
isolation and characterization of bacteriophages specific for campylobacter jejuni.human infection by campylobacter jejuni is mainly through the consumption of contaminated poultry products, which results in gastroenteritis and, rarely, bacteremia and polyneuropathies. in this study, six c. jejuni-specific bacteriophages (cps1-6) were isolated by the spot-on-the-lawn technique from chicken samples in korea and characterized for potential use as biocontrol agents. all isolated bacteriophages exhibited a high specificity, being able to lyse only c. jejuni, but not other gram-neg ...200919780969
functional characterization of the twin-arginine translocation system in campylobacter jejuni.human campylobacterosis is one of the most commonly occurring types of bacterial food poisoning in the united states and other developed countries. most human cases are due to campylobacter jejuni that is commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens. the twin-arginine translocase (tat) secretion system uses n-terminal peptide tags with a distinct twin-arginine-containing motif to identify partially or fully folded proteins and directs them across the cytoplasmic membrane. in other ba ...200919799526
age-dependent variation of virulence-associated genes retained in campylobacter jejuni isolated from chickens in a poultry farm.the presence of 11 virulence-associated genes in campylobacter jejuni isolated from chickens at different stages of their development was examined by pcr. multiple groups of c. jejuni were colonized in one chicken at the same time. two hundred thirty one c. jejuni in total were isolated from the same group at four different ages and 12 groups of c. jejuni possessing of 11 virulence-associated genes were observed. eleven, eight, five and three groups of c. jejuni were detected at 21, 28, 42 and 5 ...200919801909
a modified weibull model for describing the survival of campylobacter jejuni in minced chicken meat.campylobacter is one of the leading causes of foodborne bacterial enteritis. since chicken meat may be an important source of c. jejuni, the aims of this study were (i) to evaluate the survival/inactivation of c. jejuni strain 49/7r and its antimicrobial resistant variants (49/7rat and 49/7ratcip32) in minced chicken meat during extended storage at temperatures ranging from -20 degrees c to 25 degrees c and (ii) to test the suitability of the weibull model for predicting the inactivation of c. j ...200919833401
development and evaluation of internal amplification controls for use in a real-time duplex pcr assay for detection of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni.a common problem of both conventional and real-time pcr assays is failure of dna amplification due to the presence of inhibitory substances in samples. in view of this, our aim was to develop and evaluate internal amplification controls (iacs) for use with an existing duplex real-time pcr assay for campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni. both competitive and non-competitive iacs were developed and evaluated. the competitive approach involved a dna fragment of the coding region of the fish v ...201019833779
campylobacter species occurrence within internal organs and tissues of commercial caged leghorn laying hens.campylobacter spp. are frequently present in the intestinal tract and internal tissues of broiler breeder and broiler chickens. campylobacter spp. ecology in commercial leghorn laying hens has not been extensively studied. the objectives of the current study were to determine 1) campylobacter spp. presence in the reproductive tract, lymphoid organs, liver-gallbladder, and ceca of commercial leghorn laying hens; 2) species of campylobacter present; and 3) antimicrobial resistance pattern of campy ...200919834099
importance of polyphosphate kinase 1 for campylobacter jejuni viable-but-nonculturable cell formation, natural transformation, and antimicrobial resistance.campylobacter jejuni, a gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium, is a predominant cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. although considered fragile and fastidious and lacking many classical stress response mechanisms, c. jejuni exhibits a remarkable capacity for survival and adaptation, successfully infecting humans and persisting in the environment. consequently, understanding the physiological and genetic properties that allow c. jejuni to survive and adapt to various stress condition ...200919837830
evaluation of live-attenuated salmonella vaccines expressing campylobacter antigens for control of c. jejuni in poultry.campylobacter jejuni is a zoonotic bacterial pathogen of worldwide importance. it is estimated that 460,000 human infections occur in the united kingdom per annum and these involve acute enteritis and may be complicated by severe systemic sequelae. such infections are frequently associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry meat and strategies to control c. jejuni in poultry are expected to limit pathogen entry into the food chain and the incidence of human disease. toward this aim, a ...201019853682
bacterial infections: new and emerging enteric pathogens.the aim of this review is to highlight recent advances in knowledge of bacterial enteric infections. we focus on understanding of enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o157:h7 and campylobacter jejuni infections, and to link these acute events with long-term consequences in a susceptible host, including irritable bowel syndrome and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.201019887937
genetic similarity of campylobacter isolates in humans, food, and water sources in central poland.campylobacter spp. is an important cause of gastroenteritis in humans throughout the world. however, sources of these infections are often difficult to identify. therefore, this study aimed at analyzing the genetic relatedness of campylobacter isolates from environmental and food samples as well as stool specimens of diarrheal patients obtained in a single geographic region in poland. only a few campylobacter jejuni isolates (4/18, 22%) could be assigned to one cluster, whereas the majority were ...201020001328
method for bacteriophage isolation against target campylobacter strains.poultry meat is considered a major source of campylobacter. this micro-aerobic bacterium is commonly responsible for foodborne illness. this work focuses on the isolation of campylobacter coli lytic bacteriophages (phages) against target c. coli strains.201020002571
easy-to-use rapid test for direct detection of campylobacter spp. in chicken feces.human campylobacteriosis is the leading cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis in developed countries. one important source of infection is poultry. results from the dutch campylobacter risk management and assessment project indicate that meat from broiler flocks shedding >or=7 log cfu campylobacter per g of feces poses the greatest risk of transmitting campylobacteriosis. the objective of this study was to develop a simple and rapid test that would identify chicken flocks shedding high number ...200920003729
medium chain fatty acid feed supplementation reduces the probability of campylobacter jejuni colonization in broilers.campylobacteriosis in humans is associated with handling and consumption of contaminated broiler meat. reduction of the number of campylobacter-colonized broiler flocks could potentially be realized by decreasing their susceptibility for colonization. the aim of this study was to determine the effect of feed supplementation with a mixture of medium chain fatty acids (c(8)-c(12)) on susceptibility of broilers for campylobacter colonization, feed conversion and body weight gain. two experiments we ...201020022713
