
isolation of a t-lymphotropic retrovirus from naturally infected sooty mangabey monkeys (cercocebus atys).healthy mangabey monkeys in a colony at the yerkes regional primate research center were found to be infected with a retrovirus related to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). virus was isolated from peripheral blood cells of 14 of 15 randomly selected mangabeys. all virus-positive animals had antibodies to the mangabey virus at the time of virus isolation and, in a retrospective study, 82% of mangabey serum samples obtained in 1981 had antibodies to the virus. the newly isolated retrovirus is (i ...19863014542
influence of acyclovir and bucyclovir on nucleotide pools in cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1.the effects of the acyclic guanosine analogs acyclovir (acv) and (r)-9-(3,4-dihydroxybutyl)guanine (bucyclovir, bcv) on the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dntp) pools of herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1)-infected african green monkey kidney (gmk) and human embryonic lung fibroblast (hl) cells were investigated. hsv-1 infection increased the dntp pools in both cell types compared with those in uninfected cells. mock-infected gmk cells showed a 10-fold-higher dttp concentration than comparable hl c ...19863015006
kinetic properties of the sodium bicarbonate (carbonate) symport in monkey kidney epithelial cells (bsc-1). interactions between na+, hco-3, and ph.bsc-1 kidney epithelial cells derived from the african green monkey are known to express a na+hco3- symport (jentsch, t. j., schill, b. s., schwartz, p., matthes, h., keller, s. k., and wiederholt, m. (1985) j. biol. chem. 260, 15554-15560). in the present work, 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (dids)-sensitive 22na+ uptake into confluent monolayers of bsc-1 is measured in the presence of ouabain (10(-4) m) and amiloride (10(-3) m) to define the interactions between na+ and hco3- ...19863015937
rescue of presumptive viral information from human cells by a helper oncovirus.we have attempted to rescue presumptive human endogenous retrovirus(es) by using a competent animal oncovirus as a helper. human melanoma cells (line hmb2) were fused, using polyethylene glycol, with mouse nih-3t3 cells which had been infected and transformed by the harvey murine leukaemia and sarcoma virus complex (mlv and msv). the heteropolykaryons obtained were co-cultivated with fresh nih-3t3 cells; filtered (millipore 0.22 micron) medium from these was used to infect further nih-3t3 cells. ...19863016151
surface expression of influenza virus neuraminidase, an amino-terminally anchored viral membrane glycoprotein, in polarized epithelial cells.we have investigated the site of surface expression of the neuraminidase (na) glycoprotein of influenza a virus, which, in contrast to the hemagglutinin, is bound to membranes by hydrophobic residues near the nh2-terminus. madin-darby canine kidney or primary african green monkey kidney cells infected with influenza a/wsn/33 virus and subsequently labeled with monoclonal antibody to the na and then with a colloidal gold- or ferritin-conjugated second antibody exhibited specific labeling of apica ...19853016520
benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide induces viral reactivation at concentrations that block dna elongation in mammalian cells.the survival of uv-irradiated simian virus 40 (sv40) in cv-1p african green monkey kidney cells treated with (+/-)7 beta, 8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha, 10 alpha epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (bp-diol epoxide i) was studied. enhanced survival of uv damaged sv40 was detected when cv-1p cells were treated with dose levels of bp-diol epoxide i corresponding to the exponential portion (0.33-1.11 microm) of a cv-1p cell survival curve. dose levels of bp-diol epoxide i corresponding to the shoul ...19863017584
sequence and evolution of rhesus monkey alphoid dna.analysis of rhesus monkey alphoid dna suggests that it arose by tandem duplication of an ancestral monomer unit followed by independent variation within two adjacent monomers (one becoming more divergent than the other) before their amplification as a dimer unit to produce tandem arrays. the rhesus monkey alphoid dna is a tandemly repeated, 343-bp dimer; the consensus dimer is over 98% homologous to the alphoid dimers reported for baboon and bonnet monkey, 81% homologous to the african green mon ...19863018269
dna helicase activity of sv40 large tumor antigen.large tumor antigen (t antigen) was extracted from sv40-infected african green monkey cells and purified to homogeneity by immunoaffinity chromatography. the purified t antigen preparations unwind dna duplices of greater than 120 bp in a reaction which is dependent on magnesium ions and atp hydrolysis. based on these and other properties of the reaction we classify this newly discovered enzymatic activity as a eukaryotic dna helicase. the helicase and the known atpase function of t antigen cosed ...19863019672
stlv-i antibodies in feral populations of east african vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).serum samples from feral populations of african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were screened for antibodies to the simian t-lymphotropic virus, type i (stlv-i). blood samples had been collected from 336 monkeys in 4 regions of central and southern kenya in 1978 and 1979, from 114 monkeys in central ethiopia in 1973, and from 85 monkeys from the kampala region of uganda in 1966. a total of 178/535 monkeys (33%) were seropositive (stlv-i+). only 4/114 monkeys (4%) from ethiopia were seropo ...19863019900
dna engineering shows that nucleosome phasing on the african green monkey alpha-satellite is the result of multiple additive histone-dna interactions.the mechanism underlying sequence-specific positioning of nucleosomes on dna was investigated. african green monkey alpha-satellite dna was reconstituted in vitro with histones. histone octamers were found to adopt one major and several minor positions on the satellite repeat unit, very similar to those positions found previously in vitro, demonstrating that sequence-specific histone-dna interactions are responsible for nucleosome positioning on this dna. in order to understand the nature of the ...19863023642
intramolecular recombination between transfected repeated sequences in mammalian cells is nonconservative.when plasmids carrying a fragmented gene with segments present as direct repeats are introduced into mammalian cells, recombination or gene conversion between the repeated sequences can reconstruct the gene. intramolecular recombination leads to the deletion of the intervening sequences and the loss of one copy of the repeat. this process is known to be stimulated by double-strand breaks. two current models for recombination in eucaryotic cells propose that the reaction is initiated by double-st ...19863023937
the causes of false-positives encountered during the screening of old-world primates for antibodies to human and simian retroviruses by elisa.sera from 526 old-world primates representing 50 different species were screened by elisa for antibodies to human t-lymphotropic viruses i and iii, and simian retrovirus type 1 (srv-1). about one-fourth of the sera were positive by elisa. there was a tendency, however, for the same sera to be positive for all three human and simian retroviruses. only about one in five of the elisa antibody-positive sera were confirmed to be positive by western blotting. false-positive elisa antibody tests were p ...19863025237
