
review of death certificates to assess completeness of aids case assess the level of reporting of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) cases, the authors reviewed death certificates for periods of 3 months during july through december 1985 in each of four cities: washington, dc, new york city, boston, and chicago. since reporting began in 1981, these cities have reported 38 percent of all aids cases in the united states. death certificates were selected and matched to the aids surveillance registries in each city, and medical records of those not on t ...19873112848
kaposi's sarcoma in young homosexual outbreak of ks has been observed in young homosexual men. these patients are different from those with classical ks for the following reasons: 1. geographic distribution (clustering in new york and california); 2. age (younger, mean--39 years); 3. higher incidence; 4. sexual preference (homosexual); 5. distribution of skin lesions (face, upper extremities, trunk); 6. lymph node involvement; 7. visceral lesions; 8. associated opportunistic infections (pneumocystis carinii, toxoplasmosis); 9. h ...19826276100
kaposi's sarcoma in three hiv-1-infected cohorts.we describe the kaposi's sarcoma (ks) experience in three cohorts of homosexual men, subjects with hemophilia, and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) seroconverters. the risk of ks was higher in hiv-1-infected homosexual men from new york city as compared with washington, d.c. and was very low in the hemophilia subjects. while ks accounted for a decreasing proportion of aids cases in homosexual men, the absolute risk per year did not diminish. survival was similar after diagnosis of ks ...19902395084
hiv infected hospital patients in new york state. the development of longitudinal information from a hospital discharge data system.abstracted records of all patients discharged from new york state acute care hospitals from january 1, 1983, through october 1, 1987, containing a diagnosis of hiv infection (n = 36,664) were linked into a longitudinal file of 20,005 patient-specific case histories. a validation study utilizing medicaid patient-specific discharge information for calendar year 1985 showed that, on the average, each case history of the longitudinal file contained 85% (+/- 5%) of the expected discharges. the number ...19902348943
impact of the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic on mortality in children, united assess the effect of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) epidemic on mortality in us children younger than 15 years of age and to identify associated causes of death, the authors examined final national mortality statistics for 1988, the most recent year for which such data are available. in 1988, there were 249 deaths attributed to hiv/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in children younger than 15 years of age. associated causes of death listed most frequently on 270 death certific ...19912034483
progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection among homosexual men in hepatitis b vaccine trial cohorts in amsterdam, new york city, and san francisco, 1978-1991.the authors evaluated the progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) disease from the date of seroconversion to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and death among 362 well-documented seroconverters. the participants were homosexual men in hepatitis b vaccine trials in amsterdam (n = 74), new york city (n = 120), and san francisco (n = 168). there were significant differences in the proportion of deaths, mean age at seroconversion, and mean age at aids di ...19948192140
patterns of survival with aids in the united states.we examined patterns of survival with aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) using the centers for disease control (cdc) "aids public information data set." analyses used a census of 23,271 cases diagnosed between january 1, 1984 and december 31, 1986. three cox proportional hazards models were fit to the data. the first used clinical and demographic parameters only in an effort to replicate rothenberg's analysis of survival for patients diagnosed in new york city prior to 1986. the second m ...19911849878
quality of life in persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection: measurement by the medical outcomes study assess the reliability and validity of the medical outcomes study (mos) short form health survey as an indicator for quality of life in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).19921727616
the completeness of aids case reporting in new york city.objective--to assess the completeness of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) case reporting in new york city (nyc), and to determine whether the completeness of reporting differs in various populations. design--retrospective record review of hospital laboratory logs, death certificates, hospital discharge records, and patient registries at private physicians' offices and hospital outpatient clinics. setting--public and private hospitals, and private physicians' offices in nyc. patients--ad ...19938501841
relation between hospital experience and in-hospital mortality for patients with aids-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: experience from 3,126 cases in new york city in 1987.there is marked debate about whether outcomes of care, particularly mortality, vary as a function of hospital and physician experience with a disease. this issue is especially important with respect to aids because greater than 200,000 individuals have now been diagnosed with this disease. we analyzed discharge data for 3,126 persons with aids who had pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and who were treated at one of 73 new york city hospitals in 1987. in-hospital mortality was 25%. factors associate ...19921512684
