
enterotoxigenic escherichia coli as cause of diarrhea among mexican adults and us travelers in mexico.enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) is the most common pathogen identified in travelers to mexico with diarrhea. there have been few recent studies looking at the etiology of diarrhea in travelers compared with the local resident population.200212088579
phenotypic and genotypic characterization of serologically atypical strains of shigella flexneri type 4 isolated in dhaka, bangladesh.twenty-one atypical shigella flexneri type 4 strains isolated from patients attending the dhaka treatment center of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, were extensively characterized and compared with s. flexneri serotypes 4a and 4b. the atypical strains agglutinated only with the type antigen factor 4 and did not agglutinate with any group factors, thereby excluding their characterization into serotype 4a or 4b. of the 21 strains, 85.7% did not ferment mannitol ...200212089268
sensitivity of enterobacteriaceae strains to the third generation cephalosporins.the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, ceftibuten and aztreonam against the clinical isolates of enterobacteriaceae. microorganisms: a total of 973 enterobacteria isolated from clinical material (urine and faeces) were tested. strains were collected during 1996-1998 period, in some centers of eastern romania. sensitivity study: mics were performed using the agar dilution method following standardized techniques (nccls, 1994). stock so ...200012089977
[clinical and biological study of acute diarrhea with mixed etiology in 48 patients].the study of incidence, clinical manifestation and treatment of acute diarrhea with mixed etiology.200112092189
pcr detection of specific pathogens in water: a risk-based analysis.the relative concentration of pathogens in water samples collected from storm drains and adjacent surfaces was evaluated using established pcr-based protocols. out of the 58 samples collected from 21 different storm drains, 22% were pcr positive for escherichia coli etec, salmonella, or adenovirus. the risk of swimming related illnesses associated with detection of e. coli etec and salmonella ranged from 0.39 to 30:100 000 and 0.3-25:1000, respectively. the detection limit corresponding to a neg ...200212099475
bacterial enteropathogens and factors associated with seasonal episodes of gastroenteritis in nsukka, nigeria.each year, between april and october, many children of school age and some young adults in nsukka, nigeria suffer from gastroenteritis. the period covers the rainy season in this part of africa, when manured farmland occasionally is flooded. in view of the number of people suffering diarrhoea and occasionally low-grade fever, it became necessary to investigate the nature of the bacterial agents responsible. between april and october (1996-1998), 500 loose or watery stools were collected from pat ...200212113407
prevalence of the genes for shigella enterotoxins 1 and 2 among clinical isolates of shigella in israel.two enterotoxins, shigella enterotoxin 1 (shet1) and shigella enterotoxin 2 (shet2) have been recently characterized and are believed to play a role in the clinical manifestation of shigellosis. one hundred and twenty-one isolates of shigella spp. of 13 different serotypes and variants and 10 isolates of enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) isolated in israel, were examined by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of shet1 and shet2 genes. shet1 was only prevalent among isolates of s. fle ...200212113500
identification of chromosomal shigella flexneri genes induced by the eukaryotic intracellular environment.upon entry into the eukaryotic cytosol, the facultative intracellular bacterium shigella flexneri is exposed to an environment that may necessitate the expression of particular genes for it to survive and grow intracellularly. to identify genes that are induced in response to the intracellular environment, we screened a library containing fragments of the s. flexneri chromosome fused to a promoterless green fluorescent protein gene (gfp). bacteria containing promoter fusions that had a higher le ...200212117948
molecular cloning and characterization of genes for shigella sonnei form i o polysaccharide: proposed biosynthetic pathway and stable expression in a live salmonella vaccine vector.the gene region for biosynthesis of shigella sonnei form i o polysaccharide (o-ps) and flanking sequences, totaling >18 kb, was characterized by deletion analysis to define a minimal construct for development of salmonella-based live vaccine vector strains. lipopolysaccharide (lps) expression and dna sequence studies of plasmid deletion derivatives indicated form i o-ps expression from a 12.3-kb region containing a putative promoter and 10 contiguous open reading frames (orfs), one of which is t ...200212117952
[health hazards for immigrants when travelling to their home countries].vacations in the home country are important and positive events in the lives of immigrants, events that allow them to maintain contact with their culture, relatives and friends. however, vacations also carry certain health risks, though these risks can to some degree be prevented. infectious disease is the greatest risk. some children and adolescents also run the risk of female genital mutilation, forced marriage, and the risk og being left behind in the home country against their will. among th ...200212119784
clinical dysentery in hospitalized children.clinical dysentery is a severe presentation of an enteric infection. the aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a serious bacterial etiology in clinical dysentery in hospitalized children and determine if children at high risk can be identified on the basis of clinical or laboratory parameters.200212120936
[a fatal case of shigellosis in an elderly patient].a 71 year-old male, with no recent history of travelling abroad and a past history of lung cancer two years prior to presentation, which had been successfully treated, developed a sudden onset of watery diarrhea more than ten times a day on february 26, 2001, which gradually became bloody. the next day he visited the department of integrated medicine of the tokyo metropolitan komagome hospital by ambulance because his consciousness was deteriorating and he was hospitalized. he was hypotensive on ...200212136656
quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry to locate fatty acids on lipid a from gram-negative bacteria.the structure of lipid a released by mild acid hydrolysis from lipopolysaccharide from two strains of shigella flexneri with different degrees of acylation was characterized using electrospray ionization (esi) and ion-trap mass spectrometry. the lipid a was analyzed underivatized with esi in negative-ion mode. with multiple stages of fragmentation (ms(n)), both the degree of acylation and the positions of the fatty acids on the disaccharide backbone could be determined. it was possible to determ ...200212137789
[comparative analysis of the sensitivity of enterobacteria to bile].the analysis of the sensitivity of 195 enterobacterial cultures to bile revealed that their level of resistance decreased in the following row: shigella > salmonella > klebsiella > escherichia > providencia. as shown on a sample of 136 e. coli isolates the level of resistance of these bacteria to bile depended on their isolation source: in e. coli isolated from bile in cholecystitis, from urine in pyelonephritis and from feces in intestinal dysbacteriosis resistance was 1.1-1.3 times higher than ...200212141044
shigellosis linked to sex venues, australia.from january 1 to july 31, 2000, 148 cases of shigella infection were reported in new south wales, australia, compared with an annual average of 95 cases. of reported cases, 83% were confirmed as shigella sonnei biotype g infections; 80% were in homosexual men. visiting a sex venue in the 2 weeks before onset of illness was the only factor significantly associated with shigellosis.200212141976
mxie regulates intracellular expression of factors secreted by the shigella flexneri 2a type iii secretion system.the mxi-spa locus on the virulence plasmid of shigella flexneri encodes components of the type iii secretion system. mxie, a gene within this locus, encodes a protein that is homologous to the arac/xyls family of transcriptional regulators, but currently its role in pathogenesis remains undefined. we characterized the virulence phenotype of a nonpolar mxie mutant and found that this mutant retained the ability to invade mammalian cells in tissue culture and secrete ipas (type iii effectors requi ...200212142411
[epidemiological situation of foodborne diseases in santiago, chile in 1999-2000].foodborne diseases are becoming an important cause of morbidity in chile. in the metropolitan region of chile, the environmental health service started a surveillance program for foodborne diseases in 1994. in 2000, this program was complemented with an etiologic study of individuals involved in outbreaks.200212143269
rapid detection of six types of bacterial pathogens in marine waters by multiplex pcr.a rapid multiplex pcr (m-pcr) method that allows the simultaneous detection, in a single tube, of six commonly encountered waterborne pathogens is developed. the target genes used were: the aerolysin (aero) gene of aeromonas hydrophila, the invasion plasmid antigen h (ipah) gene of shigella flexneri, the attachment invasion locus (ail) gene of yersinia enterocolitca, the invasion plasmid antigen b (ipab) gene of salmonella typhimurium, the enterotoxin extracellular secretion protein (epsm) gene ...200212146868
isolation of shigella dysenteriae type 1 and s. flexneri strains from surface waters in bangladesh: comparative molecular analysis of environmental shigella isolates versus clinical strains.bacillary dysentery caused by shigella species is a public health problem in developing countries including bangladesh. although, shigellae-contaminated food and drinks are often the source of the epidemic's spread, the possible presence of the pathogen and transmission of it through environmental waters have not been adequately examined. we analyzed surface waters collected in dhaka, bangladesh, for the presence of shigellae by a combination of pcr assays followed by concentration and culturing ...200212147489
phylogenetic analysis of salmonella, shigella, and escherichia coli strains on the basis of the gyrb gene sequence.phylogenetic analysis of about 200 strains of salmonella, shigella, and escherichia coli was carried out using the nucleotide sequence of the gene for dna gyrase b (gyrb), which was determined by directly sequencing pcr fragments. the results establish a new phylogenetic tree for the classification of salmonella, shigella, and escherichia coli in which salmonella forms a cluster separate from but closely related to shigella and e. coli. in comparison with 16s rrna analysis, the gyrb sequences in ...200212149329
comparison of chromagar salmonella medium and xylose-lysine-desoxycholate and salmonella-shigella agars for isolation of salmonella strains from stool samples.the growth and appearance of 115 stock salmonella isolates on a new formulation of chromagar salmonella (cas) medium were compared to those on xylose-lysine-desoxycholate agar (xld), salmonella-shigella agar (ss), and hektoen enteric agar (hea) media. cas medium was then compared prospectively to xld and ss for the detection and presumptive identification of salmonella strains in 500 consecutive clinical stool samples. all stock salmonella isolates produced typical mauve colonies on cas medium. ...200212149365
bacterial inactivation by high-pressure homogenisation and high hydrostatic pressure.the resistance of five gram-positive bacteria, enterococcus faecalis, staphylococcus aureus, lactobacillus plantarum, listeria innocua and leuconostoc dextranicum, and six gram-negative bacteria, salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, shigella flexneri, yersinia enterocolitica, pseudomonas fluorescens and two strains of escherichia coli, to high-pressure homogenisation (100-300 mpa) and to high hydrostatic pressure (200-400 mpa) was compared in this study. within the group of gram-positive bac ...200212160080
street foods in accra, ghana: how safe are they?to investigate the microbial quality of foods sold on streets of accra and factors predisposing to their contamination.200212163918
[enteropathogenic agents isolated in persistent diarrhoea].out of 45558 patients admited in our hospital, from january 1990 to december 1993, the clinical records of 4445 children with diarrhoea (4289 with acute diarrihoea and 156 with persistent diarrhoea) were reviewed. those with positive bacteriological or parasitological results were taken as sample. salmonella was the bacteria most frequently isolated in both groups of patients. ecep and eceh had a similar distribution while shigella showed a higher frequency in cases of persistent diarrhoea, for ...199612165786
characterization of the ysa pathogenicity locus in the chromosome of yersinia enterocolitica and phylogeny analysis of type iii secretion systems.several gram negative bacteria use a complex system called "type iii secretion system" (ttss) to engage their host. the archetype of ttss is the plasmid-encoded "yop virulon" shared by the three species of pathogenic yersinia (y. pestis, y. pseudotuberculosis, and y. enterocolitica). a second ttss, called ysa (for yersinia secretion apparatus) was recently described in y. enterocolitica 8081, a strain from serotype o:8. in this study, we describe the ysa locus from a127/90, another strain of ser ...200212165841
