
cryptosporidiosis among medical patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in tikur anbessa teaching hospital, ethiopia.fresh stool specimens, collected at random from 63 medical in-patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), were studied prospectively for cryptosporidium oocyst. the diagnosis of aids was made according to the clinical case definition of the bangui criteria. these patients presented with profuse watery diarrhoea, significant weight loss and other associated symptoms and signs of clinical manifestations of symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. using the modified ki ...19947835259
common neurologic complications of hiv-1 infection and aids.complications of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome may involve any level of the central or peripheral nervous system. acute encephalitis, aseptic meningitis and acute demyelinating polyneuropathy may occur early in the course of hiv infection, while dementia, central nervous system-related cancer, opportunistic infections and autonomic neuropathy typically present later. headache and mental status changes are common early manifestations of centr ...19957840035
cutaneous cryptococcosis with molluscum contagiosum coinfection in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we report the first patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in whom molluscum contagiosum and cryptococcus neoformans were documented in the same cutaneous lesion. while cases of the co-occurrence of two pathologic entities in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome have been reported, namely cytomegalovirus with herpes simplex virus and kaposi's sarcoma with histoplasma capsulatum, the findings in this patient are unique. the clinical presentation of cutaneous lesions caused by ...19947851129
human immunodeficiency virus-associated neoplasms: epidemiology, pathogenesis, and review of current therapy.the development of cancer in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is a devastating event and highlights the role of impaired immunity in the generation of various neoplasms. improved strategies to suppress viral replication and prevent opportunistic infections generally have enabled patients with hiv to live longer and more productively. unfortunately, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-associated neoplasia is increasing. kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary central nerv ...19947858657
surgery, surgical pathology and hiv infection: lessons learned in (human immunodeficiency virus) infection is prevalent in many areas of sub-saharan africa. seropositivity rates reach 10-15% in urban adults, 21% in critically ill adults and 30% in surgical inpatients aged 21-40 years. aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a multisystem disease which presents to the surgeon with a wide range of pathologies including kaposi's sarcoma, lymphadenopathy and sepsis. the more common sites for sepsis are the female genital tract, anorectum, pleural cavity, ...19947863725
new cutaneous manifestations of systemic recent years, especially with the advent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, new skin disorders associated with systemic disease have been described in the literature. eosinophilic folliculitis and pruritic papules of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection are clinically similar lesions that respond to phototherapy. bacillary angiomatosis, another hiv-related skin disease that is caused by a pleomorphic gram-negative organism, resembles kaposi's sarcoma clinically but is curable if t ...19957863958
successful monochemotherapy of extensive gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma with bowel obstruction in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we report the case history of a 28-year-old homosexual man of caucasian origin whose diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was established one year before admission on the basis of a positive human immunodeficiency virus serology and cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma. severe postprandial vomiting pointed to bowel obstruction in an emaciated, poor risk patient. endoscopy revealed multifocal, violaceous tumours throughout the upper gastrointestinal tract which, eventually, obstructed the duoden ...19947871860
identification of a clonal form of hiv in early kaposi's sarcoma: evidence for a novel model of oncogenesis, "sequential neoplasia".we recently reported clonal human immunodeficiency virus (hiv involvement in four acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-associated non-b-cell lymphoproliferations. in three of these cases hiv expression was localized to tumor-associated macrophages. because one of the cases had a major component involved in angioproliferation, we speculated that some form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which also has a major component of angioproliferation, might be involved clonally with hiv. the current study ...19957882103
retrovirus-mediated transfer and long-term expression of hiv type 1 tat gene in murine hematopoietic tissues.replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is regulated tightly by the tat and rev genes. the tat gene of hiv is a potent trans-activator of virus gene expression. trans-activation is mediated through the tat-responsive element (tar). tat also has been shown to affect transcription of cellular genes and to trans-activate other viral promoters. in transgenic animals, tat expression in skin was implicated in the development of lesions resembling kaposi's sarcoma (ks). more recently, evi ...19947888206
cultured aids-related kaposi's sarcoma cells retain a proliferative bioenergetic profile but demonstrate reduced cytoprotective capabilities.features of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks), such as the multifocal presentation at mucosal and epidermal sites subjected to trauma, suggest that aids-ks is initially a reactive hyperplasia that subsequently progresses to a neoplasia. it is recognized that there is an association between sustained inflammatory states and the subsequent development of neoplasia (e.g., ulcerative colitis/colonic adenocarcinoma). furthermore, patients who develop aids-ks experience both a constant immune st ...19947890815
human herpesvirus-like nucleic acid in various forms of kaposi's sarcoma.the association between a new human herpesvirus-like agent and various forms of kaposi's sarcoma was examined by pcr. the dna sequences of this agent were detected in 7 of 8 classic kaposi's sarcoma specimens, 12 of 12 aids-associated specimens from the united states, and 7 of 10 specimens from african endemic kaposi's sarcoma. polymorphism of the herpesvirus-like dna in the kaposi's tissue from different populations was observed by both single-strand conformational polymorphism and direct seque ...19957891487
[detection of markers of the human t-cell leukemia virus in patients with t-cell lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma].nine patients with kaposi's sarcoma and five suffering from t-cell lymphoma have been examined. antibodies to htlv-1 were not found in these patients. the primary cellular cultures were isolated from blood and lymph nodes of the patients. viral particles (type c) were found in the culture obtained from the patient with lymphoma of t-cell origin. dnas from the primary cellular cultures from patients with lymphoma or sarcoma contained the sequences homologous to gag-gene of htlv-1. the data suppos ...19947891727
