
post-embryonic development of camallanus cotti (nematoda: camallanidae), with emphasis on growth of some taxonomically important somatic this paper, the quantitative post-embryonic development of the asian freshwater fish nematode camallanus cotti fujita, 1927, is described. larval and adult morphometrics were obtained by following the parasite's life cycle experimentally using copepods macrocyclops albidus (jurine) as intermediate host and guppies poecilia reticulata (peters), southern platyfish xiphophorus maculatus (günther) and paradise fish macropodus opercularis (l.) as definitive host. additionally, adult worms were obt ...200212418817
import of exotic and zoonotic trematodes (heterophyidae: centrocestus sp.) in xiphophorus maculatus: implications for ornamental fish import control in europe.ornamental fish, xiphophorus maculatus, were imported from singapore to denmark for distribution to local aquarists. importers observed lethargic and erratic swimming patterns among fish and forwarded a total of 30 fish for pathological examination to a university diagnostic service. all fish were diagnosed infected with encysted centrocestus sp. metacercariae in gills (prevalence of 100% and mean intensity of 454.5 ± 161.9 parasites per fish). metacercariae were identified by morphological and ...201424827099
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