
indications for lumbar puncture in children presenting with convulsions and fever of acute onset: experience in the children's emergency room of the university of benin teaching hospital, nigeria.a total of 522 children, aged 1 month to 6 years, who presented with convulsions and fever of acute onset at the children's emergency room of the university of benin teaching hospital over a 1-year period, were prospectively evaluated. bacterial meningitis was diagnosed in 22 (4.2%) on bacteriological and/or biochemical evidence. the causative organisms were cultured from the csf in 13 (neisseria meningitidis = 7, streptococcus pneumoniae = 5 and haemophilus influenzae = 1) and identified by gra ...19921283667
bacterial agents causing chronic suppurative otitis media.ear swabs from 350 patients with chronic otitis media attending different orthorhinolaryngological clinics at different hospitals and health centres in benin city and ekpoma in edo state were screened for the presence of bacterial agents of chronic otitis media. results revealed the presence of 19 different species indicating polymicrobial infections. species isolated comprised staphylococcus aureus (33.6%), pseudomonas aeruginosa (19.3%), proteus mirabilis (17%), alcaligenes faecalis (6.2%) and ...19957498006
childhood bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period in southern nigeria: changes in organisms/antibiotic susceptibility.of 253 culture proven cases of bacterial meningitis in infants aged over a month and children up to one year old in benin city, nigeria, from 1985-1990, 49.8% were due to n. meningitidis, 21.4% s. pneumoniae, 15.4% h. influenzae and 13.4% other organisms, including s. aureus and enterobacteriaceae. compared to the period 1974-1984 in southern nigeria, n. meningitidis has replaced s. pneumoniae as the commonest organism. n. meningitidis was relatively infrequent below two years of age while h. in ...19948055756
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