identification and characterization of the aspartate chemosensory receptor of campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni is a highly motile bacterium that responds via chemotaxis to environmental stimuli to migrate towards favourable conditions. previous in silico analysis of the c. jejuni strain nctc11168 genome sequence identified 10 open reading frames, tlp1-10, that encode putative chemosensory receptors. we describe the characterization of the role and specificity of the tlp1 chemoreceptor (cj1506c). in vitro and in vivo models were used to determine if tlp1 had a role in host colonizatio ...201020025667
differential carbon source utilization by campylobacter jejuni 11168 in response to growth temperature variation.campylobacter spp. readily colonize the intestinal tracts of both human and avian species. while most often commensal organisms in birds, campylobacters remain the leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. the association of campylobacters with poultry is well established as a primary route for human exposure. the difference in normal core body temperature between chickens (42 degrees c) and humans (37 degrees c) has been suggested to trigger potential colonization or virulence facto ...201020035808
potential of coriander (coriandrum sativum) oil as a natural antimicrobial compound in controlling campylobacter jejuni in raw meat.twelve essential oils were tested in vitro for antimicrobial activities against several strains of campylobacter jejuni, a pathogen causing food-borne diseases worldwide. using disk diffusion and minimal inhibitory concentration determination assays, we noted that coriander oil exhibited the strongest antimicrobial activity against all tested strains. the oil had a bactericidal effect on the target bacteria. in evaluating the antimicrobial potency of coriander oil against c. jejuni on beef and c ...201020057155
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter isolates in broilers from china.the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter spp. in broiler chickens were determined in shandong province, china. in total, 275 campylobacter isolates were obtained from 767 broiler cecal samples, including 208 campylobacter jejuni, 53 campylobacter coli, and 14 unidentified campylobacter isolates. minimal inhibitory concentrations of 11 antimicrobial agents were determined using the agar dilution method recommended by clsi. more than 98% of the tested campylobacter isolates wer ...201020116182
caprylic acid reduces enteric campylobacter colonization in market-aged broiler chickens but does not appear to alter cecal microbial populations.campylobacter is a leading cause of foodborne illness in the united states, and epidemiological evidence indicates poultry products to be a significant source of human campylobacter infections. caprylic acid, an eight-carbon medium-chain fatty acid, reduces campylobacter colonization in chickens. how caprylic acid reduces campylobacter carriage may be related to changes in intestinal microflora. to evaluate this possibility, cecal microbial populations were evaluated with denaturing gradient gel ...201020132669
effect of organic acids and marination ingredients on the survival of campylobacter jejuni on meat.the aim of this study was to determine whether marination of chicken meat in different food ingredients can be used to reduce populations of campylobacter jejuni. c. jejuni strains were exposed to different organic acids (tartaric, acetic, lactic, malic, and citric acids) and food marinating ingredients at 4 degrees c in broth and on chicken meat. the organic acids (0.5%) reduced populations of c. jejuni in broth (chicken juice and brain heart infusion broth) by 4 to 6 log units (after 24 h); ta ...201020132670
a pulsed-field gel electrophoresis study of the genetic diversity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in poultry flocks in slovenia.campylobacter jejuni and c. coli have recently become the most frequent cause of bacterial foodborne enteric infection in most industrialised countries. consumption and handling of undercooked contaminated poultry meat was identified as an important risk factor for human campylobacteriosis. the aim of this study was to ascertain the genetic diversity of c. jejuni and c. coli strains isolated from poultry in slovenia. a total of 68 isolates (42 c. jejuni , 26 c. coli ) from faeces (n = 48), meat ...201020159735
reconstitution of a functional toll-like receptor 5 binding site in campylobacter jejuni flagellin.bacterial flagellin is important for intestinal immune homeostasis. flagellins from most species activate toll-like receptor 5 (tlr5). the principal bacterial food-borne pathogen campylobacter jejuni escapes tlr5 recognition, probably due to an alternate flagellin subunit structure. we investigated the molecular basis of tlr5 evasion by aiming to reconstitute tlr5 stimulating activity in live c. jejuni. both native glycosylated c. jejuni flagellins (flaa and flab) and recombinant proteins purifi ...201020164175
resistance to antimicrobial agents of campylobacter spp. strains isolated from animals in poland.a total of 69 campylobacter jejuni and 16 campylobacter coli strains isolated from chicken, dog and pig stool samples were characterized based on their resistance to five antimicrobial agents and on plasmid ptet profiles. antimicrobials used in this study were: amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. among the isolates studied, 91.7% were resistant to one or more antimicrobial agent. the highest level of resistance for the whole t ...200920169919
effects of polyphosphate additives on campylobacter survival in processed chicken exudates.campylobacter spp. are responsible for a large number of the bacterial food poisoning cases worldwide. despite being sensitive to oxygen and nutritionally fastidious, campylobacter spp. are able to survive in food processing environments and reach consumers in sufficient numbers to cause disease. to investigate campylobacter persistence on processed chicken, exudates from chickens produced for consumer sale were collected and sterilized. two types of exudates from chicken products were collected ...201020173061
reduction of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in poultry skin by fruit extracts.campylobacter spp. are a major cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis in humans, and current methods to control campylobacter contamination in foods are not completely successful. plants are a promising source of antimicrobial agents, particularly given the growing interest in "all natural" foods. in this study, the antimicrobial activity of extracts from 28 edible plants against campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was evaluated in vitro and in a poultry skin model. nine of 28 extr ...201020202332
survey of campylobacter jejuni in retail chicken meat products by application of a quantitative pcr protocol.campylobacter-contaminated food products are currently the cause of the highest number of gastroenteritis cases in developed countries. apart for biosafety measures at the primary production level, no other official control measures are currently in place for its control. this is partly due to the lack of quantitative data regarding the prevalence and contamination level of different food products by campylobacter spp. that does not allow for quantitative risk assessment. pcr-based methods, appl ...201020207040
