
occurrence of drug resistance in shigella species isolated from patients with diarrhoea in bangladesh. 19938262877
invasive strains of escherichia coli belonging to serotype o121:nm.ten strains of escherichia coli isolated from 10 travellers with sporadic diarrhea who were returning to tokyo, japan, from abroad were found to be of serotype o121:nm and were positive in the serény test for invasiveness; this suggests that this serotype can cause a shigellosis-like illness in humans. the e. coli o121:nm strains were positive in the cell invasion test in hela cells. analysis of the plasmid content of these strains showed that they contained a high-molecular-mass plasmid of 120 ...19938263192
viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens associated with severe diarrhoea in the city of são paulo, brazil.viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens associated with diarrhoea were studied in infants and young children admitted to the paediatric clinic of the university hospital of são paulo during the period of 13 months. a recognised pathogenic organism was detected in 78% of the diarrhoeic patients, 6% of whom had a mixed infection with two agents. enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) was the most common enteropathogen detected (22%), followed by rotavirus (19%) and adenovirus (10%). altogether 6% had di ...19938263302
leukaemoid reaction in diarrhoeal diseases.there was an outbreak of diarrhoea/dysentery in naxalbari, north bengal in august-september of 1992. ninety-seven cases were investigated. bacterial pathogens were isolated from stools of 17 cases and the organisms were salmonella typhimurium (76%), salmonella enteritidis (12%) and shigella dysenteriae type 1(12%). a leukaemoid reaction was observed in 4 cases (24%) amongst all 17 patients and they were all children.19938263332
southwestern internal medicine conference: shiga-like toxins in hemolytic-uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.the majority of cases of hemolytic-uremic syndrome and a smaller proportion of cases of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura have recently been shown to result from a toxin produced by enteric bacteria, referred to as verotoxin, or shiga-like toxin. the predominant toxin-producing bacterial strain in north america is e. coli o157:h7, which causes hemorrhagic colitis in humans after ingestion of contaminated meat. the toxin is believed to gain entry to the circulation from the bowel wall; it then ...19938266983
clostridium difficile-related disease: evaluation and prevalence among inpatients with diarrhea in two freestanding rehabilitation hospitals.clostridium difficile has been associated with diarrhea in hospitalized patients receiving antibiotic therapy, and may be nosocomially acquired. rehabilitation hospital inpatients may require frequent antibiotic intervention and are thus at risk, though few reports of epidemics at such centers have been published. this study describes the evaluation and prevalence of c difficile-related disease, among rehabilitation hospital inpatients. a retrospective review was conducted of all diarrhea evalua ...19938267789
short-term treatment of traveler's diarrhea with norfloxacin: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study during two seasons.clinical efficacy of norfloxacin for treatment of traveler's diarrhea in 106 finnish tourists vacationing in morocco was evaluated during two different seasons. when the criteria for diagnosis of traveler's diarrhea were fulfilled, norfloxacin (400 mg) or a placebo was given orally, twice daily for 3 days. all symptoms and signs subsided sooner in the norfloxacin group. the clearest difference was observed in the duration of diarrhea: 1.2 days in the norfloxacin group vs. 3.3 days in the placebo ...19938268363
[analgesic effect and gastro-intestinal motility inhibitory action of 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-acetophenone from cynanchum paniculatum (bunge) kitagawa].3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-acetophenone (hma) isolated from cynanchum paniculatum was found to have analgesic effect and inhibitory action on the gastro-intestinal motility. the effect and action were equivalent to that of paeonol, hma displayed a very low degree of antibacterial activity against escherichia coli and shigella flexneri.19938274216
evaluation of butorphanol tartrate and buprenorphine hydrochloride on the inflammatory reaction of the sereny test.invasion of the ocular epithelia of guinea pigs by virulent shigella organisms, eliciting keratoconjunctivitis, is the basis of the sereny test (st). this test has been used to ascertain the virulence of shigella strains and more recently to screen candidate shigella vaccines for efficacy. this test undoubtedly causes pain in test animals; however, recommendation for use of local analgesics/anesthetics has not been accepted because of concern that these topical agents may affect the ability of t ...19938277729
molecular characterization, nucleotide sequence, and expression of the flio, flip, fliq, and flir genes of escherichia coli.the flil operon of escherichia coli contains seven genes that are involved in the biosynthesis and functioning of the flagellar organelle. dna sequences for the first three genes of this operon have been reported previously. a 2.2-kb psti restriction fragment was shown to complement known mutant alleles of the flio, flip, fliq, and flir genes, the four remaining genes of the flil operon. four open reading frames were identified by dna sequence analysis and correlated to their corresponding genes ...19948282695
serum antibody responses against shigella lipopolysaccharides and invasion plasmid-coded antigens in shigella infected swedish patients.serum antibody responses to shigella lipopolysaccharide (lps) and invasion plasmid-coded antigens (ipa) were studied in 74 swedish patients with culture verified bacillary dysentery using class-specific enzyme immunoassay (eia). anti-lps responses were found in 80% and 79% serum samples, respectively, from s. flexneri and s. sonnei infected patients and anti-ipa responses in 60% and 43%, respectively. the mean anti-ipa igg antibody titres in s. flexneri infected patients remained high for 4-6 mo ...19938284641
reduced susceptibilities of shigella sonnei strains isolated from patients with dysentery to clinical isolates of shigella sonnei with reduced susceptibilities to fluoroquinolones (sparfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and ofloxacin) were obtained. the mics of fluoroquinolones against these s. sonnei strains were 16 to 32 times higher than those obtained against typical strains that are highly susceptible to these agents. the kinetics of [14c]ofloxacin accumulation in these clinical strains were not different from those in the fully susceptible strains. however, dna synthesis was much less ...19938285640
recent trends in the epidemiology of shigella species in israel.trends in the epidemiology of infections due to shigella species over a period of 6 years (1986-1991) in israel were studied by analysis of the results of 51,300 stool cultures, of which 2,987 yielded shigella species. in a university hospital, the relative prevalence of shigella sonnei in patients with shigellosis increased over the years from 60% in 1986 to 91% in 1991 (r = 0.93; p = .007); concomitantly, the prevalence of shigella flexneri decreased from 29% to only 8% (r = -0.80; p < .05). i ...19938286636
