
molecular identification and larval morphological description of contracaecum pelagicum (nematoda: anisakidae) from the anchovy engraulis anchoita (engraulidae) and fish-eating birds from the argentine north patagonian sea.anisakids use invertebrates as paratenic and/or intermediate hosts as a basic feature of larval transmission. the third-stage larva usually develops in invertebrates which are prey items of finfish paratenic hosts. contracaecum larvae molt twice inside the egg and hatch as free third-stage larvae ensheathed in the second-stage larval cuticle. copepods act as paratenic or obligatory hosts, usually ingesting these free l3 larvae, and fish act as intermediate/paratenic or metaparatenic hosts preyin ...201323500719
population regulation in magellanic penguins: what determines changes in colony size?seabirds are often studied at individual colonies, but the confounding effects of emigration and mortality processes in open populations may lead to inappropriate conclusions on the mechanisms underlying population changes. magellanic penguin (spheniscus magellanicus) colonies of variable population sizes are distributed along the argentine coastline. in recent decades, several population and distributional changes have occurred, with some colonies declining and others newly established or incre ...201525786254
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