
methylation of herpesvirus saimiri dna in lymphoid tumor cell lines.several continuous lymphoid cell lines have been established from tumors induced by herpesvirus saimiri. at least a portion of the viral dna in the marmoset lymphoid cell line 1670, which does not produce detectable virus, is present as covalently closed circular episomal dna. the use of restriction endonuclease digestion, transfer to nitrocellulose filters, and hybridization of the virus-specific dna has produced strong evidence that viral dna sequences present in total 1670 cell dna and in iso ...1979226983
[fatal varicella pneumonia in adults. report of two cases and review of literature (author's transl)].two mortal cases of varicella pneumonitis are described. the patients were respectively 41 and 34 years-old men of good health. they caught the disease from their children. the disease lasted one week, and death was due in both cases to respiratory failure. the autopsy confirmed massive lung involvement with varicella pneumonia, and also showed other organs involvement (liver, spleen, pancreas, lymph nodes, oesophagus). in both cases, human fibroblast cultures infected by material obtained from ...1979227015
natural killing of herpes simplex virus type 1-infected target cells: normal human responses and influence of antiviral antibody.studies of a mouse model of genetic resistance to herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) indicate that the marrow-dependent effector cell of allogeneic resistance plays an important role in natural resistance to this virus infection. since the marrow-dependent effector cell appears to be closely related to the natural killer (nk) cells, an nk assay with hsv-1-infected fibroblasts [nk(hsv-1)] has been developed to study this resistance mechanism in humans. incubation of effector and target cells for ...1979227799
neurologic disease induced by equine herpesvirus 1. 1979227824
observations on the epidemiology of the herpesvirus of infectous bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in wildebeest.spontaneous vulvovaginitis erupted in wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) after betamethasone inoculation. infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (ibr/ipv) is probably a venereal disease because virgin wildebeest did not develop vulvovaginitis after betamethasone injections, nor was the virus transmitted to these virgin wildebeest and steers which were in pen contact with the affected animals. a domestic bovine heifer developed mild ipv and became a virus carrier, wh ...1979228091
inhibitory effects of macrophages against marek's disease virus plaque formation in chicken kidney cell cultures.inhibition of plaque formation by marek's disease virus (mdv) in chicken kidney cell cultures was investigated with the use of peritoneal exudate cells (pec) from chickens. pec from mdv-infected white leghorn chickens inhibited the formation of mdv plaques, whereas the inhibitory effect of pec from chickens vaccinated with herpesvirus of turkey (hvt) or pec from normal chickens was very weak. however, pec from either normal chickens or hvt-vaccinated chickens inhibited the mdv plaque formation i ...1979228107
herpesvirus hominis type 1: a summary of structure, composition, growth cycle, and cytopathogenic effects.the widespread occurrence of localized herpetic infections constitutes a significant problem for the dental profession. a summary of the structure and composition, growth cycle, and cytopathogenic effects of herpesvirus hominis type 1 is offered with the hope that a greater understanding of herpetic infections will ensue.1979228222
replication of turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus in chick embryo skin organ culture.turkey herpesvirus (hvt) and an attenuated marek's disease virus (mdv) replicated in organ cultures of chick embryo skin as assessed by immunofluorescence and/or electron microscopy. hvt-specific immunofluorescent antigen was detected in the feather follicle epithelium (ffe) and in the surface layer of the skin epidermis. electron microscopy of infected explants revealed herpes-type cytopathology. immature particles of both viruses appeared first in the nucleus. oval or horseshoe-shaped non-enve ...1979228368
marek's disease lymphoma of chicken and its causative herpesvirus. 1979228727
a review of herpesvirus papio, a b-lymphotropic virus of baboons related to ebv. 1979228899
herpesvirus of orang-utan (h. pongo) and search for retrovirus in nonhuman primates. 1979228900
kinetic study of serum neutralization of strains of bovid herpesvirus 2. 1979228903
turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. a comparative appraisal. 1979228905
alterations in glycosphingolipid patterns in a line of african green monkey kidney cells infected with herpesvirus.the major glycosphingolipids (gsls) of a line of african green monkey kidney cells (bgm) were characterized as glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, galactosyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide, and n-acetylgalactosaminyl-galactosyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide. neutral gsls accounted for approximately 80% of the total gsls isolated. the predominant gangliosides were n-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide, n-acetylgalactosaminyl-n-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl- glucosylceramide, and galactosyl-n-ac ...1979229262
