
small rna regulation of rice homeobox genes.recently, we reported the genome-wide identification of 107 homeobox genes in rice and classified them into ten distinct subfamilies based upon their domain composition and phylogenetic analysis. microarray analysis revealed the tissue-specific and overlapping expression profiles of these genes during various stages of floral transition, panicle development and seed set. several homeobox genes were also found to be differentially expressed under abiotic stress conditions. based on massively para ...200819704442
alkaline alpha-galactosidase degrades thylakoid membranes in the chloroplast during leaf senescence in, we studied the functional role of a chloroplast alkaline alpha-galactosidase (osakalphagal) in the breakdown of thylakoid membranes during rice (oryza sativa) leaf senescence. we assayed the enzyme activity of recombinant osakalphagal with different natural substrates and examined the effect of ectopic osakalphagal expression in rice plants. recombinant osakalphagal showed at least a two-fold greater substrate-binding affinity and a 10-fold greater turnover rate to galactolipid digalactosy ...200919703114
comparative analysis of complete orthologous centromeres from two subspecies of rice reveals rapid variation of centromere organization and structure.centromeres are sites for assembly of the chromosomal structures that mediate faithful segregation at mitosis and meiosis. this function is conserved across species, but the dna components that are involved in kinetochore formation differ greatly, even between closely related species. to shed light on the nature, evolutionary timing and evolutionary dynamics of rice centromeres, we decoded a 2.25-mb dna sequence covering the centromeric region of chromosome 8 of an indica rice variety, 'kasalath ...200919702669
a lineage-specific centromere retrotransposon in oryza brachyantha.most eukaryotic centromeres contain large quantities of repetitive dna, such as satellite repeats and retrotransposons. unlike most transposons in plant genomes, the centromeric retrotransposon (cr) family is conserved over long evolutionary periods among a majority of the grass species. cr elements are highly concentrated in centromeres, and are likely to play a role in centromere function. in order to study centromere evolution in the oryza (rice) genus, we sequenced the orthologous region to ...200919702667
gene content and virtual gene order of barley chromosome 1h.chromosome 1h (approximately 622 mb) of barley (hordeum vulgare) was isolated by flow sorting and shotgun sequenced by gsflx pyrosequencing to 1.3-fold coverage. fluorescence in situ hybridization and stringent sequence comparison against genetically mapped barley genes revealed 95% purity of the sorted chromosome 1h fraction. sequence comparison against the reference genomes of rice (oryza sativa) and sorghum (sorghum bicolor) and against wheat (triticum aestivum) and barley expressed sequence ...200919692534
premature tapetum degeneration: a major cause of abortive pollen development in photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility in rice.photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile (psgms) rice (oryza sativa l.), a natural mutant found in the rice cultivar nongken 58, is very useful for the development of hybrid rice cultivars. despite its widespread use in breeding programs, the initial stage of the abortive development of psgms rice and the possible cytological mechanisms of pollen abortion have not been determined. in the present study, a systematic cytological comparison of the anther development of psgms rice with its normal fe ...200919686374
proteomic analysis of cytoskeleton-associated rna binding proteins in developing rice eukaryotes, rna binding proteins (rbps) play an integral role not only in rna processing within the nucleus, but also in the cytoplasmic events of rna transport, localization, translation, storage and degradation. while many studies have been done, relatively little is known about rbps in plants. as part of our continuing efforts to understand cytoplasmic gene expression events in developing rice seed (oryza sativa l.), a proteomics approach was used to identify cytoplasmic-localized, cytoske ...200919685898
computational finishing of large sequence contigs reveals interspersed nested repeats and gene islands in the rf1-associated region of maize.the architecture of grass genomes varies on multiple levels. large long terminal repeat retrotransposon clusters occupy significant portions of the intergenic regions, and islands of protein-encoding genes are interspersed among the repeat clusters. hence, advanced assembly techniques are required to obtain completely finished genomes as well as to investigate gene and transposable element distributions. to characterize the organization and distribution of repeat clusters and gene islands across ...200919675151
er membrane-localized oxidoreductase ero1 is required for disulfide bond formation in the rice endosperm.the developing endosperm of rice (oryza sativa, os) synthesizes a large amount of storage proteins on the rough (r)er. the major storage proteins, glutelins and prolamins, contain either intra or intermolecular disulfide bonds, and oxidative protein folding is necessary for the sorting of the proteins to the protein bodies. here, we investigated an electron transfer pathway for the formation of protein disulfide bonds in the rer of the rice endosperm, focusing on the roles of the thiol-disulfide ...200919666483
