
[two cases of adnexitis from schistosoma haematobium seen at dakar]. 195114839470
[myeloradiculitis due to schistosoma haematobium: about an observation in dakar (senegal)].nervous localisations of schistosomiasis are rare. we report the case of a 25 year-old senegalese patient admitted for a progressive myeloradiculitis onset, over a one week period. the diagnosis of schistosoma haematobium myeloradiculitis was made in front of a positive serum serology for s. haematobium, presence of s. haematobium eggs in urine, hyperproteinorachia, endemicity of s. haematobium in the region where the patient was originating and a past medical history of macroscopic hematuria in ...201626936766
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