nucleotide sequence of the bamhi repetitive sequence, including the hindiii fundamental unit, as a possible mobile element from the japanese monkey macaca fuscata.clustered repeat units produced by bamhi digestion of genomic dna from the japanese monkey macaca fuscata [jmr(bamhi)] were sequenced by dideoxy dna sequencing. the nucleotide sequences of several individual repeats showed that the bamhi repeat contains the 170-bp hindiii element as an integral part, and that it has more than 90% homology with the hindiii repeat element [agmr(hindiii)] found in the genomic dna of the african green monkey. in the jmr(bamhi) repeat unit, the 170-bp hindiii element ...19863027353
intestinal structural changes in african green monkeys after long term psyllium or cellulose feeding.intestinal structure of male adult african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops ssp vervets) was studied after 3 1/2 yr of consuming diets containing 10% psyllium husk or cellulose. scanning electron microscopy (sem) identified mild damage (cellular swelling and disarray, and microvillar denudation and disarray) at villous tips throughout the small intestine in the psyllium-fed monkeys. the cellulose group had similar duodenal damage. differences were not found in colons by sem. by light micros ...19873031252
complete nucleotide sequence of an attenuated hepatitis a virus: comparison with wild-type virus.the complete nucleotide sequence of an attenuated hepatitis a virus, hav hm-175/7 mk-5, was determined from cloned cdna. this virus was derived from wild-type hav hm-175 after 32 passages in african green monkey kidney cells. the resultant cell culture-adapted virus is attenuated for chimpanzees. this virus was passaged an additional three times in monkey kidney cells to obtain sufficient virus for molecular cloning and was designated hm-175/7 mk-5. three overlapping cdna clones were obtained th ...19873031686
pgj2, a new antiviral prostaglandin: inhibition of sendai virus replication and alteration of virus protein synthesis.prostaglandin j2 (pgj2) was found to suppress dramatically sendai virus replication in african green monkey kidney cells in culture. pgj2 was not toxic at the active dose to uninfected cells and did not significantly inhibit macromolecular synthesis, but it specifically stimulated the synthesis of a polypeptide of 74,000 mol. wt. in sendai virus-infected cells, pgj2 partially inhibited virus protein synthesis and caused an alteration in the mobility of the virus glycoprotein hn in sds-page, corr ...19873033130
construction of viable deletion and insertion mutants of the sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus: function of the 5' noncoding sequence in viral replication.a number of deletion and insertion sequences were introduced into the 5' noncoding sequence (742 nucleotides long) of the genome of the sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus by using an infectious cdna clone of the virus strain. the genomes of all three poliovirus serotypes contained highly homologous sequences (nucleotide positions 509 to 639) as well as highly variable sequences (positions 640 to 742) in the 5' noncoding region. the viability of mutant viruses was tested by transfecting mutant cdn ...19873033275
rapid identification of nonessential genes of herpes simplex virus type 1 by tn5 mutagenesis.the large genome of herpes simplex virus type of (hsv-1) encodes at least 80 polypeptides, the majority of which have no recognized function. a subgroup of these gene products appears to be nonessential for virus replication in cell culture, but contributes to the complex life cycle of the virus in the host. to identify such functions, a simple insertional mutagenesis method has been used for selective inactivation of individual hsv-1 genes. the bacterial transposon tn5 was allowed to insert ran ...19873033824
isolation of low-copy-number sequences that neighbor satellite dna in investigate the role of satellite dna in eukaryotic genomes, we isolated from an african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) genomic library cloned segments containing the previously described deca-satellite linked to low-copy-number genomic sequences. three such clones were obtained. the low-copy-number sequences in the three clones do not cross-hybridize suggesting that they derive from different genomic loci. the structure of one of the clones, lambda mka, is described in detail. subclon ...19863034734
cold-adaptation of human rotavirus.a human rotavirus strain was cold-adapted for possible future use as a live vaccine. the original strain was isolated in 1980 in primary cynomolgus monkey kidney cells and has a serotype i and subgroup ii antigenicity. the virus was serially passaged in african green monkey kidney cells; it was cultivated at 37 degrees c at the first stage of passages, and the cultivation temperature was then shifted down stepwise by 3 degrees c per each 10 passages. finally the virus was passaged 10 times at 25 ...19873037821
transformation of mammalian cells with recombinant dna directly from seaplaque agarose.transfection of african green monkey kidney cells directly with recombinant dna excised from, but still present in, seaplaque agarose after electrophoresis, is described. efficiencies of transfection increased by 30% when the gel was present compared with transfection in the absence of the agarose. extraction of the dna from the gel was not necessary, thereby obviating a purification step and the concomitant losses. to generate recombinant molecules bacterial plasmid sequences are not necessary, ...19873037935
gene expression rather than the initiation of dna replication is the principal target of lethal u.v.-induced damage in a regulatory region of sv40 dna.the survival of transfected simian virus (sv) 40 dna is acutely sensitive to damage in a 302-bp regulatory region that governs viral gene expression and the initiation of viral dna replication. we investigated whether the lethal effect of damage in this region is due to the disruption of gene expression or to the inhibition of dna replication by comparing the survival of damaged viral dna in cv-1 and cos-1 african green monkey cells. viral early sequences integrated into the genomic dna of cos-1 ...19873038360
herpes simplex virus replication and protein synthesis in a human blood-derived cell line.herpes simplex virus (hsv) types 1 and 2 were shown to replicate in a newly described human cell line (meg) derived from the peripheral blood of a healthy volunteer. the cell line has both megakaryocyte-like and b cell-like properties. upon infection with hsv-1 or -2, at a m.o.i. between 0.5 and 5, unlike b and t cells, the meg cells were growth-arrested and this was accompanied by cytopathic effects and virus replication. the hsv proteins and glycoproteins b and d (gb and gd) made in the blood- ...19873039040
new human and simian hiv-related retroviruses possess functional transactivator (tat) human retroviruses antigenically related to hiv and even more closely to stlv-iii have been recently isolated from individuals from some west african countries. one of these viruses, htlv-ivp, was reportedly isolated from lymphocytes of a healthy female prostitute. another isolate, lav-2fg, was obtained from an aids patient and third, sbl-6669, from an individual with lymphadenopathy. current epidemiological studies indicate that some of these virus isolates cause immune deficiency whereas o ...19873039372
genetic analysis of a new subgroup of human and simian t-lymphotropic retroviruses: htlv-iv, lav-2, sbl-6669, and stlv-iiiagm.a new primate retrovirus, stlv-iiiagm, has been recently isolated from healthy african green monkeys and is apparently nonpathogenic in its natural host. however, spontaneous infection as well as inoculation of stlv-iiiagm into macaques induces a disease with clinical features that resemble human aids. independent isolates of human retroviruses, serologically closely related to stlv-iiiagm, have been obtained from healthy individuals (htlv-iv) and patients with immunodeficiency (lav-2fg and sbl ...19873040052
