
surveillance for high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in wild birds in the pacific flyway of the united states, 2006 the u.s. department of agriculture, u.s. department of interior, and cooperating state fish and wildlife agencies began surveillance for high-pathogenicity avian influenza (hpai) h5n1 virus in wild birds in the pacific flyway of the united states. this surveillance effort was highly integrated in california, oregon, washington, idaho, nevada, arizona, utah, and western montana, with collection of samples coordinated with state agencies. sampling focused on live wild birds, hunter-killed ...200919630228
characterization of recent h5 subtype avian influenza viruses from us the us, the isolation of h5 subtype avian influenza (ai) viruses has been uncommon in commercial chickens and turkeys, although sporadic isolations have been made from the live bird markets or its supply chain since 1986. in 2002, two different outbreaks of h5 ai occurred in commercial chicken or turkey operations. the first occurred in texas and was identified as a h5n3 subtype ai virus. the second outbreak was caused by a h5n2 virus isolated from a turkey farm in california. in this study w ...200415223555
migration strategy affects avian influenza dynamics in mallards (anas platyrhynchos).studies of pathogen transmission typically overlook that wildlife hosts can include both migrant and resident populations when attempting to model circulation. through the application of stable isotopes in flight feathers, we estimated the migration strategy of mallards (anas platyrhynchos) occurring on california wintering grounds. our study demonstrates that mallards- a principal host of avian influenza virus (aiv) in nature, contribute differently to virus gene flow depending on migration str ...201222971007
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