properties of human epithelioid cells established in vitro by a herpesvirus [ibrv(hmc)] isolated from cytomegalovirus-transformed human cells.infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus [ibrv(hmc)], a double-enveloped herpesvirus, was isolated from human embryo lung fibroblasts transformed by cytomegalovirus (cmv). this agent was identified as an ibrv strain that was antigenically related to human cmv. inoculation of a primary human kidney cancer cell culture with ibrv(hmc) resulted in persistent infection and subsequent establishment of a cell line [ibrv(hmc)hkc-1]. virus-related nuclear, cytoplasmic, and cell membrane antigens were dete ...1979229291
the isolation of herpesvirus from psittacine birds. 1979229620
comparative pathogenesis studies with oncogenic and nononcogenic marek's disease viruses and turkey apparently nononcogenic marek's disease virus (sb-1) and turkey herpesvirus could be readily isolated from spleen, bursa of fabricius, thymus, and peripheral blood lymphocytes of chickens beginning 4 to 6 days after inoculation, but unlike infections with two isolates of oncogenic marek's disease virus (jm-10 and cu-2), virus replication in these cells was rare, and necrosis in the organs was essentially absent. splenic enlargement was observed regularly during the first 4 to 11 days after in ...1979229747
an outbreak of disease in pigeons associated with a outbreak of disease in young pigeons associated with a herpesvirus is reported. the clinical history, macroscopic and microscopic appearance of lesions and virus isolation are described. most affected birds showed lesions in the upper alimentary tract epithelium as well as in skin, nasal mucosa and salivary glands. lesions in liver, spleen and pancreas were uncommon. a herpesvirus capable of producing cpe on tissue culture and lesions on chorioallantoic membrane of developing chicken embryos ...1979229817
congenital herpesvirus infections. 1979230005
[results of an oriented clinical trial of ammonium humate for the local treatment of herpesvirus hominis (hvh) infections]. 1979230100
herpesvirus-like infection of the venom gland of siamese cobras.the light and electron microscopic appearance of venom glands from two siamese cobra snakes with a history of production of poor-quality venom was determined. light microscopy revealed degeneration and necrosis of patches of columnar epithelial cells of glands and infiltration of the subepithelium by inflammatory cells. the lumina contained debris, venom, and necrotic cells. electron microscopy revealed a deficiency of microvilli on the luminal surfaces of both degenerated and necrotic epithelia ...1979230172
studies on the induction of igg-fc receptors and synthesis of igm in primary and chronically-infected lymphoid (raji) cells by herpes simplex virus.the present paper reports on the induction of two cell surface markers on human lymphoid cells following herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection. while both primary and chronic infections of human lymphoid cells led to the induction of receptors for the fc region of 7s igg, chronic hsv infection was also characterized by the induction of surface-bound igm. surface and intracellular fc receptors were detected in the human lymphoid cell line, raji, infected with hsv types 1 and 2. under optimal condi ...1979230288
comparative studies on marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkey dnas.dna of marek's disease virus (mdv) was compared to that of herpes virus of turkey (hvt). centrifugation of the two virus dnas in neutral glycerol and cscl density gradients showed that the mdv genome was slightly larger than that of hvt and that the buoyant density (1.705 g/ml) of mdv dna in cscl gradients was slightly lower than that (1.707 g/ml) of hvt dna. mdv and hvt dnas were digested with either ecori or hindiii restriction endonuclease and analysed by 0.5% agarose gel electrophoresis. the ...1979230299
experimental infection of wildebeest with the herpesvirus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis.intravaginal inoculation of a wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) with a wildebeest strain of the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis herpesvirus induced only mild vulvovaginitis. the same virus did not produce any disease in another wildebeest exposed intranasally. a wildebeest bull which was inoculated by preputial instillation developed mild posthitis. the virus was reisolated only from the sites of inoculation. a carrier state was initiated in a wildebeest ino ...1979230363
reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 2 from a quiescent state by human cytomegalovirus.the ability of human cytomegalovirus to stimulate replication of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) was examined. the system used involved hsv-2-infected human embryonic lung cells under conditions (39.5-40 degrees c) in which hsv-2 remains undetectable. reactivation of hsv-2 was maximal and persisted for the longest duration when cultures were superinfected with 0.02 plaque-forming unit of human cytomegalovirus per cell. infectious hsv-2 appeared 2 days after superinfection with human cytomega ...1979230494
anti-herpesvirus polychemotherapy. 1979230711
arabinosylthymine, a selective inhibitor of herpesvirus replication: current status of in vivo studies. 1979230712
properties of herpesvirus-specific thymidine kinase, dna polymerase and dnase and their implication in the development of specific antiherpes agents. 1979230714
cellular and herpesvirus polymerases: their significance for chemotherapy. 1979230715
developmental aspects of adenine arabinoside for parenteral therapy of human herpesvirus infections. 1979230722