general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease linked with salad vegetables and fruit, england and wales, 1992-2000.between 1992 and 2000, 1,518 foodborne general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease (iid) were reported to the public health laboratory service (phls) communicable disease surveillance centre (cdsc), of which 83 (5.5%) were associated with the consumption of salad vegetables or fruit (svf). the pathogens most frequently reported were salmonellas (41.0%) and norwalk-like virus (nlv) (15.7%). in total 3,438 people were affected; 69 were admitted to hospital and one person died. most outbreak ...200212166293
identification of a putative pathogenicity island in shigella flexneri using subtractive hybridisation of the s. flexneri and escherichia coli genomes.the genetic differences between the human pathogen, shigella flexneri, and the non-pathogenic escherichia coli were investigated in an attempt to identify pathogenicity islands (pais) in the s. flexneri genome. genomic subtraction identified a large unique region of dna which was present in s. flexneri serotype 2a but absent from e. coli k-12. this 42-kb dna segment was localised to the s. flexneri chromosome and was found to contain a number of elements often associated with pais including: ins ...200212167547
acid tolerance of shigella sonnei and shigella flexneri.determination of the behaviour of shigella sonnei and sh. flexneri under acid conditions.200212174047
enteroinvasive escherichia coli virulence-plasmid-carried apyrase (apy) and ospb genes are organized as a bicistronic operon and are subject to differential shigella flexneri and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) the expression of the virulence-plasmid(pinv)-carried potential pathogenesis-associated apy gene, which encodes apyrase (atp diphosphohydrolase), is regulated by the same regulators that govern the expression of virulence genes. to understand the transcriptional organization of the apy gene, the authors sequenced an 8023 bp psti fragment of the pinv of eiec strain hn280, which encompasses apy as well as its adjacent genes. the psti ...200212177345
evolution of multi-gene segments in the muts-rpos intergenic region of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium lt2.the nucleotide sequence of the 12.6 kb region between the muts and rpos genes of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium lt2 (s. typhimurium) was compared to other enteric bacterial muts-rpos intergenic regions. the muts-rpos region is composed of three distinct segments, designated hk, o and s, as defined by sequence similarities to contiguous orfs in other bacteria. inverted chromosomal orientations of each of these segments are found between the muts and rpos genes in related enterobacteriace ...200212177346
shigella: wash your hands of the whole dirty business. 200212186178
characterization of flagella produced by clinical strains of stenotrophomonas maltophilia.stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an emerging nosocomial pathogen associated with opportunistic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis, cancer, and hiv. adherence of this organism to abiotic surfaces such as medical implants and catheters represents a major risk for hospitalized patients. the adhesive surface factors involved in adherence of these bacteria are largely unknown, and their flagella have not yet been characterized biochemically and antigenically. we purified and characterized the ...200212194767
shigella septicemia. 200212196693
initial steps of shigella infection depend on the cholesterol/sphingolipid raft-mediated cd44-ipab interaction.shigellosis is an acute inflammatory bowel disease caused by the enteroinvasive bacterium shigella: upon host cell-shigella interaction, major host cell signalling responses are activated. deciphering the initial molecular events is crucial to understanding the infectious process. we identified a molecular complex involving proteins of both the host, cd44 the hyaluronan receptor, and shigella, the invasin ipab, which partitions during infection within specialized membrane microdomains enriched i ...200212198147
geographically separate outbreaks of shigellosis in auckland, new zealand, linked by molecular subtyping to cases returning from investigate simultaneous outbreaks of shigella sonnei gastroenteritis occurring in february 2001 at a health camp for socially deprived children and an elderly care facility.200212199002
sequence analysis and characterization of plasmid psfd10 from salmonella choleraesuis.the nucleotide sequence of a small plasmid, designated psfd10, is isolated from the vaccine strain salmonella choleraesuis c500 in china, has been determined. this plasmid is 4091 bp long with a total g+c content of 51.4%, which is in the range of salmonella genomic dna. analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence reveals that psfd10 has a high degree of similarity to cole1-type plasmid, having the possible cer and rom genes, and a putative mobilization origin of cole1-type. plasmid psfd10 poss ...200212206756
actin-based phagosome motility.despite abundant evidence of actin's involvement at the particle internalization stage of phagocytosis, little is known about whether phagosomes undergo the same type of actin-based motility as observed with endocytic vesicles or such intracellular pathogens as listeria and shigella. by employing video microscopy to follow the fate of latex bead-containing phagosomes within the cytoplasm of bone marrow macrophages, we have made the novel observation of actin-based phagosome motility. immunofluor ...200212211106
[outbreak caused by escherichia coli in chalco, mexico].to identify the etiologic agent responsible for a disease outbreak following an overflow of sewage water in valle de chalco, mexico.200212216516
[utility of studying feces for the diagnosis and management of infants and preschool children with acute diarrhea].to analyze the results of a stool work-up protocol in a series of infants and preschoolers with acute diarrhea.200212216520
three modifications in the d and t arms of trna influence translation in escherichia coli and expression of virulence genes in shigella flexneri.the modified nucleosides 2'-o-methylguanosine, present at position 18 (gm18), 5-methyluridine, present at position 54 (m(5)u54), and pseudouridine, present at position 55 (psi55), are located in the d and t arms of trnas and are close in space in the three-dimensional (3d) structure of this molecule in the bacterium escherichia coli. the formation of these modified nucleosides is catalyzed by the products of genes trmh (gm18), trma (m(5)u54), and trub (psi55). the combination of trmh, trma, and ...200212218021
