
the acre project: the epidemiology of malaria and arthropod-borne virus infections in a rural amazonian population.the authors describe the baseline malaria prevalence and arbovirus seroprevalence among 467 subjects in an ongoing cohort study in rural amazonia. most subjects (72.2%) reported one or more previous episodes of malaria, and 15.6% had been hospitalized for malaria, but only 3.6% of individuals five years or older had malaria parasites detected by microscopy (10 with plasmodium vivax and 4 with p. falciparum). antibodies to alphavirus, orthobunyavirus, and/or flavivirus were detected by hemaggluti ...200616751971
concurrent dengue and malaria in the amazon region.the amazon region has extensive forested areas and natural ecosystems, providing favorable conditions for the existence of innumerous arboviruses. over 200 arboviruses have been isolated in brazil and about 40 are associated with human disease. four out of 40 are considered to be of public health importance in brazil: dengue viruses (1-4), oropouche, mayaro and yellow fever. along with these viruses, about 98% of the malaria cases are restricted to the legal amazon region.201021085859
isolation and characterization of mayaro virus from a human in acre, brazil.mayaro virus (mayv) is widely distributed throughout south america and is the etiologic agent of mayaro fever, an acute febrile illness often presenting with arthralgic manifestations. the true incidence of mayv infection is likely grossly underestimated because the symptomatic presentation is very similar to that of dengue fever and other acute febrile tropical diseases. we report the complete genome sequence of a mayv isolate detected from an acrelândia patient presenting with fever, chills, a ...201425510721
[serologic survey for yellow fever and other arboviruses among inhabitants of rio branco, brazil, before and three months after receiving the yellow fever 17d vaccine].during a yellow fever vaccination campaign among residents of rio branco (acre state), the frequency of hi antibodies to the most prevalent arboviruses in the amazon region and to yellow fever virus was determined before and three months after immunization with yf 17d vaccine. from 390 inhabitants included in the first phase of serologic survey (august 1999), only 190 provided a second serum sample, after the use of 17d vaccine (january 2000). among first phase samples, the frequency of hi antib ...200415042172
dengue infection during pregnancy and adverse maternal, fetal, and infant health outcomes in rio branco, acre state, brazil, 2007-2012.the effects of dengue infection during pregnancy have not been previously studied in rio branco, acre state, brazil. the aim of this study was to determine the risks of maternal, fetal, and infant complications resulting from dengue infection during pregnancy. the study compared two cohorts of pregnant women, exposed versus unexposed to dengue virus, from 2007 to 2012. incidence rates and risk ratios were estimated for maternal, fetal, and infant complications. in the exposed cohort there were 3 ...201728614453
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