anti-herpesvirus chemotherapy: experimental and clinical aspects. concluding remarks. 1979230723
pathology of the placenta and newborn pups with suspected intrauterine infection of canine herpesvirus.pathologic and virologic investigations were done on the fetal placenta and on pup runts which were obtained from a bitch with a medical history of canine herpesvirus (chv) infection. macroscopically, the placenta was poorly developed. small grayish white foci were observed in the placental labyrinth. characteristic lesions of chv infection were not prominent in the pups examined. microscopically, however, focal degenerative and necrotizing lesions were observed in the placental labyrinth. rarel ...1979230772
marek's disease in chickens: correlation of marek's disease with nuclear-inclusion formation in feather-follicle epithelium.the dynamics of nuclear-inclusion (ni) formation in feather-follicle epithelium of chickens inoculated with marek's disease virus (with or without prior immunization with turkey herpesvirus) could be divided into two patterns: 1) transient ni formation at the initial stage postchallenge; and 2) persistent ni formation. incidence of marek's disease was closely correlated with the dynamics of ni formation. active ni formation recurred in chickens showing pattern 2 and was closely related to the in ...1979230801
isolation of pacheco's disease herpesvirus in texas.pacheco's disease herpesvirus was determined to be the agent responsible for the death of about 200 psittacine birds comprising five species. clinical signs, necropsy lesions, and virus isolation and identification methods are described.1979230811
fatal herpesvirus tamarinus infection in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus).fatal herpesvirus tamarinus infection was observed in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) imported from south america via the united states on august 26, 1976. in addition to the lesions hitherto reported in herpesvirus tamarinus infection, severe degenerative and necrotic changes of ganglion cells were recognized with intranuclear inclusion bodies in the plexus of the digestive tract and the sympathetic nerves and their ganglions in the abdominal cavity. inflammatory or regressive change ...1979230986
biology of mouse thymic virus, a herpesvirus of mice, and the antigenic relationship to mouse cytomegalovirus.mouse thymic virus (ta) is a herpesvirus which produces extensive necrosis of the thymus of newborn mice 7 to 14 days after infection. infectious virus can be recovered from the thymus for only 10 days after infection, with highest titers occurring between days 5 and 7. in mice 5 days old or less, ta infects thymus cells and produces massive necrosis. ta also infects the salivary glands and persists as a chronic infection. newborn mice infected with ta have no detectable humoral immune response. ...1979231008
[viral infection and sudden perceptive deafness (serological examinations) (author's transl)].among the numerous and various known etiologies of sudden deafness viral infection is discussed. therefore sera of 126 patients were examined for viral antibodies to influenza, parainfluenza, mumps, measles, rs-virus, rubella, herpesvirus and adenovirus. they were compared to sera of healthy patients. our results suggest no strong association between sudden deafness and viral infection.1979231159
marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkey noninfective to chickens, obtained by repeated in vitro passages.the relation between the passage level of marek's disease virus, c2 strain, and of herpesvirus of turkey (hvt), o1 strain, in cell culture and the level of the serological response of chickens to these viruses was examined. in both cases the immune response of chickens to these viruses decreased with increase in the number of in vitro passages of virus. virus was not recovered from chickens inoculated with hvt highly passaged in vitro, which had become a high producer of cell-free virus in vitro ...1979231437
prevalence of antibodies to soluble antigen of epstein-barr virus-producing cells (p3hr-1) in the sera of hamadryas baboons of the high lymphoma incidence stock.soluble antigen of p3hr-1 cells (sa-p3hr-1) was identified in indirect double immunodiffusion enhanced with tannic acid using serum of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient containing high-titer antibodies to epstein-barr virus (ebv) antigens. sa-p3hr-1 was nonidentical to soluble antigen of raji cells. human and baboon sera containing antibodies to all the known antigen of ebv and hvp respectively were anti-sa-3hr-1-positive. human and baboon sera containing antibodies to all the known antigens of ...1979231520
cervical cancer cell lines containing herpesvirus markers.five epithelioid cell lines were established from invasive cervical carcinoma tissue and were examined for herpes simplex virus (hsv) antigens or virus-induced changes. immunofluorescence studies with antiserum to an hsv type 2 nonstructural polypeptide detected perinuclear antigens. in these cell lines, concentrations of a membrane fucopeptide that is regularly present in normal cells were reduced to levels similar to those previously observed in virus-transformed cells. one of the cell lines i ...1979231583
tumorgenicity of herpesvirus hominis type 2-transformed cells (line 333-8-9) in adult hamsters.inoculation of adult hamsters with greater than 1.5 x 10(2) herpesvirus type 2 (hsv-2) transformed hamster embryo fibroblasts induced rapidly growing tumours at the site of inoculation, in more than 50 per cent of animals. the tumours were examined by light and electron microscopy, and were histologically anaplastic fibrosarcomas. lung metastases were frequently found in tumour-bearing animals; these were usually only seen microscopically, and were cytologically similar to the primary tumours. t ...1979231649
