
ophthalmic examination of the captive western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla).this study examined the captive western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla) eye as compared and contrasted with the human eye. bilateral ophthalmic examinations of western lowland gorillas (n = 5) while under general anesthesia were performed opportunistically, including slit-lamp biomicroscopy, dilated fundus examination, cycloplegic retinoscopy, schiotz tonometry, corneal diameter and thickness measurements, a-scan and b-scan ultrasonography, keratometry, and cultures of the eyelid margi ...200517312760
human-associated staphylococcus aureus strains within great ape populations in central africa (gabon).the risk of serious infections caused by staphylococcus aureus is well-known. however, most studies regarding the distribution of (clinically relevant) s. aureus among humans and animals took place in the western hemisphere and only limited data are available from (central) africa. in this context, recent studies focused on s. aureus strains in humans and primates, but the question of whether humans and monkeys share related s. aureus strains or may interchange strains remained largely unsolved. ...201223398468
gorilla gorilla gorilla gut: a potential reservoir of pathogenic bacteria as revealed using culturomics and molecular tools.wild apes are considered to be the most serious reservoir and source of zoonoses. however, little data are available about the gut microbiota and pathogenic bacteria in gorillas. for this propose, a total of 48 fecal samples obtained from 21 gorilla gorilla gorilla individuals (as revealed via microsatellite analysis) were screened for human bacterial pathogens using culturomics and molecular techniques. by applying culturomics to one index gorilla and using specific media supplemented by plants ...201425417711
differentiation of staphylococcus argenteus (formerly: staphylococcus aureus clonal complex 75) by mass spectrometry from s. aureus using the first strain isolated from a wild african great ape.the species staphylococcus argenteus was separated recently from staphylococcus aureus (tong s.y., f. schaumburg, m.j. ellington, j. corander, b. pichon, f. leendertz, s.d. bentley, j. parkhill, d.c. holt, g. peters, and p.m. giffard, 2015). the objective of this work was to characterise the genome of a non-human s. argenteus strain, which had been isolated from the faeces of a wild-living western lowland gorilla in gabon, and analyse the spectrum of this species in matrix-assisted laser desorpt ...201727931949
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