effect of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine and recombinant human beta interferon alone and in combination on simian varicella virus infection in monkeys.treatment of viral infections with combinations of antiviral agents may permit administration of reduced doses of either or both drugs. lowered doses may reduce associated toxicity. intravenous administration of substantial doses of either human recombinant beta interferon (rhuifn-beta) or 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (dhpg) prevents development of simian varicella virus infection in african green monkeys. daily doses of 2 x 10(6) u of rhuifn-beta/kg inhibited clinical disease in mon ...19873040868
immunization of monkeys with varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein antigens and their response to challenge with simian varicella virus.african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were immunized with three intramuscular injections of gpi, gpii, or gpiii glycoprotein antigens of varicella-zoster virus (vzv). antibody responses to vzv were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and to simian varicella virus (svv) by immunofluorescence and by serum neutralization assays. two weeks following the third immunization with vzv glycoproteins, the monkeys were challenged by inoculation of svv. antibodies to gpii or gpi ...19873040898
reorganization of alpha-actinin and vinculin induced by a phorbol ester in living cells.we have used fluorescent analogue cytochemistry, image intensification, and digital image processing to examine the redistribution of alpha-actinin and vinculin in living cultured african green monkey kidney (bsc-1) cells treated with the phorbol ester 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa). before treatment, microinjected alpha-actinin shows characteristic distribution along stress fibers and at adhesion plaques; vinculin is localized predominantly at adhesion plaques. soon after the additi ...19863082892
cell-cycle-dependent repair of damage in alpha and bulk dna of monkey cells.excision repair of bulky chemical adducts in alpha dna of confluent cultures of african green monkey cells has previously been shown to be deficient relative to that in the overall genome. we have compared the removal of adducts produced by treatment with aflatoxin b1 (afb1) and n-acetoxy-2-acetylamino-fluorene (na-aaf) from alpha dna sequences in synchronized and exponentially growing cultures of monkey cells. proficient removal of afb1 adducts in alpha dna was observed in exponentially growing ...19863088442
sulphoxidation of s-carboxymethyl-l-cysteine in the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta), cynomologus monkey (macaca fascicularis), african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) and the marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the metabolic pathways giving rise to the urinary metabolites of s-carboxymethyl-l-cysteine have been identified for the rhesus, cynomologus, african green and marmoset species of monkey. the formation of a sulphoxide metabolite from the sulphide precursor is a reaction important in these species. the metabolic profile displayed by the marmoset was distinct from the three old world species, with the rhesus and cynomologus being similar to man.19863089678
high density lipoprotein accumulation in perfusates of isolated livers of african green monkeys. effects of saturated versus polyunsaturated dietary determine whether altered hepatic secretion of hdl is part of the mechanism by which polyunsaturated fat lowers plasma hdl concentration, we have studied hdl secretion in the isolated perfused livers of african green monkeys fed an atherogenic diet containing either safflower oil as the polyunsaturated fat or butter as the saturated fat. during recirculating perfusion with a lipoprotein-free medium, livers from safflower oil-fed animals produced 21% less hdl mass on the average than those fro ...19863090181
cloning of htlv-4 and its relation to simian and human immunodeficiency viruses.although much is now known of the strain variation among the type-1 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1), which is the cause of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in the united states, europe, and central africa, much less is yet known about a second group of viruses that have been found in west africans. one member of this group, named human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 4 (htlv-4), has been isolated from healthy senegalese. another is the virus isolated from west africans with aids-li ...19873104797
use of indonesian non-human primate erythrocytes for measles hemagglutination inhibition serology.the use of erythrocytes (rbc) from presbytis cristata, p. melalophus and macaca fascicularis for measles hemagglutination inhibition serologies is presented. these primates can provide a ready supply of rbc for diagnostic reagent use in areas of the world where the african green monkey or rhesus macaque are not available. individuals of each species are useful but must be screened for hemagglutination ability of their erythrocytes. the animal can then be chosen that has erythrocytes which best a ...19873116677
gc-7 cells are growth arrested by cytochalasin d at two different points in the cell cycle.gc-7 cells, a cell line from african green monkey kidney, which had been growth arrested in g0 phase by serum deprivation, entered s phase 15 h after serum stimulation. they were blocked from entering s phase in the presence of 0.6 micrograms/ml of cytochalasin d. the cells growth arrested between g0 and s phase by cytochalasin d entered s phase 6 h following the removal of the drug. the progression of s, g2, and m phases was not affected by cytochalasin d. on the other hand, when g0-arrested gc ...19873119358
apolipoprotein (apo) a-i production and mrna abundance explain plasma apoa-i and high density lipoprotein differences between two nonhuman primate species with high and low susceptibilities to diet-induced hypercholesterolemia.earlier studies have shown that african green monkeys develop a more modest hypercholesterolemia, higher high density lipoprotein (hdl) concentrations, and less atherosclerosis than cynomolgus monkeys fed diets with the same cholesterol content. in the present study, cynomolgus monkeys were fed less cholesterol than was fed to african green monkeys to induce equivalent hypercholesterolemia in both species. african green monkeys still had 2-fold higher plasma hdl cholesterol concentrations and 2. ...19883128537
free and conjugated plasma catecholamines, dopa and 3-o-methyldopa in humans and in various animal species.the aim of the present study was to determine the extent to which plasma catecholamines are conjugated in different animals compared to man and how widespread is the presence of dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylalanine (3-omd) in plasma among the different animal species. free and conjugated norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine were measured in plasma in humans and in several animal species (dog, rat, gunn rat, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, african green monkey, young p ...19883138688