the role of initial aids-defining illness in survival following examine the role of initial aids-defining illness in survival following aids and survival trends over time.19957893442
changes in survival after acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids): a prospective cohort of 2,647 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) seropositive homosexual men enrolled in baltimore, chicago, los angeles, and pittsburgh, 891 developed clinical acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) between june 1984 and january 1992. cox proportional hazards models were used to examine temporal trends in survival after aids for specific diagnoses, controlling for level of immunosuppression at diagnosis, age, race, and geographic location. median survival time fol ...19937903022
human retroviruses and neoplastic disease.human retroviral infections result in significant neoplastic disease. human t cell lymphotropic virus i (htlv-i), the first human retrovirus to be discovered, is associated with the development of acute t cell leukemia with characteristic hypercalcemia and skin lesions after many years of chronic infection of cd4+ cells. htlv-i also produces myelopathy. a minor t cell immunodeficiency occurs in htlv-i acute t cell leukemia with associated strongyloidiasis and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. huma ...19937903870
successful treatment of kaposi's sarcoma with interferon-alpha in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.although combined therapy with interferon-alpha and zidovudine may be safely administered to some patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi sarcoma, no ethnic chinese patient has been successfully treated before in this area. this case report concerns a 47-year-old male with a history of bisexuality who had suffered from oral ulcers for half a year, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) serology was positive, and pathology of the oral ulcers disclosed kaposi sarcoma. co ...19937907542
relationship of serum levels of oncostatin m to aids-related and classic kaposi's sarcoma.serum levels of circulating oncostatin-m (om) were compared among cases of kaposi's sarcoma associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids-ks) and multiple controls, including a homosexual man infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), an hiv-1-uninfected homosexual man, and a heterosexual man; and among classic ks cases and heterosexual controls. cases were selected from abstracts collected by a population-based cancer registry and from local aids clinics. controls fo ...19947907664
a phase i study of interferon-alpha 2b in combination with interleukin-2 in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) can inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1) replication and is effective in treating kaposi's sarcoma; interleukin-2 (il-2) can increase circulating lymphocytes in hiv-1-infected patients. the safety of combination treatment with recombinant (r)ifn-alpha 2b and il-2 was evaluated in hiv-1-infected patients with > 200 cd4+ t cells/mm3. a maximal tolerated dose of rifn-alpha 2b was determined for 17 patients; then they received in combination 3, 6, or 12 x 10(6) i ...19947909550
serum levels of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in patients with hiv-related kaposi's sarcoma.infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) in man is associated with an increase in the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). the biological and clinical characteristics of these patients differ from those of subjects with other hiv-associated diseases. here we report that levels of serum-soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sicam 1) are increased in hiv-1-positive patients with ks, but not in patients belonging to other cdc classification groups. ks patients with elevate ...19947911526
systemic hyperthermia in the treatment of hiv-related disseminated kaposi's sarcoma. long-term follow-up of patients treated with low-flow extracorporeal perfusion hyperthermia.treatment of hiv and related malignancies with pharmacologic and biologic agents has not appreciably modified the course of disease. immunologic impairment remains the critical factor in response. we report the long-term results of a single session of low-flow (0.3 l/min) extracorporeal perfusion hyperthermia on 29 men and 2 women with disseminated kaposi's sarcoma and profound immunologic impairment. any antiretroviral drug employed by the patient was stopped 72 hours prior to treatment and wit ...19947914057
hiv-related oral manifestations in two cohorts of women in san francisco.the goals of this study were to compare the prevalence of oral lesions in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and hiv-negative women, and to determine the association of oral lesions with route of hiv transmission and with level of immunosuppression in infected women. as part of a prospective 4-year study, oral examinations and blood tests were performed, at 6-month intervals, on 176 hiv-infected women and on 117 hiv-negative women at risk for hiv infection. we evaluated parti ...19947914233
laparotomy in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus: indications and outcome.four distinct disease processes account for the majority of surgically correctable intra-abdominal pathologies associated with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection: cytomegalovirus infection, kaposi's sarcoma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma and mycobacterial infection. affected patients may also develop acute cholecystitis and appendicitis with significant frequency. thorough investigation, when possible, will obviate the need for laparotomy in most hiv-infected patients with abdominal symptoms ...19947922084
synergy between basic fibroblast growth factor and hiv-1 tat protein in induction of kaposi's sarcoma.basic fibroblast growth factor (bfgf) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) tat protein synergize in inducing angiogenic kaposi's sarcoma-like lesions in mice. synergy is due to tat, which enhances endothelial cell growth and type-iv collagenase expression in response to bfgf mimicking extracellular matrix proteins. the bfgf, extracellular tat and tat receptors are present in hiv-1-associated ks, which may explain the higher frequency and aggressiveness of this form compared to classic ...19947935812
gingival and periodontal alterations associated with infection with human immunodeficiency virus.various changes may occur in the gingiva and/or the periodontium as an expression of existing infection with human immunodeficiency virus. thus, periodontal disease, characterized by unusual course, progress, and resistance to treatment, may occur with increased frequency. clinically, pseudomembranous or erythematous (atrophic) forms of candidiasis or so-called papillary hyperplasia may be caused by ubiquitous fungi. although candida albicans infections arise frequently on the cheek, the palate, ...19947938425