effectiveness of the bacteriological analytical manual culture method for the recovery of shigella sonnei from selected foods.the relative retention of the indigenous morphological, biochemical, and serological characteristics by shigella sonnei was tested under various storage conditions (room temperature, refrigeration, freezing at -20 degrees c and at -70 degrees c, and lyophilization). the use of a selective (desoxycholate citrate) agar rather than a nonselective (brain heart infusion) agar gave a lower conversion rate of smooth to rough colonies, and the percentage of rough colonies derived from cultures stored fo ...19938286963
rapid in vitro micro-cytotoxicity tests for the detection and quantitation of neutralizing antibodies to both viruses and toxins.a generally applicable method was developed for the rapid and quantitative detection of both toxin- and virus neutralizing antibodies. the method was optimized for three different biological agents, i.e., shigella toxin, influenza viruses (a/beying, a/taiwan and b/yamagata) and chikungunya virus. the in vitro micro-cytotoxicity tests developed for the detection and quantitation of neutralizing antibodies are based on the inhibition of the virus- or toxin-induced cytotoxic effect by antibodies. a ...19938288870
a study of the aetiological agents of childhood diarrhoea in lagos, nigeria.from december 1989 to may 1990, 315 faecal samples from children under 5 years old with diarrhoea (215) and without diarrhoea (100) seen at paediatric clinics were investigated for bacterial, viral and parasitic enteropathogens. standard and recently described methods were used for the investigations, which revealed that 74.9% of children with diarrhoea were infected with enteropathogens compared with 28% of controls. in the diarrhoeal group, 59.1% had a bacterial, 26.5% a viral and 2.3% a paras ...19948289209
a cytolysin encoded by salmonella is required for survival within macrophages.a salmonella gene encoding a cytolysin has been identified by screening for hemolysis on blood agar. dna sequence analyses together with genetic mapping in salmonella suggest that it is unrelated to other toxins or hemolysins. the gene (slya) is present in every strain of salmonella examined, in shigella, and in enteroinvasive escherichia coli but not in other enterobacteriaceae. slya (salmolysin) purified from a derivative of the original clone has hemolytic and cytolytic activity and has a mol ...19948290552
bacterial and cryptosporidial infection as the cause of chronic diarrhoea in patients with liver disease in nepal.chronic diarrhoea is common in patients with liver disease in nepal. it is often seen in patients with alcoholic liver disease (ald) and those with obstructive lesions of the hepatic portion of the inferior vena cava. to assess the role of bacterial and parasitic infection in patients with chronic diarrhoea, microscopic examination and culture of the stool were done in 30 cases. pathogenic bacteria were isolated in 23 (76%), yersinia sp was isolated in 9 (26%), klebsiella and shigella sp. in 3 e ...19938291124
production of cytotoxins and enterotoxins by strains of shigella and salmonella isolated from children with bloody diarrhea.the role of toxins in the pathogenesis of bloody diarrhea caused by shigella and salmonella isolated from children with bloody diarrhea was studied for production of toxins active on cells in culture and in rat intestinal loops. human epithelial cells from colon carcinoma (ht-29), chinese hamster ovary cells (cho) and kidney fibroblast from rhesus monkey (vero) were used to detect cytotoxins. on ht-29 almost 50% of the shigella and about 20% of the salmonella strains caused rounding of cells; on ...19938292872
[on the outbreak of shigellosis in tokyo, 1992].in 1992, the number of cases of shigellosis in tokyo increased remarkably, and a total of 10 separate outbreaks were confirmed. except for 1 series where the causative strains was shigella flexneri 3a, the other 9 outbreaks were caused by shigella sonnei. of note, 7 outbreaks were familial with less than 5 patients. the remaining 3 outbreaks occurred in a restaurant, a school and the dormitory of an orphanage, in which the organism was detected in 6 to 14 patients. in 4 of the familial outbreaks ...19938294768
use of the vibrio cholerae irga gene as a locus for insertion and expression of heterologous antigens in cholera vaccine strains.vibrio cholerae may be a particularly effective organism for use in delivering heterologous antigens to stimulate a common mucosal immune response. a live attenuated vaccine strain of v. cholerae was constructed from the ctxa deletion mutant 0395-n1, containing the b subunit of shiga-like toxin i under the transcriptional control of the iron-regulated irga promoter. the b subunit of shiga-like toxin i is identical to the b subunit of shiga toxin (stxb). irga encodes the major iron-regulated oute ...19938296486
bacillus subtilis flagellar proteins flip, fliq, flir and flhb are related to shigella flexneri virulence factors.the amino acid sequences of the bacillus subtilis flagellar proteins, flip, fliq, flir and flhb, as deduced from their respective nucleotide sequences, were found to share significant homology to the shigella flexneri spa24, spa9, spa29 and spa40 virulence proteins, respectively. these proteins are required for the presentation of surface plasmid antigens. these results further support the growing hypothesis that a superfamily of proteins exists for the biosynthesis of supramolecular structures ...19938299954
water quality, waterborne disease and enteric disease in israel, 1976-92.israel experienced a large number of waterborne disease outbreaks between 1975 and 1985, followed by a steep decline in the period 1986-92. large-scale community waterborne disease outbreaks occurred primarily in the late 1970s, and in 1985 (the krayot, four small towns neighboring haifa), but substantial outbreaks occurred as late as 1989, with 4 during 1986-90, and 1 during 1991-92. new water standards, including mandatory chlorination of all community water supplies, came into effect in late ...19938300387
mutants of agrobacterium vira that activate vir gene expression in the absence of the inducer the presence of inducer molecules produced by wounded plants, the vira/virg two-component positive regulatory system of agrobacterium tumefaciens initiates transcription of virulence genes required for crown gall tumor formation. exactly how this system enables the bacterium to respond to an environmental signal is not known, but phosphorylation of vira and virg plays a role. to analyze further the function of vira, we chemically mutagenized the vira gene. two mutants that activate vir transc ...19948300595
characterization of a plasmid codifying the synthesis of a beta-lactamase produced by shigella flexneri.the resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics shown by a strain of shigella flexneri was plasmid-coded. this plasmid, pmam-1, when transferred to escherichia coli k-12 by conjugation, presented the same molecular weight (100 kbp) and conferred the same high level of resistance to ampicillin in the transconjugant as in the wild type strains (mic, 2048-4096). restriction analysis of the plasmid in transconjugants revealed various restrictive sites to some endonucleases (i.e. bam hi, eco ri, pst i, nco ...19938302197
