
[detection of tick and tick-borne pathogen in some ports of inner mongolia].to investigate the distribution, composition and situation of natural infection pathogen of tick species in the main ports of inner mongolia.200919731529
coxiella burnetii (q fever) infection in farmed ruminants in three northeastern provinces and inner mongolia autonomous region, china.coxiella burnetii is the pathogenic agent of q fever, a zoonosis that occurs worldwide. in china, the organism infects people and a wide range of wild and farmed animals. however, little is known about c. burnetii infection in farmed ruminants in northeastern china, and there appears to have been no previous study on sika deer. the present study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of c. burnetii in farmed ruminants in this region of china. a total of 3147 domestic ruminants (784 sheep, ...201526273813
coxiella burnetii seroprevalence and risk factors in cattle farmers and farm residents in three northeastern provinces and inner mongolia autonomous region, china.little is known about coxiella burnetii infection among cattle farmers and farm residents in china. thus, the present study was conducted to detect the seroprevalence of c. burnetii infection and estimate associated risk factors among cattle farmers and farm residents in china. a cross-sectional study was designed, and sera of 362 people living or working on 106 cattle farms were tested for c. burnetii igg and igm antibodies by immunofluorescence assay. overall c. burnetii seroprevalence was 35. ...201626966688
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