risk factors for indigenous campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli infections in the netherlands: a case-control study.a case-control study comprising 1315 campylobacter jejuni cases, 121 campylobacter coli cases and 3409 frequency-matched controls was conducted in the netherlands in 2002-2003. risk factors for both c. jejuni and c. coli enteritis were consumption of undercooked meat and barbecued meat, ownership of cats and use of proton pump inhibitors. consumption of chicken was a predominant risk factor for c. jejuni enteritis, but many additional risk factors were identified. unique risk factors for c. coli ...201020223048
in vitro susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and ultrastructural characteristics related to swimming motility and drug action in campylobacter jejuni and c. coli.campylobacter jejuni has recently been noted as the most common cause of bacterial food-borne diseases in japan. in this study, we examined in vitro susceptibility to 36 antimicrobial agents of 109 strains of c. jejuni and c. coli isolated from chickens and patients with enteritis or guillain-barré syndrome from 1996 to 2009. among these agents, carbapenems (imipenem, meropenem, panipenem, and biapenem) showed the greatest activity [minimal inhibitory concentration (mic)(90), 0.03-0.125 microg/m ...201020225076
mutant prevention concentrations of fluoroquinolones against campylobacter jejuni isolated from chicken.the mutant prevention concentration (mpc) and mutant selection window (msw) concepts have been used to evaluate antibiotic concentration ranges that prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistant mutants. campylobacter jejuni is highly mutable to fluoroquinolone (fq) antibiotics, but it is unknown if the mpc concept can be used to prevent mutant emergence. in this study, the mpcs of three fqs including enrofloxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin were determined using 13 c. jejuni isolates. also, ...201020226601
host factors determine anti-gm1 response following oral challenge of chickens with guillain-barré syndrome derived campylobacter jejuni strain gb11.anti-ganglioside antibodies with a pathogenic potential are present in c. jejuni-associated guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) patients and are probably induced by molecular mimicry. immunization studies in rabbits and mice have demonstrated that these anti-ganglioside antibodies can be induced using purified lipo-oligosaccharides (los) from c. jejuni in a strong adjuvant.201020339556
growth phase-dependent activation of the dccrs regulon of campylobacter jejuni.two-component systems are widespread prokaryotic signal transduction devices which allow the regulation of cellular functions in response to changing environmental conditions. the two-component system dccrs (cj1223c-cj1222c) of campylobacter jejuni is important for the colonization of chickens. here, we dissect the dccrs system in more detail and provide evidence that the sensor dccs selectively phosphorylates the cognate effector, dccr. microarray expression profiling, real-time reverse transcr ...201020348251
altered linkage of hydroxyacyl chains in lipid a of campylobacter jejuni reduces tlr4 activation and antimicrobial resistance.modification of the lipid a moiety of bacterial lipopolysaccharide influences cell wall properties, endotoxic activity, and bacterial resistance to antimicrobial peptides. known modifications are variation in the number or length of acyl chains and/or attached phosphoryl groups. here we identified two genes (gnna and gnnb) in the major foodborne pathogen campylobacter jejuni that enable the synthesis of a glcn3n precursor udp 2-acetamido-3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-d-glucopyranose (udp-glcnac3n) i ...201020351099
genetic diversity in campylobacter jejuni is associated with differential colonization of broiler chickens and c57bl/6j il10-deficient mice.previous studies have demonstrated that campylobacter jejuni, the leading causative agent of bacterial food-borne disease in the usa, exhibits high-frequency genetic variation that is associated with changes in cell-surface antigens and ability to colonize chickens. to expand our understanding of the role of genetic diversity in the disease process, we analysed the ability of three c. jejuni human disease isolates (strains 11168, 33292 and 81-176) and genetically marked derivatives to colonize r ...201020360176
antimicrobial resistance, virulence, and genotypic profile comparison of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from humans and retail meats.a total of 360 spatially and temporally related campylobacter isolates, including 168 from clinical human cases (campylobacter jejuni n = 148; campylobacter coli n = 20) and 192 from retail meats (c. jejuni n = 114; c. coli n = 78), were analyzed for antimicrobial susceptibilities, virulence, and genotypic profiles. ciprofloxacin-resistant c. jejuni was observed in 13.5% and 19% of the isolates from humans and retail chicken breasts, respectively. antimicrobial resistance to ciprofloxacin and er ...201020367499
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter species isolated from chicken carcasses during processing in iran.the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter spp. isolated from chicken carcasses during different stages of broiler processing in a major commercial poultry processing plant in southwestern iran. overall, 84 chicken carcasses were sampled from 4 sites along the processing line during a total of 7 visits. in addition, 14 water samples from the chiller tank were taken. using the cultural method, 186 of 336 (55.4%) carcasses were positiv ...201020371855
prevalence and biomolecular characterization of campylobacter spp. isolated from retail meat.we estimated the prevalence of campylobacter spp. in retail meat (n = 352 samples; 104 chicken, 106 pork, and 142 beef) collected in campobasso, italy, comparing two microbiological methods. all the isolates were characterized by biomolecular techniques for epidemiological purposes. campylobacter isolation was performed by selective culture and membrane filtration methods. phenotypic and genotypic methods for genus and species identification were evaluated together with antimicrobial resistance ...201020377962
exposure of campylobacter jejuni to 6 degrees c: effects on heat resistance and electron transport activity.human infection with campylobacter jejuni is frequently associated with the consumption of foods, especially chicken meat, which have been exposed to a range of temperatures during processing, storage, and cooking. despite the public health importance of c. jejuni, little is known about the effects of cold exposure (refrigeration) on the subsequent ability of this pathogen to survive heat challenge. this work examined the effect of rapid exposure to 6 degrees c for 24 h on the heat resistance at ...201020377963
