
the microbiologic determination of serum folic acid activity. i. study of the assay system. 19724196347
[analysis of folates in fetuses of control rats and of rats with folic acid deficiency]. 19724197174
the effect of anticonvulsant therapy upon the absorption of folates. 19734197384
formylation of folate as step in physiological folate absorption.oral administration of folate analogues to rats is followed by a rise in plasma folate detectable only by micro-biological assay with lactobacillus casei, suggesting methylation of folate during absorption. when using the everted rat gut technique with folate (pteglu), dihydrofolate (h(2)pteglu), or tetrahydrofolate (h(4)pteglu) on the mucosal surface formyl folate (10-cho-pteglu, 10-cho-h(4)pteglu, 5-cho-h(4)pteglu) and methylfolate (5-ch(3)-h(4)pteglu) are recovered from the serosal fluid. thi ...19734197426
folate content of diets in pregnancy: comparison of diets collected at home and diets prepared from dietary records. 19734197464
synthesis of actinomycin d lactam, [1',1'-bis(l-threo- , -diaminobutyric acid)]actinomycin d. 19734197709
plasmodium berghei: folic acid levels in mouse erythrocytes. 19734197972
an automated method for microbiological assays. 19734197996
cellular location of the lipoteichoic acids of lactobacillus fermenti nctc 6991 and lactobacillus casei nctc 6375. 19734198220
regulation of c metabolism by l-methionine in saccharomyces cerevisiae.1. the concentrations of folate derivatives in aerobic cultures of saccharomyces cerevisiae (a.t.c.c. 9763) were determined by microbiological assay employing lactobacillus casei (a.t.c.c. 7469) and pediococcus cerevisiae (a.t.c.c. 8081). cells cultured in media lacking l-methionine contained higher concentrations of folate derivatives than cells grown in the same media supplemented with 2.5mumol of l-methionine/ml. the concentrations of highly conjugated derivatives were also decreased by suppl ...19724198357
liver enzyme induction by anticonvulsant drugs, and its relationship to disturbed calcium and folic acid metabolism. 19734199214
syntheses and biological activities of 7-ethyl-8-chloro-10-(1'-d-ribityl) isoalloxazine and 7-chloro-8-ethyl-10(1'-d-ribityl) isoalloxazine, analogs of riboflavin. 19734199215
the turnover of folate coenzymes in murine lymphoma cells. 19734199256
pathogenic lactobacilli. 19734199269
stimulation of lactic acid bacteria by a micrococcus isolate: evidence for multiple effects.growth of, and rate of acid production by, six cultures of lactic acid bacteria were increased in the presence of micrococcus isolate f4 or a preparation of its capsular material. concentrations of hydrogen peroxide found in pure cultures of the lactic acid bacteria were not detectable, or were greatly reduced, in mixed culture with micrococcus isolate f4. the capsular material was not as effective as whole cells in preventing accumulation of h(2)o(2). catalase stimulated growth of, and the rate ...19734199337
differential counting in mixed cultures with coulter counters.a critical comparison of coulter, viable, and microscope counts for several mixed cultures of microorganisms has been made. this investigation shows that coulter counting can provide reliable estimates of microbial numbers in mixed cultures. precautions and limitations of coulter counting in mixed cultures are discussed.19734199341
trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole effect on folate metabolism. 19734199529
trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole: long-term therapy and folate levels. 19734199530
radioassay of serum folate. 19734200431
concordance of radioassay and microbiological assay in the study of the ethanol-induced fall in serum folate level. 19734200474
significance of large red blood cells. 19734200575
relationships among urinary aminoimidazolecarboxamide in urine and folate, and vitamin b12 concentrations in serum. 19734200767
effect of diamide on growth of selected bacteria. 19734200867
survival of certain microorganisms subjected to rapid and very rapid freezing on membrane filters. 19734201116
methotrexate analogs. 2. a facile method of preparation of lipophilic derivatives of methotrexate and 3',5'-dichloromethotrexate by direct esterification. 19734201424
a comparison of the fluorometric and microbiological assays for estimating riboflavin content of blood and liver. 19734201455
calorimetric studies of thymidylate synthesis. 19734201495
the availability of food folate in man. 19734201754
the growth of mixed population of lactobacillus casei and nisin producing strain of streptococcus lactis in batch and continuous cultures. 19734201957
[folate levels during long-term therapy with trimethoprim and sulphadiazine]. 19734202131
[endocarditis caused by diphtheroids and lactobacilli (author's transl)]. 19734202412
folate studies in underprivileged children with epilepsy. 19734202536
direct radiochemical assay for serum folate: competition between 3h-folic acid and 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid for a folate binder. 19744202673