hydroxyiminodisuccinic acid (hids): a novel biodegradable chelating ligand for the increase of iron bioavailability and arsenic phytoextraction.the influence of biodegradable chelating ligands on arsenic and iron uptake by hydroponically grown rice seedlings (oryza sativa l.) was investigated. even though the growth solution contained sufficient fe, the growth of rice seedlings gradually decreased up to 76% with the increase of ph of the solution from 7 to 11. iron forms insoluble ferric hydroxide complexes at neutral or alkaline ph in oxic condition. chelating ligands produce soluble 'fe-ligand complex' which assist fe uptake in plants ...200919665755
heterotrimeric g protein signaling is required for epidermal cell death in rice (oryza sativa) adventitious root primordia are formed at the nodes as part of normal development. upon submergence of rice plants, adventitious roots emerge from the nodes preceded by death of epidermal cells above the root primordia. cell death is induced by ethylene and mediated by hydrogen peroxide (h(2)o(2)). pharmacological experiments indicated that epidermal cell death was dependent on signaling through g proteins. treatment with gtp-gamma-s induced epidermal cell death, whereas g ...200919656904
brassinosteroid upregulated1, encoding a helix-loop-helix protein, is a novel gene involved in brassinosteroid signaling and controls bending of the lamina joint in rice.brassinosteroids (brs) are involved in many developmental processes and regulate many subsets of downstream genes throughout the plant kingdom. however, little is known about the br signal transduction and response network in monocots. to identify novel br-related genes in rice (oryza sativa), we monitored the transcriptomic response of the brassinosteroid deficient1 (brd1) mutant, with a defective br biosynthetic gene, to brassinolide treatment. here, we describe a novel br-induced rice gene br ...200919648232
fluroxypyr triggers oxidative damage by producing superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in rice (oryza sativa).the present study has evaluated effect of fluroxypyr concentrations 0-0.8 mg l(-1) (a widely-used herbicide for controlling annual or perennial weeds growth) on selected metabolic and stress-related parameters in oryza sativa plants after 6 days of exposure. increasing concentrations decreased shoot growth and accumulation of chlorophylls but had no effect on root biomass. increasing doses led also to increase in superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide and proline accumulation, while malondialdehy ...201019644752
biochemical and physiological characterization of a tau class glutathione transferase from rice (oryza sativa).the classical phase ii detoxification glutathione transferases (gsts) are key metabolic enzymes that catalyze the conjugation of glutathione to various electrophilic compounds. a tau class gst gene (osgstu17) was cloned from rice, which encodes a protein of 223 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 25.18 kda. the recombinant osgstu17 formed a homodimer protein and showed gsh-conjugating activity with various xenobiotics. kinetic analysis with respect to nbd-cl as substrate reve ...201619640724
[application of competitive pcr for screening selectable marker-free xa21 transgenic rice].polymerase chain reaction (pcr) is a simple, quick and highly sensitive method. however the accuracy of the conventional pcr assay was often affected by false positives and false negatives. in this study, a protocol competitive pcr was used to reduce the false results in screening for selectable marker-free (smf) xa2l transgenic rice plants. the competitive template of xa21 was the endogenous xa2l homologous sequence located on chromosome 11. the competitive template of the selectable marker gen ...200919637639
exogenous nitric oxide enhances cadmium tolerance of rice by increasing pectin and hemicellulose contents in root cell study the mechanisms of exogenous no contribution to alleviate the cadmium (cd) toxicity in rice (oryza sativa), rice plantlets subjected to 0.2-mm cdcl(2) exposure were treated with different concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (snp, a no donor), and cd toxicity was evaluated by the decreases in plant length, biomass production and chlorophyll content. the results indicated that 0.1 mm snp alleviated cd toxicity most obviously. atomic absorption spectrometry and fluorescence localization ...200919626338
amyloplast division progresses simultaneously at multiple sites in the endosperm of rice.the amyloplast, a form of differentiated plastid, proliferates in sink tissues, where it synthesizes and stores starch granules. little is known about the molecular mechanism for amyloplast division and development. the rice (oryza sativa) endosperm provides an excellent model system for studying molecular mechanisms involved in amyloplast division and starch synthesis. we compared amyloplast division processes in the endosperm of wild type and a mutant of arc5, a member of the dynamin superfami ...200919622530
comprehensive metabolite profiling of phya phyb phyc triple mutants to reveal their associated metabolic phenotype in rice leaves.the phytochrome photoreceptors regulate plant growth and development throughout their life cycle. rice (oryza sativa) possesses three phytochromes, phya, phyb, and phyc. physiological, genetic, and biochemical analyses of null mutants of each phytochrome have revealed the function of each in rice. however, few studies have investigated the relationship between phytochrome signaling and metabolism. in the present study, non-targeted metabolite analysis by gas chromatography time-of-flight mass sp ...200919619864