investigation of the presence and protective effects of maternal antibodies against campylobacter jejuni in chickens.the role of maternal antibodies in the lag phase of campylobacter positivity, widely observed in commercial broiler flocks, was investigated. the results indicate that 3-wk-old birds derived from a commercial flock are more susceptible to colonization with campylobacter jejuni than 1-to-2-wk-old birds. this increasing susceptibility parallels the loss of maternally derived, circulating, anti-campylobacter, immunoglobulin y antibodies as detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the role of ...201020408404
selecting for development of fluoroquinolone resistance in a campylobacter jejuni strain 81116 in chickens using various enrofloxacin treatment determine the effect of various enrofloxacin dose regimes on the colonization and selection of resistance in campylobacter jejuni strain 81116p in experimentally colonized chickens.201020408918
survival of campylobacter jejuni on raw chicken legs packed in high-oxygen or high-carbon dioxide atmosphere after the decontamination with lactic acid/sodium lactate buffer.quantitative risk assessment studies performed elsewhere showed the importance of reducing counts of campylobacter jejuni on chicken carcasses for decrease of incidence of human campylobacteriosis. the current study indicated that 1.8 log cfu/g reduction of inoculated c. jejuni (6 log cfu/g) can be achieved by decontamination with lactic acid buffered with sodium lacatate (la/nala, 10% w/v, ph 3.0). subsequent packaging under modified atmosphere of 80% o(2)/20%n(2) resulted in additional reducti ...201020434228
characterization of probiotic strains: an application as feed additives in poultry against campylobacter jejuni.campylobacteriosis is at present the most frequent zoonosis in humans and the main source is poultry meat contaminated by campylobacter jejuni. an alternative and effective approach to antibiotic administration to livestock to reduce bacterial contamination is the use of probiotics, which can help to improve the natural defence of animals against pathogenic bacteria. in this study 55 lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria were screened for desirable properties for their application as probiotic ...201020452074
intestinal mucus protects campylobacter jejuni in the ceca of colonized broiler chickens against the bactericidal effects of medium-chain fatty acids.campylobacter jejuni is the most common cause of bacterial-mediated diarrheal disease worldwide. because poultry and poultry products are a major source of c. jejuni infections in humans, efforts should be taken to develop strategies to decrease campylobacter shedding during primary production. for this purpose, the efficacy of medium-chain fatty acids (mcfa) as feed additives to control c. jejuni colonization in broiler chickens was analyzed. first, the antimicrobial activity of the mcfa caproi ...201020460660
purified chicken intestinal mucin attenuates campylobacter jejuni pathogenicity in vitro.campylobacter jejuni is a major causative agent of diarrhoeal disease worldwide in the human population. in contrast, heavy colonization of poultry typically does not lead to disease and colonized chickens are a major source of campylobacter infections in humans. previously, we have shown that chicken (but not human) intestinal mucus inhibits c. jejuni internalization. in this study, we test the hypothesis that chicken mucin, the main component of mucus, is responsible for this inhibition of c. ...201020466838
an evaluation of survival and detection of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli in broiler caecal contents using culture-based evaluate the culture specifications of the 2008 eu baseline survey for campylobacter spp. in broiler flocks at slaughter, by assessing the detection of thermophilic campylobacter in chicken caecal contents by culture on selective agar with or without enrichment culture. additionally, to assess the impact of sample storage time on campylobacter detection.201020477898
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter isolates from humans and chickens in bahir dar, this study, the isolation and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains from chickens and humans in bahir dar, ethiopia, were analyzed. two hundred and ten human and 220 chicken samples were analyzed between october 2007 and april 2008. seventeen human and 160 chicken campylobacter species were isolated. the overall prevalence of thermophilic campylobacters was 8% and 72.7% in humans and chickens, respectively. in humans, 94.1% of the isolates were c. jej ...201020482228
genotyping and pcr detection of potential virulence genes in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from different sources in poland.the prevalence of potential virulence markers was determined among the population of polish campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from children, chickens, pigs and dogs. the presence of the flaa, flab, cdta, cdtb, cdtc, cdtabc, virb11, and cj0588 genes among 74 c. jejuni and 15 c. coli isolates was detected by pcr. high prevalence of five different putative virulence and toxin genes (flaa, cdta, cdtb, cdtc, and cj0588) was found among isolates obtained from children, chickens and ...201020490760
risk factors for sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in children in a greek region.a case-control study was conducted in the urban area of attica, greece to investigate risk factors for sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in children aged <15 years. over a 2-year period, 205 cases and 205 controls, matched by age group (<1, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14 years) and gender, were selected from the registries of the paediatric hospitals of this area. in conditional multivariate logistic regression analysis, ethnicity [odds ratio (or) 5·06, 95% confidence interval (ci) 2·49-10·28], consumpt ...201020492748
[multilocus sequence typing of animal source campylobacter jejuni in east china].to characterize the genes of campylobacter jejuni isolates and to genotype the strains from chicken, cow, duck, pig and red-crowned crane during 2006 to 2008 by multilocus sequence typing (mlst).201020499632
prevention of intestinal campylobacter jejuni colonization in broilers by combinations of in-feed organic acids.we have tested the effect of various combinations of formic acid and sorbate on campylobacter jejuni colonization in broiler chickens to reduce the colonization of this zoonotic pathogen in broiler chicken flocks.201020522149
host association of campylobacter genotypes transcends geographic variation.genetic attribution of bacterial genotypes has become a major tool in the investigation of the epidemiology of campylobacteriosis and has implicated retail chicken meat as the major source of human infection in several countries. to investigate the robustness of this approach to the provenance of the reference data sets used, a collection of 742 campylobacter jejuni and 261 campylobacter coli isolates obtained from united kingdom-sourced chicken meat was established and typed by multilocus seque ...201020525862
molecular typing of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli from chickens and patients with gastritis or guillain-barré syndrome based on multilocus sequence types and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns.campylobacter jejuni has recently been noted as the most common cause of bacterial foodborne diseases in japan. in the present study, we determined st types of c. jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from chickens and patients with enteritis or gbs in japan and thailand. c. jejuni from chickens, enteritis, and gbs exhibited divergent st types and included several novel types in addition to worldwide common types. c. coli from enteritis was also divergent. novel st types may represent unidentif ...201020536735
