
[rearing of germfree guinea pigs and establishment of an spf guinea pig colony].new born guinea pigs of hartley strain derived by hysterectomy were fed commercial pellets, cow's milk, egg yolk and vitamin mixture since 0 days of age, when they were kept at 31 +/- 1 degrees c. out of 33 animals, 30 were reared for 40 days under aseptic state and they were transfered to a barrierred facility to establish an spf colony free from bordetella bronchiseptica, streptococcus zooepidemicus (animal c), salmonella spp., tyzzer's organisms, mycoplasma spp., reo 3 virus, sendai virus, ei ...1979155009
chirodiscoides caviae infestation in guinea pigs. 19724343339
ecological analysis of acari recovered from coprolites from archaeological site of northeast brazil.coprolite samples of human and animal origin from the excavations performed at the archaeological site of furna do estrago, at brejo da madre de deus in the state of pernambuco, brazil and sent to the paleoparasitology laboratory at escola nacional de saúde pública-fiocruz, rio de janeiro, were analyzed for mites. after rehydratation and sedimentation of the coprolites, the alimentary contents and the sediments were examined and the mites collected and prepared in definitive whole mounts, using ...200312687780
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anorexia and chirodiscoides caviae infection in a guinea pig (cavia porcellus). 19863466474
ivermectin treatment of a colony of guineapigs infested with fur mite (chirodiscoides caviae).ivermectin was used for treating a breeding colony of guinea pigs heavily infested with fur mite chirodiscoides caviae. in preliminary experiments on different dosages and routes of administration, spraying with diluted ivomec (ivermectin 0.2 mg/ml) as well as applying undiluted ivermectin (10 mg/ml) drops on the fur proved effective and practical. the breeding colony was treated with diluted ivermectin aerosol and retreated two weeks later with undiluted ivermectin drops applied to the coat. af ...19957603007
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