effect of five irreversible inhibitors on beta-lactamase from shigella flexneri ucsf-129.the effect of five irreversible inhibitors on purified enzyme from shigella flexneri uscf-129 and also in vitro, was investigated. the i50 was 0.091, 0.30, 0.40 and 0.87 microgram/ml for 6 beta-iodopenicillanic, clavulanic, olivanic and 6 beta-bromopenicillanic acids, respectively, and 255 micrograms/ml for sulbactam. the synergic responses of these inhibitors (10 micrograms/ml) were studied with ampicillin and cephradin on s. flexneri. the mic of ampicillin was reduced by 128 times using 6 beta ...19938302198
antibiotic resistance of shigella strains isolated in the federal republic of germany 1989-1990.a great many reports have been published about the multiresistance to strains of antibiotics in countries with a high incidence of shigellosis. in order to obtain better information about the situation in germany, we tested 255 shigella strains to 28 antibiotics during the 1989-1990 period. 153 (60%) of isolates originated from imported cases of infection (middle and far east, west and north africa, central america), whereas no history of infection in foreign countries was available for the rema ...19938305806
antimicrobial resistance patterns and plasmid survey of salmonella and shigella isolated in ibadan, nigeria.antibiotic resistance patterns among salmonella and shigella spp isolated from diarrhoeic human beings were studied. eleven antibiotic resistance patterns were observed. plasmid survey of the isolates revealed the presence of multiple plasmids in thirty two of the fifty three strains. more plasmid patterns than antibiotic resistance were observed. incidence of salmonellosis and shigellosis in this environment is caused by genetically unrelated salmonella and shigella strains although with identi ...19938306898
the microbiology of acute diarrhoeal disease in the eastern province of saudi arabia.a prospective study of acute diarrhoeal diseases in the eastern province of saudi arabia was carried out over a 19-month period to determine aetiology, risk factors and other epidemiological characteristics. of the 853 subjects studied, 344 were cases and 509 controls. more cases were seen in children than in adults. enteric pathogens were detected in 49% of the cases, but none in the controls. of the pathogens, 68% were bacterial with salmonella (34%) and shigella species (14.7%) being the most ...19938306900
the binding site of the transcriptional activator virg from agrobacterium comprises both conserved and specific nonconserved sequences.virulence genes of agrobacterium tumefaciens are transcriptionally activated in response to phenolic compounds and certain sugars. the transcription activator virg specifically binds to fragments containing the conserved vir box sequence present in the promoter region of all vir genes. this study shows that both the vir box as well as specific nonconserved sequences downstream of the vir box are required for virg binding and transcriptional activation. insertion of the identified virg binding si ...19948307169
evaluation of a technique for identification of shiga-like toxin-producing escherichia coli by using polymerase chain reaction and digoxigenin-labeled probes.a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technique for the identification of shiga-like toxin (slt)-producing escherichia coli was assessed by using 95 strains of slt-producing e. coli and 5 shigella dysenteriae type 1 strains. pcr was used for the amplification of slt gene sequences from whole bacterial colonies. a digoxigenin-labeled dna probe was used for identification of the pcr products in a spot blot hybridization assay. modifications were made to adapt this technique for the proper identificati ...19938308107
septicaemia in patients with and without aids at westminster hospital, london.the types of organism causing septicaemia in patients with aids and without aids at westminster hospital were examined prospectively over a period of 2 years (1990-1991). altogether 417 episodes of septicaemia were diagnosed, 148 (35%) of which were in patients with aids. of septicaemias in patients with aids, 53 (36%) were caused by mycobacteria. non-mycobacterial septicaemias were associated with iv access devices in 58 (61%) of patients with aids and in 50 (19%) of those without aids. gram-ne ...19938308315
[molecular genetic studies on virulence-associated chromosomal loci of shigella flexneri 2 a]. 19938309077
polymerase chain reaction for the specific detection of escherichia coli/shigella.the outer membrane protein phoe of members of the family enterobacteriaceae consists of conserved membrane-spanning segments and hypervariable surface-exposed regions. two oligonucleotides based on dna sequences encoding two different cell-surface-exposed regions of the escherichia coli k12 phoe protein were tested for their specificity in polymerase chain reactions. they reacted with all strains of the species e. coli/shigella tested, except for strain s. boydii serovar 13, which is known to re ...19938310181
household epidemiology of cryptosporidium parvum infection in an urban community in northeast examine the transmission of cryptosporidium infection in households with an identified person with cryptosporidiosis.19948311373
detection of shigella and enteroinvasive escherichia coli using polymerase chain reaction.two oligonucleotide primers were used in a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) procedure to amplify a region of the invasive-associated locus (ial) of shigella and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec). detection of the amplified product can be done by agarose gel electrophoresis, which is specific and sensitive enough for routine diagnosis of these two pathogens. pcr is done using dna extracted directly from faeces. the procedure can be completed in 7 h. these findings demonstrate a novel method f ...19938315253
campylobacter-associated diarrhoea in egyptian infants: epidemiology and clinical manifestations of disease and high frequency of concomitant infections.a diarrhoeal disease survey in alexandria, egypt determined the prevalence, seasonality, and household risk factors for campylobacter-associated diarrhoea in young children. the study population was 880 children (mean age = 9.8 months) presenting with diarrhoea at one of two hospitals. a control group consisted of 1,079 healthy children (mean age = 8.8 months) attending two nearby vaccination clinics. the overall isolation frequencies for campylobacter spp. were 16.8% for cases and 6.4% for the ...19938315255
homology between the hrpo protein of pseudomonas solanacearum and bacterial proteins implicated in a signal peptide-independent secretion mechanism.a region of approximately 22 kb of dna defines the large hrp gene cluster of strain gmi1000 of pseudomonas solanacearum. the majority of mutants that map to this region have lost the ability to induce disease symptoms on tomato plants and are no longer able to elicit a hypersensitive reaction (hr) on tobacco, a non-host plant. in this study we present the complementation analysis and nucleotide sequence of a 4772 bp region of this hrp gene cluster. three complete open reading frames (orfs) are p ...19938316211
