
prevalence of chlamydial genital infection and associated risk factors in adolescent females at an urban reproductive health care center in croatia.the study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of chlamydial genital infection in sexually active, urban adolescent females 15-19 years; to identify behavioral, demographic, and clinical factors associated with chlamydial infections; and to develop criteria for potential screening strategies. 500 adolescent women, median age 17.7 years, who visited gynecological outpatient clinic in children's hospital zagreb for different reasons were enrolled in this study. gynecological exam, colposcopy ...200617508486
etiology of chronic prostatitis syndrome in patients treated at the university hospital for infectious diseases "dr. fran mihaljević" from 2003 to 2005.a total of 835 patients with symptoms of chronic prostatitis syndrome and no evidence of structural or functional lower genitourinary tract abnormalities were examined in a three year period at the outpatient department for urogenital infections, university hospital for infectious diseases "dr. fran mihaljević" zagreb, croatia. disease etiology was determined in 482 (57.72%) patients. chlamydia trachomatis was proved to be the causative pathogen in 161 patients, trichomonas vaginalis in 85, esch ...200617508488
prevalence of hiv and sexually transmitted infections and patterns of recent hiv testing among men who have sex with men in zagreb, determine the prevalence of hiv and other sexually transmitted infections (stis) among men who have sex with men (msm) in zagreb, croatia, and assess correlates of testing for hiv in the past 12 months.201222628664
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