delayed-type hypersensitivity anergy in human immunodeficiency virus-infected persons screened for infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis.a total of 479 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected persons at an hiv clinic in florida and a tuberculosis clinic in new jersey were skin-tested with tuberculin, tetanus toxoid, mumps antigen, and candida antigen in a study of the prevalence of delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) anergy and the usefulness of two-step tuberculin testing in this population. of the patients tested, 12% had a positive (> or = 5-mm) response to tuberculin; 57%, 45%, and 35% had a positive (> or = 3-mm) respons ...19947948554
gastrointestinal disease in the immunocompromised patient.gastrointestinal (gi) disease is frequent in all types of immunocompromised patients but occurs with greatest frequency in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). thus, much of this review deals with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related gi diseases. gastrointestinal diseases in other immunocompromised patients are compared with those in patients with aids. conditions unique to transplant recipients, such as graft-versus-host disease (gvhd) and posttransplant lymphoprolifer ...19947959657
knowledge of the human immunodeficiency virus among final year dental students.a sound basis of knowledge about hiv infection and aids is essential to allow students to develop as dentists who undertake appropriate measures during clinical practice. in addition, it is also likely that possessing appropriate information may instil confidence in their own ability to diagnose and then manage patients infected by hiv. a questionnaire designed to test the knowledge of final year dental students in the uk was completed by 60.5% of students in 15 out of the 16 dental schools in t ...19947962898
incidence of clinical aids conditions in a cohort of homosexual men with cd4+ cell counts < 100/mm3. multicenter aids cohort study.incidence rates of aids illnesses are described among patients with < or = 100 cd4 cells/mm3 grouped by use of antiretrovirals and chemoprophylaxis. data were obtained from 2646 homosexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. participants were in the multicenter aids cohort study during 1985-1993. the incidence rates per 100 person-years for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were 47.4 without treatment, 21.5 with antiretrovirals alone, and 12.8 with antiretrovirals combined with c ...19947963728
cancer incidence in a population with a high prevalence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection is known to increase the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. parallels with other causes of immunodeficiency suggest a possible effect of hiv-1 on additional cancers.19947966400
kaposi's sarcoma of the head and neck in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.kaposi's sarcoma is the most common neoplastic process in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. moreover, the occurrence of kaposi's sarcoma in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients advances their classification to having the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. we reviewed the medical records of 48 patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection who had kaposi's sarcoma documented on their initial visit to the hospital. the onset of kaposi's sarcoma occurred inde ...19947970801
depressed immunity and the development of cancer.various disorders of immune competence are associated with increases in uncommon tumors, particularly non-hodgkin's lymphomas (nhls), which often exhibit unusual features: they are frequently extranodal, show a broad spectrum of lesions, ranging from benign polyclonal hyperplasia to frankly malignant monoclonal lymphomas, and are frequently localized to the brain. of 7136 tumors in organ transplant recipients, the predominant lesions are nhls, carcinomas of the skin and lips, carcinomas of the v ...19947982234
gastric emptying patterns in kaposi's sarcoma and gastroenteritis secondary to human immunodeficiency virus infection.the study included 11 patients with aids who underwent gastric emptying studies for solid food, endoscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), and gastric biopsy whenever gastritis was diagnosed on endoscopy. all studies were performed within 1 week. the studies were retrospectively reviewed to analyze the changes in gastric emptying secondary to kaposi's sarcoma (ks) with or without opportunistic infections. two patients with ks only had rapid gastric emptying (t1/2 6.7 and 45 minutes). two other pati ...19947982315
survival and disease progression according to gender of patients with hiv infection. the terry beirn community programs for clinical research on compare disease progression and mortality between women and men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).19947990243
identification of herpesvirus-like dna sequences in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.representational difference analysis was used to isolate unique sequences present in more than 90 percent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) tissues obtained from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). these sequences were not present in tissue dna from non-aids patients, but were present in 15 percent of non-ks tissue dna samples from aids patients. the sequences are homologous to, but distinct from, capsid and tegument protein genes of the gammaherpesvirinae, herpesvirus saimiri and ep ...19947997879
pulmonary disease associated with the human immunodeficiency virus in kigali, rwanda. a fiberoptic bronchoscopic study of 111 cases of undetermined etiology.all human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infected adult patients referred to the division of pulmonary diseases of the centre hospitalier de kigali, rwanda for evaluation of a pulmonary disease of undetermined etiology (pdue) were investigated by fiberoptic bronchoscopy using both bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) and transbronchial biopsy (tbb). during a 10-mo period 111 hiv-1 infected patients with pdue were examined, of whom 47 (42%) fulfilled the world health organization (who) clinical ca ...19948004318
successful treatment of aids-related pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma with liposomal daunorubicin.we report a 35 year old male, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), who presented with rapidly progressive pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma. the tumour regressed with treatment with liposomal daunorubicin and remained in partial remission until the patient died 12 months later from complications of hiv infection. liposomal daunorubicin may be a safe and effective alternative to the treatment protocols in current use for pulmonary kaposi's ...19948005268
laparoscopic and histologic findings in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus.hepatic dysfunction frequently develops in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). this retrospective study was undertaken to determine the laparoscopic and histologic findings in a group of hiv-seropositive patients with or without the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). fifty-four patients, 44 with aids and 10 hiv-positive, underwent laparoscopic examination and visually guided biopsies for the assessment of clinical or biochemical evidence of liver injury. signi ...19948013814