an automated method for the microbiological assay of serum pyridoxal.a fully automated method for the measurement of serum pyridoxal has been developed. acid phosphatase was used for dephosphorylation and precipitation of the serum proteins was not required. a chloramphenicol-resistant strain of l. casei was used as the test organism and this removed the need for sterilization. the method gives highly reproducible results, and is suitable for population and institutional studies.19734203205
effect of incubation time on folate values. 19744203283
synthesis and biological evaluation of isofolic acid. 19744203368
syntheses and biological activities of 7-ethyl-8-bromo-10-(1'-d-ribityl)isoalloxazine and 7-bromo-8-ethyl-10-(1'-d-ribityl)isoalloxazine, analogs of riboflavin. 19744203369
[biosynthesis of diacetyl by lactic acid bacteria]. 19724203436
mechanism of interaction of thymidylate synthetase with 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate. 19744203910
microbiological assay for purine analogues with lactobacillus casei. 19734203926
preparation of sphaeroplasts from lactobacillus casei by growth with low concentration of benzylpenicillin. 19734204235
identification and measurement of the folates in sheep liver.1. methods are described for the extraction, separation by ion-exchange chromatography and estimation by microbiological assay of the folates in sheep liver. 2. injection of [2-(14)c]-pteroylglutamate into a sheep fed on a stock diet led to extensive labelling of chromatographically separable liver folates. about 12% of the label in the liver could not be extracted by the method used. 3. liver folates were examined in five ewes fed on restricted amounts of a diet of wheaten hay-chaff and gluten ...19734204321
studies of folic acid compounds in nature. 3. folic acid compounds in cabbage. 19734204493
estimation of serum and red cell folate by a simple radiometric technique. 19734204791
structures of reversible and irreversible complexes of thymidylate synthetase and fluorinated pyrimidine nucleotides. 19744205029
folate coenzymes of lactobacillus casei and streptococcus faecalis. 19744205313
the carboxypeptidase-dependent inactivation of thymidylate synthetase. 19744205316
[respective values of serum folic, erythrocyte and folinic activities as a test of folate storage and metabolism in the normal and premature infant]. 19734205341
trouble-free microbiologic serum and red cell folate assays. 19744205535
[formation of dl-lactic acid by lactobacilli and characterization of a lactic acid racemase from several streptobacteria (author's transl)]. 19734205608
effect of microbial interactions on in vitro plaque formation by streptococcus mutans. 19744205715
methylation of 4-thio-2'-deoxyuridylate by thymidylate synthetase. 19734205909
investigation of the protease forming ability of serratia marcescens and one of its mutant strains. 19734205979
superiority of simplified assay for folate with lactobacillus casei atcc 7469 over assay with chloramphenicol-adapted assay of serum folate by mixing serum with a mixture of l. casei and medium without autoclaving was found to provide serum folate results similar to those by extraction of serum with heat. this procedure was found more reliable than that using the same technique with chloramphenicol and a strain of l. casei adapted to grow in this material. a portion of apparent folate activity assayed in haemolysates by such direct assay was found to be due to material other than folate. it is recommende ...19734206241
transport of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid into the cerebrospinal fluid in man. 19744206456
bacterial colonial microstructure. 19724206472
effects of the diastereoisomers of methylenetetrahydrofolate on the reaction catalyzed by thymidylate synthetase. 19744207357
dihydrofolate reductase: low-resolution mass-spectrometric analysis of an elastase digest as a sequencing elastase digest of a protein of unknown structure, dihydrofolate reductase, was studied by mass spectrometry. this soluble digest contained a large number of small peptides in different yields, within the ideal molecular-weight range (200-1200) for mixture-analysis mass spectrometry. sequences of the major component peptides in the digest are reported.19744207389
[use of biolactin in the diet of young children with dysentery]. 19734207564
[genetic studies on temperature-sensitive mutants of lactobacillus casei phage j1 (author's transl)]. 19734207638
[use of the fluorescent antibody method for microbiological control in the food-processing industry (review)]. 19724207751
an investigation by autoradiography and electron microscopy of the localization of prenols in lactobacillus casei. 19744207873
location of double bonds in long chain esters by methoxymercuration-demercuration followed by mass spectroscopy. 19744207878
