
the appropriateness of core group interventions using presumptive periodic treatment among rural zimbabwean women who exchange sex for gifts or map the characteristics of rural based sex workers in zimbabwe with regard to demographics, mobility, behavior, hiv and sexually transmitted infection (sti) prevalence, to explore the appropriateness and feasibility of presumptive periodic treatment (ppt) for bacterial stis as an hiv prevention intervention among these women, and to compare tolerability of 2 ppt regimens (1 g of azithromycin and 2 g of metronidazole+/-500 mg of ciprofloxacin). five commercial farms and 2 mines in mashonaland ...200515671806
is sexual contact with sex workers important in driving the hiv epidemic among men in rural zimbabwe?to establish the importance of commercial sex in driving the hiv epidemic in the general population by determining risk factors for hiv infection among male mine and farm workers and estimating the fraction of prevalent hiv infections attributable to sexual contact with sex workers (sws).200516249714
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