chronic iron intake and diarrhoeal disease in infants. a field study in a less-developed country.the effect of chronic iron intake on diarrhoeal disease was evaluated in children in a community of low socio-economic stratum in santiago, chile. children were incorporated into each of two consecutive cohorts; each cohort was divided into two groups, one receiving iron-enriched milk (12 mg/l) (monthly average = 70 children) and the other a control milk (1 mg/l) (monthly average = 83 children), and each cohort was followed up for 6 months. the incidence of diarrhoea was higher among the iron-su ...19938319667
drug resistance in bacteria: history, genetics and biochemistry.the significance of the discovery of prontosil in 1932 as the initiating step in the development of the modern era of antimicrobial chemotherapy is reviewed. the history of the discovery and the development of chemotherapeutic agents, from penicillin in 1929 to present-day antibiotics, are summarized. the various mechanisms by which bacteria are able to overcome the protective effects of these therapeutic agents (from the sulphonamides to the new fluoroquinolones) and develop resistance to them ...19938319816
a small plasmid, pca2.4, from the cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. strain pcc 6803 encodes a rep protein and replicates by a rolling circle mechanism.different cryptic plasmids are widely distributed in many strains of cyanobacteria. a small cryptic plasmid, pca2.4, from synechocystis strain pcc 6803 was completely sequenced, and its replication mode was determined. pca2.4 contained 2,378 bp and encoded a replication (rep) protein, designated repa. an analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that repa of pca2.4 has significant homology with rep proteins of pkym from shigella sonnei, a pub110 plasmid family from gram-positive bacte ...19938320214
reactive arthritis: a paradigm for inflammatory arthritis.reactive arthritis (rea) is an inflammatory arthritis which follows either chlamydia-induced non-specific urethritis or gastroenteritis due to yersinia, salmonella, shigella or campylobacter. it is distinguished from other infection-induced arthritides by its association with the mhc class i antigen hla-b27, the pattern of arthritis (a lower-limb oligoarthritis often associated with sacroiliitis) and its systemic features (conjunctivitis, circinate balanitis and skin rash). rea is unique among i ...19938324948
poly(gtg)5-associated profiles of salmonella and shigella genomic dna.dna hybridization with oligonucleotide probes is a powerful technique to study population genetics and structures. the use of probes which recognize ubiquitously interspersed dna sequences has a distinct advantage over other techniques (e.g. the analysis of patterns of restriction fragment length polymorphism) in that many independent loci can be detected simultaneously. in this communication, we investigated the use of a trinucleotide repetitive dna oligonucleotide, poly(gtg)5, in southern blot ...19938327779
[the mass outbreak of dysentery in a kindergarten]. 19938329753
sequence of a variant shiga-like toxin type-i operon of escherichia coli o111:h-.pcr amplification was used to screen faecal isolates of escherichia coli from a 12-month-old boy with haemolytic uraemic syndrome for the presence of shiga-like toxin (slt)-encoding genes. one isolate, belonging to serotype o111:h-, was positive for slt-i by this method. uv induction indicated that the strain was lysogenic for a lambdoid bacteriophage, but this did not encode the toxin. southern hybridization analysis of chromosomal dna revealed that the slt-i gene was located on an 8.5-kb ecori ...19938335264
cloning and sequencing of the glucosyl transferase-encoding gene from converting bacteriophage x (sfx) of shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri type y strains (-;3,4) are converted to type x (-;7,8) by bacteriophage x (sfx) that causes glucosylation of the o-antigenic polysaccharide chain. the gene (gtr) encoding glucosyl transferase from bacteriophage x has been cloned and sequenced. the protein encoded by gtr consists of 416 amino acids with a m(r) of 47,369. the cloned gtr product was able to convert a s. flexneri strain type y (sfl 124, a live attenuated candidate vaccine strain) to type x. the importance of the hy ...19938335266
immunization of mice with yersinia enterocolitica leads to the induction of antithyrotropin receptor is well established that autoimmune graves' disease, which is characterized by hyperthyroidism, is mediated by autoantibodies to the thyrotropin receptor (tshr). although what initially triggers this autoantibody response is not known, a number of studies have suggested that yersinia enterocolitica, an enterobacteria, could initiate the immune response against the tshr. in this study, we produced antibodies against purified extracellular domain of human tshr (etshr) and showed that anti-etshr ...19938335920
detection of enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides and experimental endotoxemia by means of an immunolimulus assay using both serotype-specific and cross-reactive antibodies.the immunolimulus (iml) assay system uses solid-phase endotoxin antibodies to capture lipopolysaccharide (lps), which is then quantified by a modification of the chromogenic limulus amebocyte lysate (clal) method. monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reactive with selected o antigen serotypes of escherichia coli (o18) and salmonella typhimurium (o9, 12), when used in the iml, were shown to be highly specific in detecting their respective endotoxins in purified form and in plasma samples from experimenta ...19938335976
a multidrug resistance regulatory chromosomal locus is widespread among enteric bacteria.constitutive expression of the mar operon (marrab) in escherichia coli produces a multiple antibiotic resistance phenotype mediated by the expression of multiple genetic loci in response to regulatory proteins in the operon. a mar-specific dna probe was used to search for the operon in bacterial strains representing 53 species and 27 genera. among these, 6 other enterobacteriaceae, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, citrobacter, hafnia, and enterobacter species, contained dna sequences that hybri ...19938335992
[characteristics of the shigella flexneri strains isolated from japanese monkeys (macaca fuscata)].shigella flexneri was isolated from 11 of 95 japanese monkeys (macaca fuscata) purchased by the animal research center, tokyo medical and dental university, during the period from 1988 through 1990. the serotypes of the isolates were 4a (5 isolates), 2a (4 isolates), 2b (1 isolate), and vary (1 isolate). although some of the strains in the same serotypes were similar, others were different in their antibiotic susceptibility patterns or the plasmid profiles. our results suggested that various typ ...19938336006