oral manifestations associated with hiv-related disease as markers for immune suppression and aids.oral lesions are common findings in hiv-related disease, but little is known about their significance in predicting immune suppression among a representative group of hiv-infected persons.19948015797
esophageal disease in human immunodeficiency virus infection.up to 40% of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome may develop symptoms of esophageal disease. candida esophagitis is responsible for the majority of the cases of esophageal disease; cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, idiopathic esophageal ulcers, and kaposi's sarcoma account for most of the remaining cases. although endoscopy with esophageal biopsy and brushing is the gold standard for the diagnosis of esophageal disease in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, we generally recom ...19948031205
the acquired immune deficiency syndrome: an overview for the emergency physician, part 1.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was recognized as a distinct entity in 1981. it began as a medical curiosity affecting only several dozen individuals in a restricted segment of the u.s. population. in the 12 years since its description, aids has become a pandemic affecting tens of millions with cases reported from all major countries. the illness is caused by a retrovirus, termed human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). it is a blood-borne disease with sexual, parenteral, and perinatal ...19948040596
urgency of medical care. contrasting perceptions of hiv-positive patients and assess the agreement between patients and physicians about the appropriate time to seek medical attention for symptom complexes commonly encountered in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) disease, identifying potential suboptimal utilization of health care services.19948053755
sarcoma viruses containing the mos oncogene induce lesions resembling kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma is most accurately described as a multifocal angioproliferative lesion primarily involving the skin, although some studies indicated concomitant and/or exclusive visceral involvement. the mechanism(s) involved in kaposi's sarcoma development, especially aids multiorgan distributed form, is not completely understood. recent reports have identified a murine retrovirus, momusv-349 that induces multiorgan disseminated angiosarcomatous tumors which resemble kaposi's sarcoma when viru ...19948054510
aids and the gut.there are increasing challenges for the practising gastroenterologist in treating aids-related gastrointestinal diseases. the differential diagnoses of dysphagia and odynophagia include cytomegalovirus (cmv) and herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection, non-specific aphthous ulceration and non-aids oesophageal diseases, especially reflux oesophagitis. chronic subacute abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting, early satiety and weight loss is suggestive of an obstructive lesion caused by lymphoma or kapo ...19948054532
bacillary angiomatosis: a new entity in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.since the recognition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 1981, previously rare infections and neoplasms have become increasingly common. bacillary angiomatosis, undescribed in the medical literature prior to 1983, is now second in frequency only to kaposi's sarcoma with respect to the cutaneous manifestations associated with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. caused by rochalimaea henselae, bacillary angiomatosis is easily treated, when diagnosed early, with erythromy ...19948064965
evolving trends revealed by autopsies of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 565 autopsies in adults with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, los angeles, calif, 1982-1993 [corrected].to determine changes in causes of death, survival, and organ system distribution of major opportunistic infections and neoplasms in adults dying with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) following the widespread use of antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis for opportunistic infections since 1988.19948080357
living unrelated (paid) kidney transplantation in third-world countries: high risk of complications besides the ethical problem.due to inadequate cadaveric and living related organ supply, many end-stage renal disease patients go to third-world countries for living unrelated (paid) kidney transplantation. thirty-four patients who have had transplantations in two centres in india before coming to our centre for post-transplant care and follow-up are reported in this study. in the post-transplant phase at our centre, the mean follow-up period of the patients was 209.7 +/- 137.3 (range 6-450) days. fourteen of them, having ...19948084445
herpes simplex chronic laryngitis and vocal cord lesions in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.chronic laryngitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome may be due to infections or tumors, such as kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. we present what we believe to be the first proven case of herpes simplex virus chronic laryngitis in a man positive for human immunodeficiency virus. direct laryngoscopy showed leukoplakic lesions on both vocal cords. biopsy of the lesions showed squamous epithelial cells with the characteristic features of herpes simplex virus, which was ...19948085735
[conjunctival epidermoid carcinoma and human immunodeficiency virus].we describe the clinical and histopathological findings of a conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma occurring in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). the excisional biopsy specimen disclosed a papillar, well differentiated and mature squamous cell carcinoma with microinvasion. the biopsy was studied for the presence of human papilloma virus dna by using in situ hybridization but no signal was demonstrated in any part of the tumour. although kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's l ...19948089426
trends in the incidence of outcomes defining acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in the multicenter aids cohort study: 1985-1991.incidence of clinical outcomes defining acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) may be expected to change as a consequence of progressive immunosuppression and use of chemoprophylaxis before the onset of aids. using poisson regression methods, we examined trends in the incidence of initial and secondary aids-defining illnesses from 1985 to 1991 among 2,627 homosexual men participating in the multicenter aids cohort study who were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus type 1. the incide ...19938096356
