
intracerebral administration of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to gad65 and gad67 mrnas modulate reproductive behavior in the female rat.increased gaba activity in the medial hypothalamus (hyp) and midbrain central gray (mcg), but not the preoptic area (poa), facilitates sexual receptivity in the female rat [40]. in the current experiments, ovariectomized females were chronically treated with estrogen (via silastic capsules) to maintain a continuously high level of lordosis response. administration of crystalline antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to the gaba synthetic enzyme, gad67, into the hyp and mcg significantly and reversibly ...19948012804
analysis of brainstem a1 and a2 noradrenergic inputs to the preoptic area using microdialysis in the rat.noradrenergic inputs to the preoptic area (poa) are involved in regulating a variety of homeostatic functions. however, the accurate measurement of endogenous noradrenaline (na) release in the poa has been difficult to achieve and consequently little has been done to characterise the different noradrenergic pathways. by combining the technique of intracranial microdialysis with tissue pre-loading of [3h]na we have developed a sensitive index of na release in the poa [8]. using this method we hav ...19948012806
influence of grazing cattle and sheep together and separately on animal performance and forage quality.cattle and sheep grazed together and separately from april to october during 3 yr. initial forage composition was 29% kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.), 11% white clover (trifolium repens l.), and 60% weeds. there were six angus cow-calf pairs or six ewes (1/2 dorset x 1/4 finn x 1/4 rambouillet) with 11 lambs per each of three pasture replications for single animal species. six cow-calf pairs plus six ewes and 11 lambs grazed in each of three replications of the mixed animal species treatme ...19948014135
perfusion of the preoptic area with muscimol or prostaglandin e2 stimulates cardiovascular function in anesthetized rats.the effect of unilateral perfusion of the preoptic area (poa) utilizing in vivo microdialysis with the gabaergic agonist, muscimol, or prostaglandin e2 (pge2) on cardiovascular function (heart rate, blood pressure and cutaneous blood flow) was determined in halothane-anesthetized rats. perfusion of muscimol or pge2 increased the heart rate, 55 +/- 6 beats/min and 69 +/- 12 betas/min, respectively (p < 0.01). cutaneous paw blood flow tended to decrease. blood pressure did not change in response t ...19948014372
secretion of gonadotropins and estimated releasable pools of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropins during establishment of suckling-induced inhibition of gonadotropin secretion in the sow.two experiments were conducted to evaluate relationships between changes in hypothalamic gnrh, pituitary and serum gonadotropins, and ovarian function during the first week postpartum in lactating multiparous sows. in experiment 1, our hypothesis was that sows would have active lh secretion immediately after parturition and that suckling would inhibit lh concentrations within the first 3 days postpartum. sows were killed at day 1 (n = 5) or day 7 (n = 5) of lactation, and blood samples were take ...19948025164
disruption of estrous cyclicity following administration of a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone antagonist to the preoptic area of the rat.experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that lhrh receptors in the preoptic area (poa) are of physiological importance for maintaining estrous cyclicity in the rat. bilateral cannulae were implanted just dorsal to the poa. estrous cycles were monitored daily by vaginal smears. antide, a long-acting lhrh antagonist, was infused bilaterally (2.5 micrograms/side) in the poa or the hypothalamus on the mornings of diestrus i and ii. as controls, at separate times, rats also received similar ...19948025174
ontogeny of gonadotropin releasing hormone-containing neurons in the teleost brain.we investigated changes in two gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh)-containing neuronal populations during juvenile development in the african teleost, haplochromis burtoni. juveniles were sampled at weekly intervals and gnrhir neurons were identified through immunocytochemistry (icc), then counted and measured on computer-captured video images. soma size of gnrh neurons in the preoptic area (poa), which regulate gonadotropin release from the pituitary, is socially modulated in adults. here we ...19948026070
mediation by nitric oxide formation in the preoptic area of endotoxin and tumour necrosis factor-induced inhibition of water intake in the rat.1. drinking was induced in rats by 24 h of water deprivation. water intake (ml) was evaluated for a 1 h period. 2. ng-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-name, 5-10 micrograms, i.c.v., 50-100 ng into the preoptic area (poa)), an inhibitor of nitric oxide (no) synthase, and methylene blue (50-100 ng into poa), an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase activation, antagonized the inhibition of drinking induced by e. coli endotoxin (lps, 640 micrograms kg-1, i.v.) and tumour necrosis factor (tnf alpha, 40 ng, ...19948032619
axon-sparing lesion of the preoptic area enhances receptivity and diminishes proceptivity among components of female rat sexual behavior.stereotaxic infusion of ibotenic acid deleted neurons in the medial preoptic area (poa) in the ovariectomized female rats. a well-circumscribed lesion was infiltrated by astrocytes; local axons of passage were spared. following estrogen priming and progesterone supplement, the females with the lesion had higher lordosis quotients than the vehicle-infused controls, when males successfully mounted them. on the other hand, the treatment did not induce solicitation in females with the lesion nor red ...19948037867
partial demasculinization and feminization of sex behavior in male rats by in utero and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is not associated with alterations in estrogen receptor binding or volumes of sexually differentiated brain utero and lactational 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) exposure partially demasculinizes and feminizes sexual behavior in adult male rats, presumably by causing incomplete sexual differentiation of the central nervous system (cns). our objective was to determine if tcdd exposure affects other aspects of sexual differentiation of the cns. because sex differences in the estrogen receptor system are thought to play a role in sexually dimorphic estrogen-mediated responses, and because e ...19948048069
plasma oxidase assay for screening of myocardial infarction.the availability of techniques such as surgical reperfusion, angioplasty, and thrombolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (ami) has revived interest in seeking an early detectable biochemical marker diagnostic for ami. therefore, we investigated whether an unidentified oxidase that is released by activated neutrophils at the onset of ami could be used as an early diagnostic assay. the conversion by plasma oxidase of 1 microm of adrenaline to 1 microm of adrenochrome represents ...19948074131
testosterone effects on neurotensin-immunoreactive cells in the quail preoptic the quail preoptic area (poa), neurotensin-immunoreactive (nt-ir) cells are mostly located in the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus (pom). they are more numerous in females than in males and, in females, their number varies during the ovulatory cycle. this suggests a control by steroids of nt expression in the poa. this idea was tested by comparing the nt-ir populations in gonadectomized males and females treated or not with testosterone. no sex differences in the nt-ir cell number w ...19948080972
