty of natural resources and marine sciences of tarbiat modares university. hg concentrations were evaluated in relation to taxonomic affiliation and trophic level. feather hg ...200717307157
spatial genetic structure of black francolin (francolinus francolinus asiae) in the north-western himalayan region based on mitochondrial control region.due to specific habitat preferences and behavioural limitations, black francolin is not uniformly distributed across the northwestern himalayan landscape, rather is confined to certain land mosaic. the habitable zones are further reduced due to several manmade threats as logging and forest fire leading to sparse distribution. overall 54 samples were used for partial sequence analysis of mitochondrial control region. a well evident divergence pattern was observed as individuals collected from low ...202032340511
ethnomedicinal applications of animal species by the local communities of punjab, pakistan.different species of animals are being utilized in traditional therapies by various cultures for a long time and such uses still exist in folk medicine. the present study aimed to document animal-based traditional therapies used by the local communities of jhelum and lahore districts of the punjab province, pakistan.201830111346
human-modified biogeographic patterns and conservation in game birds: the dilemma of the black francolin (francolinus francolinus, phasianidae) in pakistan.the ever-increasing human-mediated wildlife reshuffling is raising concern for the conservation of biodiversity. the loss of biological distinctiveness among regions lessens the genetic diversity and consequently the evolutionary potential of local biotas to tackle present-day global change and human disturbance. this process may be sometimes cryptic unless investigated by means of a molecular approach. in this respect, game birds are a paradigmatic case. the black francolin (francolinus francol ...201830289901
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