
invasion of a subcutaneous aspergillus abscess into the brain.we present the case of a 57 year old woman with contiguous infection by aspergillus fumigatus. the lesion started subcutaneously, forming an abscess. seventeen days later we observed an intracranial abscess, infection of the frontal sinus and destruction of the frontal bone between the subcutaneous abscess and the sinus.199524283642
production of cellulases by thermophilic fungi grown on leptochloa fusca indigenous thermophilic fungi were screened for cellulase and xylanase production when grown on leptochloa fusca (kallar grass) straw. aspergillus fumigatus produced the highest activities of 0.4, 2.5, 3.5 and 0.14 u/ml of filter paper cellulase, cm-cellulase, xylanase and β-xylosidase, respectively. sporotrichum thermophile produced 0.47 β-glucosidase/ml. chaetomium thermophile, humicola grisea and torula thermophila had lower activities than the other thermophilic fungi.199524414665
production of xylanases byaspergillus fumigatus andaspergillus oryzae on xylan-based media.aspergillus fumigatus anda. oryzae were cultivated in laboratory fermenters on media containing xylan as the main carbon source.a. fumigatus produced xylanase on unsubstituted, insoluble beech xylan but growth and enzyme production on soluble xylo-oligosaccharides from the steaming of hardwood were poor due to the presence of inhibitors. an essential prerequisite for good xylanase production bya. fumigatus was decrease in the ph of the cultivation below 3.0 at higher ph values, the production of ...199324419846
successful management of sequential pulmonary infections in a cardiac transplant recipient.a case of a cardiac allograft recipient who had an initial combined pulmonary infection with cytomegalovirus, aspergillus fumigatus and nocardia asteroides, successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin b and sulfisoxazole and followed by an episode of respiratory syncytial virus pneumonitis, is presented. this case illustrates the role of computed tomographic imaging in the recognition, diagnosis and monitoring of complex opportunistic pulmonary infections and the benefits of liposomal ampho ...199022553447
gfsa is a β1,5-galactofuranosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of the galactofuran side chain of fungal-type galactomannan inaspergillus fumigatus.previously, we reported that gfsa is a novel galactofuranosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of o-glycan, the proper maintenance of fungal morphology, the formation of conidia and anti-fungal resistance in aspergillus nidulans and a. fumigatus (komachi y et al., mol. microbiol. 90, 1054-1073, 2013). in the present paper, to gain an in depth-understanding of the enzymatic functions of gfsa in a. fumigatus (afgfsa), we established an in vitro assay to measure galactofuranosyltransferase a ...201728369326
fungal opportunistic pneumonias in hiv/aids patients: an indian tertiary care experience.opportunistic pneumonias are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) reactive patients. despite the significant role that fungi play in causation of this opportunistic mycoses, very few indian studies have attempted to investigate the burden and aetiological spectrum of hiv/aids-associated fungal pneumonias.201728384860
a dsrna virus with filamentous viral particles.viruses with double-stranded rna genomes form isometric particles or are capsidless. here we report a double-stranded rna virus, colletotrichum camelliae filamentous virus 1 (ccfv-1) isolated from a fungal pathogen, that forms filamentous particles. ccfv-1 has eight genomic double-stranded rnas, ranging from 990 to 2444 bp, encoding 10 putative open reading frames, of which open reading frame 1 encodes an rna-dependent rna polymerase and open reading frame 4 a capsid protein. when inoculated, th ...201728761042
in vitro antifungal, probiotic, and antioxidant functional properties of a novel lactobacillus paraplantarum isolated from fermented dates in saudi arabia.fermented foods produced using dates are used in gulf countries as beneficial and healthful foods. the beneficial microbial flora in fermented dates contributes to maintaining the nutritional properties of dates by preventing the growth of spoilage fungi. here, we examined the antifungal, probiotic, and antioxidant properties of the novel lactobacillus strain d-3 isolated from fermented dates.201728480570
bioremoval of arsenic (v) from aqueous solutions by chemically modified fungal biomass.the biosorption of arsenic (v) on nine chemically modified biomasses (with iron oxide coated) of mycelia fungi: aspergillus flavus iii, iv and v, aspergillus fumigatus i-ii, paecilomyces sp., cladosporium sp., mucor sp-1 and 2 was studied in this work. this study provides evidence that the biomasses of the fungi a. flavus, iv, iii and v, paecilomyces sp., and a. fumigatus i were very efficient at removing 1 mg/l of the metal in solution, using atomic absorption spectroscopy (aas), achieving the ...201728681286
single tracheal inoculation of aspergillus fumigatus conidia induced aspergillosis in juvenile falcons (falco spp.).aspergillosis is a common and life-threatening respiratory disease in raptors with acute and chronic courses. among raptors, gyrfalcons (falco rusticolus) and their hybrids are often declared to be highly susceptible with juvenile individuals being the most susceptible. however, species- and age-specific experimental studies are lacking and minimal infective doses (ids) for aspergillus spp. conidia are unknown.therefore, 8-week-old, healthy gyr-hybrid falcons (f. rusticolus x f. cherrug) (n = 18 ...201728758799
progress in definition, prevention and treatment of fungal infections in cystic fibrosis.cystic fibrosis (cf) is a chronic lethal multi-system condition; however, most of the morbidity and mortality is dependent on the status of the respiratory system. progressive respiratory decline is mediated by chronic infection and inflammation, punctuated by important acute events known as pulmonary exacerbations which can lead to accelerated decline. the main bacterial species causing infections include pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, haemophilus influenzae and achromobacter xy ...201728762125
hypertonic saline as a useful tool for sputum induction and pathogen detection in cystic fibrosis.the aim of this study was to compare the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of pathogens in the airway secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) and the sputum induction capacity before and after inhalation of 7% hypertonic saline solution (hss).201728455785
antimicrobial activity, toxicity and anti-inflammatory potential of methanolic extracts of four ethnomedicinal plant species from punjab, pakistan.the plant species aristolochia indica (ai), melilotus indicus (mi), tribulus terrestris (tt) and cuscuta pedicellata (cp) are widely used in folk medicine in the villages around chowk azam, south punjab, pakistan. the aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, phytochemical composition, and the antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory potential of the four medicinal plants listed above. for cp stem, this study represents (to the best of our knowledge) the first ...201728595608
