
overwintering of the stable fly (diptera: muscidae) in southeastern stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), were monitored during three winters at two, four, and 13 locations with alsynite fiberglass traps and by examination of the interiors of buildings. no stable flies were found inside buildings during the winter. adult stable flies were consistently caught on alsynite traps at one location during two winters and at two other locations during one winter. distribution and physiological age of these flies indicate that they emerged from pupae that had dev ...19947836614
population genetics and gene variation of stable fly populations (diptera:muscidae) in nebraska.genetic variation in stable fly, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), populations from nebraska, canada, and texas was sampled. four of 12 allozyme loci were polymorphic, with an average of 1.7 alleles per locus. observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.086 and 0.070, respectively. nei's genetic distance between populations averaged 0.001 and ranged from 0.000 to 0.005. wright's f statistics revealed greater variation within than among populations. allele frequencies were homogeneous among temporal sa ...19968667389
susceptibility of stable flies (diptera:muscidae) from southeastern nebraska beef cattle feedlots to selected insecticides and comparison of 3 bioassay techniques.insecticide susceptibility of field populations of stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), was assayed using 3 exposure techniques: treated filter papers, treated glass petri dishes, and topical applications. both topical applications and residual exposure to treated glass surfaces were suitable for testing susceptibility of stable flies to permethrin, stirofos, or methoxychlor. residues on filter papers yielded inconsistent results with stirofos and methoxychlor. significant concentration-morta ...19979145029
stable fly population dynamics in eastern nebraska in relation to climatic variables.stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), are among the most economically important arthropod pests of livestock in north america. in this study, we monitored the seasonal dynamics of a stable fly population in eastern nebraska for 5 yr. models based upon temperature and precipitation were developed to determine the affects of these variables on population levels as well as to project population trends. stable flies appear in eastern nebraska in late march to early april, and they build to a peak ...200717915506
dispersal of stable flies (diptera: muscidae) from larval development sites in a nebraska mark-recapture studies were conducted over 3 yr to assess dispersal of newly emerging adult stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans l., from larval development sites in a mixed agricultural environment in northeastern nebraska. infested hay debris piles were marked by dusting their surfaces with fluorescent pigments, adults were captured with surrounding grids of alsynite sticky traps, and specimens were dissected to determine feeding histories and reproductive age. distances and directions of ...201022127160
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