salmonella, shigella and growth potential of other food-borne pathogens in ethiopian street vended evaluate the bacteriological safety of food items sold by street vendors with regard to salmonella and shigella and to assess the growth potential of some foodborne pathogens in some street foods.200112219962
development of an elisa using a recombinant 41 kda partial protein (p45n') for the detection of riemerella anatipestifer infections in ducks.riemerella anatipestifer, a gram-negative bacillus, is the causative agent of duck septicemia, a disease which could incur much economic loss in the duck industry. an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed to facilitate early detection of r. anatipestifer infection in ducks. the antigen used was a recombinant 41 kda n-terminal fragment (rp45n') of a newly characterized r. anatipestifer potential surface protein, p45, which was expressed in escherichia coli as an n- ...200212220809
[gastrointestinal involvement in human bartonellosis]we present a prospective study of 68 patients with the acute phase of human bartonellosis, admitted to cayetano heredia national hospital.gastrointestinal symptoms were reported as follows: abdominal pain 46,3%, coluria 44,4%, vomiting 40,3%, jaundice 38,5%, diarrhea 29,9%, constipation 8,9%. the more common signs were pallor 97%, hepatomegaly 82%, fever 79,1%, malnutrition 75,2%, systolic heart murmur 77,9%, jaundice 71,6%, lymph node enlargement 70,1%.signs observed during the hospital course ...199712221435
survival and growth of shigella flexneri, salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis, and vibrio cholerae o1 in reconstituted infant formula.formula feeding is an alternative method to prevent mother-to-child infection with human immunodeficiency virus through breast-feeding in developing countries. growth of bacterial pathogens in reconstituted infant formula has become a health hazard when contaminated water is used for rehydration. this study was conducted to assess bacterial safety risk of using contaminated water to reconstitute infant formula. survival and growth characteristics were determined for three bacterial pathogens, vi ...200212224592
new approaches to vaccine development. proceedings of a meeting organized by the world health organization. book review.the proceedings here reviewed are those of the meeting held in geneva in october, 1983, which led to the establishment of the world health organization's program for the accelerated development of new vaccines. these papers reflect the state of the art in the development of vaccines for cholera, leprosy, pertussis, salmonella, shigella, dengue, foot-and-mouth disease, hepatitis b, herpes simplex, influenza, poliomyelitis, chagas' disease, malaria, and schistosomiasis. the identification and is ...198512227327
[ct evaluation of infectious colitis].computed tomography (ct) is useful for evaluating the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease, such as infectious colitis, in patients with severe pain and bloody diarrhea. during the 7 years between november 1993 and october 2000, 34 patients with infectious colitis (18 male, 16 female; mean age 42 +/- 19 yrs), received emergency ct and colonoscopy because of severe abdominal pain and dysentery. the following organisms were isolated: pathogenic escherichia coli (12), 6 of which were o157:h7 (o-15 ...200212229165
effect of organic acids and temperature on survival of shigella flexneri in broth at ph 4.the survival of bacterial pathogens in acidified foods depends not only on the hydrogen ion concentration, but also on the type of acid and the storage temperature. shigella flexneri is a foodborne pathogen that is acid tolerant. the survival of s. flexneri 5348 in brain heart infusion broth supplemented with 0.04 m acetic, citric, lactic, malic, or tartaric acid and adjusted to ph 4 with hci or naoh was studied. the control medium was brain heart infusion broth adjusted to ph 4 with hci. statio ...200212233851
development of an enzyme assay for rapid assessment of escherichia coli in analytical protocol has been developed and applied for the detection of glucuronidase activity in marine waters as a rapid alternative approach to assess the microbiological quality of seawaters.200212234337
infectious diseases in mexico. a survey from obtained at a central laboratory for emerging, re-emerging, and other infectious diseases in mexico from 1995-2000 are presented. an outstanding increase of den-3 circulation was identified. aedes aegypti, the dengue vector, is widely distributed. leptospirosis has become the most important differential diagnosis for dengue. identification of rabies virus variants allowed cataloging of new transmitters of rabies. rotavirus showed a clear seasonal distribution, while different proportions of ...200212234523
mechanisms of diarrhoea and why they matter.diarrhea involves a significant increase in excreted fluid volume, due either to a failure of the bowel to reabsorb or absorb fluid or to a great increase in fluid secreted into the bowel. to cause diarrhea, pathogenic organisms must be swallowed, survive the acid in the stomach, colonize the small bowel, and stick to the enterocytes. in secretory diarrhea, vibrio cholerae bacteria and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli enter the enterocytes, stimulate adenylatecyclase, and cause a chain of reac ...198812281645
[infections in malnourished infants and children].malnutrition, one of the world's greatest health problems, is a factor in the death of millions of children each year. infection is the cause of death in over half these cases. dietary deficiency, especially of protein, causes serious disturbances in the immune system. the mucus and cutaneous surfaces are the first affected. studies of the respiratory mucus demonstrate frequent breaches which allow germs to penetrate. antibodies are synthesized in reduced quantities, lymphocyte counts are o ...199312287306
cholera epidemic among rwandan refugees: experience of icddr,b in goma, july 1994, one of the worst cholera epidemics broke out among the nearly a million rwandan refugees in goma, eastern zaire. the united nations high commission for refugees estimated that nearly 12,000 people died during the epidemic. the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh (icddr,b) sent an eight-member medical team to goma headed by dr ak siddique, a senior scientist of the center and head of the epidemic control preparedness program, dacca, bangladesh. during th ...199412288419