[herpesvirus infection in kids in switzerland]. 1979231824
[herpesvirus hepatitis in cranes (aves:gruidae). i. pathomorphological findings]. 1979231876
an outbreak of foal perinatal mortality due to equid herpesvirus type 1: pathological observations.twenty-nine cases of ehv1 infection occurred on a property, mainly in full term foals. some foals were stillborn, some were born alive but weak and soon died and others were healthy at birth, became ill and died within 3 days of birth. apart from voluminous, oedematous and atelectic lungs there were no gross lesions. microscopically the lungs showed oedema, pneumonitis and bronchiolitis with intranuclear inclusions and, in many of the foals that survived over 6 hours, there was also hyaline memb ...1979232044
inhibition of herpes simplex virus-induced dna polymerase activity and viral dna replication by 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine and its triphosphate.the effect of the nucleoside analog 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine (acycloguanosine) on herpes simplex virus type 1 dna synthesis was examined. acycloguanosine inhibited herpesvirus dna synthesis in virus-infected cells. the synthesis of host cell dna was only partially inhibited in actively growing cells at acycloguanosine concentrations several hundred-fold greater than the 50% effective dose for herpes simplex virus type 1. studies using partially purified enzymes revealed that the triphosp ...1979232189
[isolation of the bovine herpesvirus-3 from sick calves].three herpes strains identified as herpes virus-3 were isolated in revolving test-tubes with cell cultures of nasal samples and lung parenchyma from diseased calves at the time of a respiratory enzooty. large crystalloid aggregates of herpes virus virions were observed in the nucleus and in the cytoplasma by the electron-microscopic investigation performed on infected cell cultures. the experimental infection of calves with the isolated strain produced slight symptoms of respiratory disease in s ...1979232333
equine herpesvirus type 3 (equine coital exanthema) in new south wales. 1979232418
pathogenesis of bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) infections: interactions of the virus with peripheral bovine blood cellular components. 1979232868
demonstration of cells with marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen in chicks infected with herpesvirus of turkey, o1 strain.the presence of marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) was demonstrated by the direct and indirect membrane immunofluorescent tests, in chicks inoculated 7-10 days earlier with herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt), o1 strain. in in vitro cultures of spleen lymphocytes and ovaries obtained from these chicks, matsa-positive cells were also detected after 1-7 days cultivation. a possible mechanism of protection by hvt vaccine against marek's disease is proposed.1979233228
skin ulceration associated with herpesvirus infection in cats.three cases of skin ulceration in cats are described. herpesvirus was isolated from the ulcers. treatment of one case with antibiotics and an antiviral agent was successful. the significance of the viral isolate is discussed.1979233275
a study of bovid herpesvirus 2 infection in calves inoculated intradermally or intranasally.bovid herpesvirus 2 infection was studied in calves exposed to the virus by intradermal inoculation of the skin of the left cheek or by nasal spray. in either case a localised infection developed and virus replication was shown to occur mostly in the tissues of its primary localisation, i.e. the skin of the left cheek or the nasal mucosa. there were neither secondary lesions, except at the site of virus injection, nor any serious systemic involvement on the part of the animals. the virus was als ...1979233779
experimental latent herpesvirus infection in rabbits, mice and hamsters: ultrastructure of the virus activation in explanted gasseric ganglia.the frequency of latent infection as established in trigeminal ganglia of rabbits, mice and hamsters with human herpesvirus type 1 (hvh) was compared using two different virus strains. explantation proved to be effective in reisolation of hvh from ganglion tissue, which did not yield infectious virus at time of its removal. after healing of acute keratitis, the latent infection in homolateral gasseric ganglia of rabbits was detected at a relatively high frequency (60-80 per cent) up to 120 days ...1975235193
duck viral enteritis (duck plague) characteristics and immune response of the viral enteritis (dve) is caused by a herpesvirus whose biologic and physical characteristics are similar to those described for the group of herpesviruses. only one immunologic and serologic type is known. a low level of neutralizing antibodies is developed in waterfowl vaccinated with the chicken embryo attenuated dve virus. a marked anamnestic serologic response resulted from challenge with virulent virus. waterfowl resisting exposure with virulent virus were solidly immune. however, wate ...1975235868
