
prevalence of neutralizing antibodies against california and bunyamwera serogroup viruses in deer from mountainous areas of california.plaque reduction-serum dilution neutralization was used to evaluate the status of bunyavirus activity in deer in mountainous areas of california. antibodies against 9 bunyaviruses were measured in 337 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus, o. hemionus californicus, and o. hemionus inyoensis) and black-tailed deer (o. hemionus columbianus). more deer from high mountainous areas had neutralizing antibodies against jamestown canyon virus than did deer from low mountainous areas (23% vs. 9%; p les ...19892496610
studies on the seasonality of culiseta inornata in kern county, california.the seasonal abundance of adult culiseta inornata was markedly bimodal in the san joaquin valley of kern county, california, with minima observed during both summer and midwinter. larvae were abundant in most surface water habitats during winter, but could not be found during summer. the occasional collection of females during summer indicated the persistence of an adult population. the midwinter decrease in adult abundance was attributed to the progressive mortality of the autumnal cohort and d ...19892568394
vector competence of alpine, central valley, and coastal mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from california for jamestown canyon virus.mosquitoes collected from alpine, central valley, and coastal habitats in california were evaluated for their vector competence for four strains of jamestown canyon (jc) virus. three of the viral strains examined were isolated from alpine aedes species collected in california, and one, the prototype jc virus, was isolated from culiseta inornata (williston) collected in colorado. alpine aedes tahoensis dyar, ae. cataphylla dyar, ae. hexodontus dyar, ae. increpitus dyar, ae. clivis lanzaro and eld ...19938459417
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