
[experimental infection of anopheles sinensis of zhengzhou and xingang districts with plasmodium (author's transl)]. 19827049622
malaria control and fever management in henan province, china, 1992.henan province, which once had the highest malaria prevalence in china, had only 318 reported cases in 1992. our purpose was to investigate this late 'consolidation phase' of malaria control in henan with reference to malaria surveillance. we conducted a questionnaire survey of village doctors in shang shi qiao township during the transmission period of 1992. of the 732 recorded fever cases, 16 were probable malaria cases by clinical and treatment response criteria, but only one received a full ...19968673815
[an epidemiological study of the residual vivax malaria cases in huanghuai plain].in order to get more knowledge of the epidemiological characteristics of the residual cases of vivax malaria in huanghuai plain at the present time, a case-control study was carried out from march to may, 1986 in zhoukou prefecture, henan province and in xuzhou city, jiangsu province. in both areas, the incidence of vivax malaria in 1985 was lower than 1%. the data were analyzed with the conditional logistic multi-regression model and calculated by using apple ii microcomputer. all the malaria c ...19892670310
malaria control in henan province, people's republic of china.we analyzed malaria prevalence and evaluated the effect of malaria control measures in henan province, people's republic of china between 1993 and 2004. data relating to malaria epidemics, malaria control measures and their effects, and vector surveillance between 1993 and 2004 were collected and analyzed. mean malaria incidence during this period was 2.96/100,000. after integrated vector control measures and appropriate treatment of malaria cases were carried out, the number of malaria cases in ...200616606984
[malaria situation in the people's republic of china in 2011].totally 4 479 malaria cases were reported through the annual reporting system from 782 counties of 27 provinces/ municipalities/autonomous regions (p/m/a) in 2011, this created a new-low number representing 43.0% reduction compared with 7 855 cases in 2010, and accordingly the annual incidence was reduced to 0.033 4/10 000. however, the number of malaria deaths increased to 33 from 19 in 2010. among the 782 counties with reported cases, 2 counties of motuo (16.466 0/10 000) in tibet and ruili (1 ...201223484249
first imported relapse case of plasmodium vivax malaria and analysis of its origin by csp sequencing in henan province, recent years, there has been a substantial increase of imported plasmodium vivax incidence in henan province. as china is in a pre-elimination phase, the surveillance of imported malaria is essential, but there is no good way to distinguish imported cases from indigenous cases. this paper reports a case of a 39-year-old man who acquired p. vivax while staying in indonesia for one month in 2013, and relapsed in henan, china in 2014. this was diagnosed as vivax malaria based on rapid diagnostic ...201425416163
[polymorphism analysis on the genotypes of circumsporozoite protein of plasmodium vivax with prc-rflp].thirty-seven blood samples from plasmodium vivax-infected patients were collected in henan province in 2011. the gene for circumsporozoite protein (pvcsp) was amplified by nested pcr. according to the epidemiological data, among the 37 plasmodium vivax malaria cases, 26 were indigenous cases and 11 were imported cases. a fragment of 750 bp was obtained in the 37 blood samples. the 750 bp pcr product was digested with restriction endonuclease alu-i and mva-i, and genetic polymorphism was investig ...201324818420
spatial-temporal analysis of malaria and the effect of environmental factors on its incidence in yongcheng, china, 2003, plasmodium vivax malaria has re-emerged in central eastern china including yongcheng prefecture, henan province, where no case has been reported for eleven years. our goals were to detect the space-time distribution pattern of malaria and to determine significant environmental variables contributing to malaria incidence in yongcheng from 2006 to 2010, thus providing scientific basis for further optimizing current malaria surveillance and control programs.201222823998
resurgence of vivax malaria in henan province, china.henan province (population, 90 million) in china has nonstable endemic malaria. after 1970 when 10.2 million cases of malaria were reported in the province, a huge control programme was undertaken, and in the mid-1980s indoor spraying and bednet impregnation with pyrethroids began. by 1992 only 318 cases were reported. in 1992 henan declared "basic elimination of malaria" and in consequence spraying and bednet impregnation ceased after 1994. subsequently, malaria broke out again in southern hena ...19989744246
alphamethrin-impregnated bed nets for malaria and mosquito control in china.a community-based intervention trial was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of alphamethrin-impregnated bed nets for control of plasmodium vivax malaria and its vector in an area of moderate endemicity in southern henan province, central china in 1990. malaria incidence was significantly lower in the intervention group than in the comparison group (2.03 vs. 3.57 per 100 person-years at risk). the protective efficacy for malaria incidence was 43%. the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia amo ...19947886750
[the observation on experimental infection of plasmodium vivax in human bodies in the eastern region of honan province]. 19826762284
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