the spectrum of hiv-1-related disease among outpatients in new york define the spectrum of hiv-1-related disease in new york city (nyc) and to determine how the clinical spectrum of illness differs in various populations.19921418782
trends in survival for children reported with maternally transmitted acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in new york city, 1982 to better understand the natural history of severe pediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection, reported cases of perinatally acquired pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in new york city were examined for differences in survival and age at diagnosis before and after implementation of an expanded case definition in 1987. one hundred ninety-six children reported through august, 1987, and 333 children reported between september, 1987, and february, 1990, and diagnosed through ...19921549406
an evaluation of the use of the statewide planning and research cooperative system of new york state as a resource planning tool for hiv discharge records of patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) in new york state were studied to determine whether cases of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection were identified. we estimate that as many as 13 percent of hospitalizations of patients with pcp in 1987 and 10 percent of those in 1988 were not appropriately identified as hiv related. identification of pcp as hiv related was a function of a hospital's volume of pcp admissions.19911990864
prospective study of human immunodeficiency virus 1-related disease among 512 infants born to infected women in new york city. the new york city perinatal hiv transmission collaborative study determine the incidence of hiv-1-related clinical findings, mortality and predictors of death in a cohort of hiv-exposed infants followed from birth.19968895922
aids behind bars. epidemiology of new york state prison inmate cases, 1980-1988.during the last five years, aids has become the preeminent health care problem in new york state correctional facilities. through december 31, 1988, 915 cases of aids had been diagnosed among inmates. this represented approximately 1% of the cumulative aids cases in the united states, 4% of those in new york state, and 40% of those reported in state correctional systems nationwide. an analysis of epidemiologic data on these cases showed an annual increase in cases from 3 in 1981 to 227 in 1988, ...19902314719
increasing rate of pneumonia hospitalizations in the bronx: a sentinel indicator for human immunodeficiency describe secular trends in pneumonia hospitalizations in the bronx, new york city from 1982-1986, we analysed all cases with a discharge diagnosis of pneumonia, excluding pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), for bronx residents by age, sex, neighbourhood, and length of stay (n = 21,822). hospital deaths from pcp and immune disorders were analysed separately as a non-recurrent indicator of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) related disease prevalence by age, sex and geographical areas. from 1 ...19892621030
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. occurrence in a healthy american infant. 1977303294
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: a cluster of eleven unusual cluster of 11 patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia occurred in a 3-month period at memorial hospital, new york. ten of the 11 patients had lymphoma or leukemia. in 7 patients, corticosteroid therapy was decreased or stopped shortly before pneumocystis pneumonia was diagnosed. the pediatric patients had extensive contact in the outpatient department, and three of them had roomed together, suggesting the possibility of man to man transmission. tree of 4 adult patients with hodgk ...19751094880
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) trends in the united states, 1978-1982.this report summarizes results of surveillance for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in the united states by the centers for disease control through the first quarter of 1983. surveillance has been predominantly passive, supplemented by active follow-up of requests to the centers for disease control for pentamidine isethionate for treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. the 1,299 reported cases showed trends of increasing incidence among all risk groups: homosexual men (72 perc ...19846322585
acquired immune deficiency syndrome in the united states: the first 1,000 cases.between june 1981 and february 1983, the centers for disease control (atlanta) received reports of 1,000 patients living in the united states who met a surveillance definition for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). seventy-three percent of these patients were diagnosed after january 1, 1982. the 1,000 patients included 284 with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 497 with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), 83 with ks and pcp, and 136 with opportunistic infections other than pcp. the overall m ...19836604115