interferon pretreatment enhances the sensitivity of vero cells to clostridium perfringens type a enterotoxin.treatment of vero (african green monkey kidney) cells with interferon (ifn) before the addition of clostridium perfringens type a enterotoxin (cpe) significantly increased the sensitivity of these cells to cpe. ifn pretreatment caused a subsequent two- to four-fold increase in cpe-induced membrane permeability alterations and also decreased the time of cpe treatment required before the onset of permeability alterations and morphologic damage. enhancement of cpe activity was dependent on the amou ...19873143038
cultured cell extracts support organelle movement on microtubules in vitro.directed movements of organelles have been observed in a variety of cultured cells. to study the regulation and molecular basis of intracellular organelle motility, we have prepared extracts from cultured chick embryo fibroblasts (cef cells) which support the movement of membraneous organelles along microtubules. the velocity, frequency and characteristics of organelle movements in vitro were similar to those within intact cells. organelles and extract-coated anionic beads moved predominantly (8 ...19883145153
nucleoside pools of acyclovir-treated herpes simplex type 1 infected cells.nucleoside pools of herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1)-infected and uninfected african green monkey kidney (gmk) cells and human fetal lung fibroblasts (hl) have been analysed with high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). the only nucleosides found in measurable amounts were deoxythymidine (dthd) and adenosine (ado). the dthd pool seemed to be greater in gmk cells than in hl cells. dthd was also the only nucleoside excreted into the medium. hsv-1 infection reduced the dthd concentration of gmk ...19853160302
allotransplantation and autotransplantation of mature teeth in monkeys: the influence of endodontic treatment.this study investigated the effect of endodontic treatment on root resorption of autotransplanted and allotransplanted mature teeth in unmatched monkeys. the material comprised 40 mature maxillary central incisors in 20 green vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). teeth were either allotransplanted or autotransplanted in pairs of monkeys matched only for the size of the root. endodontic treatment was performed at random peroperatively with gutta percha and kerr sealer in 10 of each of the 20 a ...19883165121
alkaline phosphatase as a reporter enzyme.this study examines the use of alkaline phosphatase (ap) as a reporter enzyme. we constructed a plasmid containing the cdna which encodes the bone/liver/kidney rat ap under the control of the simian virus 40 (sv40) early promoter and used it to transfect chinese hamster ovary, sv40-transformed african green monkey kidney 7, and rat osteosarcoma 25/1 mammalian cells. ap activity in these cells, measured three days later, was 40-400-fold above background. when ap and chloramphenicol acetyltransfer ...19883166444
pharmacokinetics of human recombinant interferon-alpha i after i.v. infusion and im injection in african green monkeys.the pharmacokinetics of recombinant human interferon-alpha i (rhuifn-alphai) were studied following a single 3 x 10(6) u/kg dose administered as a 30-min intravenous (iv) infusion and as an intramuscular (im) injection to four african green monkeys using a crossover design. concentrations of rhuifn-alpha i in serum were determined by bioassay. serum rhuifn-alpha i concentrations declined rapidly following an iv infusion. the elimination half-life ranged from 1.7 to 2.0 h. the volume of distribut ...19883171243
isolation and characterization of simian immunodeficiency virus from mandrills in africa and its relationship to other human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.two isolates of simian retrovirus related to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) were obtained from apparently healthy mandrills, papio (mandrillus) sphinx, in western equatorial africa. this virus, designated sivmnd (simian immunodeficiency virus from mandrills), appeared morphologically similar to hiv by electron microscopy, showed mg2+-dependent reverse transcriptase activity, and induced cytopathic effect in human cd4-positive cells. western blotting (immunoblotting) analyses revealed tha ...19883172337
simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkeys.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) was isolated from the total peripheral blood mononuclear cell population and the monocyte-macrophage adherent cell population of three seropositive green monkeys originating from kenya. siv from these african green monkeys (sivagm) was isolated and continuously produced with the molt-4 clone 8 (m4c18) cell line but not with a variety of other cells including hut-78, h9, cem, mt-4, u937, and uncloned molt-4 cells. once isolated, these sivagm isolates were found ...19883172340
low density lipoprotein kinetics in african green monkeys showing variable cholesterolaemic responses to diets realistic for westernised people.african green (vervet) monkeys were fed either an atherogenic western diet (wd), a prudent diet (pd), or a high carbohydrate diet (hcd) for various lengths of time. monkeys differed greatly in their response to the wd, and a strong negative correlation was observed between the fractional catabolic rates (fcr) of low density lipoprotein (ldl) and the total plasma cholesterol concentrations (r = -0.83 p = 0.0029). similarly the individual synthetic rates (sr) of ldl plotted against the total plasm ...19883178927
spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a in old world monkeys.virologic, serologic, biochemical, and morphological data characterizing spontaneous hepatitis a (ha) in cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis) and green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) are reported. experimental ha was induced in macaques as a result of infection with human hepatitis a virus (hav-h). disease similar to human ha was induced in cynomolgus macaques by hav isolates from spontaneously sick rhesus (m. mulatta) and green monkeys. this experimental model of ha in macaques can be us ...19883193448
some histological aspects of the hip joint capsule in the vervet monkey.microscopic studies show that the capsule of the hip joint in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus) is preponderantly collagenous. among the collagen fiber bundles are varying quantities of elastic fibers that demonstrate a definite, differential regional distribution. the highest concentration of elastic tissue is found in the posterior, postero-inferior, and inferior aspects of the hip joint capsule, whereas the anterior and superior aspects of the capsule are preponderantly c ...19883193460
characterization of vero cells.a cell line used in the production of biologicals should be free of infectious agents, and 'described with respect to cytogenetic characteristics and tumorigenicity'. vero, a continuous cell line derived from a normal african green monkey kidney, was examined for the presence of retroviruses and for tumorigenic potential. we were unable to detect the presence of retroviruses by reverse transcriptase assay, electron microscopy or hybridization of cellular genomic dna with mason-pfizer monkey viru ...19883198660
morphology and morphometry of the normal lung of the adult vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).the lungs of four adult specimens of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) have been examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. a morphometric evaluation of the structural components directly involved in gas exchange has been carried out and the data have been modelled to estimate the anatomical diffusing capacity of the lung. the upper air-conducting airways of the lung were lined by an epithelium characterized by ciliated cells among which were dispersed goblet cells. the ...19883213831
