
t-cell epitope polymorphisms of the plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein among field isolates from sierra leone: age-dependent haplotype distribution?in the context of the development of a successful malaria vaccine, understanding the polymorphisms exhibited by malaria antigens in natural parasite populations is crucial for proper vaccine design. recent observations have indicated that sequence polymorphisms in the c-terminal t-cell epitopes of the plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (pfcsp) are rather low and apparently stable in low endemic areas. this study sought to assess the pattern in a malaria endemic setting in africa, usi ...200919500348
apparent drug failure following artesunate treatment of plasmodium falciparum malaria in freetown, sierra leone: four case reports.four cases of plasmodium falciparum malaria who presented in sierra leone in november-december 2000 apparently failed to respond to treatment with artesunate. three (75%) of the cases fulfilled the world health organization's criteria for late treatment failure. although artesunate ranks only sixth as the first-line drug used by clinicians for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in sierra leone, it is widely sold over the counter in pharmacies in the country. the indiscriminate and injudiciou ...200111487367
controlled trial of lambda-cyhalothrin impregnated bed nets and maloprim chemosuppression to control malaria in children living in a holoendemic area of sierra leone, west africa. study design and preliminary results.the effect of lambda-cyhalothrin impregnated bed nets and maloprim/placebo was studied in approximately 1,500 children living in 17 villages in a rural area of sierra leone, approximately 150 miles south east of freetown, 30 miles north of the town of bo. villages were selected randomly amongst villages with impregnated bed nets and villages with no nets at all. within these villages, children with ages ranging between 3 months to 6 years were chosen to receive maloprim or a double-blind distrib ...19938233620
placental malaria and low birthweight neonates in urban sierra leone.the birthweights of 768 singleton neonates were assessed in a study carried out over a 3-year period among indigenous, paturient women in freetown, where malaria is mesoendemic. about 18.5% of placentae were found infected with malaria and the dominant species was plasmodium falciparum. the proportion of low birthweight (lbw) babies from infected placentae (22.5%) was significantly greater than the proportion from the uninfected (p < 0.01) and, among the infected, the proportion from primiparae ...19947893170
cholera epidemic threatens sierra leone.sierra leone faces the threat of a major epidemic of cholera with the onset of the rainy season, according to the world health organization (who). the situation is particularly grave for the two million people displaced by the country's civil war. already 1709 cases of cholera have been registered in freetown, with 57 deaths. freetown's population has doubled since the start of the war in 1991 with 750,000 refugees camping out in the town. the insurgent revolutionary united front is now with ...19957613398
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