acquired immune deficiency in haitians: opportunistic infections in previously healthy haitian immigrants.we describe acquired immune deficiency manifested by opportunistic infections in 10 previously healthy heterosexual haitian men. the opportunistic pathogens included toxoplasma gondii (in four patients), cryptococcus neoformans (in one), pneumocystis carinii (in four patients), and candida albicans (in three). six of the patients also had mycobacterium tuberculosis. immunologic studies of three patients showed a decrease in the numbers and activity of helper t cells, with normal or increased pop ...19836217423
inpatient treatment patterns of human immunodeficiency virus-associated pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in new york state medicare charts were reviewed to ascertain the frequency with which patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) were being managed in accordance with current guidelines or recommendations in new york state for the calendar year 1993. comparisons were made between hospitals that are designated by the new york state department of health as comprehensive treatment centers--designated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) centers--and all othe ...199610156543
diagnosis and management of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in intravenous drug users.acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is a clinical entity that is part of a spectrum of immune dysfunction found in specific high risk groups, among them intravenous drug users. in drug users aids almost always presents as an opportunistic infection, usually pneumocystis carinii. the leading etiologic hypothesis is of a viral agent acting, it is possible, on a previously immunocompromised host. recent research at hospitals affiliated with the albert einstein college of medicine, where an u ...19853832900
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in male prisoners. new insights into an emerging syndrome.between september 1981 and june 1982, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were diagnosed in seven previously healthy young men incarcerated for 5 to 38 months in new york state correctional facilities. all seven patients were anergic, six were lymphopenic, and all developed oral candidiasis. immunologic evaluation in vitro showed profound defects in cellular immune function in patients tested, with inversion of the normal ratio of helper to suppressor t-cell ...19836338788
national case-control study of kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men: part 1. epidemiologic identify risk factors for the occurrence of kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men, we conducted a case-control study in new york city, san francisco, los angeles, and atlanta. fifty patients (cases) (39 with kaposi's sarcoma, 8 with pneumocystis pneumonia, and 3 with both) and 120 matched homosexual male controls (from sexually transmitted disease clinics and private medical practices) participated in the study. the variable most strongly associated with illnes ...19836603806
human immunodeficiency virus infection in hemophilic children.the following groups were compared: (1) children less than 18 years old who have hemophilia-associated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) with other children with aids and with adults who have hemophilia-associated aids and (2) asymptomatic hiv-infected hemophilic children with asymptomatic hiv-infected hemophilic adults. children with hemophilia-associated aids were older than other children with aids (medians 13 and 1 years, respectively) and less frequently had lymphocytic interstitial ...19883262856
racial differences in care among hospitalized patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in chicago, new york, los angeles, miami, and raleigh-durham.while strategies for medical care for human immunodeficiency virus-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) are well established, racial variations in care have not been evaluated.19957618980
severe neutropenia during pentamidine treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--new york city. 19846422241
housing status and health care service utilization among low-income persons with hiv/ examine the impact of housing status on health service utilization patterns in low-income hiv-infected adults.200011089717
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in pregnancy: a report of three maternal deaths.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) has become a major public health problem in the united states. current projections, based on seroepidemiologic data, suggest a large increase in the number of cases over the next several years. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the most common opportunistic infection associated with aids and an increase in the frequency of that illness also can be anticipated. few cases of p carinii pneumonia associated with aids during pregnancy have been reported. repo ...19863484811
aging cohort of perinatally human immunodeficiency virus-infected children in new york city. new york city pediatric surveillance of disease york city (nyc) pediatricians are now caring for fewer hiv-infected infants and more school age children and adolescents than earlier in the epidemic.200111368109
analysis of a population-based pneumocystis carinii pneumonia index as an outcome measure of access and quality of care for the treatment of hiv disease.a population-based pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) index was developed in new york city to identify geographic areas and subpopulations at increased risk for pcp.200211867318