fluoroquinolone resistance in campylobacter.campylobacter is a commensal in poultry, and therefore, poultry and poultry products are major sources of campylobacter infections in humans. fluoroquinolones inhibit the growth of campylobacter and other microorganisms by binding to bacterial dna gyrase and dna topoisomerase iv. these enzymes are associated with bacterial transcription, replication, and chromosome condensation and segregation. selection pressure in the presence of fluoroquinolones rapidly leads to resistance in campylobacter, d ...201020537275
decreasing trend of overlapping multilocus sequence types between human and chicken campylobacter jejuni isolates over a decade in finland.we describe the long-term multilocus sequence typing (mlst) analysis of the population structure and dynamics of 454 finnish human campylobacter jejuni isolates, as well as 208 chicken isolates, collected during the mid-1990s to 2007. the sequence type clonal complexes (st cc) st-45 cc, st-21 cc, and st-677 cc were the most common ones found among all isolates, and they covered 73.9% of all isolates. the st-283 cc also was found frequently among chicken isolates (8.2%). the predominant sts among ...201020543048
identification and characterization of a new ferric enterobactin receptor, cfrb, in campylobacter.the ferric enterobactin (feent) receptor cfra is present in the majority of campylobacter jejuni isolates and is responsible for high-affinity iron acquisition. our recent work and that of others strongly suggested the existence of another feent uptake system in campylobacter. here we have identified and characterized a new feent receptor (designated cfrb) using both in vitro and in vivo systems. cfrb, a homolog of c. jejuni nctc 11168 cj0444, shares approximately 34% of amino acid identity with ...201020585060
campylobacter spp among children with acute diarrhea attending mulago hospital in kampala--uganda.campylobacter infections occur worldwide. a recent study in kampala, uganda, found that 87% of broiler chickens had campylobacter jejuni; these are potential source of human infection. isolation rate in developing countries is between 5-35%. this study aimed at finding prevalence of children with campylobacter infection among children with acute diarrhea attending mulago hospital.200920589152
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter spp. isolated from retail chicken in two health units in ontario.campylobacter is an important enteric pathogen of humans and can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. campylobacter infections have frequently been associated with the handling and consumption of raw and undercooked poultry. antimicrobial resistance among campylobacter strains is of concern in the treatment of campylobacteriosis in vulnerable populations. a 2-year multidisciplinary study was conducted in the perth and wellington-dufferin-guelph public health units in ontario, canada, to in ...201020615345
campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis at an australian boarding school: consistency between epidemiology, flaa typing, and multilocus sequence this study, an outbreak of campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis occurring at a boarding school was investigated using a retrospective cohort study and environmental health investigation. thirty-five cases of gastroenteritis were recorded among 58 questionnaire respondents, with 14 of 18 persons submitting fecal samples having confirmed c. jejuni infections. attendance at one evening meal was statistically associated with illness (ratio of proportions of 3.09; 95% confidence intervals: 1.21, 1 ...201020617934
simple and rapid detection of campylobacter spp. in naturally contaminated chicken-meat samples by combination of a two-step enrichment method with an immunochromatographic assay.a simple and rapid method to detect campylobacter spp. in chicken-meat samples was established. this method consisted of a combination of a two-step enrichment method with a commercially available immunochromatographic assay, named nh immunochromato campylobacter (nh ic campy, nippon meat packers, ibaraki, japan), which is able to detect campylobacter antigen in an enrichment culture within 15 min. the enrichment method did not require much blood or a particular system of generating a microaerob ...201020621373
survival of poultry-derived campylobacter jejuni of multilocus sequence type clonal complexes 21 and 45 under freeze, chill, oxidative, acid and heat stresses.the application of multilocus sequence typing (mlst) for studying campylobacter jejuni diversity reveals that mlst clonal complex (cc) 21 and cc-45 occupies significant proportion in the diverse population of c. jejuni. these two complexes are ecologically abundant and represent an interesting subpopulation for studying c. jejuni survival under different stress conditions. in the present study we characterize and compare 19 c. jejuni strains assigned to cc-21 and cc-45, isolated from chicken mea ...201020630326
survival of campylobacter jejuni under conditions of atmospheric oxygen tension with the support of pseudomonas spp.campylobacter jejuni is a major food-borne pathogen. despite causing enteritis in humans, it is a well-adapted intestinal microorganism in animals, hardly ever generating disease symptoms. nevertheless, as a true microaerophilic microorganism it is still puzzling how campylobacter cells can survive on chicken meat, the main source of human infection. in this study, we demonstrate that c. jejuni is able to withstand conditions of atmospheric oxygen tension when cocultured with pseudomonas species ...201020639377
molecular typing and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of campylobacter jejuni isolates from north obtain the genotype and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of campylobacter jejuni isolates from north china, 93 c. jejuni isolates (56 isolates from patients with diarrhoea, 7 isolates from guillain-barré syndrome patients and 30 isolates from chicken stools) were selected for multilocus sequence typing (mlst), pfge and drug resistance testing. a total of 49 sequence types (sts) were identified from the entire panel of 93 c. jejuni isolates. fifty-six isolates belonged to 14 clonal comple ...201020651041
multilocus sequence types of finnish bovine campylobacter jejuni isolates and their attribution to human infections.campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. due to the sporadic nature of infection, sources often remain unknown. multilocus sequence typing (mlst) has been successfully applied to population genetics of campylobacter jejuni and mathematical modelling can be applied to the sequence data. here, we analysed the population structure of a total of 250 finnish c. jejuni isolates from bovines, poultry meat and humans collected in 2003 using a combinatio ...201020659332
gene expression profiling of the local cecal response of genetic chicken lines that differ in their susceptibility to campylobacter jejuni colonization.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) is one of the most common causes of human bacterial enteritis worldwide primarily due to contaminated poultry products. previously, we found a significant difference in c. jejuni colonization in the ceca between two genetically distinct broiler lines (line a (resistant) has less colony than line b (susceptible) on day 7 post inoculation). we hypothesize that different mechanisms between these two genetic lines may affect their ability to resist c. jejuni coloniza ...201020676366
