
role of insects as inhalant allergens in bronchial asthma with special reference to the clinical characteristics of patients.the whole body extracts (wbes) of 13 common insects from delhi, namely musca domestica (house fly); sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil); callosobrochous maculatus (pulse beetle); anopheles stephensi, culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti (mosquitoes); blattella germanica and periplaneta americana (cockroaches: male, female and nymph); spodoptera litura and heliothis armigera (moths), were prepared to evaluate their allergenic significance in patients with allergic bronchial asthma. intradermal (i ...19902253082
field trial with redtop flycatcher baited with ready made protein meal for the control of houseflies in gazipur dairy farm, delhi.a field trial with redtop flycatcher having bait formulated as ready made protein meal a.i 977 gms/kg was carried out for the control of adult housefly musca domestica domestica l. in gazipur dairy farm situated at eastern corner of delhi and observation compared with another field trial with commonly available baygon bait using scattering method. the observation recorded during the field trial revealed that the new flycatcher was capable of retaining the trapped flies and the protein bait remai ...19947963378
vector potential of houseflies (musca domestica) in the transmission of vibrio cholerae in is well known that diarrhoeal infections due to vibrio cholerae are spread through fecal-oral route of transmission. in the present study an attempt was made to isolate and identify v. cholerae from houseflies, musca domestica collected from a low socioeconomic area in delhi, india, where an outbreak of cholera was encountered. of the ten fly pools examined, six (60%) were positive for v. cholerae. of these six pools, three (50%) showed v. cholerae ogawa t2 el tor and one (17.5%) v. cholerae ...200111164748
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