
bovine polyomavirus, a frequent contaminant of calf sera. 199910404875
evaluation of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from vaccine site-associated sarcomas of cats for polyomavirus dna and determine whether vaccine site-associated sarcomas (vss) from cats contain polyomavirus antigen or dna.200111400836
comparing phylogenetic codivergence between polyomaviruses and their hosts.seventy-two full genomes corresponding to nine mammalian (67 strains) and two avian (5 strains) polyomavirus species were analyzed using maximum likelihood and bayesian methods of phylogenetic inference. our fully resolved and well-supported (bootstrap proportions > 90%; posterior probabilities = 1.0) trees separate the bird polyomaviruses (avian polyomavirus and goose hemorrhagic polyomavirus) from the mammalian polyomaviruses, which supports the idea of spitting the genus into two subgenera. s ...200616731904
design and application of nucleic acid standards for quantitative detection of enteric viruses by real-time pcr.synthetic multiple-target rna and dna oligonucleotides were constructed for use as quantification standards for nucleic acid amplification assays for human norovirus genogroup i and ii, hepatitis e virus, murine norovirus, human adenovirus, porcine adenovirus and bovine polyomavirus. this approach overcomes the problems related to the difficulty of obtaining practical quantities of viral rna and dna from these viruses. the quantification capacity of assays using the standards was excellent in ea ...201121765877
evaluating the prevalence and genetic diversity of adenovirus and polyomavirus in bovine waste for microbial source tracking.this study evaluated and compared the occurrence, concentrations, and genetic diversity of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) and bovine adenovirus (badv) in manure and feces samples for the purpose of determining which of these two viruses is more suitable for bovine fecal indication and microbial source tracking. the comparability and correlation between concentrations/prevalence of these viruses and bacterial fecal indicators (cow-associated bacteroidetes, escherichia coli and enterococci) in manure ...201121394527
evaluating the prevalence and genetic diversity of adenovirus and polyomavirus in bovine waste for microbial source tracking.this study evaluated and compared the occurrence, concentrations, and genetic diversity of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) and bovine adenovirus (badv) in manure and feces samples for the purpose of determining which of these two viruses is more suitable for bovine fecal indication and microbial source tracking. the comparability and correlation between concentrations/prevalence of these viruses and bacterial fecal indicators (cow-associated bacteroidetes, escherichia coli and enterococci) in manure ...201121394527
detection of infectious bovine polyomavirus.bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) is a member of the polyomaviridae, a virus that was originally thought to be of simian origin but was later shown to be of bovine origin, the primate cultures having been contaminated through the use of foetal bovine serum. the significance of this agent to the biotechnology industry cannot be underestimated. the presence of bpyv in serum batches poses a serious risk for the contamination of human therapeutic products. the current pcr based assays provide a means of de ...200314624801
analysis of splice sites in the early region of bovine polyomavirus: evidence for a unique pattern of large t mrna splicing.the genetic organization of the early region of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) was studied by analysis of the splice sites used in early mrna maturation, using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and dna sequencing techniques. when compared to other polyomaviruses, the bpyv early region appears to have an uncommon organization. in the major early mrna molecule two small intron sequences of 71 and 77 nucleotides, separated from one another by an 80 nucleotide exon sequence, were identifie ...19921279101
cloning, expression and identification of matrix protein gene of wheat rosette stunt virus (wrsv).cdna fragment located downstream of the wrsv ns protein gene was sequenced. following an 80 nt untranslated region at the 5 'terminus, there is a 453 nt open reading frame(orf) encoding a 17 kd protein, which was allowed to be expressed in e. coli using bacterial expression vector pgex-3x and produced a 43 kd fusion protein. the result of western blot showed that the fusion protein was able to react strongly with antibody raised against the purified wrsv particles. according to the similarities ...199812168025
cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding ns protein of wheat rosette stunt virus.the cdna fragment located downstream of the wrsv n protein gene was obtained from the cdna library of wrsv by hybridization with a 24 nucleotides sequence fragment of the 3' end of mrna of the n protein. the cdna fragment was sequenced and on orf encoding a 40 kd protein was found. the gene was expressed in e. coli de3 and was identified by western blot experiment as the ns gene of wrsv.199812168024
sequence analysis of the trailer region of wheat rosette stunt virus genomic rna.according to a highly conserved 8 amino acid sequence of l proteins in rhabdoviridae, a 24-mer degenerate oligonucleotide primer was designed to amplify the 5' terminus of the genomic rna of wheat rosette stunt virus (wrsv), a plant rhabdovirus, by anchored pcr. the complete nucleotide sequence of the 5' trailer in wrsv genomic rna was determined by deoxynucleotide sequencing of cloned cdna derived from the anchored pcr products.199912142924