the simian-type m and the human-type abo blood groups in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops): their inheritance, distribution and significance for the management of a breeding colony.we have established a new simian-type blood group system (m blood groups) in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops), using a haemagglutinating antibody which was developed by alloimmunization. the m blood groups consisted of two phenotypes, type-m and type-m. we have also determined the mode of inheritance as well as the distribution of both simian-type m and human-type abo blood groups, employing 113 families including 160 animals. the family analysis revealed that (1) the simian-typ ...19883230870
[genetic polymorphism of alpha 1-antitrypsin in green monkeys studied by isoelectric focusing and family analysis].24 variants of alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1-at) were recognized in sera of 120 wild and capture-born african green monkeys by isoelectrofocusing in ampholine pag-plates (ph 4-6.5) and western blotting with antihuman alpha 1-at serum. all variants had much more cathodal position than human alpha 1-at and revealed very high microheterogeneity which was slightly different from the observed in human alpha 1-at. the alpha 1-at banding pattern allowed to postulate existence of 10 codominant alleles in ...19883264541
the vero cell receptor for the hepatitis b virus small s protein is a sialoglycoprotein.the vero (african green monkey kidney-derived) cell line is capable of binding recombinant hepatitis b surface antigen (rhbsag) particles containing only the small surface (s) protein of hepatitis b virus (hbv). this binding activity appears to be due to a single major population of receptors (m. e. peeples et al., virology 160, 135-142 (1987]. since infectious hbv particles also contain the small s protein, it is possible that the vero cell receptor might also function as an hbv receptor. the i ...19883281375
posttranslational modifications of alpha tubulin: detyrosination and acetylation differentiate populations of interphase microtubules in cultured cells.subsets of microtubules enriched in posttranslationally detyrosinated (gundersen, g. g., m. h. kalnoski, and j. c. bulinski. 1984. cell. 38:779) or acetylated (piperno, g., m. le dizet, and x. chang. 1987. j. cell biol. 104:298), alpha tubulin have previously been described in interphase cultured cells. in this study an immunofluorescence comparison of these minor populations of microtubules revealed that, in african green monkey kidney epithelial cells (tc-7 line), the population of microtubule ...19883283150
experimental leprosy in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops): a model for polyneuritic leprosy.three african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were inoculated intravenously and intracutaneously with mycobacterium leprae derived from a naturally infected mangabey monkey. all developed cutaneous lesions at inoculation sites. one developed disseminated cutaneous lesions, while the cutaneous lesions in the other two regressed and eventually disappeared. the animals were examined at necropsy five years after inoculation. all three had active leprosy infection in peripheral nerves with ext ...19873310689
isozymes as bioprobes for genetic analysis of nonhuman primates.the identification and the utilization of genetically determined electrophoretic differences of enzymes between the individuals of species as well as between cell lines have played an important role in the advancement of mammalian genetics during the past quarter of a century. in an explicit search we found a number of red cell enzyme polymorphisms in each of the following four species: chimpanzees, orang utans, rhesus monkeys and brown capuchins. allelic distribution patterns among populations ...19873333351
effects of saturated and polyunsaturated dietary fat on the concentrations of hdl subpopulations in african green monkeys.the effect of the type of dietary fat on the concentrations and compositions of high density lipoprotein (hdl) subpopulations was studied in groups of african green monkeys consuming 40% of calories as fat supplied as saturated fat (p/s = 0.3) or polyunsaturated fat (p/s = 2.2) in the presence of either 0.8 mg or 0.03 mg cholesterol/kcal. plasma hdl cholesterol concentrations were lower in polyunsaturated fat-fed animals. the distribution of mass among hdl subfractions was assessed by analytic u ...19883341989
seed-eating by west african cercopithecines, with reference to the possible evolution of bilophodont on tooth use in eating fruits and seeds were collected on 12 west african monkeys representing five species of cercopithecines, cercopithecus aethiops, cercopithecus campbelli, cercocebus atys, erythrocebus patas, and papio papio. field observations and information in the published literature were used to select fruits for captive feeding trials. a total of over 27,000 tests were conducted to determine the preferences of the monkeys for 78 fruits. data were collected on the selection of fru ...19883364545
sequence of simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkey, a new member of the hiv/siv group.some wild african green monkeys are known to be naturally infected with a retrovirus related to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) without having any apparent symptoms of an aids-like disease. this simian immunodeficiency virus, designated sivagm, may be helpful in clarifying the evolution and pathogenicity of hiv. some virus strains that were previously reported to be isolated from african green monkeys were shown to be laboratory contaminations of sivmac (siv from a rhesus macaque) here we rep ...19883374586
absolute auditory thresholds in three old world monkey species (cercopithecus aethiops, c. neglectus, macaca fuscata) and humans (homo sapiens).we investigated the absolute auditory sensitivities of three monkey species (cercopithecus aethiops, c. neglectus, and macaca fuscata) and humans (homo sapiens). results indicated that species-typical variation exists in these primates. vervets, which have the smallest interaural distance of the species that we tested, exhibited the greatest high-frequency sensitivity. this result is consistent with masterton, heffner, and ravizza's (1969) observations that head size and high-frequency acuity ar ...19883396316
the effect of elevated temperature on the aggregation of african green monkey kidney cells.the aggregation kinetics of african green monkey kidney cells cv1 and of the sv40 transformed derivative cos1 cells that had been incubated at 37 degrees c or 43.5 degrees c was studied using the shaking flask system. cos1 cells show a three fold decrease in aggregation rate compared to cv1 cells when both cell types were incubated and aggregated at 37 degrees c. when these cell types were incubated at 43.5 degrees c for 5 hours, then aggregated at 37 degrees c showed a faster aggregation kineti ...19883401937
age-related changes of immunoglobulin levels in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).serum igg, iga, and igm levels were measured in domestically bred african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) ranging in age from 0 day to 49 months as well as in adult (5 years or older) animals of wild origin. transplacental transfer of igg was observed. igg, iga, and igm levels increased with increasing age except for a temporal decrease of igg level in the first month of life.19883418684
