
poliomyelitis in angola: current status and implications for poliovirus eradication in southern part of emergency assistance to the ministry of health (moh), national surveillance data for poliomyelitis and charts of cases at the national rehabilitation hospital were reviewed. poliomyelitis patients admitted to angola's main pediatric hospital were examined. a mean of 86 cases of poliomyelitis/year were reported in angola during 1989-1994. review of records from non-moh sources uncovered another 74 cases, primarily from areas outside governmental control. hospital chart reviews revealed ...19979203688
outbreak of poliomyelitis--angola, 1999.on march 23, 1999, the pediatric hospital in luanda, angola, reported 21 cases (three deaths) of acute flaccid paralysis (afp). by april 3, 102 afp cases had been reported in luanda and neighboring areas of bengo province. a preliminary investigation by the ministry of health (moh) indicated that these cases primarily occurred among children aged <5 years; 90% had received two or fewer doses of oral poliovirus vaccine (opv), 4% had received three doses, and 6% had received four doses. many case- ...199910366140
massive outbreak of poliomyelitis caused by type-3 wild poliovirus in angola in 1999.the largest outbreak of poliomyelitis ever recorded in africa (1093 cases) occurred from 1 march to 28 may 1999 in luanda, angola, and in surrounding areas. the outbreak was caused primarily by a type-3 wild poliovirus, although type-1 wild poliovirus was circulating in the outbreak area at the same time. infected individuals ranged in age from 2 months to 22 years; 788 individuals (72%) were younger than 3 years. of the 590 individuals whose vaccination status was known, 23% had received no vac ...200010812730
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