phage-displayed peptides selected for binding to campylobacter jejuni are developed countries, campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of zoonotic bacterial gastroenteritis in humans with chicken meat implicated as a source of infection. campylobacter jejuni colonises the lower gastrointestinal tract of poultry and during processing is spread from the gastrointestinal tract onto the surface of dressed carcasses. controlling or eliminating c.jejuni on-farm is considered to be one of the best strategies for reducing human infection. molecules on the cell surface of c ...201020682764
roles of the twin-arginine translocase and associated chaperones in the biogenesis of the electron transport chains of the human pathogen campylobacter jejuni.the zoonotic pathogen campylobacter jejuni nctc 11168 uses a complex set of electron transport chains to ensure growth with a variety of electron donors and alternative electron acceptors, some of which are known to be important for host colonization. many of the key redox proteins essential for electron transfer in this bacterium have n-terminal twin-arginine translocase (tat) signal sequences that ensure their transport across the cytoplasmic membrane in a folded state. by comparisons of 2d ge ...201020688826
campylobacter protein oxidation influences epithelial cell invasion or intracellular survival as well as intestinal tract colonization in chickens.the dsb family of redox proteins catalyzes disulfide bond formation and isomerization. since mutations in dsb genes change the conformation and stability of many extracytoplasmic proteins, and since many virulence factors of pathogenic bacteria are extracytoplasmic, inactivation of dsb genes often results in pathogen attenuation. this study investigated the role of 2 membrane-bound oxidoreductases, dsbb and dsbi, in the campylobacter jejuni oxidative dsb pathway. campylobacter mutants, lacking d ...201020720313
influence of temperature, oxygen and bacterial strain identity on the association of campylobacter jejuni with acanthamoeba castellanii.campylobacteriosis is the most frequently reported foodborne disease in the industrialized world, mainly through consumption of contaminated chicken meat. to date, no information is available on the primary infection sources of poultry. in this study, the ability of five campylobacter jejuni strains with different invasion potential towards caco-2 cells to survive and replicate in the protozoan acanthamoeba castellanii was tested under simulated in situ conditions (i.e. chicken broiler houses). ...201020722733
polyphosphate kinase 2: a novel determinant of stress responses and pathogenesis in campylobacter jejuni.inorganic polyphosphate (poly p) plays an important role in stress tolerance and virulence in many bacteria. ppk1 is the principal enzyme involved in poly p synthesis, while ppk2 uses poly p to generate gtp, a signaling molecule that serves as an alternative energy source and a precursor for various physiological processes. campylobacter jejuni, an important cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in humans, possesses homologs of both ppk1 and ppk2. ppk1 has been previously shown to impact the pathob ...201020808906
the in vivo efficacy of two administration routes of a phage cocktail to reduce numbers of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni in chickens.poultry meat is one of the most important sources of human campylobacteriosis, an acute bacterial enteritis which is a major problem worldwide. campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni are the most common campylobacter species associated with this disease. these pathogens live in the intestinal tract of most avian species and under commercial conditions they spread rapidly to infect a high proportion of the flock, which makes their treatment and prevention very difficult. bacteriophages (phag ...201020809975
prevalence, antibiograms, and transferable tet(o) plasmid of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from raw chicken, pork, and human clinical cases in korea.the antibiotic resistance patterns and prevalence of the transferable tet(o) plasmid were investigated in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from raw chicken, pork, and humans with clinical campylobacteriosis. a total of 180 c. jejuni and c. coli isolates were identified, and the prevalence rates of c. jejuni and c. coli in raw chicken samples were 83% (83 of 100) and 73% (73 of 100), respectively. twelve percent (6 of 50) and 10% (5 of 50) of pork samples were contaminated wit ...201020819352
effect of chicken meat environment on gene expression of campylobacter jejuni and its relevance to survival in food.poultry meat is the major food source responsible for gastrointestinal infections caused by the human pathogen campylobacter jejuni. even though c. jejuni does not grow below 30 °c, the bacterium survives on raw meat surfaces at refrigerated temperatures and thus poses a risk to the consumer. previously, we have shown that chicken meat juice prolongs survival of c. jejuni at 5 °c compared to laboratory medium, suggesting that compounds present in meat juice influence adaptation to low temperatur ...201120858569
campylobacter jejuni induces an anti-inflammatory response in human intestinal epithelial cells through activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/akt pathway.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) is the most common cause of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis. poultry is a major reservoir of c. jejuni and considered an important source of human infections, thus, it is important to understand the host response to c. jejuni from chicken origin. in this study, we demonstrated firstly that a chicken isolate sc11 colonized chicks faster than clinical isolate nctc11168. using the sc11, we further studied the host responds to c. jejuni in terms of inflammatory ...201020863633
genomic characterization of campylobacter jejuni strain m1.campylobacter jejuni strain m1 (laboratory designation 99/308) is a rarely documented case of direct transmission of c. jejuni from chicken to a person, resulting in enteritis. we have sequenced the genome of c. jejuni strain m1, and compared this to 12 other c. jejuni sequenced genomes currently publicly available. compared to these, m1 is closest to strain 81116. based on the 13 genome sequences, we have identified the c. jejuni pan-genome, as well as the core genome, the auxiliary genes, and ...201020865039
low levels of antibacterial drug resistance expressed by gram-negative bacteria isolated from poultry carcasses in new provide baseline data on the levels and patterns of antibacterial drug resistance expressed by gram-negative bacteria isolated from poultry carcasses in new zealand.201020927173
efficacy of high-intensity pulsed light for the microbiological decontamination of chicken, associated packaging, and contact surfaces.the efficacy of high-intensity light pulse (hilp) technology (3 hz, maximum of 505 j/pulse, and a pulse duration of 360 μs) for the decontamination of raw chicken and associated packaging and surface materials was investigated. its ability to reduce microbial counts on raw chicken through plastic films was also examined. complete inactivation of campylobacter spp., escherichia coli, and salmonella enteritidis in liquid was achieved after 30 sec hilp treatment. reductions of 3.56, 4.69, and 4.60 ...201020932088