the antibacterial and antifungal activity of six essential oils and their cyto/genotoxicity to human hel 12469 cells.six essential oils (from oregano, thyme, clove, lavender, clary sage, and arborvitae) exhibited different antibacterial and antifungal properties. antimicrobial activity was shown against pathogenic (escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, yersinia enterocolitica, staphylococcus aureus, listeria monocytogenes, and enterococcus faecalis) and environmental bacteria (bacillus cereus, arthrobacter protophormiae, pseudomonas fragi) and fungi (chaetomium globosum, penicillium chrysogenum, cladospori ...201728811611
correlation between spirometry dates and special allergen- specific ige in patients with bronchial asthma in west georgia.the study aimed to establish correlation between airway obstruction and specific ige specificity, managing future treatment in the patients with bronchial asthma, among the population of west georgia. in the study have been involved 56 patients (among them 24 males and 32 females) of different ages, with diagnostic bronchial asthma (according to gina recommendation). on the ground of the aim the study included the following steps of allegro-diagnostics: i step - computerized spirometry by appara ...201728628021
investigation of inflammatory and allergic responses to common mold species: results from in vitro experiments, from a mouse model of asthma, and from a group of asthmatic patients.most studies on molds focus on alternaria alternata and aspergillus fumigatus. here, we report on inflammatory and allergenic properties of more typical indoor species aspergillus versicolor, p. chrysogenum, c. cladosporioïdes, and c. sphaerospermum that were compared to a. alternata and a. fumigatus. in a mouse model, after intranasal instillation, a. alternaria, a. versicolor, and c. sphaerospermum induced the early recruitment of neutrophils and the strong expression of inflammatory markers i ...201728370571
production of paclitaxel with anticancer activity by two local fungal endophytes, aspergillus fumigatus and alternaria tenuissima.among 60 fungal endophytes isolated from twigs, bark, and mature leaves of different plant species, two fungal isolates named txd105 and ter995 were capable of producing paclitaxel in amounts of up to 84.41 and 37.92 μg l(-1), respectively. based on macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, its1-5.8s-its2 rdna sequence, and phylogenetic characteristic analysis, the two respective isolates were identified as aspergillus fumigatus and alternaria tenuissima. in the effort to increase paclitaxel ...201728612104
in vitro activity of the novel antifungal compound f901318 against difficult-to-treat aspergillus isolates.f901318 is a new antifungal agent with a novel mechanism of action with activity against aspergillus species. we investigated the in vitro activity of f901318 against a collection of aspergillus isolates.201728605488
antifungal susceptibility testing of aspergillus spp. by using a composite correlation index (cci)-based matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry method appears to not offer benefit over traditional broth microdilution testing.aspergillus spp. cause serious invasive lung infections, and aspergillus fumigatus is the most commonly encountered clinically significant species. voriconazole is considered to be the drug of choice for treating a. fumigatus infections; however, rising resistance rates have been reported. we evaluated a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms)-based method for the differentiation between wild-type and non-wild-type isolates of 20 aspergillus sp ...201728404678
cloning and characterization of f3pyc gene encoding pyruvate carboxylase in aspergillus flavus strain (f3).pyruvate carboxylase is a major enzyme for biosynthesis of organic acids like; citric acid, fumeric acid, and l-malic acid. these organic acids play very important role for biological remediation of heavy metals. in this study, gene walking method was used to clone and characterize pyruvate carboxylase gene (f3pyc) from heavy metal resistant indigenous fungal isolate aspergillus flavus (f3). 3579 bp of an open reading frame which encodes 1193 amino acid protein (isoelectric point: 6.10) with a c ...201728710744
the in vitro effects of interferon-gamma, alone or in combination with amphotericin b, tested against the pathogenic fungi candida albicans and aspergillus fumigatus.recent studies into the antifungal activity of nk-cells against the aspergillus fumigatus have presented differing accounts on their mode of antifungal activity. one of these mechanisms proposed that nk-cells may kill the fungus via the direct effects of exposure to interferon gamma (ifn-γ).201728764751
recovery of metallo-tolerant and antibiotic resistant psychrophilic bacteria from siachen glacier, pakistan.cultureable bacterial diversity of previously unexplored siachen glacier, pakistan, was studied. out of 50 isolates 33 (66%) were gram negative and 17 (34%) gram positive. about half of the isolates were pigment producers and were able to grow at 4-37°c. 16s rrna gene sequences revealed gram negative bacteria dominated by proteobacteria (especially γ-proteobacteria and β-proteobacteria) and flavobacteria. the genus pseudomonas (51.51%, 17) was dominant among γ- proteobacteria. β-proteobacteria c ...201728746396
cytological diagnosis of primary cutaneous aspergillosis masquerading as lipoma in a known case of lepromatous leprosy.primary cutaneous aspergillosis is a rare disease, caused by organisms like aspergillus flavus and aspergillus fumigatus. fine needle aspiration cytology (fnac) is a simple and well established tool for the diagnosis of mycotic infections. we report a case of forearm swelling that presented clinically as lipoma in a known case of lepromatous leprosy. it was diagnosed as primary cutaneous aspergillosis on fnac, which was subsequently confirmed on culture. cutaneous aspergillosis co-existing with ...201728658789
pulmonary aspergillosis as opportunistic mycoses in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: report from a tertiary care hospital in north india.the incidence of pulmonary aspergillosis in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected persons is rising. this study was designed to determine the prevalence of pulmonary aspergillosis in a cohort of hiv-positive patients (n = 71) presenting with lower respiratory tract infection at a tertiary care medical center in india.201728539863
efficiency of four currently used decontamination conditionings in romania against aspergillus and candida strains.efficacy of four commercial biocidal products (noted a to d), using manufacturers' recommendations, and a contact time of 30minutes, were evaluated in the purpose of standard sr en1657: 2006 adapted.201728499642
proteomics as a tool to identify new targets against aspergillus and scedosporium in the context of cystic fibrosis.cystic fibrosis (cf) is a genetic disorder that increases the risk of suffering microbial, including fungal, infections. in this paper, proteomics-based information was collated relating to secreted and cell wall proteins with potential medical applications from the most common filamentous fungi in cf, i.e., aspergillus and scedosporium/lomentospora species. among the aspergillus fumigatus secreted allergens, β-1,3-endoglucanase, the alkaline protease 1 (alp1/oryzin), asp f 2, asp f 13/15, chiti ...201728484941
evaluation of the in vitro activity of isavuconazole and comparator voriconazole against 2635 contemporary clinical candida and aspergillus isolates.the in vitro activity of isavuconazole was determined for 1677 candida and 958 aspergillus isolates from 2012 to 2014 with voriconazole as comparator.201728373148