sympathetic nerve activity after discrete hypothalamic injections of these experiments l-glutamate, an amino acid which stimulates neuronal discharge, was microinjected into several hypothalamic nuclei and the resultant changes in electrical firing rate of sympathetic nerves innervating interscapular brown adipose tissue (ibat) were measured. three patterns of response were seen. a single large stimulatory response was seen when l-glutamate was microinjected into the ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh). microinjection of l-glutamate into the paraventricular nucleu ...19938094312
neuropeptide-y gene expression in the goldfish brain: distribution and regulation by ovarian steroids.neuropeptide-y (npy) has been recently cloned from a goldfish cdna library. using a probe derived from this cdna clone, the distribution and regulation of npy mrna in the goldfish brain were examined in the present study by in situ hybridization, northern blot analysis, and ribonuclease protection assay. frozen tissue sections from the goldfish brain and pituitary were hybridized with a digoxigenin-labeled rna probe. hybridization signal was detected mainly in fore-brain regions, particularly in ...19948119148
toxicity of pesticides to earthworms in kentucky bluegrass turf. 19948123975
[effects of aromatase inhibitor on sexual differentiation of sdn-poa in rats].the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of male rats is larger than that of females, the difference being caused by the perinatal effect of estrogen converted from androgen. to investigate the role of estrogen formation in the sdn-poa during the critical period of this sexual differentiation, cgs16949a (0.5 mg/kg, sc) was injected into the mothers in the late gestational age(f) or into neonates for 14 days from birth(n). animals were sacrificed on the 20th. day of gestation ...19948133132
aromatase activity in developing guinea pig brain: ontogeny and effects of exogenous androgens.the formation of estrogens from androgens by aromatase in the developing brain is an important step in the sexual differentiation of many species. we characterized aromatase activity (aa) in a high-speed pellet of brain tissue from fetal guinea pigs. the apparent substrate affinity (approximately 17 nm) was comparable to reported values in other species. aromatase activity was highest in the amygdala (amg) and preoptic area (poa), with lesser amounts in the septum (sept) and medial basal hypotha ...19948142561
gnrh cell size and number in a teleost fish with two male reproductive morphs: sexual maturation, final sexual status and body size allometry.gonadotropin releasing hormone-like immunoreactive (gnrh-ir) cells in both the ganglion of the terminal nerve (tn) and the preoptic area (poa) have been implicated in the development and maintenance of reproductive behavior and physiology in teleost fishes. one marine species, the plainfin midshipman, porichthys notatus, exhibits two sexually mature male morphs (types i and ii) which differ with respect to size at sexual maturation, gonad/body weight index, reproductive tactic and vocal motor tr ...19948143144
competitive pcr for quantitation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone mrna level in a single micropunch of the rat preoptic area.a competitive polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for quantitating gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) mrna level in a single micropunch of the rat preoptic area (poa) is described. the poa (600 microns in depth) was micropunched from frozen rat brain slices and used for mrna isolation using dynabeads-oligo(dt) magnetic separation technique. the target rna combined with a synthetic, deletion mutant gnrh crna as an internal standard, is co-reverse transcribed, and their cdnas are subsequently co-am ...19938143898
retinohypothalamic tract development in the hamster and rat.the development of the retinohypothalamic tract (rht) in the albino rat and golden hamster was studied using anterograde transport of cholera toxin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (ct-hrp). the rht has three components in the adult: (1) a dense projection to the ventrolateral subdivision of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) with some fibers extending into the dorsomedial scn; (2) a projection to adjacent areas, the anterior hypothalamic area (aha) and retrochiasmatic area (rca) and in the h ...19938149583
inhibition of protein and lipid sulfation in oligodendrocytes blocks biological responses to fgf-2 and retards cytoarchitectural maturation, but not developmental lineage progression.we have examined the interfaces between protein and lipid sulfation, the response of progenitor cells to specific growth factors, and developmental lineage progression. the experimental system used is the oligodendrocyte (ol), the cell responsible for myelination of axons in the central nervous system. the ability to regulate the growth and differentiation of oligodendrocytes in primary cultures growing in defined medium offers a particularly attractive model for these interrelated areas of cell ...19948150210
fever of unknown origin: due to c. albicans or other fungi acting on the hypothalamus?recently, it was shown that cerebrospinal fluid (csf) contaminated with the fungus trichosporon beigelii produces an intense fever when the organism is microinjected directly into the thermosensitive region of the anterior hypothalamic preoptic area (ah/poa). the purpose of this study was to determine if the ah/poa possesses a corresponding sensitivity to another fungal organism, candida albicans. in adult male sprague-dawley rats, an intracerebral cannula was implanted stereotaxically above the ...19948173943
aromatase-immunoreactive cells in the quail brain: effects of testosterone and sex dimorphism.we previously demonstrated that testosterone (t) increases aromatase activity (aa) and that aa is sexually dimorphic (males > females) in the quail preoptic area (poa). the precise anatomical localization of these effects is, however, impossible to obtain by biochemical assays even when samples are dissected by the palkovits punch technique. we were recently able to set up an immunocytochemical (icc) procedure that permits visualization of aromatase-immunoreactive (aro-ir) cells in the quail bra ...19948190761
differences in the ovulatory response to unilateral lesions in the preoptic or anterior hypothalamic area performed on each day of the estrous cycle of adult rats.the effects of a unilateral lesion made on the right or left side of the preoptic area (poa) or anterior hypothalamic area (aha) made on each day of the estrous cycle, were analyzed. ovulation rate decreased among the animals with a lesion performed on the day of estrous on the right side of poa (1/7 vs. 7/7, p < 0.05) and in animals with a lesion on diestrus-1 on each side aha (4/9, 4/9 vs. 7/7, p < 0.05). ovulation was restored by gnrh injection, while estradiol benzoate administration restore ...19948193920
regional distribution and in vitro secretion of salmon and chicken-ii gonadotropin-releasing hormones from the brain and pituitary of juvenile and adult goldfish, carassius auratus.the content of salmon (sgnrh) and chicken-ii (cgnrh-ii) gonadotropin-releasing hormones was measured in discrete brain regions and pituitaries of juvenile and postspawning adult goldfish, using specific radioimmunoassays. in juveniles, the content of both peptides was low. sgnrh was the predominant form in telencephalon-preoptic area (t-poa) (sgnrh:cgnrh-ii ratio = 2.06 +/- 0.66) and diencephalon (dien) (sgnrh:cgnrh-ii ratio = 2.72 +/- 0.32), whereas cgnrh-ii was predominant in cerebellum-brain ...19948194738