intranasal immunization with chitosan/pcaggs-flaa nanoparticles inhibits campylobacter jejuni in a white leghorn model.campylobacter jejuni is the most common zoonotic bacterium associated with human diarrhea, and chickens are considered to be one of the most important sources for human infection, with no effective prophylactic treatment available. we describe here a prophylactic strategy using chitosan-dna intranasal immunization to induce specific immune responses. the chitosan used for intranasal administration is a natural mucus absorption enhancer, which results in transgenic dna expression in chicken nasop ...201020936115
antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter isolates from retail meat in the united states between 2002 and 2007.the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter spp. has been a growing public health concern globally. the objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibility, and genetic relatedness of campylobacter spp. recovered by the national antimicrobial resistance monitoring system (narms) retail meat program. retail meat samples (n = 24,566) from 10 u.s. states collected between 2002 and 2007, consisting of 6,138 chicken breast, 6,109 ground turkey, 6,171 ...201020971875
[application of risk assessment in process of standards establishment about campylobacter jejuni in chicken].according to risk assessment results of the campylobacter jejuni in chicken of chinese residents' dietary, from the point of the standard management, establish the feasible measures to reduce the risk.201021033430
antimicrobial resistance of major foodborne pathogens from major meat products.the bacterial contamination of raw and processed meat products with resistant pathogens was studied. the raw samples included sheep (40), goat (40), pork (120), beef (80), and chicken (19) meat, and the processed samples included turkey filets (33), salami (8), readymade mincemeat (16), stuffing (22), and roast-beef (50). the samples were collected from retail shops in northwestern greece over a period of 3 years. the isolated pathogens were evaluated for susceptibilities to 19 antimicrobial age ...201021039131
molecular characterization and environmental mapping of campylobacter isolates in a subset of intensive poultry flocks in breeder and intensive broiler flocks together with the corresponding poultry farm environment were sampled for the presence of campylobacter with the aim of identifying potential sources and transmission routes of poultry flock contamination. the genetic diversity of a subset of campylobacter isolates was examined by analysis of the flaa-short variable region (svr). additional discrimination for a further subset of these isolates was achieved using multilocus sequence typing (mlst) analysi ...201021039133
multiple contaminations of chickens with campylobacter, escherichia coli and salmonella in yaounde (cameroon).food-borne diseases associated with campylobacter, escherichia coli, and salmonella are mainly caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked poultry meat. the objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of campylobacter, escherichia coli, and salmonella in chickens.201021045373
campylobacter genotypes from poultry transportation crates indicate a source of contamination and transmission.crates used to transport live poultry can be contaminated with campylobacter, despite periodic sanitization, and are potential vectors for transmission between flocks. we investigated the microbial contamination of standard and silver ion containing crates in normal use and the genetic structure of associated campylobacter populations.201021059158
epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni outbreak in a middle school in incheon, korea.on july 6, 2009, an outbreak of gastroenteritis occurred among middle school students in incheon. an investigation to identify the source and describe the extent of the outbreak was conducted. a retrospective cohort study among students, teachers, and food handlers exposed to canteen food in the middle school was performed. using self-administered questionnaires, information was collected concerning on symptoms, days that canteen food was consumed, and food items consumed. stool samples were col ...201021060748
wines as possible meat marinade ingredients possess antimicrobial potential against campylobacter.this research studied the survival of high (7 log cfu/ml) and low (3 log cfu/ml) inoculum levels of campylobacter in white and red wines and in grape and tomato juices, which could function as potential antimicrobial marinade ingredients. for comparison, survival was also studied in a commercial poultry meat marinade. white and red wines were shown to have very high bactericidal effects against campylobacter. high counts were rapidly inactivated to undetectable numbers within 15 min in white win ...201021076110
campylobacter jejuni is associated with, but not sufficient to cause vibrionic hepatitis in chickens.vibrionic hepatitis is a disease of poultry which is characterised by the presence of focal lesions in the liver, usually 1-2mm in size and greyish-white in colour. the cause of the disease remains unclear, as do the reasons for its recent re-emergence. we examined the livers of commercial broiler chickens taken during processing and found campylobacter spp. in both normal livers and those displaying signs indicative of focal hepatitis. livers with signs of hepatitis had significantly more campy ...201021112163
effect of coated and non-coated fatty acid supplementation on broiler chickens experimentally infected with campylobacter jejuni.the aim of this study was to examine whether and to what extent the supplementation of feed with a coated or non-coated mixture of fatty acids (caprylic and capric acid) affects broiler chickens experimentally infected with campylobacter jejuni. the study was carried out using 48 chickens divided into four experimental groups. throughout the whole rearing period (1-42 days), the chickens were fed a diet supplemented with 0.25% caprylic and capric acid (1:1), coated or non-coated. at the age of 1 ...201021114690
temperature-dependent phenotypic variation of campylobacter jejuni lipooligosaccharides.campylobacter jejuni is a major bacterial cause of food-borne enteritis, and its lipooligosaccharide (los) plays an initiating role in the development of the autoimmune neuropathy, guillain-barré syndrome, by induction of anti-neural cross-reactive antibodies through ganglioside molecular mimicry.201021118497
comparison of genotypes and antibiotic resistance of campylobacter jejuni isolated from humans and slaughtered chickens in get an overview of genotypes and antibiotic resistances in swiss campylobacter jejuni implicated in human gastroenteritis and to examine the association with isolates from chickens.201021143711
drinking water as the source of campylobacter coli infection in grandparent heavy breeders.the aim of the present study was the molecular identification of a common source of infection of campylobacter coli in two grandparent breeder farms. campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were isolated from well water and cloacal swabs from grandparent chickens. colonies were genotyped using restriction fragment length polymorphism-flaa gene, pulsed field gel electrophoresis and multi-locus sequence typing. the same genotype of c. coli was found in both farms and in the well from which drinking water ...201021154058
