
[shigella in various vehicles of bacillary dysentery and comparative methods for the isolation of enterobacteriaceae from sewage and river water]. 195813610057
shigellosis in victoria. 195813612471
antibiotics in the treatment of shigella and salmonella enteritis. 195813615415
[salmonella antigens associated with shigella paradysenteriae flexneri 2 a (w) strain]. 195813615783
[results of phage typing of berlin strains of shigella sonnei strains in 1955-1957]. 195813616615
[not available]. 195813617718
[epidemiological significance of rivers contaminated with dysentery microbes]. 195813620111
studies on the transfer of lymph node cells. xiii. effect of x-irradiation on lymph node cells incubated in vitro with shigella-trypsin filtrate. 195913620912
a case of shigellosis. 195913621018
[biological characteristics of diphtherial bacteriophages. ii. adsorption capacity of bacteriophages; properties of secondary phago-resistant strains of shigella; antigenic properties of phages]. 195813626109
[determination of infestation of home objects with shigella with the aid of phage titer growth]. 195813626132
[rate and degree of adaptation to antibiotics of shigella]. 195813626142
[effect of chemotherapy and of active immunization on protein fractions in experimental newcastle dysentery]. 195813626145
[a new bacterial strain from the shigella family]. 195813626149
[effect of vitamin b group on the development of shigella]. 195813632410
[fibrinolytic activation in case of severe abruptio placentae]. 195813633560
serum spheroplasts of shigella dysenteriae. 195913634160
studies on the thermolabile antigens of shigella flexneri y. 195913634969
determination of the immunogenic value of boivin antigens by means of haemagglutination-inhibition test. 195913634970
salmonella and shigella infections in africa. 195913635117
[not available]. 195913638355
the catalase activity of shigella flexneri. 195913642213
[not available]. 195913643652
[unusual behavior of rabbit shigella sonnei r immune sera in indirect hemagglutination]. 195913648579
[apocholate citrate agar for isolation of shigella and salmonella bacteria]. 195913648745
[luminescent micro-agglutination of bacteria]. 195913648854
[studies on lytic properties of dysenterial bacteriophages in mouse organism infected by flexner's bacillus]. 195913648857
[significance of experimental keratoconjunctivitis in immunological studies on dysentery]. 195913648866
[sensitivity to colicines and colicine-producing properties of the shigella group]. 195913651409
[certain current aspects of epidemiology, therapy and prevention of bacillary dysentery. i. sulfonamide-resistance of shigella]. 195913652158
[survival and multiplication of typho-paratyphoid and dysenterial bacilli in water]. 195913653395
[effect of ionizing radiations on the course of dysenterial infection]. 195913656217
[intradermal reactions with hydrolysate of flexner's & sonne's bacilli (d. a. tsuverkalov) in various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children]. 195913657628
the mutation rate of phase i shigella sonnei to phase ii. 195913659121
[a coliform bacterium containing an antigen related to shigella flexneri]. 195913660312
[considerations on the classification of shigella]. 195913660407
[quantitative content of complete antigen in flexner's bacillus of various serotypes and its immunogenic activity]. 195913660413
[resistance of shigella to sulfanilamide]. 195913660415
[thio-specific staining of shigella flexneri c with the aid of luminescence antibodies]. 195913660416
[certain data on the nature of atypical strains of shigella]. 195913660426
[role of atypical variants of flexner's bacillus in the appearance of infectious experimental process]. 195913660427
resistance of shigella flexneri to tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and streptomycin; a study of 131 freshly isolated strains. 195913661531
the changes of shigella shigae toxin toxicity induced by phenol. 195913662524
the survival of shigella sonnei on cotton threads. 195913664989
[studies on biological properties of shigella newcastle. i. biochemical properties of shigella newcastle]. 195913666421
[survival of typhoid and dysenterial bacilli in sea water]. 195913666422
[effect of synthomycin on dysenterial toxin and on experimental dysenterial intoxication]. 195913666425
frequency of carriers of salmonellae, shigellae, and pathogenic caliform organisms in normal children under 5 years. 195913666715
[septicemia caused by bacterium alkalescens]. 195913668627
[antibiotic and sulfonamide therapy of dysentery and their effects on shigella]. 195913668868
the rate of spontaneous lysis of lysogenic bacteria. 195913669301
[food poisoning caused by sonne's bacillus]. 195913669368
[detection of causative organisms of dysenterial infections during mass bacteriological examinations]. 195913669374
[effect of calcium on phage penetration into various sensitive bacteria]. 195913670525
[a mechanism of a protracted collapse in bacterial intoxication at an early stage of development]. 195913671061
[epidemic shigella sonnei infection in 1955]. 195913674477
a comparison of various methods of estimating mutation rates for the system phase-i to phase-ii shigella sonnei. 195913675868
[lipid-protein complexes in shigella]. 195913676390
[use of a method of phage titer increase for investigation of objects of the external environment]. 195913676847
[survival time of dysentery bacilli in feces]. 195913676849
[data on the comparative survival of the boyd-novgorodskaia iii & sonne dysentery bacilli in water & milk]. 195913676850
patterns and properties of haemagglutinins expressed by shigella serogroups in lagos, nigeria.forty-five strains of shigella were screened for haemagglutinin production and broad-spectrum haemagglutination reaction. mannose-sensitive haemagglutinin (msha) was found in 22 strains [shigella flexneri (7), s. dysenteriae (7), s. sonnei (3), and s. boydii (5)]. eighteen strains harboured mannose-resistant haemagglutinin (mrha), and 8 strains were observed to be non-haemagglutinating to guinea pig erythrocyte. with the exception of human erythrocytes (o, a, b, and ab), the observed msha and mr ...200313677435
