
intestinal protozoan infection in a semicommunal group.a survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of protozoan parasites in a large semicommunal group in los angeles. protozoan parasites were observed in 151 (69%) of the 220 group members in the study. parasites were observed in stool specimens from 105 (76%) of the 138 children and 46 (56%) of the 82 adults. dientamoeba fragilis was observed in 115 (52%), giardia lamblia in 50 (23%), entamoeba histolytica in 9 (4%), and commensals in 61 (28%). parasitic infection was infrequent in infants l ...19836824128
intestinal protozoan infections: prevalence in the san francisco bay area.a sample of 415 members of the kaiser foundation health plan (kfhp) were tested for intestinal protozoa. this parasite survey group was found to be comparable in age distribution, sex and ethnic background with the membership at large. gastrointestinal complaints were no more numerous in this group than in a large series of kfhp members taking multiphasic examinations. because kfph membership included, at the time of the survey, approximately 27 percent of all residents of the san francisco bay ...19817340117
risk of intestinal helminth and protozoan infection in a refugee population.with continuing emigration from endemic countries, screening for parasitic infections remains a priority in u.s. communities serving refugee and immigrant populations. we report the prevalence of helminths and protozoa as well as demographic risk factors associated with these infections among 533 refugees seen at the santa clara county, california, refugee clinic between october 2001 and january 2004. stool parasites were identified from 14% of refugees, including 9% found to have one or more pr ...200516103610
enteric pathogenic protozoa in homosexual men from san francisco.the prevalence of enteric protozoa was studied in a survey conducted among 150 male homosexual patients in san francisco. all patients were from a private practice in internal medicine. each was asked to complete a questionnaire and to submit multiple stool specimens for examination. of this group, 47% were positive for one or more potentially pathogenic intestinal protozoa; entamoeba histolytica was found in 36%, entamoeba hartmanni in 35%, giardia lamblia in 5%, and dientamoeba fragilis in 1.3 ...19846087479
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