c-fos proto-oncogene activity induced by mating in the preoptic area, hypothalamus and amygdala in the female rat: role of afferent input via the pelvic order to identify brain areas which receive afferent genitosensory input important for mating-induced prolactin release, we compared numbers of fos-immunoreactive (fos-ir) cells in brains of intact estrous females 1 h after differential mating stimulation. numbers of fos-ir cells were approximately 3-fold higher in the preoptic area (poa), medial amygdala (mamyg) and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bnst) when females received intromissions (i) from males than when they received mounts-wi ...19938221071
functional mapping of neural sites mediating prolactin-induced hyperphagia in doves.microinjections of prolactin (prl) into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (vmn) or the preoptic area (poa) have been previously shown to increase food intake and body weight in ring doves. in an attempt to corroborate these results and to provide a more complete map of prl-sensitive brain sites mediating the orexigenic action of prl, a microinjection procedure was employed in the present study that delivered prl or saline vehicle in extremely small volumes (10 nl/injection) to a varie ...19938221107
mating-induced increases in fos protein in preoptic area and medial amygdala of cycling female rats.genitosensory stimulation received during mating initiates neural and endocrine changes necessary for pregnancy. the present study examined sites of induction of the proto-oncogene, c-fos, after mating in the cycling female rat to determine neural sites activated by such stimulation that might be involved in pregnancy initiation. two groups of cycling female rats were exposed to males on the evening of proestrus and remained with the male until receiving either 14 mounts-with-intromission includ ...19938221135
hypothalamic and hypophyseal receptors for estradiol in high and low sexually performing rams.rams, characterized over a 3-year period as being high (n = 8) or low (n = 10) sexual performers, were euthanized to determine if differences in sexual behavior were associated with differences in hypophyseal and hypothalamic receptors for estradiol. rams were exposed to estrous ewes and courtship behavior was recorded for 5 hr prior to tissue collection. blood samples for determination of serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (lh) were collected every 15 min during the behavior testing pe ...19938225254
a validity test of cephalometric variables as a measure of clinical applicability in anteroposterior profile assessment.twenty-six profile silhouettes are divided by five judges into three categories: retrognathic, orthognathic, and prognathic. on the corresponding lateral cephalograms, 51 cephalometric variables are tested for profile recognition. discriminant analysis indicates that measurements based on natural head position perform better than comparable variables based on an intracranial reference line. the soft tissue variables (snpo'-sntv, po'-sntv, ils-sntv) are most successful, but no single variable is ...19938228434
gaba control of lhrh release is dependent on the steroid milieu.the effect of gaba in controlling luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (lhrh) release from isolated hypothalamic fragments containing the mediobasal hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and the preoptic area (mbh-scn-poa) was tested under different hormonal conditions with an in vitro superfusion method. gaba significantly decreased lhrh release under conditions of low, chronic levels of estradiol (e2) treatment but had no effect on tissue obtained from animals in proestrus. this suggests tha ...19938233058
synergism between androgens and estrogens in the induction of aromatase and its messenger rna in the is established that testosterone (t) increases aromatase activity (aa) in the quail brain and that this induction of aa represents a limiting factor in the activation of male copulatory behavior. this action of t presumably results from an induction of aromatase synthesis since the number of aromatase-immunoreactive (aro-ir) cells increases and, in parallel, there is an increase in aromatase mrna as measured by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) technology. the specific ...19938242362
norepinephrine turnover in the goldfish brain is modulated by sex steroids and is known that norepinephrine (ne) is important in the neuroendocrine control of pituitary gonadotropin ii (gth-ii) and growth hormone (gh) release but very little is known about the factors regulating ne neurons in the goldfish brain. female gonad-intact goldfish were implanted intraperitoneally (100 micrograms/g) with testosterone (t) or estradiol (e2) to elevate serum steroid levels. high-performance liquid chromatography measurements showed that steroid implantation had no effect on ne con ...19938252402
seasonal fluctuations in brain nuclei in the red-sided garter snake and their hormonal many vertebrates, breeding seasons are protracted and mating behavior is temporally associated with gonadal growth and increased sex steroid hormone secretion. in the red-sided garter snake (thamnophis sirtalis parietalis), mating behavior is restricted to the 2-4 weeks immediately following emergence from winter dormancy. during this period mating behavior is sex-specific: chin-rubbing is exhibited only by males and receptivity to chin-rubbing is exhibited only by females. it is remarkable t ...19938254379
morphine amplifies norepinephrine (ne)-induced lh release but blocks ne-stimulated increases in lhrh mrna levels: comparison of responses obtained in ovariectomized, estrogen-treated normal and androgen-sterilized these studies we examined the temporal effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusions of norepinephrine (ne) on plasma lh and on lhrh mrna levels in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (ovlt) and in neurons located in the rostral (r), middle (m) and caudal (c) preoptic areas (poa) of ovariectomized, estrogen-treated rats. thereafter, we compared these responses to those which occur in androgen-sterilized rats (asr). ne infusions not only increased plasma lh concentrations b ...19938255183
suckling and cold stress rapidly and transiently increase trh mrna in the paraventricular nucleus.thyrotropin releasing hormone (trh) is released from the median eminence in response to neural stimuli evoked by different physiologic conditions (i.e. cold stress or suckling). the paraventricular nucleus (pvn) synthesizes pro-trh and responds to negative thyroid hormone feedback. with the aim of determining if trh biosynthesis is regulated in coordination with its release, we quantified trh mrna levels in pvn and in preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (poa-ah) of rats sacrificed at different t ...19938264848
estrogen-sensitive neurons in the female rat ventral tegmental area: a dual route for the hormone action.1. electrical stimulation of the ventral part of the midbrain central gray (cg) elicited antidromic action potentials in 136 neurons in the ventral tegmental area (vta) of 23 urethan-anesthetized ovariectomized female rats. 2. antidromic action potentials were positive-negative biphasic and completed mostly within 2.4 ms. many had a notch in their initial positive deflection, at which antidromic potentials often failed to propagate into the neuronal soma. 3. the latency for antidromic activation ...19938283208
processing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene transcripts in the rat brain.the precursor of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and the 56-amino acid gnrh-associated peptide is encoded in an mrna of about 560 bases in length. this mrna derives from an approximately 4300-base pair-long gene consisting of four relatively short exons (denoted 1, 2, 3, and 4) and three large introns (a, b, and c). in this study, we characterized the order by which the three introns are spliced from the primary transcript and processing intermediates to give rise to a mature mrna and eval ...19948307966