morpho-physiologic characteristics of escherichia coli and shigella flexneri 2a carrying the htpr15 gene.electron microscopic examination of the morphology of normal escherichia coli mc4100 and shigella flexneri cells and their htpr-defective recombinants has shown the presence in the latter of noncrystalline granules after growth at 37 degrees c. the defect of the htpr gene leads to some changes in ultrastructure of bacterial colonies and the intensification of the processes of development and aging of colonies as integral structures. these phenomena are manifested by early formation of intercellu ...19938336285
inactivation of beta-lactamase from shigella flexneri ucsf-129 by brl 42715, a potent inhibitor.the effect of a powerful inhibitor, brl 42715, on beta-lactamase from shigella flexneri ucsf-129, to overcome the problem of shigellosis and its resistance to ampicillin, was studied. the i50 was determined for brl 42715 [c6-(n1-methyl-1,2,3 triazolylmethylene)penem] as 0.0049 microgram/ml being 20-fold lower than the best inhibitor, 6-beta-iodopenicillanic acid, previously reported. the mic fell from 2,048 to 2 micrograms/ml in the presence of 1 microgram/ml of brl 42715. the synergism of the a ...19938336551
the possible role of shigella in sporadic enteric reactive arthritis.reactive arthritis (rea) occurs after a urogenital infection usually with chlamydia trachomatis or an enteritis due to yersinia, salmonella, campylobacter or shigella, shigella, except during epidemics, is not considered to be a frequent cause of enteric reactive arthritis. however this might be due to the lack of a reliable antibody test, which makes diagnosis difficult. we compared synovial and peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation to various bacterial antigens in 19 consecutive patients w ...19938339129
endothelial heterogeneity in shiga toxin receptors and responses.this study addresses the basis for regional microvascular susceptibility to bacterial toxins implicated in hemolytic uremic syndrome. the results indicate a relationship between the degree of shiga toxin sensitivity of human endothelial cells from different sources and the amount of globotriaosylceramide (gb3) glycosphingolipid receptor for shiga toxin expressed by these cells. cell viability and protein synthesis of renal endothelial cells were reduced to 50% by 1 pm shiga toxin, while umbilica ...19938340376
reactive arthritis associated with clostridium difficile pseudomembranous colitis.reactive arthritis is associated with several gastrointestinal pathogens, particularly shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, and yersinia. another, less well recognized bowel infection leading to reactive arthritis is pseudomembranous colitis, caused by clostridium difficile. an illustrative case is presented, and the clinical features and characteristics of all reported patients with this association are reviewed. the pathogenesis of the reactive arthritis seems to be related to an immunological ...19938342048
use of tellurite for the selection of verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli o157.potassium tellurite was assessed for the selection of verocytotoxigenic (vt+) escherichia coli o157. mics were higher for vt+ e. coli o157 than for other strains of e. coli and for aeromonas spp. macconkey medium containing sorbitol, tellurite and cefixime (tc-smac) permitted the growth of vt+ e. coli o157 and shigella sonnei but partially or completely inhibited the growth of 67% of other strains of e. coli and all or most strains of other sorbitol-non-fermenting species tested. of 391 rectal s ...19938345511
purification and crystallization of shiga toxin from shigella dysenteriae.the protein toxin produced by shigella dysenteriae consists of one enzymatically active a subunit of 293 amino acid residues and five b subunits of 69 amino acid residues that are involved with cell attachment. the holotoxin has been purified by blue sepharose and chromatofocusing column chromatography. two crystal forms of purified holotoxin have been grown by vapor diffusion. one grows as fine needles, hexagonal in cross-section, which do not diffract well enough to characterize crystallograph ...19938345529
occult blood and fecal leukocytes as screening tests in childhood infectious diarrhea: an old problem revisited.during a 24-month period 446 children with diarrhea and 16 controls had examination of their stools for leukocytes and for occult blood. fecal leukocytes were found in 36, 16 and 18% of children with salmonella-shigella-campylobacter, rotavirus or enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, or cryptosporidial diarrhea, respectively. similarly 43, 39 and 38% of these groups, respectively, as well as 13% of controls had occult blood. notably 70% of 10 shigella cases had fecal leukocytes. in 166 children wit ...19938345979
diffuse adherence of enteropathogenic escherichia coli strains--processing of aida-i.the adherence of pathogenic escherichia coli to the mucosa of the small intestine is an important step in the development of diarrhoea. to study the molecular basis of the diffuse adherence (da) pattern of e. coli strains expressing the classical serotypes of enteropathogenic e. coli (epec), strain 2787 (o126:h27) was investigated. by expression cloning, a plasmid-derived 6.0 kb dna fragment was identified which conferred the da phenotype on recipient k-12 strains. this fragment encoded the 100 ...19938347926
entry of shiga toxin into cells.the effect of shiga toxin with mutations in the a fragment has been tested on cells in order to get more information about the processing of the a fragment during entry into the cytosol. a mutant with a deletion between the a1 and a2 domain in the a fragment is resistant to cleavage by trypsin and is less toxic than wild type toxin on both vero and a431 cells. the results support the view that processing of the a fragment is important for the high toxicity of the wild type toxin. a number of cel ...19938347933
synthesis of a tetrasaccharide donor corresponding to the o-specific polysaccharide of shigella dysenteriae type 1.o-(2,4-di-o-benzoyl-3-o-chloroacetyl-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-(1--> 2)-o-(3,4,6-tri-o-benzoyl-alpha-d-galactopyranosyl)-(1--> 3)-o-(2-acetamido-4,6-di-o-acetyl-2-deoxy-alpha-d-glucopyranosyl)-(1--> 3)-2,4-di-o-benzoyl-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate (1) was synthesized in a stepwise manner, using the following monosaccharide units: 2-(trimethylsilyl)ethyl 2,4-di-o-benzoyl-alpha-l-rhamnopyranoside, 2-azido-4,6-o-benzylidene-3-o-chloroacetyl-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranosyl chloride, met ...19938348552
the etiology and management of diarrhea in the gynecologic oncology patient.we determined the etiology and evaluated the usefulness of diagnostic tests in 42 gynecologic oncology patients with diarrhea.19938349164
minimum domain of the shiga toxin a subunit required for enzymatic activity.the minimum sequence of the enzymatic (a) subunit of shiga toxin (stx) required for activity was investigated by introducing n-terminal and c-terminal deletions in the molecule. enzymatic activity was assessed by using an in vitro translation system. a 253-amino-acid stx a polypeptide, which is recognized as the enzymatically active portion of the 293-amino-acid a subunit, expressed less than wild-type levels of activity. in addition, alteration of the proposed nicking site between ala-253 and s ...19938349540