correlation of oncostatin m secretion by human retrovirus-infected cells with potent growth stimulation of cultured spindle cells from aids-kaposi's sarcoma.oncostatin m (om), a 30-kda glycoprotein, recently was identified as a major growth-promoting factor in the conditioned medium (cm) of the 38-0 cell line, a cd4,+ chronically human t lymphotropic virus type (htlv)-ii-infected, transformed t cell line. cm 38-0 induced the proliferation of spindle cells cultured in vitro from aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks) cells. to determine how much of the aids-ks cell growth activity present in 38-0 cm was because of the presence of om, we depleted ...19938098726
human immunodeficiency virus-associated oral kaposi's sarcoma. a heterogeneous cell population dominated by spindle-shaped endothelial cells.cell lineage and cell function antigens were studied immunohistochemically in human immunodeficiency virus-associated oral kaposi's sarcoma to provide insight into tumor pathogenesis. all tumors were composed predominantly of spindle cells that expressed endothelium-associated antigens, cd34 and cd36 (factor viii-related antigen was expressed by considerably fewer numbers of tumor cells). infrequently, spindle tumor cells also expressed actin. factor xiiia positive spindle and dendritic stromal ...19938100400
cancer and viruses.viruses implicated in the development of human cancers include hepatitis b (and c) viruses in hepatocellular carcinoma; human papillomaviruses in anogenital cancers; epstein-barr virus in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and burkitt's lymphoma; human t-cell leukaemia/lymphoma viruses in adult t-cell leukaemia/lymphoma; and indirectly, human immunodeficiency viruses in kaposi's sarcoma and b-cell lymphoma. together, they contribute significantly to the cancer statistics in the southeast asian region. neo ...19938103316
risk of other cancers following kaposi's sarcoma: relation to acquired immunodeficiency evaluate the risk of another cancer among persons who initially developed kaposi's sarcoma, the authors used data from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (seer) program of the national cancer institute for the years 1973-1990. in persons under 70 years of age, 4,946 cases of kaposi's sarcoma were observed during the period 1980-1990 (6,217 person-years of follow-up). on the basis of rates seen during the period prior to the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), 1 ...19948109570
the expression of the interleukin 6 gene is induced by the human immunodeficiency virus 1 tat protein.human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv1) infection is associated with severe psoriasis, b cell lymphoma, and kaposi's sarcoma. a deregulated production of interleukin 6 (il-6) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of these diseases. the molecular mechanisms underlying the abnormal il-6 secretion of hiv1-infected cells may include transactivation of the il-6 gene by hiv1. to test this hypothesis, we used the pil6pr-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) plasmid, an il-6 promoter-cat construct, as ...19948113688
liposomal-doxorubicin in human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma. 19948120565
bacillary angiomatosis. clinical and histologic features, diagnosis, and treatment.bacillary angiomatosis is a relatively new infection affecting primarily patients with human immunodeficiency virus or others with impaired host defenses. it presents most commonly with multiple red skin lesions, but visceral involvement may also occur, including involvement of the liver and spleen. because of the dermatologic manifestations, bacillary angiomatosis may be mistaken for kaposi's sarcoma. the diagnosis is made by identification of the characteristic histologic findings or genetic a ...19948122945
risk factors for kaposi's sarcoma in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus disease treated with zidovudine. zidovudine epidemiology study group.although the cause of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is unknown, its unique epidemiology suggests that an infectious, sexually transmitted agent or agents may contribute to its pathogenesis.19948122950
[isolated rectal kaposi's sarcoma].we report a case of isolated rectal kaposi's sarcoma in a homosexual man with active human immunodeficiency virus infection. although gastrointestinal tract affection is not infrequent, it is usually associated with the existence of skin lesions. a few cases of noncutaneous gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma have been described, but no one affecting only the rectum. this is a diagnostic possibility in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection and rectal symptoms.19938129997
persistent cytomegalovirus infection of semen increases risk of evaluate if persistent cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection of semen in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) antibody-positive men increases aids risk, serial cultures for cmv every 3-6 months were attempted four or more times from 164 men followed 3 years. cmv was never isolated from 58 men, in 1 or 2 samples from 54 (intermittently positive), and in > or = 3 samples from 52 (persistently positive). the cox model was used to estimate relative hazards while controlling for cd4 cell number. ...19948133089
aids-related kaposi's sarcoma: a review.infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is the primary cause of aids and related disorders. infection with hiv results in diminished cellular immunity, propensity to opportunistic infections, and an increased incidence of certain neoplasms. kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most common neoplasm in persons infected with hiv. this epidemic, or hiv-related ks, usually follows an aggressive course with involvement of skin, lymph nodes, and internal organs. normally, the disease has a progre ...19948175336
recognizing skin lesions of systemic fungal infections in patients with aids.mucocutaneous lesions may be the initial feature or a subsequent manifestation of disseminated systemic fungal infections in patients who are seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). these lesions can be classified by their morphologic appearance as macules, nodules, papules, patches, plaques, pustules or ulcers. some lesions mimic the morphology of conditions such as herpes simplex, kaposi's sarcoma and molluscum contagiosum, or present as abscesses, fistulas or purpura. since the m ...19948184797
classical kaposi's sarcoma in caucasians in africa--experience at the johannesburg hospital (1978-1992).the data are scant concerning classical kaposi's sarcoma (cks) among the caucasian population of africa. a description of the clinical features of 15 such patients, treated and followed up at the johannesburg general hospital over a 14-year period (1978-1992) is presented. all patients were negative for the human immunodeficiency virus. after a mean follow-up of 50 months (range: 7-168 months), 2 patients are alive with absent or minimal disease; 1 patient is alive with stable disease and 1 has ...19948186506
progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection among homosexual men in hepatitis b vaccine trial cohorts in amsterdam, new york city, and san francisco, 1978-1991.the authors evaluated the progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) disease from the date of seroconversion to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and death among 362 well-documented seroconverters. the participants were homosexual men in hepatitis b vaccine trials in amsterdam (n = 74), new york city (n = 120), and san francisco (n = 168). there were significant differences in the proportion of deaths, mean age at seroconversion, and mean age at aids di ...19948192140