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients without the 1980s, tens of thousands of cases of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) occurred in persons with aids, making it the most common opportunistic infection encountered in this patient population. thus, the presentation and clinical course of pcp became well-known to many physicians. overshadowed by this epidemic was the continued occurrence of pcp in persons not infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, most notably those receiving immunosuppressive therapy for neoplastic disease or ...19938274607
survival and mortality patterns of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) cohort in new york state.the survival experience and causes of death of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients were studied using a cohort of 3,699 aids patients in new york state, excluding new york city, whose illness was diagnosed before january 1990 at age 13 years or older. the median length of survival for all cases was 11.5 months, and survival increased over time from 5.3 months pre-1984 to 9.3 months in 1984-1986 and to 13.2 months in 1987-1989. in a cox proportional hazards model, risk of dying was ...19938356973
survival with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. experience with 5833 cases in new york a cohort of 5833 subjects in whom the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) was diagnosed in new york city before 1986, the cumulative probability of survival (mean +/- se) was 48.8 +/- 0.7 percent at one year and 15.2 +/- 1.8 percent at five years. the group with the most favorable survival rate--white homosexual men 30 to 34 years old who presented with kaposi's sarcoma only--had a one-year cumulative probability of survival of 80.5 percent; that group was used as the reference group in ...19873500409
a population-based comparison of the clinical course of children and adults with examine the association of clinical complications and age at diagnosis with survival for a cohort of children and adults with aids.19957893443
changing patterns of autopsy findings among persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in an inner-city population. a 12-year retrospective determine patterns of autopsy findings among persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) during a 12-year period.19968639049
gender differences in early suspicion of tuberculosis in hospitalized, high-risk patients during 4 epidemic years, 1987 to assess the degree to which, from 1987 to 1990, physicians suspected tuberculosis (tb) in the first 2 hospital days in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with pulmonary disease.19979131365
risk factors and outcome of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with sporadic multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in new york 880 bed university teaching hospital in new york city.19979432387
the needs of asians and pacific islanders living with hiv in new york city.this article familiarizes the reader with aids among asians and pacific islanders (a&pis) in new york city. the first section describes the epidemiology of aids among a&pis in the united states and in new york city. in the united states 4,131 a&pis have been diagnosed with aids. the age at diagnosis in the united states has been relatively stable over the past decade, although the proportion of diagnoses represented by older a&pis (aged 40 to 49) has been increasing in new york city. the proport ...19979451477
opportunistic infection in previously healthy women. initial manifestations of a community-acquired cellular immunodeficiency.opportunistic infections and unusual tumors have been reported in an unprecedented outbreak of community-acquired cellular immune deficiency among homosexual and drug-abusing men. we report five women with the same syndrome. the women were residents of metropolitan new york city closely associated with drug abuse either by personal use (our patients) or close sexual contact with an abuser (one patient). one patient was bisexual. all five patients developed pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as well ...19826982014
health services use by urban women with or at risk for hiv-1 infection: the hiv epidemiology research study (hers).to characterize health services use by urban women with or at risk for hiv-1 infection enrolled in a prospective multicenter study.19989495226
variations in intensive care unit utilization for patients with human immunodeficiency virus-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: importance of hospital characteristics and geographic determine whether intensive care unit (icu) use and outcomes for patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia vary by hospital characteristics and geographic location.19989559603
first isolation of trichophyton fischeri in the united states.a 49-year-old male with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was seen at bellevue hospital in new york, n.y. sputum samples yielded cultures of candida lusitaniae, mycobacterium avium, and a filamentous fungus, trichophyton fischeri. t. fischeri is a nonpathogenic fungus which resembles the dermatophyte trichophyton rubrum. this is the first record of the species from u.s. sources. this case exemplifies the ecological differences between t. fischeri and t. rubrum and illustrates how correct identifica ...19989774603
health care delivery, zidovudine use, and survival of women and men with aids.the aim of this study was to define predictors of survival for women and men after aids diagnosis. we examined health care delivery and drug therapy in the year before aids diagnosis for continuously enrolled new york state medicaid beneficiaries with aids in 1988-1990. we examined the association of these factors with survival after aids diagnosis. of 1,077 women and 1,871 men, 60% of both gender groups were drug users. in both risk groups, women had more outpatient visits than men but were equ ...19947965636