sumatriptan relaxes isolated porcine ophthalmic artery, but inhibits vip-induced relaxation.sumatriptan, a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5ht)1-like receptor agonist, is a new antimigraine drug which is also effective in cluster headache (ch), a disorder with marked ocular circulatory abnormalities. sumatriptan could putatively exert a therapeutic effect in this vascular bed. the present study is an attempt to assess sumatriptan's vasoactivity in isolated porcine ophthalmic artery (poa) and to verify whether it has similar activity to 5ht, and whether it interferes with the vasodilation induced ...19938313450
prevention of postoperative adhesions by precoating tissues with dilute sodium hyaluronate solutions.postoperative adhesions (poa), the collagenous connective tissues which form in response to surgical trauma, can be a severe and life threatening surgical complication. however, no generally applicable methods are currently available to mitigate this often serious problem. we have investigated the use of dilute aqueous solutions of sodium hyaluronate (ha) as protective tissue coatings applied prior to surgical manipulation. in a random/blind rat cecal adhesions study conducted at three separate ...19938316563
fever evoked by macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (mip-1) injected into preoptic or ventral septal area of rats depends on intermediary protein synthesis.macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (mip-1), a novel cytokine composed of alpha/beta subunits, is released from macrophages during infection. mip-1 injected intravenously in the rabbit or into the anterior hypothalamic, preoptic area (ah/poa) of the rat causes an intense fever, which is not blocked by prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, ibuprofin or indomethacin, respectively. the purpose of this study was to determine the role of de novo protein synthesis on the fever evoked by mip-1 applied to t ...19938319099
fever produced by the fungus t. beigelii infused into the anterior hypothalamic preoptic area of the rat.previously it was reported that a control saline solution infused into the anterior hypothalamic, preoptic area (ah/poa) can induce an intense fever from an unknown source. to avoid such fevers, cerebral dialysis has been proposed as an alternative procedure, although in nearly all experiments on the febrile response, a nonpyrogenic solution is injected, not dialyzed, directly into the ah/poa. the purpose of this study was to determine the: a) possible conditions whereby a control solution can c ...19938319107
microinjection of alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide into the hypothalamus activates sympathetic outflow in rats.effect of rat alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide (alpha-cgrp) microinjected into various hypothalamic nuclei on plasma levels of catecholamines and arterial blood pressure were investigated in urethane-anesthetized rats. alpha-cgrp (0.05 and 0.25 nmol) microinjected into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (pvn) increased the plasma level of noradrenaline (na), but not that of adrenaline (ad), in a dose-dependent manner. a similar increase in plasma level of na was also observed by alpha ...19938320878
in vitro pulsatile flow study on effective orifice area of prosthetic mechanical heart valves.the effective orifice area (eoa) of a mechanical heart valve is an index of how well the valve design utilizes its primary orifice area (poa). in vitro measurements of eoa of aortic valves were maintained by means of pressure drop and root mean square flow rate measurements in a pulse duplicator during systole. edwards-duromedics, st. jude medical, and carbomedics aortic valves of sizes 19 19 mm, 21 mm, 25 mm, and 27 mm were analyzed over a cardiac output range of 3 to 7 liters/min. the resultan ...19938329627
antigen- and isotype-specific immune responses to a recombinant antigen-allergen chimeric (raac) ige and igg antibody responses to a recombinant ag-allergen chimeric (raac) protein were examined in b6d2f1 mice. the raac protein consisted of the truncated beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), linked at its c terminus to a polypeptide representing the conserved region of the recombinant kentucky bluegrass allergen encoded by the cdna clone kbg8.3(rkbg8.3). immunization of the mice with the raac protein in dextran sulfate as adjuvant led to the differential production of antibodies to the ...19938335908
a sex comparison of serotonin immunoreactivity and content in the ferret preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus.previous studies with rats raised the possibility that sexually dimorphic features of the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah) may result, in part, from a sex difference in the serotonergic innervation of this region. we asked whether a similar phenomenon may occur in a carnivore, the ferret. a sexually dimorphic male nucleus of the dorsal poa/ah (mn-poa/ah) has previously been characterized in nissl-stained sections of the male ferret forebrain; this nucleus is absent in females. ...19938348343
developmental differences of angiotensinogen mrna in the preoptic area between spontaneously hypertensive and age-matched wistar-kyoto order to know the possible involvement of the central angiotensin system in hypertension, angiotensinogen mrna (aomrna) levels of eight discrete brain areas were measured by northern blot hybridization analysis in the spontaneously hypertensive rats (shr), compared with those in age-matched normotensive wistar-kyoto rats (wky). in 16-week-old shr (hypertensive stage), aomrna levels in the preoptic area (poa), but not in the ventromedial hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamus and mammillary body, ...19938361333
pollen grains bind to lung alveolar type ii cells (a549) via lung surfactant protein a (sp-a).lung surfactant protein a (sp-a) is the most abundant surfactant-associated protein present in the lung. a receptor for sp-a has been shown to be present on a549 alveolar type ii cells and on other cell types, including alveolar macrophage. the sp-a receptor on a549 cells has been identified as the collection receptor, or c1q receptor, which binds several structurally-related ligands. sp-a contains c-type lectin domains, but the role of carbohydrate binding by sp-a in physiological and pathologi ...19938374060
n-methyl-d,l-aspartic acid differentially affects lh release and lhrh mrna levels in estrogen-treated ovariectomized control and androgen-sterilized rats.excitatory amino acids such as n-methyl-d,l-aspartic acid (nmda) are thought to play an important role in the regulation of gonadotropin secretion. nmda induces significant increases in plasma lh in a variety of animal models and these effects occur by activation of neural processes involved in excitation of lhrh neurons rather than by a direct action on the pituitary gland. we have taken advantage of this information to study the effects of nmda on lh release and on changes in levels of lhrh mr ...19938381894
alpha 1 adrenergic regulation of estrogen-induced increases in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone mrna levels and release.prazosin, an alpha 1 adrenergic antagonist, was used to examine the relationship between adrenergic inputs and the stimulatory effects of estrogen on lhrh mrna and release. bilateral cannulae were implanted just dorsal to the preoptic area (poa). estrous cycles were monitored daily by vaginal smears. on the morning of diestrus, each rat was ovariectomized and assigned to one of three treatment groups: control--injected with sesame oil (n = 5); surge--injected with estradiol benzoate (eb, 10 micr ...19938381912