the phosphorylation of ns protein of wheat rosette stunt virus.the genome of wheat rosette stunt virus (wrsv), a plant rhabdovirus, is a single negative strand rna. it encodes five viral structural proteins: the glycoprotein (g), the matrix protein (m), the nucleocapsid protein (n), the large protein (l) and the non?structural protein (ns), which was later proved to be a viral structural protein too and existed in a variety of phosphorylation forms in case of vascular stomatitis virus (vsv). in this paper we demonstrated that ns protein of wrsv, either boun ...200312796811
detection of bovine polyomavirus contamination in fetal bovine sera and modified live viral vaccines using polymerase chain reaction.a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay has been developed for the detection of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) dna. the assay has been used to screen commercial lots of fetal bovine serum and modified live veterinary vaccines for the presence of the agent. a pcr product of the expected size was detected after the first round of pcr for eight out of 20 serum lots, but in none of the 14 vaccines tested. the subsequent nested assay revealed that four more serum lots were positive for bpyv dna, a ...19968889060
a possible bovine polyomavirus.a virus with the characteristics of a polyomavirus was isolated from tissue cultures prepared from the kidneys of a healthy new-born calf.19806159874
serological relationships between the nucleocapsids of some planthopper-borne rhabdoviruses of cereals.leaves infected with barley yellow striate mosaic virus (bysmv) from italy, wheat chlorotic streak virus (wcsv) from france, northern cereal mosaic virus (ncmv) from japan, maize sterile stunt virus (mssv) from australia or shiraz maize rhabdovirus (smrv) from iran were homogenized in buffered 1% nonidet p-40, releasing intact nucleocapsids. these (except smrv) were trapped on electron microscope grids using appropriate antisera and tested by decoration with serial dilutions of antisera to bysmv ...19863721813
human exposure to bovine polyomavirus: a zoonosis?a competitive-type solid phase radioimmunoassay (ria) was developed for the detection of antibody to bovine polyomavirus. comparison of ria and counter-immunoelectrophoresis (cie) results on 273 cattle sera indicated that both techniques were detecting antibody of like specificity. human sera from 256 blood donors, 219 people recently vaccinated against polio, rubella or rabies, 50 immunosuppressed patients and 472 people with various occupational exposure to cattle were tested for antibody to b ...19863004390
human exposure to bovine polyomavirus: a zoonosis?a competitive-type solid phase radioimmunoassay (ria) was developed for the detection of antibody to bovine polyomavirus. comparison of ria and counter-immunoelectrophoresis (cie) results on 273 cattle sera indicated that both techniques were detecting antibody of like specificity. human sera from 256 blood donors, 219 people recently vaccinated against polio, rubella or rabies, 50 immunosuppressed patients and 472 people with various occupational exposure to cattle were tested for antibody to b ...19863004390
characterization of a new polyomavirus (polyomavirus papionis-2) isolated from baboon kidney cell cultures.viruses with papovavirus morphology were seen in fluids from baboon kidney cell cultures on three separate occasions (isolates a, b, and c). the size of the virions, 47.9 nm, placed the virus in the polyomavirus genus. it grew well in baboon kidney and vero cells and less well in human embryo lung (hel) fibroblasts. the virus could not be identified as the previously described baboon polyomavirus, sa 12, or as any of the other known primate polyomaviruses bk, jc or sv 40, the non-primate viruses ...19892546518
characterization of a new polyomavirus (polyomavirus papionis-2) isolated from baboon kidney cell cultures.viruses with papovavirus morphology were seen in fluids from baboon kidney cell cultures on three separate occasions (isolates a, b, and c). the size of the virions, 47.9 nm, placed the virus in the polyomavirus genus. it grew well in baboon kidney and vero cells and less well in human embryo lung (hel) fibroblasts. the virus could not be identified as the previously described baboon polyomavirus, sa 12, or as any of the other known primate polyomaviruses bk, jc or sv 40, the non-primate viruses ...19892546518
detection and molecular characterisation of bovine polyomavirus in bovine sera in new investigate the prevalence of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) dna in commercial batches of bovine serum products, cell lines and cattle in new zealand and to characterise the viral dna detected.200515731831
development of a quantitative pcr assay for the quantitation of bovine polyomavirus as a microbial source-tracking tool.adenoviruses and polyomaviruses are two distinct dna viral families that are excreted in high concentrations and distributed in human and animal populations. targeting specific virus included in these families has proved to be a promising and useful tool for tracing specifically sources of environmental contamination. in this study, a quantitative pcr assay that is specific for bovine polyomaviruses was developed and used to determine the excretion level and concentration of bovine polyomaviruse ...201019887085
bovine polyomavirus, a frequent contaminant of calf serum. 19911665699