herpesvirus-induced availability of host dna to exogenous endonuclease.deoxyribonuclease i penetrates herpesvirus-infected l cells and degrades host dna without interfering with viral multiplication. the dna of uninfected control monolayers of l cells, disrupted by scraping, is similarly attacked. in contrast, undisturbed l cells are not affected. this suggests that altered cell membrane permeability allows the nuclease to enter the cell, thereby permitting access of exogenous deoxyribonuclease to cellular dna.1975241244
disseminated herpesvirus hominis infection in a child with acute leukemia. 1977266071
synergistic effects of antiviral agents and humoral antibodies in experimental herpesvirus hominis encephalitis.experimental herpesvirus hominis encephalitis in 3-week-old swiss mice was utilized to evaluate the antiviral effects of adenine arabinoside (ara-a), phosphonacetic acid (paa), and humoral antibodies to h. hominis (hig). administration of ara-a, paa, or hig during the early phase of infection reduced the mortality rate of h. hominis encephalitis in mice. combined administration of humoral antibodies with an antiviral agent (ara-a or paa) resulted in an enhanced protection, accompanied by a decre ...1977280140
relative potencies of anti-herpes compounds.assessment of the relative potencies of compounds that inhibit the multiplication of herpesvirus is rendered difficult by the fact that they have been investigated by different workers who were not using comparable test systems. the relative and absolute potencies of idoxuridine, cytarabine, vidarabine, trifluorothymidine, and ara-dap have therefore been evaluated by plaque inhibition, plaque reduction, and yield reduction tests, the most satisfactory dose-response lines being obtained by plaque ...1977280147
cutaneous herpes simplex virus infection of guinea pigs as a model for antiviral chemotherapy.the kinetics of herpesvirus hominis (type 1) replication and lesion development in guinea pig skin were determined. the data indicate that lesion scores did not always reflect virus content. virus replication was detected prior to appearance of lesions and maximum virus content preceded maximum lesion score. lesions resolved slowly while virus content declined rapidly to an undetectable level. the utility of the guinea pig skin-herpesvirus model for the evaluation of ara-a and kethoxal was studi ...1977280151
genital herpesvirus infections. 1979287917
characterization of the continuous, differentiating myeloid cell line (hl-60) from a patient with acute promyelocytic a prelminary communication, we described the establishment of a continuous human myeloid cell line (hl-60). here we report the detailed properties of this cell line and document its derivation from the peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia. as characterized by light and electron microscopy, the predominant cell type in both the fresh and cultured sources is a neutrophilic promyelocyte with prominent nuclear/cytoplasmic asynchrony. up to 10% of the cultured ...1979288488
nine-year study of who virus reports on fatal viral 1963, the world health organization established a system for the collection and distribution of information on viruses. the present study is based on 2737 reports of fatal viral infections received from laboratories in 39 out of a total of 47 countries participating in the scheme. in the industrially developed countries, from which most of the reports came, more than one-third of the total number of deaths were associated with influenza a virus, while in the developing countries, the enterovi ...1977304388
cell-mediated cytotoxicity of lymphocytes from chickens inoculated with herpesvirus of turkey against a marek's disease lymphoma cell line (msb-1).using a new device which increases the sensitivity of detection of specific immune lysis of target cells by labeling them with [35s]-methionine, the in vitro cell-mediated cytotoxic response of spleen lymphocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes from chickens vaccinated with herpesvirus of turkey (hvt), o1 strain, against msb-1 line cells was clearly demonstrated. the cytotoxic activity was clearly inhibited by pretreatment of effector lymphocytes with anti-t lymphocyte serum and complement. the ...1979317001
frequency of occurrence of viruses associated with respiratory tract disease of cattle in oklahoma: serologic survey for bovine herpesvirus dn599.serum samples from 351 oklahoma cattle were tested for antibodies to dn599 virus by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. seven cattle (approximately 2%) were seropositive for this virus.1977334002
isolation and partial characterization of an antibody enhancing factor from leukaemic owl monkey cell cultures.herpesvirus saimiri inoculated into owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) causes leukaemia and lymphoma. peripheral lymphocytes from leukaemic monkeys grown in culture are predominantly t lymphocytes. the supernatants from these cultures contain a factor which enhances the antibody response of murine b cells to sheep red blood cells (srbc). the factor has been partially characterized by ammonium sulphate precipitation, deae-chromatography, gel filtration over sephadex g-150 and disc-gel electrophores ...1978342395
a double-blind, controlled trial of levamisole in the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis.a double-blind, controlled trial of levamisole in the prevention and treatment of recurrent cold sores was performed. forty-eight subjects received levamisole in a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg on two consecutive days each week for six months. the 51 control subjects were given a placebo identical to the drug in appearance. both groups were given the same instructions. nineteen subjects receiving levamisole and eight receiving placebo withdrew during the six months of the study. there were no significant ...1978351073
