
seroprevalence of maedi-visna in canadian sheep.a serological survey of canadian sheep over one year of age was conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of maedi-visna. an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used. an analysis of 14,047 sera from 286 randomly selected flocks provided an estimate of the seroprevalence of 19% and a mean flock prevalence of 12%. sixty-three percent of the sampled flocks had one or more seropositive sheep. there appeared to be higher prevalences in sheep in quebec (40%) and nova scotia (27%). an increas ...19911653641
household outbreak of q-fever pneumonia related to a parturient outbreak of febrile respiratory disease occurred over 11 days among thirteen adults in nova scotia, all members of an extended family and their friends. signs of illness included bradycardia at the same time as fever, palatal petechiae, and rapidly enlarging bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. ten of the patients had a four-fold rise in antibody to phase-2 q-fever antigen as determined by complement fixation on acute and 4-week-convalescent serum samples. six children of the extended family for ...19846151054
listeria monocytogenes infections in canada.since its first isolation by murray in 1926 listeria monocytogenes has become recognized as a significant pathogen occurring worldwide and involving a wide range of wild and domestic animals including man. the first confirmed human listeriosis case in canada was published by stoot in 1951. a later survey based on records maintained at the laboratory centre for disease control, ottawa showed 101 cases detected over a 21 year period in nine provinces. the overall mortality was 30%. the most freque ...19846442654
helicobacter pylori: primary susceptibility to clarithromycin in vitro in nova scotia.resistance to antimicrobial agents is a major determinant of the efficacy of regimens to eradicate helicobacter pylori. clarithromycin (cla) has become one of the most commonly used antibiotics for treatment of h pylori infection. in this study, the rate of primary resistance to cla in h pylori isolated from patients was determined. one hundred sixty-two strains were recovered from patients before treatment. strains were grown and inoculated onto mueller-hinton agar with 7% sheep blood. cla epsi ...19979218854
ovine-associated q atlantic canada, the traditional risk factor for acquisition of q fever infection has been exposure to infected parturient cats or newborn kittens. in this study we describe the first case of q fever in nova scotia acquired as a result of direct exposure to sheep. a serosurvey of the associated flock was undertaken using an indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa) testing for antibodies to phase i and phase ii coxiella burnetii antigens. this serosurvey revealed that 23 of 46 sheep (50%) were ...200918840318
ovine ill-thrift in nova scotia. 5. the production and toxicology of chetomin, a metabolite of chaetomium spp. 19725070711
sporidesmins. 8. ovine ill-thrift in nova scotia. 3. the characterisation of chetomin a toxic metabolite of chaetomium cochliodes and chaetomium globosum. 19725066072
ovine ill-thrift in nova scotia. 4. the survival at low oxygen partial pressure of fungi isolated from the contents of the ovine rumen. 19724560917
some issues raised on q fever study. 19863940459
seroepidemiology of q fever among domestic animals in nova scotia.we used the indirect microimmunofluorescence test to determine the presence of antibodies in sheep, cattle, goat, cat, and dog sera to phase i and ii coxiella burnetii antigens in nova scotia. only 6.7 per cent of the 329 sheep tested had antibodies to phase ii antigen and none had antibodies to phase i. of 29 goats tested, 7 per cent and 3.5 per cent had antibodies to phase ii and phase i antigens, respectively. in contrast, 23.8 per cent of the 214 cattle tested had antibodies to phase ii anti ...19853890569
exposure to parturient cats: a risk factor for acquisition of q fever in maritime canada.over a 34-mo period we studied 51 patients with q fever and 102 control subjects (with various lower-respiratory-tract infections) who were matched for age, sex, and time of onset of infection. by univariate analysis (not adjusted for multiple comparisons), cases differed significantly from controls in the following activities: working on a farm; slaughtering or dressing animals; and contact with cats, cattle, and sheep. the strongest association was with exposure to stillborn kittens--11 of 51 ...19883392409
an outbreak of q fever probably due to contact with a parturient cat.thirty-three cases (24 definite, nine probable) of q fever were diagnosed in victoria county, cape breton, nova scotia from may to august, 1985. twenty-six of the cases occurred in residents of baddeck (population 900, attack rate 2.8 percent), and 21 of the cases occurred during the month of june. there was geographic clustering of the cases: 14 of the 33 (42 percent) lived or worked in four buildings located side by side in the center of town. a case control study revealed that 25 of 29 cases ...19883335174
truckin' pneumonia--an outbreak of q fever in a truck repair plant probably due to aerosols from clothing contaminated by contact with newborn kittens.we describe an outbreak of q fever affecting 16 of 32 employees at a truck repair plant. none of the cases were exposed to cattle, sheep or goats, the traditional reservoirs of q fever. the cases did not work, live on, or visit farms or attend livestock auctions. one of the employees had a cat which gave birth to kittens 2 weeks prior to the first case of q fever in the plant. the cat owner fed the kittens every day before coming to work as the cat would not let the kittens suckle. serum from th ...19892917613
evaluation of two management procedures for the control of maedi-visna.two control programs were evaluated for their efficiency in eradicating the maedi-visna (m-v) virus from a single sheep flock. in both programs, the agar gel immunodiffusion test was used for the detection of m-v infected animals at regular intervals. in program 1, the test and remove program, ewes that were serologically positive for m-v were immediately removed along with their offspring. the prevalence of infected sheep decreased gradually and a seronegative flock was obtained after 30 months ...19892556212
maedi-visna virus infection in rams in nova scotia. 1978688172
assessment of wool waste and hair waste as soil amendment and nutrient source.a field and two container experiments were conducted to assess uncomposted wool and hair wastes as a nutrient source for crops and to evaluate their potential to improve soil biological and chemical properties. overall, addition of wool or hair waste to soil increased yields of basil (ocimum basilicum l. 'trakia'), thorn apple (datura innoxia mill. 'inka'), peppermint (mentha x piperita l. 'black mitchum'), and garden sage (salvia officinalis l. 'desislava'), increased nh(4)-n and no(3)-n in soi ...200516275732
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