dealing with diarrhoea.children with severe dehydration, persistent diarrhea with dehydration, or bloody diarrhea with no signs of improvement must be hospitalized. in-patient care for a child with severe dehydration includes rapid intravenous (iv) fluid therapy. children who can still drink should be given oral rehydration salts (ors) solution while the health worker sets up the iv drip. children with difficulty drinking should be given ors as soon as the iv fluid therapy restores their ability to drink (within 3- ...199612292171
shigella dysenteriae type 1 in zimbabwe.shigella dysenteriae type 1 (sd1) is an unusually virulent enteric pathogen which causes endemic or epidemic dysentery with high death rates. sd1 has been responsible for large-scale regional outbreaks of dysentery in africa, central america, and south asia. shigella dysentery epidemics have been reported in africa since the 1800s and overall, more than 250 million people in the african region are at risk and subject to a case fatality rate of possibly 1-10%. in zimbabwe, the 1994 national in ...199712292400
training activities at the centre.this article describes the international training workshops conducted by the international center for diarrheal disease research, bangladesh (icddr,b). during may 4-15, 1997, an international training course was conducted on the laboratory diagnosis of common diarrheal disease agents. the aim was to update the knowledge and skills of health professionals. 11 participants learned procedures for isolation and identification of pathogens, preparation of culture media, and laboratory safety. it ...199712293523
evaluation of an immunochromatography strip assay for the detection of salmonella sp. from poultry.the present study was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of an immunochromatography-based diagnostic kit for salmonella. the analytical sensitivity of the test when using pure colonies of different salmonella species was in the range of 1 x 10(4) to 1 x 10(5) colony-forming units per milliliter. the strip detected 19 of 22 strains of salmonella spp. but failed to detect s. worthington, s. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf and s. johannesburg. the strip did not detect 27 different e ...200212296399
utilization of nutrients during and after of studies examining the interaction between malnutrition and diarrheal infection with reference to several factors: appetite recovery after diarrhea, comparison of nutrient absorption by etiology, and feeding program during diarrhea. diarrhea has been found to have the greatest impact on food intake in children--a 40% reduction compared to normal children. on the question of absorption efficiency of ingested food, it was suggested that transit time through the gut was not by itself a ...198212311585
dysentery: an overview. still problems to resolve.this article reviews the global situation with regard to bacillary dysentery, with particular emphasis on findings from the recent epidemic in west bengal. infection is by the fecal-oral route and generally spread by person-to-person transmission. serious epidemics caused by the multiple-drug-resistant shigella shigae have occurred recently in bangladesh, somalia, south india, burma, sri lanka, nepal, bhutan, rwanda, and zaire. in each situation, dysentery attacked over 10% of the population ...198612341664
diarrhoea management: drug treatment.the author proposes general guidelines for the use of drugs in the treatment of diarrhea. it is stressed that antidiarrheal drugs should never be used for the routine management of acute diarrhea, especially in children under 5 years of age; rather, fluid and electrolyte replacement should be the primary treatment. antibiotics are not indicated in patients with watery diarrhea unless cholera is suspected, in which case tetracycline or another antimicrobial agent should be used. in patients wi ...198612341665
persistent diarrhoea still a serious and difficult bangladesh, the likelihood of a diarrhea episode becoming chronic ranges from 7.5-23%. if health providers knew the clinical characteristics of the early phase of diarrhea that becomes persistent diarrhea, they could manage that early diarrheal episode to limit its duration and minimize adverse effects. in bangladesh, aggregative adherent escherichia coli (eaggec) is the most common pathogen in initial stools of children with diarrhea. further, shigella, giardia, aeromonas, and rotavirus a ...199212344717
breast feeding may protect children against campylobacter jejuni associated investigate the bacterial etiology of infant diarrhea in karachi, pakistan, 180 rectal swab samples collected from diarrhea patients under 5 years of age and 30 samples from age- and sex-matched healthy children were analyzed. enteropathogenic organisms were isolated from 70 case samples (38.9%). the two most common etiologic agents were campylobacter jejuni (19.4%) and aeromonas hydrophilia (6.1%). salmonella, shigella, and yersina appear to have a limited incidence in this age group. no ...199612346517
scientific achievements of the centre, 1991-1995, in research on child a dissemination strategy in its outreach program, the icddr,b: center for health and population research presented the output of important studies with an introductory narrative on those studies. the first volume came out in 1991, covering important studies conducted over the period 1979-90. the second and most recent volume covers the studies conducted during 1991-95. important research findings of the center over the latter period are described and discussed. on average, 86 papers were ...199712348202
a salmonella sipb-derived polypeptide blocks the 'trigger' mechanism of bacterial entry into eukaryotic cells.entry into non-phagocytic mammalian cells by the invasive pathogens salmonella and shigella is triggered by the delivery of bacterial virulence effector proteins into the host cell. this is dependent upon salmonella sipb or its shigella homologue ipab, which insert into the eukaryotic cell plasma membrane. here we show that a sipb-derived 166 residue alpha-helical polypeptide is a potent inhibitor of sipb-directed liposome fusion in vitro, preventing the membrane-associated form of sipb from ins ...200212354236
management of diarrhoea in practice.diarrhoea, a major cause of morbidity and mortality can be produced by a variety of etiological factors. management protocol includes assessment of the child, physical examination, lab-evaluation, assessment of severity of dehydration and rehydration therapy using either of the following - who - ors, home available fluids (haf), sugar salt solution (sss), improve who-ors, amino acid fortified ors, rice based ors, low osmolarity ors. intravenous fluids are required if patients can't accept orally ...200212356221