modulation of hypothalamic mu-opioid receptor density by estrogen: a quantitative autoradiographic study of the female c57bl/6j mouse.the labelling of hypothalamic binding sites by [125i]-fk, a specific mu-opioid receptor ligand, was studied in female c57bl/6j mice to test whether removal of ovarian steroids affected the density of distribution of receptor binding. labelling densities in the forebrain of normally cycling (intact) females (n = 12), were compared to those in mice that had been ovariectomized (ovx) for 6 weeks (n = 8) and in mice that had been ovx and implanted with an estradiol (e2) capsule (ovx+e2) for 6 weeks ...19938384520
inhibition of luteinizing hormone secretion in ovariectomized ewes during the breeding season by gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) is mediated by gaba-a receptors, but not gaba-b receptors.we have investigated the effects of agonists and antagonists to gamma-aminobutyric acid-a (gaba-a) and gaba-b receptors microinjected (1 microliters) into the preoptic area (poa) on lh in ovariectomized (ovx) ewes with or without estrogen (e) treatment during the breeding season. guide tubes were placed into the preoptic area of ovx ewes using lateral ventriculograms for localization of the target area. doses of 10 micrograms of the gaba agonists muscimol (gaba-a) and baclofen (gaba-b) or the ga ...19938384997
anatomical distribution of brainstem sites where pge1 induces hyperthermia in macaque species.the neuroanatomical distribution of sites in the diencephalon and mesencephalon within which a prostaglandin (pg) of the e series elicits hyperthermia was characterized in macaca mulatta and macaca nemestrina. in 420 experiments undertaken in 13 animals, 225 loci were examined for their reactivity to pge1 microinjected in a dose of 30 or 100 ng given in a volume of 1.0-1.5 microl. the regions of the brainstem for injection extended rostrally from the thermosensitive cells of the anterior hypotha ...19938402407
gonadotropin-releasing hormone-containing neurons change size with reproductive state in female haplochromis the preoptico-hypothalamic area (poa) of teleost fish, neurons containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) regulate reproduction through direct projections to pituitary gonadotropes. here we show that these gnrh-containing cells change size depending on the reproductive and maturational state in female haplochromis burtoni. we selected animals prior to, during, and after the reproductive portion of their life history, in both brooding and spawning states. immunocytochemical staining of g ...19938426222
hypothalamic lesions that induce female precocious puberty activate glial expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene: differential regulation of alternatively spliced transcripts.injury of the nervous system triggers a complex series of repair mechanisms that include production of neurotrophic and mitogenic factors by cells neighboring the injured area. while trauma of most parts of the brain results in loss of function, lesions of certain regions of the female hypothalamus enhance the secretory activity of a group of specialized neurons that produce luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh), the neuropeptide that controls sexual development. the increased output of l ...19938426232
dose-response characteristics of neonatal exposure to genistein on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotropin releasing hormone and volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) in postpubertal castrated female rats.estrogen exposure during critical periods of development promotes androgenization of the brain, which is reflected in altered morphology, behavior, and cyclic hormone secretion in females. previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that neonatal female rats injected with pharmaceutical or naturally occurring estrogens had decreased gnrh-induced lh secretion and increased volume of the sdn-poa as 42 day castrates. the current experiment defines the dose-response characteristics of neonatal expo ...19938448414
growth hormone (gh) suppression of catecholamine turnover in the chicken hypothalamus: implications for gh administered centrally or peripherally inhibits basal or secretagogue-induced gh secretion in domestic fowl. since the release of pituitary gh is neurally regulated by the hypothalamus, gh autoregulation may be mediated by changes in the content or metabolism of hypothalamic monoamines. when chicken gh (500 micrograms/kg body weight) was injected i.v. into laying hens, tissue catecholamine (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) concentrations in the preoptic area (poa) and medial basal hypo ...19938459190
aromatase: neuromodulator in the control of behavior.estrogens are required for both the organization of the brain in early development and adult behavior. two approaches have been used in our laboratory to study the behavioral role of brain aromatase. first, brain metabolism of testosterone (t) has been related to behavior in the same individual using a well established neuroendocrine model, the ring dove, in which estradiol-17 beta (e2) has specific effects on brain mechanisms of male behavior. aromatase in preoptic area (poa) (a) has a high act ...19938476765
effect of neonatal diethylstilbestrol exposure on volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus and pituitary responsiveness to gonadotropin-releasing hormone in female rats of known anogenital distance at birth.the effects of neonatal diethylstilbestrol (des) exposure on the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus (sdn-poa) and on gnrh-stimulated lh secretion were investigated in castrated female rats of known anogenital distance (agd) at birth. the agd was measured in females on the day of birth, and 0.1 microgram des or corn oil was injected from days 1 through 10 of life. the volume of the sdn-poa was significantly larger in animals that had received des tha ...19938481480
precocious puberty in chicks (gallus domesticus) induced by central injections of neuropeptide y.the objective of the study was to determine the role of neuropeptide y (npy) and biogenic amines on the onset of puberty in birds. male broiler chicks were administered chronic intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of 5 micrograms npy which produced sexually precocious chicks, determined by advanced secondary sex characteristics. one or two weeks following the beginning of a series of npy injections, the preoptic area (poa), bed nucleus of the pallial commissure (ncpa), paraventricular nucleu ...19938483393
estrogen receptor immunoreactive neurons in the fetal ferret forebrain.the development of estrogen receptors was studied in the preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah) of fetal male and female ferrets. in males this region includes a nucleus (mn-poa/ah), delineated by nissl stains, which is not discernible in females. the results reveal the distribution of estrogen receptor containing cells during the period when estrogen is known to induce the differentiation of the male ferret's mn-poa/ah. brains were taken from ferret kits on days 30, 34, 37 and 40 of a 41- ...19938485841
culture of rat brain preoptic area neurons: effects of sex steroids.the aim of the present study was to investigate the direct effects of testosterone (t), estradiol-17 alpha (e2) and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht) on the survival of neurons and the morphology of neuronal processes (the total process length, the number of processes and the number of process branchings) of the cells derived from neonatal rat preoptic area (poa) to analyze the bases of morphological sexual dimorphism of the poa. the poa cells were exposed to sex steroids during 2-14 day ...19938488755
fever and feeding: differential actions of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (mip-1), mip-1 alpha and mip-1 beta on rat hypothalamus.changes in body temperature (tb) and feeding were characterized in unrestrained rats following the micro-injection into the anterior hypothalamic preoptic area (ah/poa) of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (mip-1), mip-1 alpha or mip-1 beta. after the rats recovered from the stereotaxic implantation of a single guide tube placed in the ah/poa, either one of the mip-1 compounds or control csf was micro-injected in a volume of 1.0 microliter into this area. changes in body temperature (tb) and foo ...19938510794