frequent detection of bovine polyomavirus in commercial batches of calf serum by using the polymerase chain reaction.twenty commercial batches of calf serum, obtained from several suppliers, were tested for the presence of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) dna and antibodies against the virus. using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technology, bpyv dna was detected in 70% of the batches; no bpyv was detected in any of the negative control samples. the specificity of the amplification reactions was proven by hybridization. pcr results were confirmed by virus isolation experiments performed with five pcr-positive and fi ...19911658200
bovine polyomavirus, a cell-transforming virus with tumorigenic potential.the early region of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv) was tested for its cell transformation potential employing an assay of dense focus formation. dense foci of morphologically transformed cells were observed upon transfection of primary rodent cells with a plasmid construct encoding the complete early region of bpyv under the transcriptional control of the long terminal repeat of rous sarcoma virus. no transformation of primary rodent cells was observed upon transfection of these cells with a plasmid ...19921331291
the complete nucleotide sequence of bovine polyomavirus.the complete sequence of the genome of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv), formerly known as the ck isolate of the stump-tailed macaque virus, is presented. the genomic organization of bpyv is similar to that of the non-rodent polyomaviruses. with a genome size of 4697 bp, bpyv has the smallest polyomavirus genome known so far. when compared to simian virus 40 (sv40), the shortness of the bpyv genome is due mainly to differences in the coding capacity of the bpyv early region. the first exon of the prop ...19902167926
the complete nucleotide sequence of bovine polyomavirus.the complete sequence of the genome of bovine polyomavirus (bpyv), formerly known as the ck isolate of the stump-tailed macaque virus, is presented. the genomic organization of bpyv is similar to that of the non-rodent polyomaviruses. with a genome size of 4697 bp, bpyv has the smallest polyomavirus genome known so far. when compared to simian virus 40 (sv40), the shortness of the bpyv genome is due mainly to differences in the coding capacity of the bpyv early region. the first exon of the prop ...19902167926
a perspective on the prevalence of dna enteric virus genomes in anaerobic-digested biological wastes.the major goal of this study is to gain a perspective on the prevalence of dna enteric virus genomes in mesophilic anaerobic-digested (mad) sewage sludge and manure by comparing their quantitative pcr (qpcr) concentrations and removals with traditional fecal indicators (escherichia coli, enterococci, and bacteroidetes). in addition, relationships between qpcr and culture measurements of fecal indicators (fis) were determined. there was no significant difference between the qpcr concentrations of ...201121931949
screening human tumor samples with a broad-spectrum polymerase chain reaction method for the detection of polyomaviruses.polyomaviruses induce tumors of different histological types when inoculated into experimental animals. an etiological role for this virus group in the development of malignant tumors in humans remains questionable, despite several reports demonstrating the presence of sv40, jcv, and bkv dna in human cancers. only two human polyomavirus types are known to date: jcv, causing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (pml) under severe immunosuppression, and bkv, first isolated from the urine of ...19979356349
hamburger polyomaviruses.epidemiological studies have suggested that consumption of beef may correlate with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. one hypothesis to explain this proposed link might be the presence of a carcinogenic infectious agent capable of withstanding cooking. polyomaviruses are a ubiquitous family of thermostable non-enveloped dna viruses that are known to be carcinogenic. using virion enrichment, rolling circle amplification (rca) and next-generation sequencing, we searched for polyomaviruses in ...201525568187
what is for dinner? viral metagenomics of us store bought beef, pork, and chicken.we describe here the metagenomics-derived viral sequences detected in beef, pork, and chicken purchased from stores in san francisco. in beef we detected four previously reported viruses (two parvoviruses belonging to different genera, an anellovirus, and one circovirus-like virus) and one novel bovine polyomavirus species (bpyv2-sf) whose closest relatives infect primates. detection of porcine hokovirus in beef indicated that this parvovirus can infect both ungulate species. in pork we detected ...201425217712
genome sequence of bovine polyomavirus 1 detected in a salers cow (bos taurus) from catalonia, spain.we identified a variant of the first bovine polyomavirus (bpyv1; family polyomaviridae) in a lymph node of a salers cow. as the 2 previously published genome sequences of this virus originated from fetal bovine serum and ground beef, respectively, this is the first bpyv1 genome that could be traced back to an individual.201626823593
viral tools for detection of fecal contamination and microbial source tracking in wastewater from food industries and domestic sewage.alternative indicators may be more suitable than thermotolerant coliform bacteria to assess enteric virus pollution in environmental waters and their removal from wastewaters. in this study, f-specific rna bacteriophages (f-rnaph) showed to be potential viral indicators of fecal contamination when they were quantified from domestic and food-industrial effluents containing human, chicken, swine or bovine wastes. in addition, they showed to be resistant to the primary and secondary treatments of t ...201830336954
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