evaluation of salmonella-vectored campylobacter peptide epitopes for reduction of campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens.campylobacter is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans and is often linked to contaminated poultry products. live salmonella vectors expressing three linear peptide epitopes from campylobacter proteins cj0113 (omp18/cjad), cj0982c (cjaa), and cj0420 (ace393) were administered to chicks by oral gavage on the day of hatch, and the chicks were challenged with campylobacter jejuni on day 21. all three candidate vaccines produced consistent humoral immune responses with high levels o ...201021177910
epidemiological association of different campylobacter jejuni groups with metabolism-associated genetic this study, multilocus sequence typing (mlst) was combined with the genetic detection of six genetic markers, ansb, dmsa, ggt, cj1585c, cjj81176-1367/71 (cj1365c), and the two-gene marker tlp7 (cj0951c plus cj0952c), to assess if their presence correlated with different c. jejuni clonal groups. using a collection of 266 c. jejuni isolates from (in decreasing order of sample size) humans, chickens, cattle, and turkeys, it was further investigated whether the resulting genotypes correlated with ...201121278270
participation of cher and cheb in the chemosensory response of campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans and a commensal bacterium of the intestinal tracts of animals, especially poultry. chemotaxis is an important determinant for chicken colonization of c. jejuni. adaptation has a crucial role in the gradient-sensing mechanism that underlies chemotaxis. the genome sequence of c. jejuni reveals the presence of genes encoding putative adaptation proteins, cheb and cher. in-frame deletions of cheb, cher and chebr were cons ...201121292743
prevalence of potentially neuropathic campylobacter jejuni strains on commercial broiler chicken products.campylobacteriosis is the most common antecedent infection leading to the development of inflammatory neuropathies including guillain barré syndrome (gbs) and miller fisher syndrome (mfs), with alterations in surface proteins and genetic polymorphisms conferring increased risk. poultry is the most common source of c. jejuni infection in industrialized countries, including the us. there are no data on the prevalence on consumer poultry products of various strains of c. jejuni, including those hyp ...201121295368
high-resolution melting system to perform multilocus sequence typing of campylobacter jejuni.multi-locus sequence typing (mlst) has emerged as the state-of-the-art method for resolving bacterial population genetics but it is expensive and time consuming. we evaluated the potential of high resolution melting (hrm) to identify known mlst alleles of campylobacter jejuni at reduced cost and time. each mlst locus was amplified in two or three sub fragments, which were analyzed by hrm. the approach was investigated using 47 c. jejuni isolates, previously characterized by classical mlst, repre ...201121297862
prevalence of putative virulence markers in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from hospitalized children, raw chicken, and raw beef in tehran, iran.the incidence of the virulence-associated genes cdta, cdtb, cdtc, cadf, dnaj, racr, and plda has been investigated in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli collected from raw chicken and beef from retailers in tehran, iran, and from hospitalized children (age, =14 years) suffering from diarrhea. campylobacter spp. were collectively identified by morphological and biochemical methods. campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were discriminated from other campylobacter spp. by amplification of a spe ...201121326356
a charcoal- and blood-free enrichment broth for isolation and pcr detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chicken.the microaerophilic nature of campylobacter and its requirement of ~5% o(2) for growth have complicated its recovery from foods. the addition to the enrichment media of oxygen quenchers such as charcoal or blood could interfere with pcr for its detection. in this study, a two-step simple aerobic method for campylobacter detection is proposed. a modification of the tran blood-free enrichment broth (bfeb), in which charcoal was excluded from the medium (m-bfeb), was compared with the original form ...201121333141
comparison of cape town and skirrow's campylobacter isolation protocols in humans and broilers in morogoro, tanzania.comparison of cape town and skirrow's protocols used in isolation of campylobacter in humans and broilers was carried out in a cross-sectional study in morogoro, tanzania. a total of 176 and 158 human stool and broiler intestinal samples were collected, respectively. while human stool samples were collected from selected health centers, broiler intestinal samples were obtained from selected farms and chicken markets. samples were inoculated and cultured in duplicate using two protocols and preva ...201121359592
transfer of campylobacter jejuni from raw to cooked chicken via wood and plastic cutting boards.we quantified campylobacter jejuni transferred from naturally contaminated raw chicken fillets and skins to similar cooked chicken parts via standard rubberwood (rw) and polyethylene cutting boards (pe).201121375548
isolation of lactobacillus salivarius 1077 (nrrl b-50053) and characterization of its bacteriocin, including the antimicrobial activity spectrum.lactobacillus salivarius 1077 (nrrl b-50053) was isolated from poultry intestinal materials, and in vitro anti-campylobacter jejuni activity was demonstrated. the isolate was then used for bacteriocin production and its enrichment. the protein content of the cell-free supernatant from the spent medium was precipitated by ammonium sulfate and dialyzed to produce the crude antimicrobial preparation. a typical bacteriocin-like response of sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes and resistance to lysozym ...201121378051
fitness cost of fluoroquinolone resistance in campylobacter coli and campylobacter this study, the fitness cost of fluoroquinolone resistance was evaluated in vitro, on food matrices, and in vivo, using campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni in vitro selected mutants. in vitro, the growth rate of the susceptible (wild type) and resistant (mutant) strains did not differ when cultured separately. however, by conducting sequential passages of mixed cultures, the ratio of the resistant mutant to the susceptible strain decreased for c. coli but not for c. jejuni. when the w ...201121388301
eleutherine americana: a candidate for the control of campylobacter species.the antibacterial activity of ethanolic extracts of selected thai medicinal plants (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (aiton) hassk., quercus infectoria g. olivier, and eleutherine americana merr.) against campylobacter spp. was investigated. sixty-five campylobacter, including 39 isolates from humans and 26 isolates from chicken samples, were tested. reference campylobacter spp. that are commonly encountered in gastroenteritis were included. the ethanolic extract of e. americana demonstrated good antibacte ...201121406364
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1199