beta-endorphin regulation of lhrh release at the median eminence level: immunocytochemical and physiological evidence in hens.we studied the effect that beta-endorphin (beta end) might have at the median eminence (me) on luteinizing hormone (lh)-releasing hormone (lhrh) during the ovulatory cycle of domestic hens. thus, we assessed (a) the immunocytochemical distribution of beta end and lhrh in the hen me, (b) the temporal changes in me and preoptic area (poa) lhrh and beta end content, in both a spontaneous and a premature c2 ovulatory model. the premature c2 ovulation occurs 6-7 h after the administration of progeste ...19938510810
the inhibitory effect of beta-endorphin on lh release in ovariectomized rats does not involve the preoptic gabaergic rats, beta-endorphin (beta-end) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) suppress lh secretion by hypothalamic mechanisms involving the preoptic area (poa). systemic injection of naloxone (nal) increases lh secretion in male rats, an effect which can be prevented by coadministration of gaba agonists. application of nal into the poa of ovariectomized (ovx), progesterone substituted sheep modulates preoptic gaba release. these findings have been interpreted such that the endogenous opioids act via th ...19958536061
some properties of the ecdysteroid receptor in the salivary gland of the ixodid tick, amblyomma hebraeum.salivary gland degeneration in ixodid ticks is triggered by an ecdysteroid hormone. we used [3h]ponasterone a (poa) as a specific ligand to detect the ecdysteroid receptor in the salivary glands of large, partially fed female ticks (amblyomma hebraeum koch; acari: ixodidae). binding of [3h]poa was thermolabile and sensitive to pronase, but not to dnase or rnase, indicating that the ligand binds to a protein. scatchard analysis of [3h]poa binding strongly suggested the presence of an ecdysteroid ...19958536946
t-cell epitopes of phl p 1, major pollen allergen of timothy grass (phleum pratense): evidence for crossreacting and non-crossreacting t-cell epitopes within grass group i allergens.the use of peptides representing t-cell epitopes of allergens is a modern concept for improvement of specific immunotherapy. a prerequisite for this approach is the identification of t-cell epitopes of atopic allergens.19958543758
the role of neuropeptide y (npy) in the control of lh secretion in the ewe with respect to season, npy receptor subtype and the site of action in the hypothalamus.neuropeptide y1-36 (npy1-36) acts through y1 and y2 receptors while the c-terminal npy fragments npy18-36 and n-acetyl[leu28,31]pnpy24-36 act only through the y2 receptor. we have investigated the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of npy1-36, npy18-36 and n-acetyl[leu28,31]pnpy24-36 on lh secretion in the ovariectomised (ovx) ewe. these peptides were administered into a lateral ventricle (lv) or the third ventricle (3v) of ovx ewes during the non-breeding and breeding se ...19958543927
ovariectomy and age alter gonadotropin hormone releasing hormone-noradrenergic interactions.the noradrenergic (na) system influences gonadotropin hormone releasing hormone (gnrh) neurons resulting in the luteinizing hormone surge. direct neuroanatomical interactions between preoptic area (poa) gnrh neuronal elements and na [i.e., dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh)] terminals; effects of short-term ovariectomy (s-ovx) on these interactions; and the stability of these interactions with age were studied in young (5-month-old) proestrous, 5-month-old s-ovx (6d), old (24-month-old) constant di ...19958544912
comparison of ige and igg antibody responses of atopic individuals with sensitization to tree and grass pollens.sera of atopic individuals with predominant sensitization to either tree pollen (tas) or tree and grass pollens (tgas) as well as of nonatopic subjects (nas) were analyzed for ige, igg, and igg4 antibodies specific for grass pollens allergens. of 600 atopic individuals with serum ige antibodies specific for birch pollen allergens, 54% also had serum ige antibodies specific for grass pollen. the mean titers of igg antibodies specific for grass pollen proteins were about 10 times higher in the ser ...19958546268
dissociation of the restoration of copulatory behavior and the testicular morphology in old male rats with fetal brain grafting.improvement of copulatory activity has been reported in aged male rats bearing the fetal preoptic area (poa), however, whether the fetal poa graft has any effect on the gonad of aged male rats has not been established. in the present study, the testicular histology and the sexual behavior were studied in 20 old (18-19 months) long-evans male rats after fetal brain transplantation. animals were divided into three groups: (1) poa-grafted group (n = 6): fetal poa neurons were grafted into the poa, ...19958549230
preoptic rather than mediobasal hypothalamic amino acid neurotransmitter release regulates gnrh secretion during the estrogen-induced lh surge in the ovariectomized rat.inhibitory and excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters have been suggested to participate in the feedback actions of estradiol (e2) on lh secretion. in the rat estrogen-receptive neurons have been demonstrated in the preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area (poa) and mediobasal hypothalamus/median eminence (mbh) and many of these neurons utilize gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) as neurotransmitter. the actions of excitatory amino acids (eaa) differ in ovariectomized (ovx) and ovx e2-substituted rats in ...19958559279
cloning, sequencing and expression in escherichia coli of pha a 1 and four isoforms of pha a 5, the major allergens of canary grass pollen.the pollen of canary grass, which was introduced as a pasture grass from europe, is a major allergen source in the external environment of southern australia. this study was performed to characterize the major recombinant allergens of canary grass pollen. it is anticipated that recombinant allergens may be useful in diagnosis and immunotherapy of grass pollen induced allergies.19958564724
facilitation of the arterial baroreflex by the preoptic area in anaesthetized rats.1. activation of cell bodies in the ventrolateral part of the midbrain periaqueductal grey matter (pag) facilitates the arterial baroreflex via the nucleus raphe magnus. the facilitatory effects of stimulation within the hypothalamus on the arterial baroreflex and their relation to the pag and nucleus raphe magnus were studied in urethane- and chloralose-anaesthetized rats. 2. systematic mapping experiments revealed that the preoptic area (poa) is the principal location in the hypothalamus of ne ...19958568691
tianeptine treatment induces regionally specific changes in monoamines.tianeptine is an atypical tricyclic antidepressant that facilitates serotonin (5-ht) reuptake. tianeptine (10 mg/kg) or saline was administered intraperitoneally to male rats daily for 4 days. monoamine levels were measured in micropunches of discrete brain nuclei that are implicated in mood and cognition. in addition, the rates of 5-ht and norepinephrine (ne) accumulation were determined by the pargyline method. few changes were noted in the 5-ht system. 5-ht levels were increased by short-term ...19958574656