levamisole and the treatment of herpesvirus hominis infections. a case report.the successful treatment with levamisole of 3 categories of herpesvirus hominis infection is described. a fourth category of patients infected with vulval condylomata acuminata were unsuccessfully treated with levamisole. the dosage regimen is discussed. the most dramatic feature was the relief of the severe pain encountered in the acute cases. levamisole has also prevented further attacks to date. there is no doubt that levamisole has a definite place in the treatment of h. hominis infections.1978354039
effect of interferon on systemic herpesvirus infections.the studies reviewed here are encouraging in that hsv is moderately sensitive to the action of interferon and that infections in experimental animals clearly may be altered by exogenous interferon and interferon inducers. on the other hand it is apparent that the potential of this approach to treatment of herpesvirus infections is limited by the levels of interferon that can be passively administered or induced, the development of hyporeactivity which prevents maintaining high levels of interfer ...1977358468
ascending infection following cervicovaginal exposure to herpesvirus hominis type animal model is presented that demonstrates that following cervicovaginal inoculation, infective doses of herpesvirus hominis type ii induce a form of herpetic encephalitis. immunofluorescent results indicate that there is both neural and hematogenous spread of the herpes infection. the possible role of a latent viral infection in the genesis of an acute disease of the central nervous system is investigated in this experimental system.1979375146
clinical course and diagnosis of genital herpes simplex virus infection and evaluation of topical surfactant therapy.a prospective study of 37 men and 32 women with culture-proved genital herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection was undertaken to characterize the clinical manifestations of the disease and effects of topical therapy with nonoxynol 9, a nonionic surfactant active in vitro against hsv. the duration of pain, lesions, and virus shedding was significantly longer in initial than in recurrent genital hsv infection. cervical hsv shedding occurred in 11 of 13 initial infections versus two of 19 recurrences ...1979375733
atheroarteriosclerosis induced by infection with a herpesvirus.atheroarteriosclerosis closely resembling that in humans was induced in normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic chickens by infection with marek's disease herpesvirus (mdv). four comparably sized groups of chickens were used. each group was initially fed a diet relatively poor in cholesterol. group i and ii were inoculated intratracheally at 2 days of age with mdv. at 15 weeks, one group of virus-infected chickens (group ii) and one group of uninfected controls (group iv) were fed a 2% cho ...1979382868
wildebeest-associated malignant catarrhal fever in africa: a neoplastic disease of cattle caused by an oncogenic herpesvirus? 1979389538
the herpesvirus of sheep pulmonary adenomatosis. 1979389539
the pathology of human cardiac transplantation: an assessment after 11 years' experience at groote schuur hospital.over a period of 11 years, commencing in december 1967, 31 cardiac transplants, 10 orthotopic and 21 heterotopic, were performed at groote schuur hospital. two patients with orthotopic transplants have a long survival, 1 for 7 1/2 and 1 for 9 1/2 years, and 1 with a heterotopic transplant for 4 years. eighteen patients have died, and autopsy was performed from 13 to 623 days postoperatively. rejection of the donor heart was found in 61,1% and was the cause of death in 44,4% of cases. infection, ...1979390737
herpes simplex keratitis.this article reviews the current concepts for the diagnosis and treatment of herpes simplex keratitis and its complications, discussing characteristics of the virus, the prevalence of the disease, chemical and clinical differentiation between types i and ii herpesvirus hominis, and the many clinical presentations of type i disease. the antiviral agents commonly in use are reviewed, covering the historical development of the drugs, indications for their use and the associated toxic and untoward r ...1977402036
isolation of virus-free herpesvirus saimiri antigen-positive plasma membrane vesicles.experiments were undertaken to determine whether virus-free, antigen-positive plasma membrane vesicles could be isolated from owl monkey kidney cells infected with herpesvirus saimiri. the results demonstrate that vesicles can be produced by using a vesiculation fluid containing 25 mm formaldehyde/2 mm dithiothreitol. electron microscopy revealed that these vesicles were free of detectable virus particles. vesicles prepared from the infected cells contained virus-induced membrane antigens as sho ...1977407579
disodium phosphonoacetate in cream base as a possible topical treatment for skin lesions of herpes simplex virus in cebus monkeys.disodium phosphonoacetate (paa) in a cream-ointment base was applied to herpesvirus skin lesions on the genitalia of cebus monkeys. the lesions had been produced by the intradermal injection of herpes simplex virus type 2. concentrations of 0.2, 2, and 5% paa were used. liberal application of paa at concentrations of 2 and 5% proved extremely irritating and produced extensive, severe lesions over the treated area. the 2% paa, when applied carefully to the lesion area, proved less irritating, but ...1977411417