in vitro antifungal properties of pistacia atlantica and olive extracts on different fungal species.pistacia atlantica, which belongs to the anacardiaceae family, grows in the zagrossian region of iran. the aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal properties of pistacia atlantica and olive leaf extracts against different fungal species.201528681004
effects of ε-polylysine on pseudomonas aeruginosa and aspergillus fumigatus biofilm in vitro.background the antimicrobial mechanisms of ε-polylysine (epl) against pseudomonas aeruginosa and aspergillus fumigatus biofilm were investigated. material and methods we assessed the changes in electric conductivity of broth and total sugar concentration, as well as changes in phosphorous metabolism and protein expression, of the 2 organisms before and after treatment with epl. results the experimental results showed that epl has antimicrobial activity against pseudomonas aeruginosa and aspergil ...201728863128
serum aspergillus fumigatus-specific igg antibody decreases after antifungal treatment in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis patients. 201728862383
the role of multispecies social interactions in shaping pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity in the cystic fibrosis lung.pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major pathogen in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. however, it is now recognised that a diverse microbial community exists in the airways comprising aerobic and anaerobic bacteria as well as fungi and viruses. this rich soup of microorganisms provides ample opportunity for interspecies interactions, particularly when considering secreted compounds. here, we discuss how p. aeruginosa-secreted products can have community-wide effects, with the potential to ul ...201728859314
notable fibrolytic enzyme production by aspergillus spp. isolates from the gastrointestinal tract of beef cattle fed in lignified pastures.fungi have the ability to degrade vegetal cell wall carbohydrates, and their presence in the digestive tract of ruminants can minimize the effects of lignified forage on ruminal fermentation. here, we evaluated enzyme production by aspergillus spp. isolates from the digestive tracts of cattle grazed in tropical pastures during the dry season. filamentous fungi were isolated from rumen and feces by culture in cellulose-based medium. ninety fungal strains were isolated and identified by rdna seque ...201728850605
induction of mitochondrial ros production by itraconazole, terbinafine and amphotericin b as a mode of action against aspergillus fumigatus.drug resistance in fungal pathogens is of incredible importance to global health, yet the mechanisms of drug action remain only loosely defined. antifungal compounds have been shown to trigger the intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ros) in human-pathogenic yeasts, but the source of those ros remained unknown. in the present study, we examined the role of endogenous ros for the antifungal activity of the three different antifungal substances itraconazole, terbinafine, and amph ...201728848005
myba, a new player driving survival of the conidium of the human pathogen aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic human pathogen that causes various complications in patients with a weakened immune system functions. asexual spores of a. fumigatus are responsible for initiation of aspergillosis. long-term viability and proper germination of dormant conidia depend on trehalose accumulation, which protect the spores against thermal and oxidative stress. a putative myb transcription factor, myba has been recently found to be responsible for a variety of physiological an ...201728840304
pharmacodynamics of the orotomides against aspergillus fumigatus: new opportunities for treatment of multidrug-resistant fungal disease.f901318 is an antifungal agent with a novel mechanism of action and potent activity against aspergillus spp. an understanding of the pharmacodynamics (pd) of f901318 is required for selection of effective regimens for study in phase ii and iii clinical trials. neutropenic murine and rabbit models of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis were used. the primary pd endpoint was serum galactomannan. the relationships between drug exposure and the impacts of dose fractionation on galactomannan, survival, ...201728830945
ergot alkaloids contribute to virulence in an insect model of invasive aspergillosis.neosartorya fumigata (aspergillus fumigatus) is the most common cause of invasive aspergillosis, a frequently fatal lung disease primarily affecting immunocompromised individuals. this opportunistic fungal pathogen produces several classes of specialised metabolites including products of a branch of the ergot alkaloid pathway called fumigaclavines. the biosynthesis of the n. fumigata ergot alkaloids and their relation to those produced by alternate pathway branches in fungi from the plant-inhabi ...201728827626
chronic pulmonary aspergillosis as a cause of smear-negative tb and/or tb treatment failure in evaluate chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (cpa) as an alternative diagnosis of smear-negative tuberculosis (tb) and treatment failure in tb patients in nigeria.201728826456
sniffing out the hypoxia volatile metabolic signature of aspergillus fumigatus.invasive aspergillosis (ia) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by fungi from the genus aspergillus, with an associated mortality as high as 90% in certain populations. ia-associated pulmonary lesions are characteristically depleted in oxygen relative to normal lung tissue, and it has been shown that the most common causal agent of ia, aspergillus fumigatus, must respond to low-oxygen environments for pathogenesis and disease progression. previous studies have demonstrated marked alt ...201728825403
aspergillus bronchitis in patients with cystic fibrosis.aspergillus fumigatus frequently colonizes the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) and may cause various severe infections, such as bronchitis. serological data, sputum dependent markers and longitudinal data of treated cases of aspergillus bronchitis were evaluated for further description of this infection. this study, which comprises three substudies, aimed to analyze epidemiological data of aspergillus in cf and the entity of aspergillus bronchitis. in a first step, data of the germ ...201728819878
molecular diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis and detection of azole resistance by a newly commercialized pcr kit.aspergillus fumigatus is the main species responsible for aspergillosis in humans. the diagnosis of aspergillosis remains difficult, and the rapid emergence of azole resistance in a. fumigatus, is worrisome. the aim of this study was to validate the new mycogenie® a. fumigatus real-time pcr kit and to evaluate its performance in clinical samples for the detection of a. fumigatus and its azole resistance. this multiplex assay detects dna from the a. fumigatus species complex by targeting the 28s- ...201728814586
proteomic profiling of the antifungal drug response of aspergillus fumigatus to voriconazole.antifungal resistance is an emerging problem and one of the reasons for treatment failure of invasive aspergillosis (ia). voriconazole has become a standard therapeutic for the treatment of this often fatal infection. we studied the differentially expressed proteins as a response of aspergillus fumigatus to voriconazole by employing the two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (dige) technique. due to addition of drug, a total of 135 differentially synthesized proteins were identified by m ...201728811086