fever induced in rats by intrahypothalamic macrophage inflammatory protein (mip)-1 beta: role of protein synthesis.the effect of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta (mip-1 beta) on body temperature, following its injection into the anterior hypothalamic pre-optic area (ah/poa), was examined by a radiotelemetry system in the freely moving rat. the purpose of this study was to examine the action of an inhibitor of protein synthesis, anisomycin, on the pyrexia which follows intrahypothalamic injection of mip-1 beta. the micro-injection of 10 to 20 pg mip-1 beta into the ah/poa induced a dose-dependent monoph ...19958583502
effect of hypothalamic infusion of a dopamine d1 receptor antagonist on prolactin secretion in the this study we investigated whether dopamine d1 receptors in the hypothalamus are involved in the control of prolactin secretion in ovariectomised, oestradiol implanted ewes. the d1 antagonist sch23390 or vehicle was infused into either the preoptic area (poa) or the ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh). during infusion into the vmh, prolactin concentrations declined significantly and did not return to control values until more than 60 min after the infusions had stopped. in contrast, infusion into ...19958593594
effects of hypothalamic lesions on the body temperature rhythm of the golden hamster.the effects of electrolytic and neurotoxic lesions of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and preoptic area (poa) of the anterior hypothalamus were studied by temperature telemetry in the golden hamster (mesocricetus auratus) examined under two ambient temperature conditions: 24 degrees c and 6 degrees c. although attempted lesions with microinjections of ibotenic acid proved unsuccessful, electrolytic lesions of the scn eliminated the circadian rhythm of body temperature (crt), indicating an acti ...19958595199
effects of testosterone and its metabolites on aromatase-immunoreactive cells in the quail brain: relationship with the activation of male reproductive behavior.the enzyme aromatase converts testosterone (t) into 17 beta-estradiol and plays a pivotal role in the control of reproduction. in particular, the aromatase activity (aa) located in the preoptic area (poa) of male japanese quail is a limiting step in the activation by t of copulatory behavior. aromatase-immunoreactive (aro-ir) cells of the poa are specifically localized within the cytoarchitectonic boundaries of the medial preoptic nucleus(pom), a sexually dimorphic and steroid-sensitive structur ...19968603040
effects of interferon-alpha on cytokine profile, t cell receptor repertoire and peptide reactivity of human allergen-specific t cells.a large panel of t cell clones (tcc) specific for the recombinant form of poa pratensis allergen (rkbg7.2 or poa p9) were established from the peripheral blood of grass pollen-sensitive donor in the absence or presence of recombinant interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) in bulk culture and their pattern of cytokine secretion, peptide reactivity and tcr v beta repertoire was examined. the majority of allergen-specific tcc derived in absence of ifn-alpha produced high amounts of interleukin-4 (il-4) and i ...19968605940
regulation of gaba transporter activity and mrna expression by estrogen in rat preoptic area.this study has examined whether estrogen regulates gaba transporter synthesis and activity in the female rat brain. in the first experiment in situ hybridization studies examined the effects of ovariectomy on cellular gaba transporter-1 (gat-1) mrna content. a 25% decrease in gat-1 mrna expression was detected within the medial preoptic area (mpoa) but not the parietal cortex, magnocellular preoptic nucleus (mg-poa) or caudate-putamen (c-p). estrogen replacement for 7 d returned gat-1 mrna conte ...19958613763
the developmental increase of the at1a, but not the at1b, receptor mrna level at the preoptic area in spontaneously hypertensive determine the possible involvement of the central angiotensin system in hypertension, the angiotensin ii type-1 receptor subtype mrna levels in the preoptic area (poa) and hypothalamus were measured by means of a reverse-transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction in spontaneously hypertensive rats (shr), and the results were then compared with the findings in age-matched normotensive wistar-kyoto rats (wky). in 4-week-old (prehypertensive stage) and 7-week-old (evolving stage) shr, the at1a and ...19968614262
comparisons of the genomic cis-elements and coding regions in rna beta components of the hordeiviruses barley stripe mosaic virus, lychnis ringspot virus, and poa semilatent virus.nucleotide sequences of the genomic rna beta components of hordeiviruses poa semilatent virus (pslv) and lychnis ringspot virus (lrsv) were determined. pslv and lrsv closely resemble barley stripe mosaic virus (bsmv), type hordeivirus, in the gene arrangement of their rnas beta, comprising 5'-proximal beta a (coat protein) gene and downstream triple gene block (tgb) coding for the beta b, beta c, and beta d putative transport proteins. the beta a, beta b, beta c, and beta d proteins of the three ...19968623558
estradiol modulation of neuron loss in the medial division of medial preoptic nucleus in rats during aging.the age-related morphological changes in the darkly stained sex-dimorphic nucleus (sdn-poa) and the lighter staining surrounding area (non-sdn-poa) within the medial division of preoptic nucleus of long-evans rats were studied. the long-term effects of estradiol benzoate (eb) on the changes were also assessed. during aging, the neuron loss in 14-(middle-age) and 22-month-old rats as well as increased pyknotic ratio of neurons in old male rats were observed in sdn-poa, but not in the non-sdn-poa. ...19968641597
photoperiod regulates the lh response to central glutamatergic stimulation in the male syrian hamster.this study investigated central glutamatergic function in relation to photoperiodically-induced changes in the secretion of luteinizing hormone (lh). the experimental approach was to compare the central effects of glutamate agonists on lh secretion in reproductively active hamsters kept in long days (ld) with those in photoinhibited hamsters kept in short days (sd) for 6 weeks and having regressed testes. agonists were delivered via a cannula into the iii ventricle of freely moving hamsters, and ...19938680432
in vivo evidence for progesterone dependent decreases in serotonin release in the hypothalamus and midbrain central grey: relation to the induction of lordosis.the effects of progesterone (p) on serotonin (5ht) overflow in the ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh), preoptic area (poa) and midbrain central grey (mcg) were studied using in vivo microdialysis. ovariectomized rats, pretreated with 5 micrograms estradiol, were anesthetized with chloral hydrate and stereotaxically implanted with dialysis probes directed towards one of the respective brain sites. extracellular 5ht levels stabilized 3 to 5 h following probe implantation. under stable baseline condit ...19968680878
lack of maternal influence of lamb consumption of locoweed (oxytropis sericea).locoweeds (oxytropis and astragalus spp.) are toxic plants found on many rangelands. preferences for locoweed are learned; livestock often initially reject the plant, but learn to eat locoweed after continued exposure. maternal influences are important in shaping diet selection in young animals. we studied the influence of ewe consumption of locoweed on lamb selection of the plant. twenty-four ewes were divided into three treatment groups (n = 8): 1) ewes conditioned to eat locoweed (oxytropis s ...19968690669
changes in the binding characteristics of the mu, delta and kappa subtypes of the opioid receptor in the hypothalamus of the normal cyclic ewe and in the ovariectomised ewe following treatment with ovarian steroids.the mu, delta and kappa opioid receptor subtypes were measured across the oestrous cycle of the ewe and in ovariectomised (ovx) ewes treated with oestrogen and/or progesterone. we have used a subtype-specific opioid receptor binding assay, in which [3h]diprenorphine non-preferentially labelled each receptor subtype in the presence of blocking concentrations of site-specific opioid analogues. the density and affinity of each receptor subtype was measured in the preoptic area (poa) of the hypothal ...19968691110