rising perinatal infections. herpesvirus hominis type 2 in women and newborns. 1978414034
interaction in replication between goose parvovirus strain b and duck plague herpesvirus.the goose parvovirus strain b was found to replicate only in cells with dna synthesis. cells in the stationary phase of dna synthesis or maintained under 2 mm thymidine (tdr) in excess were refractive to the parvovirus infection. however, stationary phase cells could be rendered to produce progeny paroviruses by herpesvirus superinfection. in reverse, the replication of the herpesvirus was significantly inhibited by parvovirus preinfection of cells.1979426633
herpesvirus infection of the esophagus and other visceral organs in adults. incidence and clinical significance. 1979433952
[primary disseminated herpesvirus hominis type 2 infection in a healthy adult].a healthy 26-year-old patient presented a primary herpetic type 2 infection. the infection disseminated to the skin, the mucosa and the liver. the clinical course of the infection had a favorable issue.1979437228
systemic herpesvirus hominis in pregnancy.primary genital herpesvirus infection occurring in late gestation may provide the portal of entry for systemic infection. this report describes the clinical events and pathologic findings of lethal disseminated herpetic infection after a primary genital lesion in late gestation and reviews the physiologic changes of pregnancy that may cause the failure of normal defenses against the systemic spread of the virus.1979439094
[vaccination of field and experimental flocks with lyophilized turkey herpesvirus: antibody response of vaccinated chickens (author's transl)]. 1979439540
relation of hvh-ii to carcinoma of the animal model is described that demonstrates the development of varying degrees of basal cell hyperplasia, metaplasia, and dysplasia following cervicovaginal herpesvirus hominis type ii (hvh-ii) infection. although the study spanned a period of 30 months, the equivalent of 60 human years, there was no evidence of anaplasia. these results are considered in relation to the role of hvh-ii as an initiator in the multistep process leading to cervical carcinoma.1979440666
a new method for producing virus plaques in cell cultures.human oesophageal carcinoma cells can be grown on one side of a microporous gelatin membrane and fed from the other side. when they are infected with human herpesvirus type i at high dilutions, they produce plaques of virus-infected cells which can be detected by ordinary staining methods. this procedure may be suitable for the determination of the numbers of infectious particles in preparations of other viruses which are difficult to assay by conventional plaque assay techniques.1979441897
enhancement of herpesvirus type 2 infection in pregnant mice. 1979450905
the serological relationship of herpesvirus ovis to other herpesviruses and its possible involvement in the aetiology of jaagsiekte.cross-neutralization studies showed that 3 different isolates of herpesvirus ovis from cell cultures derived from the lungs of sheep suffering from jaagsiekte were not only identical but were also related to similar isolate made in scotland. no relationship, however, could be established between herpesvirus ovis and common bovine or equine herpesviruses. antibodies to herpesvirus ovis were present in roughly 70% of all animals tested and no evidence was obtained for the involvement of the virus ...1979460824
characteristics of herpesvirus mutants resistant to phosphonoformate and phosphonoacetate.mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1, resistant to phosphonoformate (pfa) and phosphonoacetate (paa), have been selected in cell culture. the pfa-resistant mutant (hsv-pfa(r)) and the paa-resistant mutant (hsv-paa(r)) were also resistant to paa and pfa, respectively. this cross-resistance indicates that pfa and paa interact at the same site. the hsv-pfa(r) had a decreased susceptibility to vidarabine, but no difference in sensitivity to idoxuridine (5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine) was observed when co ...1979475360
characterization of paramyxo-, herpes-, and orbiviruses isolated from psittacine birds.isolates of paramyxo-, herpes-, and orbiviruses from psittacine birds were characterized in the course of studies in cell cultures. the lbd-1 isolate, from a lovebird, was grown in chick kidney (ck) cells. it had the properties of a paramyxovirus but was found tobe serologically distinct from known avian paramyxoviruses. this virus was pathogenic for japanese quail but not for young chickens or budgerigars. rsl-1 and -2, isolated from diseased rosellas, were propagated in chicken embryo fibrobla ...1979486000
effects of vaccination for marek's disease on growth of a marek's-virus-induced transplantable lymphoma in syngeneic and allogeneic chickens.a study was made of the effects of vaccination with turkey herpesvirus on the growth of tumors following inoculation of lymphoma cells induced by marek's disease virus (mdv). the cells used were from a transplantable mdv-induced lymphoid tumor (mdt-198) maintained by passaging in syngeneic hosts. vaccination did not prevent progressive tumor growth or alter subsequent mortality among syngeneic recipients of mdt-198 cells. with allogeneic recipients, however, vaccination had a significant protect ...1979486007
