
estimation of a human capital model of migration."the main deficiency of the current literature on the determinants of migration is the large gap between theoretical analyses and empirical applications. if no direct link is established between a theoretical model and its empirical specification, the empirical results cannot validate the model. this paper develops a version of the human capital model of migration which permits empirical specification. the human capital model presented incorporates two important concepts from migration theory ...198812281445
bovine tuberculosis in michigan wildlife and livestock.since 1994, the state of michigan has recognized a problem with bovine tuberculosis (tb), caused by mycobacterium bovis, in wild white-tailed deer from a 12-county area in northeastern lower michigan. a total of 65,000 free-ranging deer have been tested, and 340 have been found to be positive for m. bovis. the disease has been found in other wildlife species, and, in 1998, in domestic cattle, where to date 13 beef cattle and 2 dairy cattle herds have been diagnosed with bovine tb. unfortunately, ...200212381603
public health: tobacco taxes and internet sales--2005. end of year issue brief.raising tobacco taxes is an action that resonates with lawmakers, public health and anti-tobacco advocates, and the majority of the electorate. the relatively broad base of support for increasing excise taxes and the potential for increased tax revenue mitigate the concerns over targeting tobacco-users--23 percent of the population--to pay for state programs and the unreliability of the tobacco tax as a permanent source of revenue. tobacco excise taxes generated $10.2 billion, or about 1.5 perce ...200516715554
landscape based identification of human disturbance gradients and reference conditions for michigan streams.identification of reference streams and human disturbance gradients are crucial steps in assessing the effects of human disturbances on stream health. we describe a process for identifying reference stream reaches and assessing disturbance gradients using readily available, geo-referenced stream and human disturbance databases. we demonstrate the utility of this process by applying it to wadeable streams in michigan, usa, and use it to identify which human disturbances have the greatest impact o ...200817171249
landscape-based assessment of human disturbance for michigan lakes.assessment of lake impairment status and identification of threats' type and source is essential for protection of intact, enhancement of modified, and restoration of impaired lakes. for regions in which large numbers of lakes occur, such assessment has usually been done for only small fractions of lakes due to resource and time limitation. this study describes a process for assessing lake impairment status and identifying which human disturbances have the greatest impact on each lake for all la ...201020625900
potential oversummering and overwintering regions for the wheat stripe rust pathogen in the contiguous united states.epidemics of wheat stripe rust, caused by puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (pst), are more frequent in the regions where pst can oversummer and overwinter. regions for potential oversummering and overwintering of pst were determined in the contiguous united states using a survival index (si) ranging from 0 (most unfavorable) to 10 (most favorable) developed based on long-term weather data. the pathogen can survive in cool summer in the most regions north of latitude 40°n, particularly washing ...201423722926
methylmercury in mosquitoes related to atmospheric mercury deposition and contamination.a connection between loadings of inorganic hg, especially from the atmosphere, and accumulation of methylmercury (mehg) in aquatic biota has not been firmly established. mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) may be a useful indictor of hg contamination or mehg accumulation in aquatic ecosystems because they have aquatic life stages, and their ubiquitous distribution permits sampling across wide ranges of climate, biological productivity, and atmospheric hg deposition. we examined mehg in adult mosquit ...200515926549
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