
intracellular symbionts and other bacteria associated with deer ticks (ixodes scapularis) from nantucket and wellfleet, cape cod, massachusetts.the diversity of bacteria associated with the deer tick (ixodes scapularis) was assessed using pcr amplification, cloning, and sequencing of 16s rrna genes originating from seven ticks collected from nantucket island and wellfleet, cape cod, mass. the majority of sequences obtained originated from gram-negative proteobacteria. four intracellular bacteria were detected including strains of ehrlichia, rickettsia, and wolbachia and an organism related to intracellular insect symbionts from the cyto ...200414711698
biological soil crusts of sand dunes in cape cod national seashore, massachusetts, usa.biological soil crusts cover hundreds of hectares of sand dunes at the northern tip of cape cod national seashore (massachusetts, usa). although the presence of crusts in this habitat has long been recognized, neither the organisms nor their ecological roles have been described. in this study, we report on the microbial community composition of crusts from this region and describe several of their physical and chemical attributes that bear on their environmental role. microscopic and molecular a ...200415546040
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