periodontal diseases in hiv-infected patients.periodontal diseases may be the first clinical sign of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infection. since the immunosuppression and subsequent susceptibility may alter the responses of the oral tissues as well as the microflora, both periodontal treatment and result of therapy may be modified. the periodontal diseases in hiv-seropositive patients include common as well as less conventional forms of gingivitis and periodontitis, and bacterial, mycotic and viral infections are seen. neoplasias ma ...19948195444
associations between hla frequencies and pathogenic features of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in seroconverters from the amsterdam cohort of homosexual men.hla-disease associations may be important for understanding the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection. therefore, 106 homosexual men from the amsterdam cohort study on aids with a known date of hiv-1 seroconversion were serologically typed for hla. several significant associations between hla type and pathogenic features of hiv-1 infection were observed: subjects with fever and skin rash during primary hiv-1 infection showed an increased frequency of hla-b62 (rela ...19948195600
histopathology of human immunodeficiency virus-associated esophageal disease.we evaluated the histopathologic features of the esophageal mucosa in 88 patients seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). all patients had an upper endoscopy because of esophageal symptoms. forceps biopsies and brushings of the esophagus were examined histologically and cytologically for evidence of viral, fungal, and mycobacterial infections: in addition, biopsies and brushings were cultured for cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex. esophageal inflammation (acute or chronic) was grad ...19938204115
aids and the gateway of the the early phases of hiv infection, the oral cavity may develop erythematous and pseudomembranous candidiasis, oral hairy leukoplakia (ohl), necrotizing ulcerative periodontal disease, kaposi's sarcoma, and infections with herpes simplex viruses, cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr virus, and varicella zoster virus. the leading oral infections are candidiasis and ohl. the most common oral form of candidiasis is pseudomembranous, which appears white and milky and can be easily removed from the mucosa ...19948207272
[cardiac tamponade and kaposi's sarcoma].the case of a 31 year-old intravenous drug addict female patient with infection by the human immunodeficiency virus who had recurrent cardiac tamponade and who was diagnosed by pericardic biopsy as kaposi's sarcoma is reported. the patient demonstrated involvement by cutaneous, mucosal, lymph node and probably pleuropulmonary kaposi's sarcoma. thoracic radiography, computerized tomography and echocardiography only showed the presence of pericardic effusion. neither did the pericardic fluid obtai ...19948208010
visceral myogenic tumors. a manifestation of hiv infection in children.we report a primary smooth-muscle tumor of undetermined malignant potential of the liver in a child with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). this patient represents the eighth child infected with the human immunodeficiency virus who developed a mesenchymal tumor other than kaposi's sarcoma. all these children were younger than 10 years of age. these tumors often were histologically or clinically malignant and all but one were smooth-muscle tumors. these tumors arose exclusively in viscer ...19938214263
systemic expression of hiv-1 tat gene in transgenic mice induces endothelial proliferation and tumors of different histotypes.the human immunodeficiency virus tat protein, a transactivator of viral and cellular genes, is suspected to be involved in the pathogenesis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated tumors. we report that transgenic mice carrying a recombinant dna containing bk virus early region and the human immunodeficiency virus tat gene develop skin leiomyosarcomas, squamous cell papillomas and carcinomas, adenocarcinomas of skin adnexa, glands, and b-cell lymphomas. although the incidence of hepatoc ...19938221699
[a role of dentists in the management of hiv-infected persons].oral manifestations of hiv infection include hairy leukoplakia, sjögren's syndrome-like conditions, necrotizing stomatitis, kaposi's sarcoma, and a variety of opportunistic viral or mycotic infections. the well awareness of hiv-associated oral lesions can contribute to the early detection and diagnosis of hiv infection. prevention and early treatment of common oral diseases including dental caries and periodontal disease, which may evolve into necrotizing gingivitis and stomatitis under immunode ...19938225170
classification and diagnostic criteria for oral lesions in hiv infection. ec-clearinghouse on oral problems related to hiv infection and who collaborating centre on oral manifestations of the immunodeficiency virus.a consensus has been reached on the classification of the oral manifestations of hiv infection and their diagnostic criteria, based on presumptive and definitive criteria. the former relate to the initial clinical appearance of the lesion and the latter are often the result of special investigations. candidiasis, hairy leukoplakia, specific forms of periodontal disease [linear gingival erythema, necrotising-(ulcerative) gingivitis and necrotising(ulcerative) periodontitis], kaposi's sarcoma and ...19938229864
nuclear medicine and aids.the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection and its associated illnesses in a relatively young population of patients provides an expanding role for nuclear medicine. the disease enforces a review of each department's infection control procedures. it also necessitates a widening of the differential diagnosis in high risk patients. it has also resulted in an increase in the number of patients presenting with diseases such as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, kaposi's sarcoma etc. which prior t ...19938233226
kaposi's sarcoma mimicking cellulitis.although kaposi's sarcoma is not the most common cause of death in aids patients, it is often one of the initial opportunistic illnesses associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. extensive plaque formation and edema in the lower extremities may take on the appearance of cellulitis, and in dark-skinned persons, the lesions of the neoplasm may not be noticeable. treatment is palliative; therapy for local effect is appropriate unless lesions are extensive or systemic involvement is pr ...19938247991
detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and human papillomavirus type 16 in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related and classic kaposi's sarcoma. 19938250588