comparison of ketamine, physical restraint, halothane and pentobarbital: lack of influence on serotonergic measures in monkeys and rats.the consequences of the use of ketamine for immobilization have been examined on the concentration of whole blood serotonin, concentrations of neurotransmitters and metabolites in csf and brain, and specific binding of ligands related to neurotransmitters in brain. vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) were examined under conditions which compared ketamine with physical restraint and with halothane. it was found that ketamine, used acutely in monkeys for restraint, had no influence on ...19873431664
the effect of raising or lowering tryptophan levels on aggression in vervet groups of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were given amino acid mixtures that were tryptophan-free (t-), nutritionally balanced (b), or contained excess tryptophan (t+). the t- mixture caused a marked decrease in plasma tryptophan and the t+ mixture a large increase. behavioral observations were made on the animals after administration of the amino acid mixtures both during spontaneous activity and while the (fasted) animals were competing for food newly placed in the feeder. the ...19873432316
intracerebral grafting and culture of cryopreserved primate dopamine neurons.dopamine neurons from the ventral midbrain and olfactory bulb of fetal and postnatal african green monkeys were frozen, stored in liquid nitrogen for intervals of 4-28 days, thawed, and tested for viability and growth following intracerebral transplantation into 3 adult monkeys. well developed tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons from all donors were seen in intracerebral transplants at 7-50 days after grafting. freeze-stored neurons also were tested at various intervals by trypan blue dye excl ...19873435833
blockage of prereplicative progression by cytochalasin d in serum-stimulated gc-7 cells.when growth-arrested gc-7 cells, a cell line from african green monkey kidney, are stimulated with 10% calf serum, they enter s phase 14-15 h later. cytochalasin d at 0.6 micrograms/ml blocks the entrance into s phase, and inhibits, though only partially, the increase in protein synthesis after serum stimulation. since partial inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide interferes with accumulation of labile proteins and thus blocks the entrance of serum-stimulated cells into s phase, the e ...19873435917
isolation of leishmania major from a naturally infected vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) caught in kiambu district, kenya. 19873437365
comparison of antigenicity of serum immunoglobulin g among human, cynomolgus monkey, african green monkey and squirrel monkey.antigenicity of igg was compared among human, the cynomolgus monkey, the african green monkey and the squirrel monkey by the quantitative precipitation test using purified igg of and rabbit anti-igg serum to each species. clear cross-antigenicity was observed between the cynomolgus monkey and the african green monkey and less clear cross-antigenicity between human and the cynomolgus monkey or the african green monkey. the cross-antigenicity observed between the squirrel monkey and the other thre ...19873444086
a mammalian high mobility group protein recognizes any stretch of six a.t base pairs in duplex dna.alpha-protein is a high mobility group protein originally purified from african green monkey cells based on its affinity for the 172-base-pair repeat of monkey alpha-satellite dna. we have used dnase i footprinting to identify 50 alpha-protein binding sites on simian virus 40 dna and thereby to determine the dna binding specificity of this mammalian nuclear protein. alpha-protein binds with approximately equal affinity to any run of six or more a x t base pairs in duplex dna, to many, if not all ...19863456586
effects of ammonia and volatile fatty acids produced by oral bacteria on tissue culture cells.culture filtrates of several bacterial species isolated from the oral cavity were tested for their effects on two types of tissue culture cells: vero cells, the continuous cell line of african green monkey kidney cells; and chondrocytes, isolated from 15-day-old chick embryo tibiae. only a limited number of bacterial species--i.e., the asaccharolytic black-pigmented bacteroides species and fusobacterium species--affected the two cell types. the effect on vero cells, detected by the rounding of t ...19863458741
amine sulfate formation in the central nervous system.the sulfates of norepinephrine, dopamine (da), and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5ht]) are present in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of laboratory animals and humans. the amounts of sulfated amines in human csf always greatly exceed the amounts of the free amines. the enzyme responsible for sulfation, phenol sulfotransferase (pst) (ec, has been detected in the brain tissue of several species, including humans. pst in the human brain has a high affinity for the amines but it is a low-ca ...19863459671
purification and postsynthetic modifications of friend erythroleukemic cell high mobility group protein hmg-i.we have previously detected and purified a friend erythroleukemic mouse cell nonhistone chromatin protein having extraction and acid-solubility properties like the low molecular weight "high mobility group" (hmg) nuclear proteins. we show here that the electrophoretic properties and the amino acid composition of this mouse cell "hmg-like" protein is comparable to those of the hmg-i proteins isolated from human hela s3 cells, african green monkey cells, ehrlich ascites mouse cells, and rat fibrob ...19863464222
purification and properties of epithelial growth inhibitor (egi) from human platelets: its separation from type beta transforming growth factor (tgf-beta).we previously reported that sera from various kinds of animals contain a protein(s) capable of inhibiting the growth of the non-malignant epithelial cell line derived from buffalo rat liver (brl). in the present study, a similar epithelial cell-specific growth inhibitor (egi) was purified to homogeneity from an acid-ethanol extract of human platelets. during purification, egi was separated from the major component of type beta transforming growth factor (tgf-beta), which can stimulate the colony ...19863465720
cloning and sequence analysis of simian transforming growth factor-beta cdna.we have isolated a cdna clone coding for the simian tgf-beta precursor from a cdna library made from an african green monkey cell line, bsc-40. the deduced amino acid sequence of the mature simian tgf-beta shows 100% homology with that of the human tgf-beta: strong sequence homology was found between the precursor regions of the human and simian proteins with only five amino acid changes out of 278. the simian (and murine) precursor sequence was found to code for one less amino acid residue than ...19873474130
duct-associated lymphoid tissue (dalt) of minor salivary glands in the monkey, cercopithecus aethiops.this study reports on the characteristic topographical distribution of dalt within the labial and buccal mucosae of cercopithecus aethiops. a total of 140 labial and 24 buccal mucosal tissue blocks, originating from 11 animals, were examined light microscopically. all animals revealed dalt in varying numbers of epon blocks. in c. aethiops, dalt is a comparatively rare phenomenon and appears to develop almost exclusively around msg duct orifices and along the course of main ducts traversing the s ...19873478033
cross-reactivity to human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus and molecular cloning of simian t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii from african green monkeys.simian t-lymphotropic retroviruses with structural, antigenic, and cytopathic features similar to the etiologic agent of human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (htlv-iii/lav), have been isolated from a variety of primate species including african green monkeys (stlv-iiiagm). this report describes nucleic acid cross-reactivity between stlv-iiiagm and htlv-iii/lav, molecular cloning of the stlv-iiiagm genome, and evaluation of ...19863491989
