
waterborne shigellosis at a public november 1972 an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness occurred at a public school in stockport, iowa. one hundred ninety-four (72%) of 269 pupils and 14 (16%) of 23 staff members were affected. the etiologic agent was a strain of shigella sonnei resistant to multiple antimicrobials. waterborne transmission of shigellosis was documented epidemiologically and by isolation of the organism from the school water system. ninety-seven (14%) of 698 of the students' household contacts developed diarrh ...19751092157
shigellosis outbreak associated with an unchlorinated fill-and-drain wading pool--iowa, 2001.on june 15, 2001, local physicians reported 11 cases of diarrhea to a county health department. stool samples from two of these persons were culture confirmed as shigella sonnei, one person was hospitalized. a preliminary investigation found that nine of these persons recently had visited a large city park with a wading pool. the iowa department of public health was asked to assist in an investigation of this outbreak. this report summarizes the results of the investigation, which implicated the ...200111785570
shigella sonnei isolated from well water.a method is described which led to the isolation of shigella sonnei from well water suspected of being the primary foci in a school-associated shigellosis outbreak.19734584583
shigellosis from augsut 1974, 31 of 45 cases of shigella sonnei infection in dubuque, iowa, were traced to swimming in an 8-km stretch of the mississippi river. comparison of the first case in each affected family with neighborhood controls showed a significant correlation between swimming and illness (p less than .0001). a significant association between diarrheal illness and swimming (p less than .0001) was also demonstrated by a retrospective survey of 60 families who had camped at a park beside the river; ...1976787562
from the centers for disease control and prevention. shigellosis outbreak associated with an unchlorinated fill-and-drain wading pool--iowa, 2001. 200111693146
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