
seroepidemiology of adult diarrhea rotavirus in china, 1977 to 1982, large outbreaks of diarrhea that were caused by group b adult diarrhea rotavirus (adrv) occurred throughout the people's republic of china. until 1982, group b rotavirus had never been associated with disease in humans. to determine whether adrv was a new virus introduced in 1982 or had been present before that time, we examined antibody titers of adrv in gamma globulin (pooled immunoglobulin) pools that were prepared during 1977 to 1987 in four cities in the people's republic of china ...19892479654
[investigation of group a rotavirus infection in several cities in china and prevalence of vp7 serotype].to study the prevalence of group a rotavirus infection in china.200112526310
[molecular epidemiologic survey of rotaviruses from infants and children with diarrhea in shanghai].to investigate molecular epidemiologic features of rotaviruses circulating in shanghai, china.200414990097
[epidemiological surveillance of norovirus and rotavirus diarrhea among outpatient children in five metropolitan cities].to survey the clinical epidemiological features of norovirus and rotavirus diarrhea among children living in 5 cities.201021055297
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