transcription map of the african green monkey lymphotropic papovavirus.the s1 endonuclease mapping technique was employed to characterize polyadenylated rna molecules encoded by the african green monkey lymphotropic papovavirus (lpv) in b-lymphoblastoid cells of human origin infected with the virus. two groups of stable transcripts of opposite polarities were identified and mapped. by analogy with other papovaviruses, these molecules were designated as "early" and "late" rnas. the early transcripts include two rna molecules consisting of a colinear 3' "main body" o ...19873493583
effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) on catecholamines and metabolites in primate brain and csf.1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) administration is able to produce nigrostriatal damage and motor disabilities in primates similar to those seen in parkinson's disease. two months after mptp treatment in african green monkeys, significant depletions of dopamine (da) and/or homovanillic acid (hva) were found in the dorsal ventral tegmental area, and septum, but not in the ventral part of the ventral tegmental area or nucleus accumbens. however, da losses were greater at all exa ...19873496938
sequence of simian immunodeficiency virus and its relationship to the human immunodeficiency viruses.the characterization of hiv-1 (htlv-iii/lav), the human retrovirus associated with aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) has led to the identification of a group of related human and simian retroviruses which also infect cd4-bearing t lymphocytes. simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii (simian immodeficiency virus) from macaques (stlv-iiimac) induces symptoms similar to those of aids in infected macaques, but isolates from african green monkeys (stlv-iiiagm) and mangabeys (stlv-iimm) appear t ...19873497350
t-cell depletion of cercopithecus aethiops monkey bone marrow with campath-1 monoclonal antibody and complement.the effectiveness of anti-human monoclonal antibody (campath 1) plus complement (c') in removal of t-cells from cercopithecus aethiops monkey bone marrow was studied. recovery of haemopoietic progenitor cells (cfu-gm) was also investigated in vitro after treatment with campath-1 plus c'. the results showed that the cell-yield was 37.2 +/- 9.8 after ficoll separation and 44.2 +/- 13.2% after campath-1 + + c' treatment. the cfu-gm yields referred to the original total cfu-gm were 88.9 +/- 24.0 and ...19873500899
comparison of efficiency of complements from various species for t-cell depletion from cercopithecus aethiops bone marrow with campath-1 moab in vitro.mature t-cells were removed from cercopithecus aethiops monkey bone marrow with campath-1 moab plus complement from various species (man, rabbit and monkey). the t-cell depletion was more effective and stable with rabbit or human complement than with autologous (monkey) complement. the most complete and effective lytic function to t-cells was found in the case of rabbit complement. rabbit complement can be used successfully to deplete bone marrow t-cells of c. aethiops with campath-1 in vitro.19873501389
natural infections of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) and african red monkeys (erythrocebus patas) in sudan with taeniid cysticerci. 19863503150
[studies on the interaction between cells infected with measles virus and anti-measles antibody. ii. production and application of monoclonal antibodies against measles virus].somatic cell hybrids which produced antibodies against measles virus were established by fusing the spleen cells of balb/c mice immunizing with purified measles virus and the myeloma cell line p3.653 using polyethylene glycol 1,000. mouse ascites were obtained by inoculating several hybridoma clones, and 2 ascites showed to have high hi titer antibodies. location of the measles virus antigens on the cells infected with measles virus could be analysed by indirect immunofluorescence technique usin ...19863516820
haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide-protein conjugate haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide-protein conjugate has been prepared. the polysaccharide was coupled to the serotype ii protein of group b meningococcus through the spacer 6-aminocaproic acid using cyanogen bromide and water soluble carbodiimide. the conjugate can be shown to be reproducible and is stable and highly immunogenic in mice and african green monkeys. clinical evaluation of this conjugate in children 3 months to 4 years of age showed that it elicited an antibod ...19873543938
experimental infection of monkeys with leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo.grivet monkeys experimentally infected with two different strains of leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo showed no signs of severe clinical disease. there were no significant macroscopic lesions in any of the tissues examined, but the organisms were demonstrated in various tissues by immunofluorescent technique and were isolated from the blood and urine of two monkeys and the kidney of one. abraded skin was shown to be a viable route of infection in non-human primates.19873549342
lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase-induced modifications of liver perfusate discoidal high density lipoproteins from african green monkeys.the role of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (lcat) in the formation of plasma high density lipoproteins (hdl) was studied in a series of in vitro incubations in which perfusates from isolated african green monkey livers were incubated at 37 degrees c with partially purified lcat for between 1 and 13 hr. the hdl particles isolated from monkey liver perfusate stored at 4 degrees c and not exposed to added lcat contained apoa-i and apoe, were deficient in neutral lipids, and were observed by e ...19863559393
cytotoxic effects of 1,2-dichloroethane, nitrobenzene, and carbon disulfide on human kb and monkey agmk cells.the toxicity of 1,2-dichloroethane, carbon disulfide, and nitrobenzene on cultured human (kb) and african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells was studied. nitrobenzene proved to be the most toxic to these two cell lines.19863559928
effect of fish oil versus lard diets on the chemical and physical properties of low density lipoproteins of nonhuman primates.twenty-four adult male african green grivet monkeys were fed diets containing 42% of calories as lard or menhaden oil and 0.76 mg of cholesterol/kcal for a period of 8 months. plasma samples from fasting animals were then taken and low density lipoproteins (ldl) were isolated by ultracentrifugation and agarose column chromatography. the ldl were analyzed chemically, and physical properties of the particles were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. the fish oil group had significantly sm ...19873572246
development of a nonhuman primate model for spontaneous hypertension. blood pressures in first-generation offspring.a breeding colony of two subspecies of african green monkeys has been established in an attempt to develop a strain of nonhuman primates with inherited spontaneous hypertension. selective breeding of normotensive and hypertensive feral animals has produced over 300 first-generation, colony-born offspring of nine possible types, which were grouped according to parentage. blood pressures were measured by indirect methods in 335 unanesthetized animals aged 0.5 to 6 years. analysis of variance and c ...19873596788