conversion of ptdins(4,5)p(2) into ptdins(5)p by the s.flexneri effector ipgd reorganizes host cell morphology.phosphoinositides play a central role in the control of several cellular events including actin cytoskeleton organization. here we show that, upon infection of epithelial cells with the gram-negative pathogen shigella flexneri, the virulence factor ipgd is translocated directly into eukaryotic cells and acts as a potent inositol 4-phosphatase that specifically dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [ptdins(4,5)p(2)] into phosphatidylinositol 5-monophosphate [ptdins(5)p] that then ...200212356723
endotoxins of enteric pathogens are chemotactic factors for human neutrophils.early activation of human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils is characterized by their morphological changes from spherical to polarized shapes. the endotoxins from enteric pathogens (s. dysenteriae type 1, v. cholerae inaba 569b, s. typhimurium, and k. pneumoniae) were assessed by their ability to induce morphological polarization of the neutrophils as measures of early activation. phagocytic activity, adhesion, chemokinetic locomotion, and nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) dye-reduction ...200212359090
a direct-transfer polymerization model explains how the multiple profilin-binding sites in the actoclampin motor promote rapid actin-based motility.the high actin-based motility rates observed in nonmuscle cells require the per-second addition of 400-500 monomers to the barbed ends of growing actin filaments. the chief polymerization-competent species is profilin.actin.atp (present at 5-40 microm intracellular concentrations), whereas g-actin.atp is much less abundant ( approximately 0.1-1 microm). while earlier studies unambiguously demonstrated that profilin.actin is highly concentrated within the polymerization zone, profilin-actin local ...200212361718
epithelial inflammation response induced by shigella flexneri depends on mucin gene expression.the protective effects of different mucin gene profiles on gut protection were assessed by the evaluation of tnfalpha production by intestinal epithelial cells infected by shigella flexneri. three ht-29 cell lines were used: ht29-g(-) (enterocyte-like cells, secreting no mucins), ht29-fu (highly expressing muc2 and muc4) and ht29-mtx (highly expressing muc3 and muc5ac). these cells were infected either by an invasive (m90t) or the control isogenic (bs176) strains of s. flexneri, and tnfalpha mrn ...200212361911
escherichia coli in disguise: molecular origins of shigella.shigella, which still stands as a genus with four species today, in reality belongs to the extremely diverse species escherichia coli. there are several lineages of shigella strains derived through independent acquisition of the pinv virulence plasmid. the chromosomally determined phenotypic properties of shigella result from convergent evolution during niche adaptation, most due to loss of function, some from negative selection pressure.200212361912
causative pathogens of severe diarrhea in investigate the enteropathogens in children with diarrhea attending salmaniya medical complex, bahrain.200212370713
[dysentery in poland in 2000].the notified number of dysentery cases is still falling down since the year 1995 when bacteriological examination of feces for diagnostic purposes lost free of charge status obtained in 1928 under the legislation act of infectious disease investigation and obligatory registration. only 121 dysentery cases were notified in the year 2000 (incidence 0.31/100,000 population), while 292 cases were notified in 1999 (incidence 0.76/100,000). no one death case was notified. only 2 outbreaks (one due to ...200212371362
the wh1 and evh1 domains of wasp and ena/vasp family members bind distinct sequence motifs.a complex of n-wasp and wasp-interacting protein (wip) plays an important role in actin-based motility of vaccinia virus and the formation of filopodia. wip is also required to maintain the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton in t and b lymphocytes and is essential for t cell activation. however, in contrast to many other n-wasp binding proteins, wip does not stimulate the ability of n-wasp to activate the arp2/3 complex. although the wasp homology 1 (wh1) domain of n-wasp interacts directly wit ...200212372256
septic shock associated with shigella flexneri dysentery.septic shock is a very unusual presentation of shigella infection. we describe a 3-y-old child who developed severe septic shock and severe encephalopathy during an episode of dysentery caused by shigella flexneri.200212374365
methods for the identification of host receptors for shiga toxin. 200312375430
shigella flexneri degp facilitates icsa surface expression and is required for efficient intercellular spread.a degp mutant of shigella flexneri was identified in a screen for insertion mutants that invaded cultured cells but did not form wild-type plaques in monolayers. the degp mutant sm1100 invaded henle cells at wild-type levels and induced apoptosis in macrophages but formed smaller plaques than those formed by wild-type s. flexneri in confluent monolayers of henle and caco-2 cells. the proportion of sm1100 bacteria with icsa localized to the bacterial pole, a process required for actin polymerizat ...200212379715
enteropathogens associated with acute diarrhea in community and hospital patients in jakarta, indonesia.the prevalence of bacteria, parasite and viral pathogens in 3875 patients with diarrhea in community and hospital settings from march 1997 through august 1999 in jakarta, indonesia was determined using routine bacteriology and molecular assay techniques. bacterial pathogens isolated from hospital patients were, in decreasing frequency, vibrio cholerae o1, shigella flexneri, salmonella spp. and campylobacter jejuni, while s. flexneri, v. cholerae o1, salmonella spp. and c. jejuni were isolated fr ...200212381465
genetics of isoprenoid biosynthesis in paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens.the genes coding for all the enzymes involved in the conversion of acetyl-coa to farnesyl diphosphate (fpp) in the zeaxanthin-producing bacterium paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens were cloned and characterized. two genes encoding enzymes catalysing the condensation of two acetyl-coa molecules to acetoacetyl-coa were found. the six enzymes involved in the conversion of acetyl-coa and acetoacetyl-coa to isopentenyl diphosphate (ipp) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (dmapp) are grouped in an operon, desig ...200212384294