[bacterial dysentery in 1991]. 19938351371
comparative in vitro activity of biapenem, a new carbapenem antibiotic.biapenem is a new carbapenem antibiotic with high stability to human renal dehydropeptidase i. its in vitro activity was compared with that of imipenem, meropenem, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, piperacillin and gentamicin against a total of 650 recent clinical isolates. mics were determined by a standard agar dilution procedure and all isolates were tested at two inocula (10(4) and 10(6) cfu). biapenem inhibited 90% of isolates of escherichia coli, klebsiella spp., proteus mirabilis, proteus vulgari ...19938354306
campylobacter immunity and quantitative excretion rates in thai children.campylobacter species were isolated from 61 (15%) of 416 thai children < 5 years old with diarrhea. although the baseline levels of campylobacter-specific antibody increased with age, 80.3% of campylobacter-infected children seroconverted compared with 12.9% of 45 shigella-infected patients used as controls. the response to acute infection was greatest in the 6- to 12-month-old group. nonseroconverters had higher initial igg levels than did seroconverters (p = .001). quantitative cultures showed ...19938354916
arod deletion attenuates shigella flexneri strain 2457t and makes it a safe and efficacious oral vaccine in monkeys.the aromatic-dependent live shigella flexneri 2a vaccine strain sfl1070, with a deleted arod gene, had a much reduced intracellular growth in hela cells compared with its parent strain s. flexneri 2457t. s. flexneri sfl1070 gave no adverse effects in eight macaca fascicularis monkeys orally vaccinated with four doses of 1 x 10(11) live bacteria within a 5-week period, whereas s. flexneri 2457t caused dysentery in all eight non-vaccinated monkeys. thus the aromatic dependency rendered s. flexneri ...19938356844
ompc is involved in invasion of epithelial cells by shigella flexneri.osmoregulation of the shigella flexneri ompc gene and the role of ompc in shigella virulence have been investigated. ompc was highly expressed when bacteria were grown in medium of either low or high osmolarity. this constitutive expression is in contrast with the regulation observed in escherichia coli, in which the expression of ompc is repressed at low osmolarity and induced at high osmolarity. in addition, the shigella ompc gene was barely expressed by a delta ompb (delta ompr and delta envz ...19938359885
synthesis, characterization, and clinical evaluation of conjugate vaccines composed of the o-specific polysaccharides of shigella dysenteriae type 1, shigella flexneri type 2a, and shigella sonnei (plesiomonas shigelloides) bound to bacterial toxoids.the theoretic basis for developing conjugate vaccines, to induce immunoglobulin g (igg) lipopolysaccharide (lps) antibodies for the prevention of shigellosis, has been described (j. b. robbins, c.-y. chu, and r. schneerson, clin. infect. dis. 15:346-361, 1992). the o-specific polysaccharides (o-sps) of shigella dysenteriae type 1, s. flexneri type 2a, and s. sonnei were covalently bound to carrier proteins. alone, the o-sps were not immunogenic in mice. conjugates of these o-sps, injected into y ...19938359890
shiga toxin-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome: interleukin-1 beta enhancement of shiga toxin cytotoxicity toward human vascular endothelial cells in vitro.development of hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus) after infection by shigella dysenteriae 1 or enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli has been associated with the production of shiga toxins (verotoxins). the putative target of shiga toxins in hus is the renal microvascular endothelium. this report shows that preincubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvec) with interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) enhances the cytotoxic potency of shiga toxin toward huvec. a preincubation of huvec with il-1 be ...19938359910
mutator plasmid in a nalidixic acid-resistant strain of shigella dysenteriae type 1.a clinical isolate of shigella dysenteriae from kashmir, resistant to seven antibacterial agents including nalidixic acid, carried four plasmids, only one of which was transferable by conjugation. this plasmid, designated pyd1, conferred trimethoprim resistance and increased the frequency of mutation to nalidixic acid resistance in recipient strains. thus, although nalidixic acid resistance was not carried on a transferable plasmid, the presence of pyd1 increased the frequency at which the strai ...19938360123
salmonella and shigella carriage by gulls (larus sp.) on the east black sea region of turkey.sea gull faeces (616 samples in toto) were examined for enteric human pathogens, and 1.3% and 0.60% were found to contain salmonella spp. and shigella spp., respectively. all positive samples were near sewage outfalls and refuse tips. the salmonella serotype was isolated as s. typhi and the shigella serotype as s. sonnei. pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the faecal samples collected only in the trabzon area.19938361394
[preparation of hybrid proteins consisting of human interleukin-2 and the cytotoxic a-subunit of shigella toxin].recombinant plasmids providing the synthesis of chimeric proteins consisting of amino acid sequences of human interleukin-2 (il-2) and shiga toxin cytotoxic a-subunit (ila and ail chimeric toxins) were constructed. the ila and ail chimeric toxins were shown to inhibit protein synthesis in the rabbit reticulocytes cell-free system. these chimeric toxins displayed two opposite activities of the constituent parts of their molecules on t-lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers. h ...19938361484
the occurrence of salmonellae in bean sprouts in thailand.detection of salmonella spp. in 344 samples of bean sprouts was attempted by pre-enriched in buffered peptone water (bpw) or lactose broth (lb) at 37 degrees c, followed by selective enrichments, selenite cystein broth (scb) and rappaport medium (rv) at 43 degrees c. four selective media, bismuth sulphite agar (bsa), brilliant green agar (bga), salmonella-shigella agar (ssa) and macconkey agar (ma) were used for isolation. salmonellae were isolated from 30 (8.7%) samples. they were serotypes lex ...19938362284
vaccines to prevent enteric infections.considerable progress has been made in the last decade in developing vaccines against the enteric infections of greatest public health importance. a quadrivalent rotavirus vaccine consisting of rhesus rotavirus vaccine (which contains serotype 3 neutralization antigen) and three reassortant viruses (rhesus virus expressing neutralization antigens of serotypes 1, 2 or 4) is undergoing placebo-controlled field trials of efficacy in the usa and in two developing countries. two new vaccines against ...19938364252