prevalence and pattern of antimicrobial resistance of shigella species among patients with acute diarrhoea in karaj, tehran, iran.the study was carried out to determine the prevalence and pattern of antimicrobial resistance of shigella species among patients with acute diarrhoea in karaj, tehran, iran. the study included all acute diarrhoea patients who visited the hospitals and treatment centres of karaj during november 2001-october 2002. of 734 stool samples collected from patients with acute diarrhoea and analyzed for shigella spp., 123 (16.8%) yielded shigella spp. (7.5% shigella flexneri, 5.2% s. sonnei, 2.6% s. dysen ...200313677436
colicine typing of shigella sonnei. 196113680925
on the mechanism of the development of multiple-drug-resistant clones of shigella. 196013681921
[water from the gota river causing an enteritis epidemic on board a ship]. 196013683119
[indications of dysentery bacteria on the surface by the method of reaction of rise in the phage titer]. 196113687581
on the process of host-controlled modification of bacteriophage. 196113693358
[role of the involutional forms of bacteria in evaluation of their sensitivity to antibiotics]. 196013697213
intersubgroup and intrasubgroup antigenic relationships within the genus shigella: subgroup a. 196113697697
experimental shigella infections. v. studies in germ-free guinea pigs.formal, samuel b., (walter reed army institute of research, washington, d. c.), gustave dammin, helmuth sprinz, donald kundel, herman schneider, richard e. horowitz, and martin forbes. experimental shigella infections. v. studies in germ-free guinea pigs. j. bacteriol. 82:284-287. 1961.-germ-free guinea pigs succumb after oral infection with shigella flexneri serotype 2a; they survive a similar challenge with either a strain of escherichia coli or a culture of lactobacillus. animals monocontamin ...196113700794
immunologic unresponsiveness in mice following neonatal exposure to shigella antigens. 196013702006
[studies on sensitization in the living body by intestinal flora, especially escherichia coli, and its significance. 11. pathogenicity of shigella flexneri and escherichia coli for the intestine of the rabbit sensitized with escherichia coli]. 196113702496
[fate of i-131 labeled antigens of dysenterial bacilli after oral administration in animals]. 196013708131
[comparison of standard russian and foreign flexner's cultures]. 196113708756
symptomless salmonellosis and shigellosis in children from arural population in ceylon. 196113709708
the analysis of streptococcal infections. v. cardiotoxicity of streptolysin o for rabbits in vivo.1. the rapid death which occurred after intravenous injection of activated streptolysin o from. group a or group c streptococci was always preceded by profound electrocardiographic alterations. after several multiples of the ld(50) doses, cardiac electrical arrest or fibrillation could occur within 2 to 4 seconds after completion of the injection. 2. the streptolysin o preparations used were rather highly purified, but were known to be contaminated with small amounts of one or two other immunolo ...196113710681
[on the drug resistance of enteric bacteria. 6. transmissibility of multiple drug resistance among citrobacter, shigella and e. coli]. 196113711412
[on the drug resistance of enteric bacteria. 5. mechanisms of the transmission of drug resistance between shigella and e. coli]. 196113711413
[researches on colicinogenic shigella]. 196113716570
a modified deoxycholate citrate medium. 196113716653
[mannitol-negative variants of dysentery bacteria sonne]. 196113717310
[the appearance of phase variations, pathogenic and apathogenic, in shigella flexneri 2alpha under the influence of bacteriophage and heterologous serum]. 196113718090
'nitric oxide--and oxygen effect' in x-irradiated shigella flexneri. 196113719411
a water-borne epidemic of shigella boydi dysentery in the barsa region (burzenland). 196113723043
an outbreak of water-borne shigella gastroenteritis. 196013724217
genetic crosses between restricted and unrestricted phage t1 in lysogenic and non-lysogenic hosts. 196113724384
[production of a highly active grigor'ev-shiga toxin and its investigation by means of an electrophoretic method]. 196113726280
[study of the antigenic composition of grigor'ev-shiga microbes diffusion gel precipitation experiments]. 196113726281
resistance transfer agents in shigella. 196013727669
[nutritional studies in shigella genus. i. nutritional requirements: special reference to niacin requirement]. 196113727670
[nutritional studies in genus shigella. ii. growth activities of niacin analogous to the certain strains of sh. flexneri, sh. sonnei and escherichia coli]. 196113727673
shigella sonnei infection at term and its transfer to the newborn. 196113728439
experience with enteropathogenic e. coli, shigella, and salmonella in infants and young children in st. thomas, virgin islands. 196013728776
the action of phosphatidase a, sodium oleate and ganglioside on the exotoxins of cl, welchii and on the neurotoxin of shigella shigae. 196113729617
[cultivation of flexner dysentery bacteria by the submerged method on polysynthetic nutrient media]. 196013729665
[certain properties of serine deaminase of coli and dysenterial bacteria]. 196013730712
salmonella--shigella infections. report of 52 cases. 196013730890
[result of the study on synthemycin sensitivity of dysenterial microbes isolated in blagoveschensk conditions and certain clinical problems in dysentery]. 196113731538
[research on a possible antigenic relationship between leptospira and some shigella strains]. 196013732585
Displaying items 9701 - 9800 of 13650