aspergillus endophthalmitis resulting in development of retinal aspergilloma.a 78-year-old immunocompetent man presented with a 3-month history of painless decreased vision and panuveitis with a macular lesion presumed to be due to endogenous endophthalmitis. he had been treated with systemic, intravenous, and intravitreal antibiotics and antifungal agents as well as intravitreal steroids. a culture from a prior vitrectomy had grown a single colony of aspergillus thought to be a contaminant. the macular lesion enlarged and caused a tractional retinal detachment. the pati ...201728810046
allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis due to exposure to eurotium herbariorum after the great east japan earthquake.indoor mold levels typically increase after natural disasters, flooding, and water damage. eurotium herbariorum is the sexual stage of aspergillus glaucus. case presentation a 66-year-old, japanese male, ex-smoker had been diagnosed with bronchial asthma when he was five years old; he achieved remission at the age of 13 years. he was displaced from his home during the great east japan earthquake on march 11, 2011 and moved to temporary housing in miyagi prefecture in june 2011. he experienced th ...201728807087
abridged version of the awmf guideline for the medical clinical diagnostics of indoor mould exposure: s2k guideline of the german society of hygiene, environmental medicine and preventive medicine (ghup) in collaboration with the german association of allergists (aeda), the german society of dermatology (ddg), the german society for allergology and clinical immunology (dgaki), the german society for occupational and environmental medicine (dgaum), the german society for hospital hygiene (dgkh), the german society for pneumology and respiratory medicine (dgp), the german mycological society (dmykg), the society for pediatric allergology and environmental medicine (gpa), the german federal association of pediatric pneumology (bapp), and the austrian society for medical mycology (ögmm).this article is an abridged version of the awmf mould guideline "medical clinical diagnostics of indoor mould exposure" presented in april 2016 by the german society of hygiene, environmental medicine and preventive medicine (gesellschaft für hygiene, umweltmedizin und präventivmedizin, ghup), in collaboration with the above-mentioned scientific medical societies, german and austrian societies, medical associations and experts. indoor mould growth is a potential health risk, even if a quantitati ...201728804700
cu-sensing transcription factor mac1 coordinates with the ctr transporter family to regulate cu acquisition and virulence in aspergillus fumigatus.copper (cu) is an essential trace element and is regarded as an important virulence factor in fungal pathogens. previous studies suggest that a putative cu-sensing transcription factor mac1 and the cu transporter ctr family play important roles during fungal development and virulence. however, how cu importers of the ctr family are involved in the cu acquisition and what is the functional relationship between them have not been fully investigated yet. here, we demonstrate that the yeast mac1 hom ...201728803907
successful long-term extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: a case report.extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is an established life-saving procedure for severe acute respiratory failure due to various causes. in general, the duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ranges from 1 to 2 weeks, with withdrawal recommended if no improvement is noted. we report a successful case of long-term extracorporeal membrane oxygenation management for respiratory failure due to invasive pulmonary aspergillus infection.201728797271
pharmacokinetics of azole antifungals in cystic fibrosis.defects in mucociliary clearance predispose cystic fibrosis (cf) patients to airway colonization and infection by various fungi, especially aspergillus fumigatus. although the clinical significance of airway fungal colonization is not clear, several studies have suggested its association with worsening lung function and increased risk of cf exacerbations. antifungal triazole agents have been used in cf patients with airway fungal colonization or infections with varying results. limited pharmacok ...201728795298
role of ergothioneine in microbial physiology and pathogenesis.l-ergothioneine is synthesized in actinomycetes, cyanobacteria, methylobacteria and some fungi. in contrast to other low molecular weight redox buffers, glutathione and mycothiol, ergothioneine is primarily present as a thione rather than a thiol at physiological ph, which makes it resistant to autoxidation. ergothioneine regulates microbial physiology and enables survival of the microbes under stressful conditions encountered in their natural environments. in particular, ergothioneine enables p ...201728791878
[the expression of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells receptor-1 in aspergillus infected mice].objective: to investigate the expression of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells receptor-1 (trem-1) in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (balf) and its correlation with galactomannan, ifnγ, il-6 and il-10 in aspergillus infected mice. methods: cyclophosphamide(ctx) was intraperitoneally injected and fumigatus spore suspension was inhaled by nose to establish the immunocompromised invasive pulmonary aspergillosis(ipa) mouse model.healthy controls, immunocompromised only and ipa o ...201728789494
intra- and inter-individual variability of aspergillus fumigatus reactive t-cell frequencies in healthy volunteers in dependency of mould exposure in residential and working environment.invasive aspergillosis remains a deadly disease in immunocompromised patients, whereas the combination of an exaggerated immune response and continuous exposure lead to various hyperinflammatory diseases. this pilot study aimed to gain an overview of the intra- and inter-individual variability in aspergillus fumigatus reactive t-helper cells in healthy adults and the correlation with environmental mould exposure. in this flow cytometric study, the frequencies of cd154(+) a. fumigatus reactive t ...201728786508
crocin reduces a. fumigatus-induced airway inflammation and nf-κb signal activation.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) is a chronic airway inflammation and its exacerbation is often accompanied by a. aspergillus infection. increasing evidences demonstrated the potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of crocin. however, the role of crocin in a. aspergillus-induced inflammation is still unknown. we aimed to evaluate the role of crocin in inflammation response induced by a. aspergillus in human bronchial epithelial cells and the possible mechanisms. beas-2b and ...201728786504
small colony variants of pseudomonas aeruginosa display heterogeneity in inhibiting aspergillus fumigatus biofilm.pseudomonas aeruginosa and aspergillus fumigatus are major microbes in cystic fibrosis (cf). we reported non-mucoid p. aeruginosa isolates more inhibitory to a. fumigatus than mucoid ones. another cf p. aeruginosa phenotype, small colony variants (scvs), is an unknown factor in intermicrobial competition with a. fumigatus. clinical scv isolates and reference cf non-mucoid isolate (pa10, producing normal-sized colonies) were compared. live cells of p. aeruginosa or filtrates from p. aeruginosa pl ...201728785939