inhibition of hiv-1 replication by daunorubicin.members of the anthracycline family of drugs such as daunorubicin (dnr) are currently being employed in cancer therapy, treatment of kaposi's sarcoma and lymphomas in hiv-1 infected patients. these drugs may have an anti-viral activity against hiv-1. experiments conducted on u937 (a promonocytic cell line), peripheral blood monocytes (without t cells) and infected with hiv-1 showed anti-viral activity at nanogram/ml concentrations, without affecting cell proliferation and cell viability. treatme ...19938261687
inhaled isobutyl nitrite compromises t-dependent, but not t-independent, antibody induction.habitual abuse of nitrite inhalants has been linked in epidemiological studies with seropositivity to human immunodeficiency virus and, separately, with kaposi's sarcoma among aids patients. mice exposed to isobutyl nitrite in an inhalation chamber for 45 min/day for 14 days had depressed igm and igg antibody responses. the inhibition was dose-dependent at 750-900 ppm, but antibody responses were increased at an intermediate (600 ppm) dose. gender differences in immunotoxicity were not observed. ...19938262696
radiation therapy in endemic (african) kaposi's sarcoma.evaluating the role of radiation therapy in the treatment of the endemic, african variant of kaposi's sarcoma. a retrospective analysis.19938262845
mycoplasma penetrans infection in male homosexuals with aids: high seroprevalence and association with kaposi's sarcoma.antibodies to mycoplasma penetrans were found at an unusually high frequency in male homosexuals with aids (55 of 149; 37%) and in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected asymptomatic homosexuals (13 of 49; 26.5%) but not in intravenous drug users (3 of 308; 1%) and hemophiliacs (1 of 165; 0.6%) with or without hiv-1 infection. thus, both m. penetrans and kaposi's sarcoma (ks) occur primarily in male homosexuals and rarely in other groups of patients at high risk of aids. among 414 hiv-1-inf ...19938268356
immune-based therapeutics: scientific rationale and the promising approaches to the treatment of the human immunodeficiency virus-infected individual.the primary approach to therapy for infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) continues to be centered around antiretroviral agents that have conferred significant clinical benefits. the considerable degree of immunologic dysfunction in hiv infection, however, has led to intense interest in methods of immune stimulation and reconstitution. immunomodulatory intervention in hiv infection is highly controversial. over the years a number of immunomodulatory agents--many with only a poor rati ...19938268360
aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma in an indian female.we report the first case of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma in a 35 year old indian female, a commercial sex worker, with lesions involving skin and mucous membranes. diagnosis was confirmed on histopathology, electron microscopy, seropositivity, (elisa and western blot) as well as pepti-lav test and viral culture. antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus, both hiv-1 & 2, were present. hla dr5,7 was positive on oligotyping. genetic predisposition, therefore, may be suspected.19938270582
pulmonary manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated malignancies.significant progress has been made in the treatment and prophylaxis of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated infections. as patients with hiv infection live longer, more cases with hiv-associated malignancies are being reported. pulmonary complications of hiv-associated kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma present clinicians with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. pulmonary involvement with kaposi's sarcoma ranges from 6% to 32%. pulmonary involvement with acquired immunodefic ...19938278681
surgical treatment of cytomegalovirus enterocolitis in severe human immunodeficiency virus infection. report of eight cases.the aim of this study was to describe our experiences of surgical removal of inflamed bowel in cytomegalovirus enterocolitis.19948287750
bronchoalveolar lavage phospholipid abnormalities in hiv-infected patients.our aim was to evaluate the quality of pulmonary surfactant, a nonspecific defence system, during the course of human immunodeficiency virus) infection. protein and phospholipid composition were determined in 127 bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) fluids from 89 hiv seropositive patients (54 acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), 35 non-aids) and 11 healthy controls. in all of the hiv bal samples, biochemical abnormalities were found. in subjects with pulmonary infection or kaposi's sarcoma, the ...19938287946
[predictive value of the assay of serum anti-p25 antibodies in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1) infection].to assess whether monitoring of antibodies (ab) directed against the hiv-1 p25 core protein may be used as a predictive marker in the biological monitoring of hiv-infected patients, a study was performed on a transversal cohort of 68 cdc stage ii-iii, and 36 arc and 26 aids stage iv patients, 37 of whom were being treated with anti-retroviral therapy. a second cohort included 56 patients followed for 3-7 years: 15 stage ii-iii, 11 arc and 30 aids patients (opportunistic infections: 14; kaposi's ...19938291842
pentoxifylline and meclofenamic acid treatment reduces clinical manifestations in a murine model of aids.c57/bl/6 mice infected with lp-bm5 mulv virus developed an aids-like disease (maids) with splenomegaly, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, decreased numbers of helper/inducer and suppressor/cytotoxic t-cells and decreased production of interferon alpha. we have shown previously that hiv-associated kaposi's sarcoma tissue contains high levels of prostaglandin e2 (pge2), and this inhibits interferon synthesis through a camp-dependent second-messenger process. in this study we treated groups of ...19948301544
gastrointestinal manifestations of aids in children.the gastrointestinal manifestations of aids in children are related to opportunistic infections, lymphoproliferative disease, and cancer. the infections that affect the gastrointestinal tract at different sites also occur in patients without aids. however, in children with aids, the infections are more severe, often relapse, and are harder to eradicate. candidiasis is the most common infection in the esophagus, but infections caused by herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus also are common. ra ...19948310932
[bacillary angiomatosis. a pseudoneoplastic infection in aids patients].bacillary angiomatosis is a newly recognized pseudoneoplastic vascular disease seen in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. the disease is characterized by a cutaneous infection with reddish papules or nodules that are similar to pyogenic granulomas or kaposi's sarcoma in clinical appearance. it is caused by the mildly gram-negative bacillus rochalimaea henselae, which can be identified in tissue sections by means of warthin-starry stain. the historical, clinical, histopa ...19938335458