experimental bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis. i. prevention of the disease.fifteen three- to six-month old hereford-cross calves were divided into three groups. the first group was inoculated with bovid herpersvirus 1 (strain 108), the second with a commercial intranasal vaccine against bovid herpesvirus 1 and the third group acted as controls. at least three weeks after vaccination, all calves were weaned, placed in an environmental chamber at 25.0 degrees c (days) and -13.3 degrees c (nights) and challenged with an aerosol of bovid herpesvirus 1 followed four days la ...1979487247
experimental bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis. ii. genesis and prevention.two experiments were conducted. in the first, 16 crossbred hereford calves were divided into two equal groups. the first group was vaccinated intranasally with a commercial vaccine against bovid herpesvirus 1 and the second group was unvaccinated. the calves were later exposed to an aerosol of bovid herpesvirus 1 (strain 108) for five minutes. four calves from each group were subjected to transportation and four calves from each group were kept in an environmental chamber for four days. four day ...1979487248
purification and biochemical characterization of deoxythymidine kinase of deoxythymidine kinase-deficient mouse 3t3 cells biochemically transformed by equine herpesvirus type 1.a line of mouse 3t3 cells lacking deoxythymidine kinase (dtk-) was stably transformed to see dtk+ phenotype after exposure to ultraviolet-irradiated equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1). deoxythymidine kinase (dtk) was purified from the biochemically transformed mouse cells by affinity chromatography on deoxythymidine-sepharose. the purified dtk from ehv-1-transformed 3t3 cells was identical to the dtk purified from dtk- 3t3 cells lytically infected with ehv-1 with respect to its electrophoretic mo ...1979489123
the virus neutralizing activity of antibodies specific to the envelope and nucleocapsid of equine herpesvirus type 1.antibodies specific to the envelope or nucleocapsid of the kentucky-d strain of equine herpesvirus type 1 were isolated from convalescent horse serum by immunoadsorption on cyanogen bromide-activated sepharose conjugated with equine herpesvirus type 1 envelopes or nucleocapsids, with subsequent elution by glycine buffer. in double immunodiffusion and immunolectrophoresis reactions, the eluted proteins appeared to belong to the igg fraction of horse serum. antibodies directed against the viral en ...1979497891
arabinosylthymine: inhibitor of splenic lymphocyte macromolecular synthesis in vitro.the effect of arabinosylthymine on lymphocyte transformation was investigated. arabinosylthymine was demonstrated not to be cytotoxic for hamster spleen lymphocytes but was found to inhibit the increase in deoxyribonucleic acid and protein synthesis usually observed as a result of mitogen stimulation. these findings suggest that, in addition to being a potent anti-herpesvirus inhibitor, arabinosylthymine is also an immunosuppressive agent.1979500206
effect of trisodium phosphonoformate in genital infection of female guinea pigs with herpes simplex virus type 2.a genital herpesvirus type 2 infection in guinea pigs has been used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of phosphonoformate on the infection. an early topical treatment prevented the appearance of vesicles and histopathological changes and no virus could be recovered. when treatment, either topical or both systemic and topical, was delayed to 24 hours post infection no therapeutic effect was observed.1979508093
[variations in resistance of viruses from different groups to chemico-physical decontamination methods].the resistance of a total of 13 different viruses to some important chemico-physical influences was studied under uniform experimental conditions. stability in tape water, thermostability and sensitivity to anodic oxidation, gamma radiation, some virucidal substances and several commercial disinfectants were tested. in evaluating the results, an attempt is made to rank the viruses investigated according to their sensitivity. on average a bovine parvovirus, and also a reovirus and three enterovir ...1979511342
purification of the js-3 isolate of herpesvirus ovis (bovid herpesvirus 4) and some properties of its dna.a procedure incorporating the use of heparin was developed to purify herpesvirus ovis. the viral dna has a buoyant density of 1.706 +/- 0.001 g/cm3, and the sedimentation constant was estimated to be 47.5 +/- 1.5s; from the latter, the molecular weight was calculated as 67.3 +/- 5.4 x 10(6). estimates of the guanine-plus-cytosine content made from the buoyant density and melting point (72 degrees c) gave levels of 47 and 46%, respectively.1979513200
a model for herpesvirus (class 3) dna during infection, latency, and transformation. 1979523289
assay of interferon and viral antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid in clinical neurology and psychiatry.cerebrospinal fluids (csf) of 245 neurological and 194 psychiatric patients were tested for viral antibodies and interferon. complement dependent neutralizing antibodies to herpesvirus hominis 1 were found in the csf of patients with encephalitis (50.6%), meningitis (35.4%), lesions of peripheral nerves (36.9%), sclerosis multiplex (41.2%), schizophrenia (31.9%), senile dementia (51.4%), mental retardation (11.1%), ethylism (43.5%). neutralizing antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus were f ...1979525159
use of modified live bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccines. 1979532054
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 16106