postsurgical mediastinal aspergilloma masquerading as malignancy.a 70-year-old man with non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy presented with symptoms of fatigue, chills and unintentional weight loss over the past 2 months. initial evaluation revealed anaemia, peripheral leucocytosis and elevated inflammatory markers. results of an oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, blood bacterial and fungal cultures and bone marrow biopsy were negative. an (18)f-fdg positron-emission tomography-ct demonstrated an indeterminate, intensely fdg-avid 5 cm × 2 cm × 5.6 cm × ...201728784902
il-33 signaling regulates innate il-17a and il-22 production via suppression of prostaglandin e2 during lung fungal infection.members of the il-1 family play protective and regulatory roles in immune defense against the opportunistic mold aspergillus fumigatus in this study, we investigated the il-1 family member il-33 in lung defense against a. fumigatus il-33 was detected in the naive lung, which further increased after exposure to a. fumigatus in a dectin-1-independent manner. mice deficient in the receptor for il-33 (il1rl1(-/-)) unexpectedly demonstrated enhanced lung clearance of a. fumigatus il-33 functioned as ...201728784844
clinical and microbiological characteristics of pantoea agglomerans infection in children.pantoea agglomerans is an environmental gram-negative bacterium that rarely is responsible for the infections in humans but it is often a causative factor of a number of occupational diseases. this study evaluated the clinical and microbiological characteristics and pathogenicity of p. agglomerans in children. we retrospectively reviewed microbiological test results for all children (1 month old to 18 years old) who were admitted to our pediatric hospital between january 2000 to june 2015 and ha ...201728780309
characteristics of meningitis following transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery: a case series and a systematic literature review.meningitis occurs in 0.8-1.5% of patients undergoing neurosurgery. the aim of the study was to evaluate the characteristics of meningitis after endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (eets) comparing the findings retrieved to those highlighted by literature search.201728776163
adamts-13 regulates neutrophil recruitment in a mouse model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.von willebrand factor (vwf) is secreted as an acute phase protein during inflammation. adamts-13 regulates the size and prothrombotic activity of vwf by it's specific proteolytic activity. to determine the relevance of this regulatory pathway for the innate inflammatory response by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn), we employed a mouse model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa) where pmn functionality is crucial for fungal clearance and survival. ipa was induced by intratracheal applicati ...201728775254
pulmonary and sinus fungal diseases in non-immunocompromised patients.the human respiratory tract is exposed daily to airborne fungi, fungal enzymes, and secondary metabolites. the endemic fungi histoplasma capsulatum, coccidioides spp, blastomyces dermatitidis, and paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and occasionally aspergillus fumigatus, are primary pulmonary pathogens of otherwise healthy people. such infections resolve in most people, and only a few infections lead to disease. however, many fungi are directly allergenic by colonising the respiratory tract or indir ...201728774699
the global problem of antifungal resistance: prevalence, mechanisms, and management.all serious fungal infections need appropriate antifungal therapy for successful patient outcome. only a few classes of antifungal drugs are available, so the emergence of resistance to single drug classes and now multidrug resistance greatly hampers patient management. azole resistance among candida and aspergillus species is one of the greatest challenges to clinical success, followed by echinocandin and multidrug resistance among some candida species, especially candida glabrata. the spread o ...201728774698
fungal pathogens in cf airways: leave or treat?chronic airway infection plays an essential role in the progress of cystic fibrosis (cf) lung disease. in the past decades, mainly bacterial pathogens, such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been the focus of researchers and clinicians. however, fungi are frequently detected in cf airways and there is an increasing body of evidence that fungal pathogens might play a role in cf lung disease. several studies have shown an association of fungi, particularly aspergillus fumigatus and candida albicans, ...201728770417
fatal mycotic aneurysm of the basilar artery caused by aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with pituitary adenoma and meningitis.fungal infections of the central nervous system (cns) frequently occur in immunosuppressed patients. here, we describe the case of an immunocompetent 64-year-old man who presented with diplopia, right-sided hemiparesis, and a mild headache after cleaning and replacing nesting boxes of wild birds during the preceding months. lumbar puncture revealed pleocytosis, elevated protein, and lactate levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf). initial imaging showed ischemia in the left thalamus and an enlar ...201728770205
simultaneous primary invasive cutaneous aspergillosis in two preterm twins: case report and review of the literature.primary invasive cutaneous aspergillosis is a rare fungal infection that occurs mostly in immunocompromised patients. newborns of very low birth weight present a high risk for this type of infection due to an immaturity of the cutaneous barrier and of the immune system.201728768499
filamentous fungal human pathogens from food emphasising aspergillus, fusarium and mucor.disease caused by filamentous fungal human pathogens (ffhp) is increasing. these organisms cause severe mycoses in immunosuppressed individuals, such as those: (a) with aids; (b) having undergone transplantation; and/or (c) undergoing chemotherapy. immunocompetent people can become infected. some ffhp are isolated from foods which may be fomites. however, the information concerning particular species on specific food is large, dispersed and difficult to obtain. reports of filamentous fungi from ...201728767050
caspofungin-mediated growth inhibition and paradoxical growth in aspergillus fumigatus involve fungicidal hyphal tip lysis coupled with regenerative intrahyphal growth and dynamic changes in β-1,3-glucan synthase localization.caspofungin targets cell wall β-1,3-glucan synthesis and is guideline-recommended to treat invasive aspergillosis as salvage therapy. although caspofungin is inhibitory at low concentrations, it exhibits a 'paradoxical effect' (reversal of growth inhibition) at high concentrations by an undetermined mechanism. treatment with either growth inhibitory (0.5 μg/ml) or paradoxical growth-inducing (4 μg/ml) caspofungin concentrations for 24 h caused similar abnormalities, including wider, hyperbranche ...201728760907