nascent lipoproteins from recirculating and nonrecirculating liver perfusions and from the hepatic golgi apparatus of african green monkeys.perfusate apob-100-containing lipoproteins from the isolated, perfused livers of african green monkeys consist of significant amounts of d greater than 1.006 g/ml particles in addition to very low density lipoproteins (vldl). distinguishing characteristics of these perfusate lipoproteins are the relative abundance of surface lipids and deficiency of core lipids. the present studies were performed to determine the likelihood that the d greater than 1.006 g/ml perfusate lipoproteins are secretion ...19873598398
intravascular metabolism of lipoprotein cholesteryl esters in african green monkeys: differential fate of doubly labeled cholesteryl oleate.high density lipoproteins (hdl), doubly labeled with [3h]cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl [14c]oleate, were reinjected to study hdl cholesteryl ester metabolism in african green monkeys. the transfer of labeled hdl cholesteryl ester to low density lipoprotein (ldl) was rapid and equilibration of the [3h]cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl [14c]oleate specific activities in ldl and hdl occurred within 90 min after reinjection. the apparent rates of disappearance from the circulation of the two m ...19873598399
vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) whole blood serotonin level is determined by platelet uptake sites.whole blood serotonin levels in adult male vervet monkeys living in social groups are sensitive to the animals' social environment. the mechanisms that translate different behavioral and environmental cues into altered whole blood serotonin levels are unknown. in this study, we have measured platelet number, size, serotonin content, and serotonin uptake, as well as the serum concentrations of tryptophan, mg+2 and ca+2. results showed that whole blood serotonin levels, platelet serotonin content, ...19873626771
a cultured cell receptor for the small s protein of hepatitis b virus.human hepatitis b virus (hbv) has not been passaged in established cell culture systems. to determine whether this inability results from the lack of a receptor, 30 cell lines were examined for their abilities to bind 125i-labeled recombinant hepatitis b virus surface antigen (rhbsag) particles. these particles contained only the small surface (s) protein, which is also found in the envelope of infectious hbv particles. only two cells lines, both derived from african green monkey kidney, were ab ...19873629972
htlv-iii expression and production involve complex regulation at the levels of splicing and translation of viral rna.the african green monkey nonlymphoid cell line cos-1 produces infectious htlv-iii virus following transfection with biologically active molecular clones of htlv-iii. transfected cos-1 cells produce large amounts of viral rna and protein. we have used this rapid transfection system to study the regulatory functions and synthetic capacity of the htlv-iii genome, as well as mutants derived from it. analysis of transfected lymphoid and nonlymphoid cell lines suggests that tat-iii-mediated trans-acti ...19863638988
the genome organization of stlv-3 is similar to that of the aids virus except for a truncated transmembrane protein.nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3' portion of the genome of simian t-lymphotropic virus type 3 from african green monkeys (stlv-3agm) reveals that it has the same general genome structure as the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1), the etiologic agent of aids. short segments of strong amino acid homology and similar predicted protein structure characterize the tat and art/trs open reading frames (orf) of both viruses. strong conservation of 3' orf and of another, cs-orf, for which no protei ...19873646094
sequence of simian immunodeficiency virus from macaque and its relationship to other human and simian retroviruses.because of the growing incidence of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), the need for studies on animal models is urgent. infection of chimpanzees with the retroviral agent of human aids, the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), will have only limited usefulness because chimpanzees are in short supply and do not develop the disease. among non-human primates, both type d retroviruses and lentiviruses can be responsible for immune deficiencies. the d-type retroviruses, although important pat ...19873649576
structure of the long terminal repeat of simian lymphotropic virus type iii (african green monkey) and its relatedness to that of hiv.the simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii (stlv-iii[agm]) is a retrovirus in wild african green monkeys which is serologically related to the human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii/lav-1/hiv) and other related human retroviruses. the long terminal repeats (ltr) contained in clones of viral dna of (stlv-iii[agm]) were subcloned in m13 and their dna sequence was determined and compared with that of hiv (htlv-iii[bh10]). the stlv-iii(agm) ltr is considerably larger than that of htlv-iii(bh10) ...19873650101
animal models of mycoplasma genitalium urogenital infection.male and female animals were inoculated urogenitally with mycoplasma genitalium, recovered originally from men with nongonococcal urethritis. mice, hamsters and male rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were resistant. male cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis) were not as sensitive as male chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): 9 of 11 developed an obvious genital tract infection, some shedding organisms for more than 18 weeks. m. genitalium was recovered from the blood of two of them when large numbers ...19873667225
detection of clostridium difficile toxin in various tissue culture monolayers.thirty stool filtrates known to contain clostridium difficile toxin based on previous testing on mccoy cells were tested for toxicity on primary african green monkey kidney (agmk), mccoy, mrc-5, primary rhesus monkey kidney (rmk), and vero cells. all 30 filtrates showed cytotoxic effect at greater than or equal to 1:100 dilution on mccoy and vero cells. a total of 22 filtrates were positive on mrc-5 monolayers, while only 16 and 10 filtrates showed positive cytotoxic effect on agmk and rmk cells ...19873667920
effects of sodium fluoride on uptake of t-2 mycotoxin in cultured cells.we examined the effect of sodium fluoride on uptake of tritium-labeled t-2 toxin (molecules of toxin/cell) in chinese hamster ovary (cho) and african green monkey kidney (vero) cells. correlations were made to temperature (22 and 37 degrees c) and toxin concentration (0.001 and 0.01 microgram/ml) over time (0-180 min). as expected, toxin uptake increased in both cell types with increasing time and temperature. vero cells exhibited significant (p less than 0.05) increases in the rate (i.e. slope) ...19873672540
a comparison of the effects of soya-bean protein and casein on bile composition, cholelithiasis and serum lipoprotein lipids in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).1. two groups of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed on high-cholesterol diets which differed only with respect to the protein source. in one group casein was the only protein source, while the other group received only soya-bean protein. 2. samples of blood, bile and liver biopsy material were collected at the commencement of the study and at 3-monthly intervals until termination 12 months later. 3. at the end of the experimental period all the animals (n 19) had high plasma choles ...19873676246
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