
plasmodium forresteri n. sp., from raptors in florida and southern georgia: its distinction from plasmodium elongatum morphologically within and among host species and by vector susceptibility.plasmodium forresteri n. sp. naturally infects eastern screech-owls (otus asio), great horned owls (bubo virginianus), barred owls (strix varia), bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-shouldered hawks (buteo lineatus), broad-winged hawks (buteo platypterus), and red-tailed hawks (buteo jamaicensis) in florida and southern georgia. schizonts occur in mature or nearly mature erythrocytes, produce 2-6 merozoites arranged most commonly in fan or cruciform configuration, with mean dimensions am ...19979379302
amblyomma auricularium (ixodida: ixodidae) in florida: new hosts and distribution records.previous published evidence for the occurrence of an exotic armadillo tick, amblyomma auricularium (conil), in florida is scant, but we found it is fully established and integrated into the state's tick fauna. we collected 11,192 specimens of this tick from naturalized nine-banded armadillos, dasypus novemcinctus l., and 14 other species of wild native mammals and birds in florida, while sampling statewide during 2004 through 2007. in all, we document its specific presence only in 14 contiguous ...201728082640
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