aids-related malignancies: the emerging epidemic.the incidence of three malignancies has increased in conjunction with the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) disease, and they are currently considered acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-defining conditions. these are kaposi's sarcoma, associated with aids since the onset of the epidemic in 1981; intermediate or high-grade b-cell lymphoma, which became aids-defining in 1985; and cervical carcinoma in hiv-infected women, formally recognized as an aids-defining diagnosis on janu ...19938350362
[cutaneous manifestations of aids].hiv destroys the immune system, causing group of clinical signs which are referred to as aids. some of these signs are cutaneous in nature. an acute rash on the trunk is associated with hiv seroconversion. it usually disappears in 8 days but can last for several hours or 30 days. infectious manifestations of hiv infection are common. candidiasis represents 90% of mycoses. it usually manifests on the tongue but can also occur on oral or genital mucosa. antifungal medication usually treats it ...19938351723
composite risk score for kaposi's sarcoma based on a case-control and longitudinal study in the multicenter aids cohort study (macs) population.the possibility that an agent in addition to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 may be involved in the etiology of kaposi's sarcoma in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients was investigated between 1984 and 1992 in this nested case-control analysis from the multicenter aids cohort study (macs) of homosexual and bisexual men. a total of 316 cases of kaposi's sarcoma were identified and compared with 510 participants with aids and no evidence of cancer. more of the kaposi's sarcoma c ...19938356966
epidemiologic analysis of kaposi's sarcoma as an early and later aids outcome in homosexual men.the authors separately studied the epidemiology (risk and risk factors) of kaposi's sarcoma occurring as an initial acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) outcome (early kaposi's sarcoma) and later after a different initial aids outcome (later kaposi's sarcoma) in a cohort of 2,591 human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected gay men of the multicenter aids cohort study between 1984 and 1992. among 844 aids cases, 202 presented with early kaposi's sarcoma, 101 subsequently developed later kap ...19938356967
survival and mortality patterns of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) cohort in new york state.the survival experience and causes of death of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients were studied using a cohort of 3,699 aids patients in new york state, excluding new york city, whose illness was diagnosed before january 1990 at age 13 years or older. the median length of survival for all cases was 11.5 months, and survival increased over time from 5.3 months pre-1984 to 9.3 months in 1984-1986 and to 13.2 months in 1987-1989. in a cox proportional hazards model, risk of dying was ...19938356973
spinal epidural leiomyoma occurring in an hiv-infected man. case report.a case of spinal epidural leiomyoma is reported in a 52-year-old man infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). the tumor arose in the epidural region at the t-3 vertebral level, and the patient presented with radicular pain in the right t-3 dermatome. while soft-tissue tumors such as kaposi's sarcoma and lymphomas have been well documented in association with hiv infection, this is the first reported case of primary spinal leiomyoma. isolated cases of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas i ...19938360744
cancer incidence trends in women at high risk of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) determine the types and rates of tumors which may be associated with hiv infection in women, we used cancer incidence data from new york and northern new jersey. we examined changes in incidence of selected cancers in women aged 20-49 years and compared groups differing in incidence of aids. black women were compared to white women in new york city and in the remainder of new york state; for cervical cancer, rates were also compared for blacks and whites in northern new jersey. the incidence ...19938370617
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and cytomegalovirus in saliva.the aim of this study was to evaluate whether hiv-1 or cytomegalovirus (cmv) may contribute to oral lesions frequently found in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). saliva samples from 63 hiv-1 positive patients and 21 healthy controls were tested for the presence of hiv-1 and cmv using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and virus isolation. cmv igg titres in serum were also compared in the different groups. hiv-1 rna, but not dna, was detected in saliva from 15% (9 out ...19938387571
endothelial cell migration and invasiveness are induced by a soluble factor produced by murine endothelioma cells transformed by polyoma virus middle t oncogene.polyoma virus middle t-transformed murine endothelioma cell lines provide a useful model for studying vascular lesions such as hemangiomas, hemangiosarcomas, and kaposi's sarcoma and tumor-associated angiogenesis. in vivo they produce fast-growing, hemorrhaging, cavernous blood-filled hemangiomas, mainly formed by recruited host endothelial cells, suggesting an angiogenesis-like process underlying the lesion. the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for the recruitment of host endothelial cells by ...19938393382
multiple primary gynecologic neoplasms in a young hiv-positive patient.immune suppression from human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is frequently associated with the development of certain neoplasms, including kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. a young patient with a 5-year history of hiv infection was found simultaneously to have invasive carcinoma of the breast, microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix, and intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva. in view of the early nature of these neoplasms, conservative therapy was utilized; lumpectomy and adjuv ...19938393503
clinical manifestations of 174 aids cases in maharaj nakorn chiang mai hospital.the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) has, since it was first reported in 1981, become a worldwide epidemic. the immunosuppressive nature of hiv results in opportunistic infections, neoplasms, and other pathological conditions. clinical manifestations of these conditions are often the first indication that an individual is infected with hiv. this article reports and describes the clinical findings for 174 hiv-positive patients and is intended to educate thai physicians concerning the rising ...19938408918
indium-111-labeled polyclonal human immunoglobulin: identifying focal infection in patients positive for human immunodeficiency virus.pooled human immunoglobulin labeled with indium-111 (111in-higg) was used to identify the presence and extent of infection in patients positive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), presenting with either symptoms and/or signs of acute chest infection or with pyrexia without localizing signs or symptoms. fifty-five studies were performed in 51 patients with suspected chest infection or pyrexia without localizing signs. of these, 111in-higg identified intrapulmonary accumulation in 17 patients ...19938410271
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 7010