characterisation of plesiomonas shigelloides strains that share type-specific antigen with shigella flexneri 6 and common group 1 antigen with shigella flexneri spp. and shigella dysenteriae 1.three strains of plesiomonas shigelloides isolated from patients with diarrhoea were agglutinated with shigella flexneri 6 antiserum in slide and tube tests. all the strains were also agglutinated with a monoclonal antibody to the common group 1 antigen shared between s. flexneri serotypes and s. dysenteriae type 1. further studies with one strain also showed sharing of antigenicity in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the results suggest that the strains share type-specific antigen with s. ...19938366520
necrotizing haemorrhagic colitis caused by resistant shigella flexneri. report of a case.a case of fatal infection with shigella flexneri is reported. the 19-year-old male patient who presented with fulminating haemorrhagic colitis died nine days after the onset of symptoms. the infecting strain of shigella flexneri was resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents, including amoxycillin, co-trimoxazole and chloramphenicol.19938367972
evaluation of alkaline phosphatase-labelled ipah probe for diagnosis of shigella infections.the presence of many enteropathogens which are not easily detectable by routine stool culture has led to the development of alternative diagnostic methods. one of these techniques, nucleic acid probe hybridization, has been used to identify shigella spp. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) in stool specimens through the detection of genetic material encoded by a specific large approximately 200-kbp virulence-related plasmid. in the present study, an alkaline phosphatase-labelled oligonucl ...19938370736
application of rejection criteria for stool cultures for bacterial enteric pathogens.over 20 months, we prospectively assessed the yield of cultures for salmonella, shigella, and campylobacter spp. from adults and children. in the first 10 months, 53% (567 of 1,097) of specimens from adults were from patients who had been in the hospital for > 3 days. overall, only 2.6% (29 of 1,097) of specimens contained pathogens, and all were from patients who had been in the hospital for < or = 3 days. over the second 10 months, specimens from adults in the hospital for > 3 days were not cu ...19938370758
the bacteriophage mu middle operon: essential and nonessential functions.transcription during the bacteriophage mu lytic cycle occurs in three phases: early, middle, and late. previous dna sequence analysis of the middle operon revealed five potential open reading frames (orfs) with lengths of 39, 42, 72, 120, and 140 amino acids. the distal 140-amino-acid orf encodes c, the activator of late transcription. expression of the middle operon under the control of a t7 promoter and t7 rna polymerase resulted in production of two polypeptides of 15 (orf 120) and 16.5 kda ( ...19938372443
prospective study of nosocomial enteric infections in a pediatric hospital, acquired enteric infections were investigated by studying 3138 children under 5 years of age who were admitted without diarrhea in nine medical words of a pediatric hospital, calcutta during the period between march and september 1987. three hundred and twenty (10.2%) children developed nosocomial diarrhea during their hospital stay. fecal samples from 178 nosocomial diarrhea, 345 hospitalized diarrhea cases, 178 hospital controls and 200 outpatient controls were collected for detection ...19938375880
nonpolar mutagenesis of the ipa genes defines ipab, ipac, and ipad as effectors of shigella flexneri entry into epithelial cells.a 31-kb fragment of the large virulence plasmid of shigella flexneri is necessary for bacterial entry into epithelial cells in vitro. one locus of this fragment encodes the ipaa, -b, -c, and -d proteins, which are the dominant antigens of the humoral immune response during shigellosis. to address the role of the ipa genes, which are clustered in an operon, we constructed a selectable cassette that does not affect transcription of downstream genes and used this cassette to inactivate the ipab, ip ...19938376337
tumor necrosis factor alpha binding to bacteria: evidence for a high-affinity receptor and alteration of bacterial virulence properties.human and murine receptors for tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) are present on most somatic cells and have been characterized and cloned. in contrast, very little is currently known about whether tnf-alpha can bind to pathogens and whether such binding results in important biological consequences for the infected host. we now report that a number of gram-negative bacteria have receptors for tnf-alpha. using 125i-labeled tnf-alpha, we show that shigella flexneri has 276 receptors for tnf-a ...19938381771
cloning and molecular characterization of a gene involved in salmonella adherence and invasion of cultured epithelial cells.our laboratories have independently identified a gene in salmonella choleraesuis and salmonella typhimurium that is necessary for efficient adherence and entry of these organisms into cultured epithelial cells. introduction of a mutated gene into several salmonella strains belonging to different serotypes rendered these organisms deficient for adherence and invasion of cultured cells. this effect was most pronounced in the host-adapted serotypes salmonella gallinarum, s. choleraesuis, and salmon ...19938382333
rotavirus-inhibitory activity in serial milk samples from mexican women and rotavirus infections in their children during their first year of life.a total of 75 children born in rural mexico were followed for diarrheal diseases and rotavirus (rv) excretion during the first year of life. for 18 children, an average of 14 serial breast milk samples were obtained between days 2 and 360 after delivery and were tested for rv-inhibitory activity. of these samples, 70, 62, and 85% showed inhibitory activity against serotype (st) 1 human rv, st4 human rv, and st3 simian rv, respectively; the median titers were 10, 10, and 20, respectively. some 89 ...19938384626
isolation and characterization of a topa mutant of shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri was shown to possess a homologue of the escherichia coli k-12 topa gene which encodes dna topoisomerase i. the s. flexneri topa gene was replaced by a copy of the e. coli k-12 topa gene which has been insertionally inactivated by transposon tn10. the topoisomer distribution of reporter plasmids showed that the presence of this topa lesion in s. flexneri correlated with an increase in the level of negative dna supercoiling in the mutant, indicating that topoisomerase i is requir ...19938384681
eight genes in region 5 that form an operon are essential for invasion of epithelial cells by shigella flexneri 2a.the 7-kb region 5 on the large 230-kb plasmid pmysh6000 in shigella flexneri 2a ysh6000 is one of the virulence-associated dna segments required for the invasion of epithelial cells (c. sasakawa, k. kamata, t. sakai, s. makino, m. yamada, n. okada, and m. yoshikawa, j. bacteriol. 170:2480-2484, 1988). to elucidate the functional organization of region 5 and to determine the virulence-associated genes encoded by region 5, we performed insertion and deletion mutagenesis, dna subcloning, and comple ...19938385666