genome sequence of shigella flexneri 2a: insights into pathogenicity through comparison with genomes of escherichia coli k12 and o157.we have sequenced the genome of shigella flexneri serotype 2a, the most prevalent species and serotype that causes bacillary dysentery or shigellosis in man. the whole genome is composed of a 4 607 203 bp chromosome and a 221 618 bp virulence plasmid, designated pcp301. while the plasmid shows minor divergence from that sequenced in serotype 5a, striking characteristics of the chromosome have been revealed. the s.flexneri chromosome has, astonishingly, 314 is elements, more than 7-fold over thos ...200212384590
selection of shigella flexneri candidate virulence genes specifically induced in bacteria resident in host cell cytoplasm.we describe an in vivo expression technology (ivet)-like approach, which uses antibiotic resistance for selection, to identify shigella flexneri genes specifically activated in bacteria resident in host cell cytoplasm. this procedure required construction of a promoter-trap vector containing a synthetic operon between the promoterless chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat) and lacz genes and construction of a library of plasmids carrying transcriptional fusions between s. flexneri genomic frag ...200212390353
ilg1 : a new integrase-like gene that is a marker of bacterial contamination by the laboratory escherichia coli strain top10f'.identification of differentially expressed genes between normal and diseased states is an area of intense current medical research that can lead to the discovery of new therapeutic targets. however, isolation of differentially expressed genes by subtraction often suffers from unreported contamination of the resulting subtraction library with clones containing dna sequences not from the original rna samples.200212393938
doc-mediated cell killing in shigella flexneri using a c1/laci controlled expression this report we describe the development of a highly stringent and dually regulated promoter system for shigella flexneri. dual regulation was provided by utilizing a promoter susceptible to control by the bacteriophage p1 temperature-sensitive c1 repressor that in turn was under the transcriptional control of laci. the level of induction/repression ratios observed was up to 3700-fold in s. flexneri. the general utility of this promoter system was evaluated by demonstrating that the bacterioph ...200212399040
infestation of fish-culturing communities with fish-borne bacteria: the ghanaian case.twenty different bacterial species were isolated from fishermen and members of communities associated with seven fish ponds with different fertilizer treatments, and an open system. the number and types of the bacterial species were different for the different ponds. generally, neither the geographical location of the ponds nor the type of fertilizer used could be related to the bacterial flora. escherichia coli was the predominant species in all the communities, while escherichia coli, klebsiel ...200212400540
shifting serotypes, plasmid profile analysis and antimicrobial resistance pattern of shigellae strains isolated from kolkata, india during hundred and sixty-six shigellae strains, isolated from stool samples of paediatric patients (< 5 years old) at a childrens' hospital in kolkata, india during the period of 1995-2000 were examined for serotyping, drug resistance pattern and plasmid profiles. sh. flexneri (58 %) was found to be commonest isolate of total shigellae, followed by sh. sonnei (28 %), sh. boydii (9%) and sh. dysenteriae (5%). this profile of species was in sharp contrast to the picture obtained before 1995, when sh. ...200212403099
[the role of hla-b27 molecules in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis].ankylosing spondylitis (as) is characterised by the strongest association with an hla antigen ever described for any disease. it represents therefore the ideal model for the understanding of the link between immune-mediated diseases and the hla system. the role of hla-b27 in the pathogenesis of as will be discussed focusing on the recently described higher expression of these molecules in patients with as compared with healthy controls.200212404037
[acute diarrhea outbreak caused by shigella flexneri at a school in madrid, cundinamarca: phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the isolates].shigellosis is an acute diarrhoeal disease that is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. in 1997, the colombian instituto nacional de salud microbiology group organized a network surveillance program with the country's public health laboratories (phls) to monitor the principal etiological agents responsible for acute diarrhoeal disease. in may, 2001, the phl of the state of cundinamarca reported a food poisoning outbreak involving an elementary school community. the ...200212404927
histone-like proteins and the shigella invasivity regulon.the contribution of histone-like proteins to the transcriptional regulation of virulence gene networks is a common feature among pathogenic bacteria. in this article we review current knowledge about the regulative role of major histone-like proteins in the silencing/activation of the invasivity phenotype of shigella, the etiological agent of bacillary dissentery.200212405354
an inv/mxi-spa-like type iii protein secretion system in burkholderia pseudomallei modulates intracellular behaviour of the pathogen.burkholderia pseudomallei is the causative agent of melioidosis, a serious infectious disease of humans and animals that is endemic in subtropical areas. b. pseudomallei is a facultative intracellular pathogen that may invade and survive within eukaryotic cells for prolonged periods. after internalization, the bacteria escape from endocytic vacuoles into the cytoplasm of infected cells and form membrane protrusions by inducing actin polymerization at one pole. it is believed that survival within ...200212410823
a high-throughput genetic system for assessing the inhibition of proteins: identification of antibiotic resistance and virulence targets and their cognate inhibitors in salmonella.this study describes the development of a high-throughput genetic system for producing oligopeptides that can be used to identify molecular interactions leading to inhibition of specific proteins. using a pathogenic bacteria model, we screened a library of clones expressing intracellular oligopeptides in order to identify inhibitors of proteins involved in antibiotic resistance and virulence. this method involved transforming the pathogen with an oligopeptide-encoding plasmid library, constructe ...200212413476