aspergillus fumigatus protein phosphatase ppza is involved in iron assimilation, secondary metabolite production, and virulence.metal restriction imposed by mammalian hosts during an infection is a common mechanism of defence to reduce or avoid the pathogen infection. metals are essential for organism survival due to its involvement in several biological processes. aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive aspergillosis, a disease that typically manifests in immunocompromised patients. a. fumigatus ppza, the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase z (ppz), has been recently identified as associated with iron assimilation. a ...201728753224
a comparative study on the activity of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases for the depolymerization of cellulose in soybean spent flakes.lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (lpmos) are copper-dependent enzymes capable of the oxidative breakdown of polysaccharides. they are of industrial interest due to their ability to enhance the enzymatic depolymerization of recalcitrant substrates by glycoside hydrolases. in this paper, twenty-four lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (lpmos) expressed in trichoderma reesei were evaluated for their ability to oxidize the complex polysaccharides in soybean spent flakes, an abundant and industria ...201728750348
toward the standardization of mycological examination of sputum samples in cystic fibrosis: results from a french multicenter prospective study.fungal respiratory colonization of cystic fibrosis (cf) patients emerges as a new concern; however, the heterogeneity of mycological protocols limits investigations. we first aimed at setting up an efficient standardized protocol for mycological analysis of cf sputa that was assessed during a prospective, multicenter study: "mucofong" program (phrc-06/1902). sputa from 243 cf patients from seven centers in france were collected over a 15-month period and submitted to a standardized protocol base ...201728748285
dual induction of new microbial secondary metabolites by fungal bacterial co-cultivation.the frequent re-isolation of known compounds is one of the major challenges in drug discovery. many biosynthetic genes are not expressed under standard culture conditions, thus limiting the chemical diversity of microbial compounds that can be obtained through fermentation. on the other hand, the competition during co-cultivation of two or more different microorganisms in most cases leads to an enhanced production of constitutively present compounds or an accumulation of cryptic compounds that a ...201728744271
structural and in vivo studies on trehalose-6-phosphate synthase from pathogenic fungi provide insights into its catalytic mechanism, biological necessity, and potential for novel antifungal drug design.the disaccharide trehalose is critical to the survival of pathogenic fungi in their human host. trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (tps1) catalyzes the first step of trehalose biosynthesis in fungi. here, we report the first structures of eukaryotic tps1s in complex with substrates or substrate analogues. the overall structures of tps1 from candida albicans and aspergillus fumigatus are essentially identical and reveal n- and c-terminal rossmann fold domains that form the glucose-6-phosphate and udp ...201728743811
progressive dispersion of azole resistance in aspergillus fumigatus: fatal invasive aspergillosis in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia infected with an a. fumigatus strain with a cyp51a tr46 y121f m172i t289a allele.patients with hematologic malignancies as well as allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) patients are at high risk for invasive aspergillosis. here, we report a culture- and autopsy-proven fatal invasive aspergillosis in an allogeneic hstc patient which he developed despite posaconazole prophylaxis. the agent was determined to be an azole-resistant aspergillus fumigatus strain bearing the cyp51a mutation combination tr46 y121f m172i t289a. at increasing frequency, the azole re ...201728743702
addition of 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin to a suboptimal caspofungin treatment regimen in neutropenic rats with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis delays the time to death but does not enhance the overall therapeutic efficacy.caspofungin (cas) which is used as salvage therapy in patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa) inhibits the 1,3-β-d-glucan synthesis in aspergillus fumigatus. inhibiting 1,3-β-d-glucan synthesis induces a stress response and in an invertebrate model it was demonstrated that inhibiting this response with geldamycin enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of cas. since geldamycin itself is toxic to mammalians, the therapeutic efficacy of combining geldamycin with cas was not studied in roden ...201728742113
evidence of unique genetic diversity in aspergillus fumigatus isolates from cameroon.aspergillus fumigatus is a saprophytic fungus that can cause lethal invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. recent studies have shown that eurasian and north american populations of a. fumigatus often consist of genetically diverse strains. however, very little is known about african populations of a. fumigatus. here, we characterise the genetic diversity and triazole susceptibility of a. fumigatus in cameroon, west africa. a total of 495 soil samples were obtained from nine collec ...201728730597
a nonredundant phosphopantetheinyl transferase, ppta, is a novel antifungal target that directs secondary metabolite, siderophore, and lysine biosynthesis in aspergillus fumigatus and is critical for pathogenicity.secondary metabolites are key mediators of virulence for many pathogens. aspergillus fumigatus produces a vast array of these bioactive molecules, the biosynthesis of which is catalyzed by nonribosomal peptide synthetases (nrpss) or polyketide synthases (pkss). both nrpss and pkss harbor carrier domains that are primed for acceptance of secondary metabolic building blocks by a phosphopantetheinyl transferase (p-pant). the a. fumigatus p-pant ppta has been shown to prime the putative nrps pes1 in ...201728720735
the binding mechanism between azoles and fgcyp51b, sterol 14α-demethylase of fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is the main pathogen of fusarium head blight (fhb), a worldwide plant disease and one of the major wheat diseases in china. the control of the fhb is mainly dependent on the application of dmis fungicides. fungal sterol 14α-demethylase enzymes (cyp51) are the main target for dmis fungicides. in order to investigate the binding mechanism between azoles and cyp51b in f.graminearum, the molecular modeling study and biological evaluation were performed.201728719051
spatial patterns and impacts of environmental and climatic factors on canine sinonasal aspergillosis in northern california.sinonasal aspergillosis (sna) causes chronic nasal discharge in dogs and has a worldwide distribution, although most reports of sna in north america originate from the western usa. sna is mainly caused by aspergillus fumigatus, a ubiquitous saprophytic filamentous fungus. infection is thought to follow inhalation of spores. sna is a disease of the nasal cavity and/or sinuses with variable degrees of local invasion and destruction. while some host factors appear to predispose to sna (such as belo ...201728717638