the impact of potent antiretroviral therapy on the characteristics of hospitalized patients with hiv infection.despite advances in antiretroviral treatment, a large number of hiv-infected patients still require hospitalization. this study describes the characteristics of hiv patients requiring hospitalization before and after the advent of potent antiretroviral therapies.199910199233
acquired immune deficiency syndrome.acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or aids, is an unexplained severe disturbance of the cell-mediated immune system that renders victims susceptible to a group of otherwise-rare diseases and infections, chiefly kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. aids has been the object of intensive research since mid-1981 when the syndrome was first described by the centers for disease control (cdc). the victims fall into four main group: homosexually-active males, iv drug users, haitians, a ...198310314581
adherence to guidelines for antiretroviral therapy and for preventing opportunistic infections in hiv-infected adults and adolescents in ryan white-funded facilities in the united determine adherence by health care providers to guidelines for antiretroviral therapy and for prevention of opportunistic infections (ois) in adults with hiv infection in federally funded facilities in the united states, we reviewed records of hiv-infected adults (>13 years) in 11 ryan white title iii facilities in four states for information on eight standard-of-care recommendations during november 1996 through september 1997. eligibility required a visit to the facility within 6 months befo ...199910421247
delays in tuberculosis isolation and suspicion among persons hospitalized with hiv-related pneumonia.despite awareness of hiv-related tuberculosis (tb), nosocomial outbreaks of multidrug-resistant tb among hiv-infected individuals occur.200010631207
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as the first presentation of hiv infection in patients older than fifty.a significant increase in the number of elderly patients first diagnosed with hiv infection at the time of presentation with an aids-related opportunistic infection has recently been reported. this suggests a significant delay in the diagnosis of hiv infection. few data are available describing such cases and their outcome. we restrospectively reviewed records of all elderly patients (> 50 years of age) admitted to a new york city hospital over a 3-year period with confirmed pneumocystis carinii ...200010833811
impact of haart on causes of death of persons with late-stage aids.the increasing use of highly active antiretroviral therapies (haarts) has changed the course of aids-related illnesses and enhanced the quality of life of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and may have changed the causes of deaths in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).200010855998
an outbreak of community-acquired pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: initial manifestation of cellular immune dysfunction.eleven cases of community-acquired pneumocystis carinii pneumonia occurred between 1979 and 1981 and prompted clinical and immunologic evaluation of the patients. young men who were drug abusers (seven patients), homosexuals (six), or both (two) presented with pneumonia. immunologic testing revealed that absolute lymphocyte counts, t-cell counts, and lymphocyte proliferation were depressed, and that humoral immunity was intact. of the 11 patients, one was found to have kaposi's sarcoma, and anot ...19816975437
an evaluation of a medical outreach program targeting unstably housed hiv-infected individuals.the objective of this study was to evaluate a medical outreach program that targets unstably housed human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals. one hundred sixty-one cross-sectional interviews were conducted prior to and after establishing a medical outreach program in single room occupancy hotels. participants' mean age was 42 years; 58% were men, 95% minority, and 59% active substance users. the postintervention group was more likely to have a regular health care provider (p = 0.0 ...200515741714
community-acquired opportunistic infections and defective cellular immunity in heterosexual drug abusers and homosexual men.fourteen previously healthy young patients with unusual community-acquired opportunistic infections were seen over a period of three years. they differ from patients previously described in that 11 were heterosexual drug abusers (including two women) and only three were homosexual men. there were eight puerto ricans, five blacks, and one white. infections included pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (seven), disseminated mycobacterium intracellulare infection, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and cyto ...19836219579
trends in age at the first medical evaluation of human immunodeficiency virus infection among infants born to infected mothers. new york city pediatric spectrum of hiv disease clinical evaluate the trends in age at the first medical evaluation of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection among infants enrolled in the pediatric spectrum of disease study born to mothers infected with hiv.19968704882