a clinicopathological study of acute necrotising jejunoileitis.we describe a variety of acute necrotizing enteritis that is endemic to the indian subcontinent. during the period 1992-1998, 18 cases of acute jejunoileitis (aji) were managed. only those in whom the diagnosis was confirmed at laparotomy have been included in this study. the most common symptoms were abdominal pain (100%), fever (77%), and blood in the stool (100%). a stricture following conservative treatment was present in 1 case. the mean age at presentation was 6.5 years (range 6 months-12 ...200212415384
shigella flexneri bacteraemia in an immunocompetent male treated with oral ciprofloxacin. 200212423618
identification of shiga toxin-producing bacteria by a new immuno-capture toxin gene pcr.infections with bacteria producing shiga toxin are responsible for widespread disease and for the death of a large number of people. in the present study, we have developed a rapid method of high specificity for the detection of shigella dysenteriae by combining immuno-capture of the bacteria and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification of their toxin gene. we compared the sensitivity of our new method, referred to as immuno-capture toxin gene pcr (itgpcr), with a conventional tgpcr (ctgpcr ...200212423749
shigellosis complicating preterm premature rupture of membranes resulting in congenital infection and preterm delivery.the association of chorioamnionitis with preterm birth is well established. intra-amniotic infection complicates 13-60% of preterm premature rupture of membranes (prom) with enteric gram-negative pathogens accounting for 20-40% of recoverable organisms. however, the source of enteric pathogens leading to premature birth has been poorly characterized.200212423805
conformation of the branched o-specific polysaccharide of shigella dysenteriae type 2: molecular mechanics calculations show a compact helical structure exposing an epitope which potentially mimics galabiose.conformational analyses of the branched repeating unit of the o-antigenic polysaccharide of shigella dysenteriae type 2 have been performed with molecular mechanics mm3. a filtered systematic search on the trisaccharide alpha-d-galnac-(1-->3)-[alpha-d-glcnac-(1-->4)]-alpha-d-galnac forming the branch, shows essentially a single favored conformation. also, the downstream alpha-d-galnac-(1-->4)-alpha-d-glc linkage is sterically constrained. the alpha-d-glc-(1-->4)-beta-d-gal moiety, however, forms ...200212423964
the tailspike protein of shigella phage sf6. a structural homolog of salmonella phage p22 tailspike protein without sequence similarity in the beta-helix domain.bacteriophage sf6 tailspike protein is functionally equivalent to the well characterized tailspike of salmonella phage p22, mediating attachment of the viral particle to host cell-surface polysaccharide. however, there is significant sequence similarity between the two 70-kda polypeptides only in the n-terminal putative capsid-binding domains. the major, central part of p22 tailspike protein, which forms a parallel beta-helix and is responsible for saccharide binding and hydrolysis, lacks detect ...200312424253
shigella isolation in vellore, south india (1997-2001).shigellosis has been a major cause of dysentery for many years at vellore, south india. in the last two years the number of shigella being isolated from samples of faeces from patients with diarrhoea has decreased (5% isolation rate in 1997 to 3.9% in 2001), although the microbiological methods and media used have not changed. also, the nalidixic acid (na) resistance has increased for s. sonnei (now 94%). this is noteworthy, since na has been recommended for the empirical treatment of patients s ...200212424931
molecular recognition of oligosaccharide epitopes by a monoclonal fab specific for shigella flexneri y lipopolysaccharide: x-ray structures and thermodynamics.the antigenic recognition of shigella flexneri o-polysaccharide, which consists of a repeating unit abcd [-->2)-alpha-l-rhap-(1-->2)-alpha-l-rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-l-rhap-(1-->3)-beta-d-glcpnac-(1-->], by the monoclonal antibody sya/j6 (igg3, kappa) has been investigated by crystallographic analysis of the fab domain and its two complexes with two antigen segments (a pentasaccharide rha a-rha b-rha c-glcnac d-rha a' and a modified trisaccharide rha b-rha c-glcnac d in which rha c* is missing a c2-oh ...200212427018
structure-function analysis of invasion plasmid antigen c (ipac) from shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri causes a self-limiting gastroenteritis in humans, characterized by severe localized inflammation and ulceration of the colonic mucosa. shigellosis most often targets young children in underdeveloped countries. invasion plasmid antigen c (ipac) has been identified as the primary effector protein for shigella invasion of epithelial cells. although an initial model of ipac function has been developed, no detailed structural information is available that could assist in a better un ...200312427760
diarrhoeagenic bacterial pathogens in hiv-positive patients with diarrhoea in rural communities of limpopo province, south africa.potential enteric bacterial pathogens in 60 hiv-positive patients with chronic diarrhoea in rural communities of the limpopo province, south africa, were identified using standard microbiological methods. the kirby-bauer disk-diffusion method was employed to determine antibiograms of isolated bacteria. results revealed that diarrhoeagenic bacterial agents were isolated from 48 (80%) of the 60 hiv-positive patients with diarrhoea. forty-four (73.3%) and 16 (26.7%) of the 60 patients were female a ...200212430759
epidemiology of bacterial resistance in gastro-intestinal pathogens in a tropical area.during 1999-2000 a total of 4131 faecal specimens were collected and analysed at the medical centre st. camille at ouagadougou. eight hundred and twenty-six (8.0%) grew significant bacteria. escherichia coli (35%), salmonella spp. (15%) and shigella spp. (10%) were most frequently isolated. a large number of e. coli strains were resistant to aminopenicillins (>90%) and cotrimoxazole (80%); for yersinia spp the resistance was 80 and 25%, respectively. norfloxacin was the most active antibiotic bu ...200212431876
[comparison of shigella susceptibility to commonly used antimicrobials in the temuco regional hospital, chile 1990 - 2001].the permanent surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibility of shigella sp in the temuco regional hospital, allowed us to define the empirical use of antimicrobials in dysenteric syndrome.200212434650
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