
[parasite contamination from feces of dogs and cats in soil and sand-boxes in public parks and schools in bologna].in bologna (italy), about 1/10 (public parks) and 1/5 (schools of soil samples from sand-boxes and 1/5 (public parks) and 1/10 (schools) op soil samples from the surroundings were found positive for dog and/or cat parasites. the finding of toxocara sp. eggs in about 1/20 of soil samples from public parks and schools is especially important due to the possibility of human infection. conspicuous was also the parasitic contamination of the faeces collected from green arcas: 48% of the samples resul ...1978553274
[dermatophytes isolated from man, dog and cat in the city of bologna]. 19761026923
[gastrointestinal parasitic fauna of cats in the cities of bologna, florence and milan].the results of a parasitological survey carried out on 116 cats found dead in bologna, firenze and milano was reported. the parasites identified were: toxocara cati (49.1%); toxascaris leonina (3.4%); ancylostoma tubaeforme (9.5%); ollulanus tricuspis (3.4%); dipylidium caninum (41.4%); taenia taeniaeformis (11.2%); mesocestoides lineatus (1.7%); spirometra sp. (0.9%); coccidia (12.9%). the autopsies' results were compared with coprological ones in order to assess their reliability.19853870646
isolation of bartonella henselae from domestic cats in an italian urban area.bartonella henselae is the causative agent of cat scratch disease (csd) in humans. cat is considered the reservoir of the bacterium. identification of bacteriemic cats is the basic tool in the prophylaxis of csd. blood samples were collected between january 1999-december 2000 from 248 domestic cats living in an urban area (reggio emilia) in northern italy and tested for bartonella henselae bacteriemia. cultural and pcr methods were used. pcr was used directly on cat blood as well as to identify ...200212019735
genetic and antigenic analysis of chlamydial isolates from cats in the emilia-romagna region of northern italy. 200516155243
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