
unmineralized fossil bacteria.unmineralized bacterial cells, mostly micrococcus sp., but including also streptococcus sp. and actinomyces sp., were found in enormous numbers in lake beds of the newark canyon formation of early cretaceous age, eureka county, nevada. the micrococci are black, and have an average diameter about 0.5 micro. similar black micrococci (0.4 to 0.7 micro) were found in profusion in the bottom mud of green lake, new york. about 80 percent of this mud consists of minute idiomorphic calcite crystals and ...196314043337
the antimicrobial potential of 14 natural herbal dentifrices: results of an in vitro diffusion method study.increasing numbers of americans are using natural herbal products for general and oral health care. few of these products, however, have undergone rigorous testing, as evidenced by the limited amount of information on their safety and efficacy in the literature. the authors conducted an in vitro study to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of 14 natural herbal dentifrices.200415387052
bleeding on probing differentially relates to bacterial profiles: the oral infections and vascular disease epidemiology study.various bacterial species are differentially prevalent in periodontal health, gingivitis or periodontitis. we tested the independent associations between three bacterial groupings and gingival inflammation in an epidemiological study.200818400025
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