autopsy patterns of disease among subgroups of an inner-city bronx aids population.the bronx, new york, has a large, inner-city, aids population which contains a greater proportion of women and intravenous drug users and a lower percentage of homosexuals than the u.s. aids population overall. because this population is reflective of the evolving trends in the national aids population, our objective was to gain an understanding of patterns of infections, malignancies, and cause of death among these individuals. all autopsies (252) performed on patients with aids at two hospital ...19968797686
comparison of changing autopsy trends in the bronx population with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the opportunistic infections, malignancies, and causes of death related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) are changing, perhaps as a result of improved treatment, prophylaxis, and education. with its high percentage of persons who acquired the human immunodeficiency virus from intravenous drug (ivd) use, the population of patients with aids in the bronx is potentially unique. all of the 257 consecutive adult human immunodeficiency virus and/or aids cases from two bronx teaching hospit ...19968902838
prophylaxis for opportunistic infections among hiv-infected patients receiving medical 1995 and 1997, the united states public health service (usphs) and the infectious disease society of america (idsa) published recommendations for primary prophylaxis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), mycobacterium avium complex (mac), and toxoplasmosis in hiv-infected adults. we evaluated their implementation at four hospital-based hiv clinics in new york city in patients who initially met the cd4+ criterion for prophylaxis between january, 1995 and april, 1997. medical records were re ...19989833748
differences between men and women with hiv-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: experience from 3,070 cases in new york city in 1987.although women make up the fastest growing group of persons with aids, studies of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected persons reported to date have included predominantly or exclusively men. we evaluated sex differences in sociodemographic characteristics, hospital characteristics, in-hospital resource use, and short-term mortality rates for 2,526 men and 544 women admitted for their first-episode of hiv-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) in new york city in 1987. compared with ...19938496791
clinic hiv-focused features and prevention of pneumocystis carinii examine the association of clinic hiv-focused features and advanced hiv care experience with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) prophylaxis and development of pcp as the initial aids diagnosis.19989462490
geographic variation in the management and outcome of patients with aids-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) is one of the most common reasons for the hospitalization of aids patients; however, geographic differences in pcp management have not been evaluated previously. therefore, we abstracted data on socioeconomic characteristics, prior hiv care, severity of illness, timeliness and intensity of in-hospital care, duration of hospitalization, and survival from 1547 randomly selected medical records of patients hospitalized with aids-related pcp between 1987 and 1990 ...19968970466
united states aids activity.the tables in this report present data on cases reported to the centers for disease control by may 26, 1986, of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). as of that date, a total of 21,065 cases (20,771 involving adults and 294 involving children under 18 years of age) had been reported. 11,541 (55%) of aids victims have died. the majority of cases in both the adult and pediatric populations have involved pneumocystis carinii pneumonia without kaposi's sarcoma. 47% of aids cases have occurr ...198612267771
utilization of on-site primary care services by hiv-seropositive and seronegative drug users in a methadone maintenance program.the feasibility of on-site primary care services and their use by human immunodeficiency virus hiv-seropositive and seronegative injecting drug users within an outpatient methadone maintenance program are examined. a 16-month prospective study was conducted within an ongoing cohort study of hiv infection at a new york city methadone program with on-site primary care services. the study group consisted of 212 seropositive and 264 seronegative drug injectors. a computerized medical encounter data ...19938393579
insurance coverage, usual source of care, and receipt of clinically indicated care for comorbid conditions among adults living with human immunodeficiency virus.associations of insurance coverage and source of care with use of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related health, mental health, and substance abuse services are examined in a large, diverse, highly active antiretroviral therapy-era cohort.200515778643
physician's aggressive preventive therapy differs.dr. bernard bihari, an aids specialist practicing in new york city, and other members of the community programs for clinical research on aids (cpcra), have determined that some of the public health services's recommendations for preventing opportunistic infections do not match the standards of care that the cpcra developed nearly five years ago. the basic treatments provided by bihari include using 1) tmp-smz and fluconazole to prevent, respectively, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) and cryp ...199511362774
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