multiple b- and t-cell epitopes on a major allergen of kentucky bluegrass pollen.the b- and t-cell epitopes of a recombinant grass allergen, rkbg60, were delineated using a set of overlapping synthetic peptides. direct binding by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) utilizing serum pools led to the identification of 13 murine immunoglobulin-, and nine to 13 human igg- and five to seven human ige-reactive overlapping peptides. of the peptides which bound to human ige antibodies, all but three peptides bound to human and/or murine igg antibodies. furthermore, eight out of ...19968698392
forage systems for beef production from conception to slaughter: iii. finishing systems.fall-weaned angus calves grazed or were fed different forages during winter followed by 1) n-fertilized tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) grazed alone, 2) bluegrass (poa pratensis l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.) sequence grazed with tall fescue-red clover (trifolium pratense l.), or 3) bluegrass-white clover sequence grazed with alfalfa (medicago sativa l.)-orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.). heifers were supplemented with grain at 1% of bw from april until slaughter in july. on ...19968707721
macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta (mip-1beta) produced endogenously in brain during e. coli fever in rats.macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (mip-1) evokes an intense fever, independent of a prostaglandin mechanism, and is now thought to play an important role in the defence response to bacterial pyrogens. the purpose of this study was 2-fold: (i) to determine whether the potent doublet of this cytokine, mip-1beta, is actually produced in the brain in response to a pyrogenic dose of a lipopolysaccharide of escherichia coli and (ii) to determine the anatomical site of synthesis of this cytokine in the ...19968714712
oviposition preferences of culex pipiens and culex restuans for infusion-baited traps.the number of egg rafts oviposited by culex pipiens and culex restuans in infusion-baited ovitraps varied with the type of infusion substrate, infusion age, method of infusion preparation, and calendar date. in one or more tests, more culex egg rafts were collected from water infused with kentucky bluegrass sod, mixed grass clippings, straw, or a commercial rabbit chow than from a water control. infusions prepared with oak leaves, maple leaves, and sod soil were ineffective as culex oviposition ...19968723254
effect of fasting and immobilization stress on estrogen receptor immunoreactivity in the brain in ovariectomized female rats.the present study examined the effect of 48-h fasting and 1-h immobilization on estrogen receptor immunoreactivity in selected hypothalamic areas and the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) in ovariectomized rats. fasting induced an increase in er-immunoreactive cells in the paraventricular nucleus (pvn), periventricular nucleus (pevn) and nts compared with the unfasted control group. similarly, immobilization caused an increase in er-positive cells in the same areas, pvn, pevn and nts, versus t ...19968738253
lipopolysaccharide-induced fos expression in hypothalamic nuclei of neonatal rats.the inability of neonates to fully evoke the acute-phase reaction to infection is thought to be due in part to central nervous system immaturity. we used the expression of fos protein to evaluate whether acute-phase reaction deficits in neonates may indeed be linked to unresponsiveness of brain regions that mediate the responses to infection in adult animals. in this study, we used lipopolysaccharide (lps) as the infectious agent. rats aged 0-1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days were divided into groups t ...19958739201
estrogenic control of preoptic area development in a carnivore, the ferret.1. evidence is reviewed which shows that a sexually dimorphic nucleus located in the dorsomedial portion of the male ferret's preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah), called the male nucleus of the poa/ah (mn-poa/ah), develops during fetal life in response to the action of estradiol, which is formed directly in the nervous system from circulating testosterone over the final quarter of a 41-day gestation. 2. results are summarized which establish that neurons which make up the mn-poa/ah are ...19968743964
effects of pinealectomy and melatonin treatments on serotonin uptake and release from synaptosomes of rat hypothalamic regions.this study examined the effects induced by long-term pinealectomy, daily melatonin treatment to pinealectomized and intact rats, and a single melatonin injection on [14c]-serotonin (5-ht) uptake and release from synaptosomes obtained of hypothalamic regions. pinealectomy inhibited the accumulation of labeled 5-ht by synaptosomes of the preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (poa-ah), but it failed to alter the [k+]-evoked 5-ht release. melatonin treatment for 10 consecutive days to pinealectomized ...19958746796
progesterone suppression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad67) mrna levels in the preoptic area: correlation to the luteinizing hormone surge.the progesterone-induced lh surge in the estrogen-primed rat is thought to be mediated through interneurons since lhrh neurons reportedly lack steroid receptors. along these lines, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) neurons are considered to be two of the major interneurons in the hypothalamus involved in the control of lhrh and lh secretion. glutamate is a major excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter while gaba is a major inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter in the control of lh sec ...19958751281
a revised critical period for the sexual differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in the rat.the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of the rat is several times larger in males than in females. several studies have established the importance of gonadal steroids perinatally in the sexual differentiation of the sdn-poa as well as a critical period for the permanent influences of exogenous androgen on the volume of the nucleus. recent preliminary evidence from this laboratory had suggested, however, that the critical period for the effects of the removal ...19958751283
pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide acts within the medial basal hypothalamus to inhibit prolactin and luteinizing hormone this study, we investigated the hypothalamic regulatory role of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (pacap) in the control of lh and prl secretion. overiectomized ewes were surgically prepared with bilateral guide tubes directed at the preoptic area (poa) or medial basal hypothalamus (mbh). after recovery from surgery, pacap38 (0.1 nmol in 2.5 microliters over 1 h) or vehicle was bilaterally infused into each site in separate trials. infusion of pacap38 into the poa had no effe ...19968754770
mutualistic fungal endophytes express a proteinase that is homologous to proteases suspected to be important in fungal pathogenicity.many cultivated and wild grass species are hosts to mutualistic fungal endophytes. these associations are ecologically and agronomically significant, yet little is known regarding the physiological aspects of the interaction. in the poa ampla/acremonium typhinum interaction, a fungal serine proteinase, at1, is surprisingly abundant and may constitute 1 to 2% of the total leaf-sheath protein. sequence analysis of cdna and genomic clones indicates that proteinase at1 is a member of the eukaryotic ...19968756501
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1897