
[extension of the transmission area of kala-azar caused by leishmania infantum (nicolle 1908) to the center and south of tunisia].seventeen (17) parasitologically confirmed cases of infantile kala azar (ka) are reported from 1982 to 1991 in tunisia, in areas (gouvernorates of sidi bouzid, kasserine, sfax, gafsa and tozeur) where the disease has never (or exceptionally) been reported before. this tendency to the extension of the ka areas from northern tunisia to the central and southern parts could be explained by the ecological modifications that occurred in these zones following agriculture development programs that inclu ...19911824507
leishmaniasis in central and southern tunisia: current geographical distribution of zymodemes.the authors report the identification of leishmania strains isolated from the centre and the south of tunisia. 266 strains were isolated between 1998 and 2006 from human (n=221 strains) and dogs (n=45 strains) hosts. the isoenzymatic identification exhibits the presence of in total five zymodemes belonging to three leishmanio complexes: leishmania infantum, l. major and l. killicki. all strains isolated from human and canine visceral leishmaniasis belonged to l. infantum. zymodeme mon-1 was the ...200717933302
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