distribution of the shigella sonnei insertion elements in enterobacteriaceae.the distribution of is1, is600, is629, is630 and is640, present in an shigella sonnei strain, was examined in strains belonging to various species of enteric bacteria. four shigella species including sh. sonnei contained all is elements, several of which were in large numbers, and showed species-specific distribution patterns. the other strains contained some of the is elements in a few copies or none at all, except for some clinical isolates in the escherichia coli strains, which showed similar ...19938387445
is870 requires a 5'-ctag-3' target sequence to generate the stop codon for its large orf1.the tb regions of the agrobacterium vitis octopine/cucumopine ti plasmids constitute a family of related structures. all contain a bacterial insertion element downstream of the tb-iaam gene, is870.1. whereas 43 isolates with octopine/cucumopine ti plasmids carry only one is870 copy, strain ag57 carries a second copy (is870.2) 3.9 kb to the right of is870.1 and part of the same tb region. two other octopine/cucumopine strains carry an is870 copy on their chromosome (is870.3). a study of the unmod ...19938387998
[antibiotic sensitivity of 140 strains of shigella isolated in djibouti].shigellae are the most frequently isolated invasive bacteria in djibouti. 140 clinical strains collected during an eight months period have been studied for their in vitro susceptibility to antibiotics mainly used in treatment and prophylaxis by measure of mic (agar dilution) for all antibiotics except for trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole (disk diffusion on lysed horse blood medium). characterization of beta-lactamase is carried out for all strains resistant to am ...19938389218
in vitro activity of azithromycin against bacterial enteric pathogens.the in vitro activity of azithromycin against enteric bacterial pathogens was determined by agar dilution. azithromycin was highly active against campylobacter spp. (mic for 90% of strains tested [mic90] = 0.125 micrograms/ml) and against enterotoxigenic, enterohemorrhagic, enteroinvasive, and enteropathogenic escherichia coli (mic90 = 2 micrograms/ml), shigella spp. (mic90 = 1 micrograms/ml), and salmonella spp. (mic90 = 4 micrograms/ml), including salmonella typhi (mic90 = 1 microgram/ml). on ...19938390813
a novel dihydrofolate reductase cassette inserted in an integron borne on a tn21-like this study, a 498-bp dhfrxii gene coding for trimethoprim resistance was found inserted in a cassette-like manner in the recombinationally active locus, the integron, borne on a transposon tn21-like element. the dhfrxii cassette is distinct from those cassettes earlier observed in integrons and was found here upstream of two similarly inserted cassettes. the second one carried the new unidentified orff, which is 85% identical to the orfd cassette in r46. the third cassette contained the aada2 ...19938392309
characterization of virulence genes of enteroinvasive escherichia coli by tnphoa mutagenesis: identification of invx, a gene required for entry into hep-2 cells.while enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) and shigellae are genotypically nearly identical, a difference has been reported in the infective dose to humans: eiec is 10,000-fold less infectious than shigellae. a possible basis for this difference lies in the inherent invasiveness of these bacteria toward epithelial cells. thus, despite the high degree of homology between the invasion plasmids of eiec and shigellae, substantial differences in genetic organization and/or sequence may exist. we ha ...19938393007
comparative antimicrobial activity of lomefloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enoxacin against > 500 bacterial agar dilution technique was used to compare the antimicrobial activities of lomefloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enoxacin against 544 strains of bacterial isolates. among the five quinolone agents tested, ciprofloxacin was the most active. enoxacin was the most active after ciprofloxacin against escherichia coli, enterobacter aerogenes, proteus mirabilis, shigella spp., yersinia enterocolitica, and haemophilus influenzae with an mic90 of < or = 0.25 micrograms/ml. ofloxacin ...19938396196
evaluation of the molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of multiply resistant shigella sonnei in a day-care center by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and plasmid dna analysis.outbreaks of diarrhea in child day-care centers (dcc) are common. this study was undertaken to evaluate the molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of diarrhea due to shigella sonnei. this outbreak involved 25 of 52 (48%) dcc children and 14 of 132 (11%) teachers and household contacts. s. sonnei isolates from nine children and five contacts were characterized by antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid content, plasmid dna restriction fragment pattern, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) of ...19938396589
hemolytic uremic syndrome: clinical picture and bacterial connection. 19938397909
[clinical and microbiologic characteristics of 282 pediatric patients with mesophilic aeromonas isolated from feces].the aim of the study was to assess the microbiological characteristics and the clinical aspects of pediatric patients (age < 14 years) with infectious diarrhea due to one of the species included among the mesophilic aeromonas group (ams) from january 1989 to december 1991.19938399474
cognate gene clusters govern invasion of host epithelial cells by salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri.the enteric pathogens salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri differ in most virulence attributes including infectivity, pathology and host range. we have identified a new assemblage of genes responsible for invasion properties of salmonella which is remarkably similar in order, arrangement and sequence to the gene cluster controlling the presentation of surface antigens (spa) on the virulence plasmid of shigella. in salmonella, this chromosomally encoded complex consists of over 12 genes, ...19938404849
[nonspecific immunosuppressive spleen factor, induced in mice by bacterial immunization].frozen spleen of mice immunized with vaccine from s. sonnei has been homogenized in the isotonic saline solution and centrifuged. that supernatant has been shown to inhibit antibody immune response to thymus-dependent antigens (sheep and rabbit erythrocytes) and hypersensitivity of the delayed type to splenocytes of guinea pig. the supernatant did not inhibit the antibody formation to thymus-independent antigen (bacterial lipopolysaccharide). immunosuppressive activity of the supernatant disappe ...19938405546
shigella flexneri invasion of hela cells induces nf-kappa b dna-binding activity.although information about the genetic basis and mechanisms of shigella flexneri cellular invasion is accumulating, little is known about changes in cell signaling and their consequences following bacterium-host cell interactions. a general result of signal transduction is alterations in the levels and/or activities of transcription factors. alterations in transcription factor binding activities were observed following challenge with s. flexneri. changes in the dna-binding activities of cellular ...19938406833
Displaying items 7101 - 7200 of 13650