coupling the pretreatment and hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass by the expression of beta-xylosidases.thermochemical pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis are the areas contributing most to the operational costs of second generation ethanol in lignocellulosic biorefineries. the improvement of lignocellulosic enzyme cocktails has been significant in the recent years. although the needs for the reduction of the energy intensity and chemical consumption in the pretreatment step are well known, the reduction of the severity of the process strongly affects the enzymatic hydrolysis yield. to explore t ...201728710860
preparation of a trp-bodipy fluorogenic amino acid to label peptides for enhanced live-cell fluorescence imaging.fluorescent peptides are valuable tools for live-cell imaging because of the high specificity of peptide sequences for their biomolecular targets. when preparing fluorescent versions of peptides, labels must be introduced at appropriate positions in the sequences to provide suitable reporters while avoiding any impairment of the molecular recognition properties of the peptides. this protocol describes the preparation of the tryptophan (trp)-based fluorogenic amino acid fmoc-trp(c2-bodipy)-oh and ...201728703788
gastroesophageal reflux disease and pulmonary diseases associated with aspergillosis: is there a connection?we studied the relationship between gord and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa), chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (cpa), or aspergillus bronchitis.201728702854
the cell wall of the human fungal pathogen aspergillus fumigatus: biosynthesis, organization, immune response, and virulence.more than 90% of the cell wall of the filamentous fungus aspergillus fumigatus comprises polysaccharides. biosynthesis of the cell wall polysaccharides is under the control of three types of enzymes: transmembrane synthases, which are anchored to the plasma membrane and use nucleotide sugars as substrates, and cell wall-associated transglycosidases and glycosyl hydrolases, which are responsible for remodeling the de novo synthesized polysaccharides and establishing the three-dimensional structur ...201728701066
effects of intranasally dosed posaconazole on fungal load and biomarkers in aspergillus fumigatus infected immunocompromised mice.although anti-fungal triazoles are dosed orally or systemically for aspergillus fumigatus infection, systemic adverse events and limited exposure of the lung cavity would make a topical treatment for the lung an attractive option. in this study, we examined the effects of intranasally dosed posaconazole on survival rates and biomarkers in a. fumigatus (itraconazole susceptible: atcc13073 [af]; or resistant: ncpf7100 [afr]) infected, temporarily neutropenic a/j mice. once daily treatment produced ...201728699245
effects of aspergillus fumigatus on glucocorticoid receptor and β2-adrenergic receptor expression in a rat model of asthma.conventional inhaled corticosteroids or β2-adrenergic receptor agonists do not work well in some asthmatic populations while empirical antifungal therapy has obvious impact on those patients. the study was designed to investigate whether short-term exposure to aspergillus fumigatus (a. fumigatus) could decrease glucocorticoid receptor (gcr) and β2-adrenergic receptor (adrb2) expression in lung tissue of asthmatic rats.201728696809
combination therapy with isavuconazole and micafungin for treatment of experimental invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. we hypothesized that simultaneous inhibition of biosynthesis of ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane and (1→3)-β-d-glucan in the cell wall, respectively, by the antifungal triazole isavuconazole (isa) and the echinocandin micafungin (mfg) may result in improved outcomes in experimental ipa in persistently neutropenic rabbits. treatments included isa at 20 mg/kg of body weight/ ...201728696236
flow cytometry of lung and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from mice challenged with fluorescent aspergillus reporter (flare) conidia.aspergillus fumigatus is a ubiquitous fungal pathogen that forms airborne conidia. the process of restricting conidial germination into hyphae by lung leukocytes is critical in determining infectious outcomes. tracking the outcome of conidia-host cell encounters in vivo is technically challenging and an obstacle to understanding the molecular and cellular basis of antifungal immunity in the lung. here, we describe a method that utilizes a genetically engineered aspergillus strain [called flare ( ...201628691040
osteomyelitis and lung abscess due to aspergillus fumigatus in a chronic granulomatous disease patient.chronic granulomatous disease (cgd) is an inherited disorder of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) oxidase complex. this disorder results in recurrent life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections. aspergillus species are the most common fungal infections in these patients.201628681028
successful treatment of pulmonary candidiasis and aspergillosis in patient with refractory hodgkin lymphoma using micafungin - case study and brief literature review.the number of patients with hematological malignancies who develop invasive fungal disease (ifd) has increased dramatically in recent decades. this increase is attributed to impairment of the host immune system due to intensive cytotoxic chemotherapies, use of corticosteroids and profound immunosuppression after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct). additionally, the increasing prevalence of fungal infections caused by emerging and rare pathogens, ifd of mixed etiology or of atypical l ...201728680340
myba, a transcription factor involved in conidiation and conidial viability of the human pathogen aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus, a ubiquitous human fungal pathogen, produces asexual spores (conidia), which are the main mode of propagation, survival and infection of this human pathogen. in this study, we present the molecular characterization of a novel regulator of conidiogenesis and conidial survival called myba because the predicted protein contains a myb dna binding motif. cellular localization of the myba::gfp fusion and immunoprecipitation of the myba::gfp or myba::3xha protein showed that myba ...201728677124
application and comparison in biosynthesis and biodegradation by fusarium solani and aspergillus fumigatus this study, two synthesized cutinase genes from fusarium solani and aspergillus fumigatus were expressed in pichia pastoris x33. the characteristics of these two cutinases were investigated and compared. the results indicated that f. solani and a. fumigatus cutinases hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl substrates with different carbon chain lengths. a. fumigatus cutinase predominately hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl butyrate, but f. solani cutinase preferred p-nitrophenyl decanoate. the abilities of polymer sy ...201728673841
poecillastrosides, steroidal saponins from the mediterranean deep-sea sponge poecillastra compressa (bowerbank, 1866).the first chemical investigation of the mediterranean deep-sea sponge poecillastra compressa (bowerbank, 1866) led to the identification of seven new steroidal saponins named poecillastrosides a-g (1-7). all saponins feature an oxidized methyl at c-18 into a primary alcohol or a carboxylic acid. while poecillastrosides a-d (1-4) all contain an exo double bond at c-24 of the side-chain and two osidic residues connected at o-2', poecillastrosides e-g (5-7) are characterized by a cyclopropane on th ...201728672858
chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal activities of crude dittrichia viscosa (l.) greuter leaf extracts.the small amount of data regarding the antifungal activity of dittrichia viscosa (l.) greuter against dermatophytes, malassezia spp. and aspergillus spp., associated with the few comparative studies on the antimicrobial activity of methanolic, ethanolic, and butanolic extracts underpins the study herein presented. the total condensed tannin (tct), phenol (tpc), flavonoid (tfc), and caffeoylquinic acid (cqc) content of methanol, butanol, and ethanol (80% and 100%) extracts of d. viscosa were asse ...201728665341
pulmonary co-infections by pneumocystis jirovecii and aspergillus fumigatus in non-hiv patients: a report of two cases and literature review.pneumocystis jirovecii is the causative agent of pneumocystis pneumonia (pcp), a common and often life-threatening opportunistic infection in hiv-infected patients. however, non-hiv, immunocompromised patients are at risk of pcp as well, whereas the mortality appears to be higher among these patients. pneumocystis co-infections with other microorganisms are less frequent and only sparse reports of combined pcp and invasive pulmonary fungal infections exist in the literature, especially in the no ...201728660636
a novel environmental azole resistance mutation in aspergillus fumigatus and a possible role of sexual reproduction in its emergence.this study investigated the dynamics of aspergillus fumigatus azole-resistant phenotypes in two compost heaps with contrasting azole exposures: azole free and azole exposed. after heat shock, to which sexual but not asexual spores are highly resistant, the azole-free compost yielded 98% (49/50) wild-type and 2% (1/50) azole-resistant isolates, whereas the azole-containing compost yielded 9% (4/45) wild-type and 91% (41/45) resistant isolates. from the latter compost, 80% (36/45) of the isolates ...201728655821
azole resistance in aspergillus fumigatus in patients with cystic fibrosis: a matter of concern?aspergillus fumigatus is the most frequent filamentous fungus isolated from respiratory specimens from patients with cystic fibrosis (cf). triazoles are the most widely used antifungals in the treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) and invasive aspergillosis (ia) in cf patients. treatment success could be severely compromised by the occurrence of azole-resistant a. fumigatus (araf), which is increasingly reported worldwide from both clinical samples and the environment. in p ...201728653258
sphingolipids from the human fungal pathogen aspergillus fumigatus.sphingolipids (spls) are key components of the plasma membrane in yeast and filamentous fungi. these molecules are involved in a number of cellular processes, and particularly, sgls are essential components of the highly polarized fungal growth where they are required for the formation of the polarisome organization at the hyphal apex. aspergillus fumigatus, a human fungal pathogen, produce sgls that are discriminated into neutral cerebrosides, glycosylinositolphosphoceramides (gipcs) and glycos ...201728652019
design and optimization of highly-selective, broad spectrum fungal cyp51 inhibitors.while the orally-active azoles such as fluconazole and posaconazole are effective antifungal agents, they potently inhibit a broad range of off-target human cytochrome p450 enzymes (cyps) leading to various safety issues (e.g., drug-drug interactions, liver, and reproductive toxicities). recently we described the rationally-designed, antifungal agent vt-1161 that is more selective for fungal cyp51 than related human cyp enzymes such as cyp3a4. herein, we describe the use of a homology model of a ...201728651982
performance of aspergillus pcr in cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of cerebral aspergillosis.cerebral aspergillosis is a rare but often fatal form of invasive aspergillosis that remains difficult to diagnose. the literature has shown the value of aspergillus pcr in blood-derived samples for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis but provides far less information for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) in cerebral aspergillosis. here, we evaluated the usefulness of an aspergillus pcr assay performed on csf for the diagnosis of cerebral aspergillosis.201728642144
enzymatic mechanisms involved in evasion of fungi to the oxidative stress: focus on scedosporium apiospermum.the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) are frequently colonized by various filamentous fungi, mainly aspergillus fumigatus and scedosporium species. to establish within the respiratory tract and cause an infection, these opportunistic fungi express pathogenic factors allowing adherence to the host tissues, uptake of extracellular iron, or evasion to the host immune response. during the colonization process, inhaled conidia and the subsequent hyphae are exposed to reactive oxygen speci ...201728639066
phytochemical screening, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity studies of ethanol leaf extract of aphaniasenegalensis (sapindaceae).aphania senegalensis (sapindaceae) is commonly used in senegalese traditional medicine to treat pain, inflammation, asthenia, bacterial and fungal infections. the aim of this study was to determine the type of phytochemical constituents present in the ethanol leaf extract and its antimicrobial activity against selected bacterial and fungal pathogens.201728638876
azole resistance in aspergillus fumigatus: a consequence of antifungal use in agriculture?agricultural industry uses pesticides to optimize food production for the growing human population. a major issue for crops is fungal phytopathogens, which are treated mainly with azole fungicides. azoles are also the main medical treatment in the management of aspergillus diseases caused by ubiquitous fungi, such as aspergillus fumigatus. however, epidemiological research demonstrated an increasing prevalence of azole-resistant strains in a. fumigatus. the main resistance mechanism is a combina ...201728638374
antifungal activity against filamentous fungi of ts1, a multifunctional toxin from tityus serrulatus scorpion venom.antimicrobial peptides (amps) are ubiquitous and multipotent components of the innate immune defense arsenal used by both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. the search for new amps has increased in recent years, due to the growing development of microbial resistance to therapeutical drugs. in this work, we evaluate the effects of tityus serrulatus venom (tsv), its fractions and its major toxin ts1, a beta-neurotoxin, on fungi growth. the fractions were obtained by ion-exchange chromatography ...201728634472
microbial glycoside hydrolases as antibiofilm agents with cross-kingdom activity.galactosaminogalactan and pel are cationic heteropolysaccharides produced by the opportunistic pathogens aspergillus fumigatus and pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. these exopolysaccharides both contain 1,4-linked n-acetyl-d-galactosamine and play an important role in biofilm formation by these organisms. proteins containing glycoside hydrolase domains have recently been identified within the biosynthetic pathway of each exopolysaccharide. recombinant hydrolase domains from these proteins (s ...201728634301
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