
sexual pair-formation in a cicada mediated by acoustic behaviour of females and positive phonotaxis of males.the functions of female song found in a few cicadas have rarely been studied. in the cicada subpsaltria yangi we investigated the acoustic behaviour and signal structure of songs produced by females, the phonotaxis of males, and mate choice, as well as the selective pressure imposed on this species by predators. pair-formation in s. yangi occurs when males signal, females respond, then males move to signaling females, which is opposite to that in most other cicadas where females move to calling ...201728743920
comparative analysis of microbial communities associated with bacteriomes, reproductive organs and eggs of the cicada subpsaltria yangi.plant sap-feeding insects of hemiptera often form intimate symbioses with microbes to obtain nutrients. the cicada subpsaltria yangi is the only species of the subfamily tettigadinae known from china. using high-throughput sequencing combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis, we characterize the bacterial composition of the bacteriomes, testes, ovaries and eggs of two representative populations of this species which occur in different habitats and feed on different plant hosts. i ...201728983672
stridulatory sound-production and its function in females of the cicada subpsaltria yangi.acoustic behavior plays a crucial role in many aspects of cicada biology, such as reproduction and intrasexual competition. although female sound production has been reported in some cicada species, acoustic behavior of female cicadas has received little attention. in cicada subpsaltria yangi, the females possess a pair of unusually well-developed stridulatory organs. here, sound production and its function in females of this remarkable cicada species were investigated. we revealed that the fema ...201525710637
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