
green peach aphid (homoptera: aphididae) action thresholds for controlling the spread of potato leafroll virus in idaho.arbitrary green peach aphid, myzus persicae (sulzer), action thresholds (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 aphids per 100 leaves) were tested in 3 yr of field experimentation to determine if they could be maintained and if they would significantly impact aphid densities and limit the incidence of potato leafroll virus (plrv). in 1997 and 1998, significant linear relationships between thresholds and final percentage of plrv (expressed as the percentage of tubers infected with plrv) were observed: there was a ...200111777033
hairy nightshade as a potential potato leafroll virus (luteoviridae: polerovirus) inoculum source in pacific northwest potato ecosystems.hairy nightshade, solanum sarrachoides, is a solanaceous weed found abundantly in pacific northwest potato ecosystems. it serves as a reservoir for one of the important potato viruses, potato leafroll virus (plrv) (luteoviridae: polerovirus), and its most important vector, the green peach aphid, myzus persicae (homoptera: aphididae). laboratory research indicated an increased green peach aphid settling and performance on s. sarrachoides than on potato. it also revealed that green peach aphids tr ...200818943736
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