separation of folates from antibiotics using triethylamino cellulose. 19744208122
the synthesis of polyribitol phosphate. ii. on the mechanism of polyribitol phosphate polymerase. 19744208141
fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase from lactobacillus casei. i. functional similarities with the rabbit muscle aldolase. 19744208172
fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase from lactobacillus casei. ii. multiple forms and their characteristics. 19744208173
cross-resistance and collateral susceptibility to antifolic antimalarial compounds.series of strains of streptococcus faecium atcc 8043, lactobacillus casei atcc 7469, and pediococcus cerevisiae atcc 8081 with increasing resistance to the active antifolate antimalarial drugs chlorguanide triazine (cgt), pyrimethamine (pm), and trimethoprim (tmp) were isolated. these mutant strains, stable for at least 3 to 5 years, were examined for cross-resistance and collateral susceptibility to the above compounds and to methotrexate (mtx). generally, they exhibited cross-resistance to all ...19724208273
synthesis and antifolate activity of 10-deazaminopterin. 19744208480
synthesis of 1-deaza-n10-methylfolic acid and related compounds. 19744208481
antimicrobial activity of 8-deazafolic acid. 19744208536
serum folic acid levels and pregnancy in south australia. a study of the factors associated with low serum folic acid levels with particular reference to racial groups and lactation. 19744208611
purification and properties of t2 bacteriophage-induced thymidylate synthetase. 19744208776
[pathogenicity of lactobacilli]. 19744209114
methylmalonic acid excretion studies. 19734209262
evidence for cellular control in the synthesis of acetoin or alpha-ketoisovaleric acid by microorganisms. 19744209365
[the presence of malic enzyme and malo-lactic enzyme in various lactic acid bacteria (author's transl)]. 19744209828
assay of serum folate: difference in serum folate values obtained by l. casei bioassay and competitive protein-binding assay. 19744210303
simple, inexpensive procedure for the disruption of bacteria.small volumes (1 to 2 ml) of bacterial cultures, with turbidities ranging from 3 to 10, were disrupted 50 to 90% (measured as a decrease in turbidity) within 2 min, by shaking them on a vortex-type mixer in the presence of glass beads. this method of disrupton was effective for cells in the following genera: streptococcus, lactobacillus, staphylococcus, bacillus, and escherichia. after low-speed centrifugation, the resulting extract can be used as potential sources for enzymes, transforming deox ...19744210727
vitamin b6 metabolism in women using oral contraceptives. 19744211018
comparative biochemistry of p-hydroxymethyl-l-phenylalanine: in vivo studies. 19744211880
polyglutamyl derivatives of folate as substrates and inhibitors of thymidylate synthetase. 19744212249
rapid transfer of folic acid from blood to bile in man, and its conversion into folate coenzymes and into a pteroylglutamate with little biological activity. 19744212300
studies of folate compounds in nature. folate compounds in rat kidney and red blood cells. 19744212359
synergistic action of increased oxygen tensions and paba-folic acid antagonists on bacterial growth. 19744212378
the effect of different serum concentrations of antimicrobial agents on the lactobacillus casei folate assay. 19744212402
[action of drugs on phagocytosis: the atropine-acetylcholine combination]. 19734212530
growth and active biomass production of lactobacillus casei. 19734213130
methotrexate analogs. 3. synthesis and biological properties of some side-chain altered analogs. 19744213249
microbiologic assay of erythrocytic folate content by the aseptic addition method. 19744213251
prevention of folate deficiency by food fortification. v. a pilot field trial of folic acid-fortified maize meal. 19744213309
the metabolism of methotrexate in lactobacillus casei and rat liver and the influence of methotrexate on metabolism of folic acid. 19744213458
high molecular weight complexes of folic acid in mammalian tissues. 19744213566
pyridoxal and folate deficiency in alcoholics. 19744213768
pyridoxal, vitamin b12 and folate metabolism in women taking oral contraceptive agents. 19744213769
a comparison of seven strains of lactobacillus casei var. rhamnosus in relation to their use in the microbiological assay of serum folate. 19744214109
variations in the quaternary structure of three lactic acid bacteria aldolases. evidence for the existence of a class i and class ii aldolase in lactobacillus casei. 19744214814
synthesis and antifolate activity of isoaminopterin. 19744214924
pyrimido(4,5-c)isoquinolines. 2. synthesis and biological evaluation of some 6-alkyl-,6-aralkyl-, and 6-aryl-1,3-diamino-7,8,9,10-tetrahydropyrimido(4,5-c)isoquinolines as potential folate antagnoists 1. 19744214925
effect of lipophilic substituents on some biological properties of indoles. 19744214926
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 3825