identification and characterization of pseudogenes in the rice gene complement.the osa1 genome annotation of rice (oryza sativa l. ssp. japonica cv. nipponbare) is the product of a semi-automated pipeline that does not explicitly predict pseudogenes. as such, it is likely to mis-annotate pseudogenes as functional genes. a total of 22,033 gene models within the osa1 release 5 were investigated as potential pseudogenes as these genes exhibit at least one feature potentially indicative of pseudogenes: lack of transcript support, short coding region, long untranslated region, ...200919607679
physiological and transcriptome analysis of iron and phosphorus interaction in rice seedlings.the antagonistic interaction between iron (fe) and phosphorus (p) has been noted in the area of plant nutrition. to understand the physiology and molecular mechanisms of this interaction, we studied the growth performance, nutrient concentration, and gene expression profiles of root and shoot segments derived from 10-d-old rice (oryza sativa) seedlings under four different nutrient conditions: (1) full strength of fe and p (+fe+p); (2) full strength of p and no fe (-fe+p); (3) full strength of f ...200919605549
effects of active silicon uptake by rice on 29si fractionation in various plant parts.rice (oryza sativa l.) accumulates large amounts of silicon which improves its growth and health due to enhanced resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. silicon uptake and loading to xylem in rice are predominantly active processes performed by transporters encoded by the recently identified genes lsi1 (si influx transporter gene) and lsi2 (si efflux transporter gene). silicon deposition in rice during translocation to upper plant tissues is known to discriminate against the heavier isotopes ...200919603477
dwarf 88, a novel putative esterase gene affecting architecture of rice plant.rice architecture is an important agronomic trait that affects grain yield. we characterized a tillering dwarf mutant d88 derived from oryza sativa ssp. japonica cultivar lansheng treated with ems. the mutant had excessive shorter tillers and smaller panicles and seeds compared to the wild-type. a reduction in number and size of parenchyma cells around stem marrow cavity as well as a delay in the elongation of parenchyma cells caused slender tillers and dwarfism in the d88 mutant. the d88 gene w ...200919603144
[substitution mapping of qtl for panicle exertion using cssl in rice (oryza sativa l.)].panicle exertion, the distance between the leaf cushion of flag and the neck-panicle node, is an important morphological trait, which has significant impact on hybrid seed production of rice. in this study, 94 chromosome segment substitution lines (cssl), derived from 9311/nipponbare with 9311 as the recurrent parent, were used to analyze quantitative trait loci (qtl) controlling the panicle exertion. the results showed that 17 cssl contained qtl for the panicle exertion. using substitution mapp ...200919586880
[genetic analysis and mapping of high-tillering and dwarf mutant htd1-2 in rice].tillering is one of the most important agronomic traits of rice. in order to explore the molecular mechanism of rice tillering, a high-tillering dwarf 1-2 (htd1-2) mutant was isolated from the offspring of the indica rice (oryza sativa l. ssp. indica) variety 9311 treated with 350gy 60co gamma-radiation. genetic analysis showed that both high tillering and dwarf phenotypes of htd1-2 were controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. by means of molecular marker technique, the high-tillering dwa ...200919586849
the effect of salinity on morphological characteristics of seven rice (oryza sativa) genotypes differing in salt tolerance.the effect of salinity on morphological characters of salt tolerant genotypes pvsb9, pvsb19, pnr381, pnr519, iratom24 and salt sensitive genotype ns15 along with one standard check salt tolerant rice cultivar pokkali were assessed in two factors completely randomized design with four replications. seven rice genotypes in combination with six levels of salinity (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 ds m(-1)) were randomly assigned in 168 experimental plastic pots. the different morphological characters studied ...200919579979
defining core metabolic and transcriptomic responses to oxygen availability in rice embryos and young seedlings.analysis reveals that there is limited overlap in the sets of transcripts that show significant changes in abundance during anaerobiosis in different plant species. this may be due to the fact that a combination of primary effects, changes due to the presence or absence of oxygen, and secondary effects, responses to primary changes or tissue and developmental responses, are measured together and not differentiated from each other. in order to dissect out these responses, the effect of the presen ...200919571305
regulation of osspx1 and osspx3 on expression of osspx domain genes and pi-starvation signaling in rice.the rice (oryza sativa l.) genome contains at least six genes exclusively with an spx (syg1/pho81/xpr1) domain at the n-terminal, designated as osspx1-6. here we report the diverse expression patterns of the osspx genes in different tissues and their responses to pi-starvation. among them, five genes, osspx1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are responsive to pi-starvation in shoots and/or in roots. the subcellular localization analysis indicates that osspx1 and osspx2 is exclusively located in nucleus, osspx3 in ...200919566645
nitrate assimilatory enzymes of spirulina (arthospira) platensis are more thermotolerant than those of order to assess the potential of spirulina (arthospira) platensis as a source of abundant, thermostable nitrate assimilatory enzymes, the specific activities and thermal tolerance of nitrate reductase (nr), nitrite reductase (nir) and glutamine synthetase (gs) were compared with those of rice in crude extracts in vitro. the results show that spirulina enzymes have relatively higher thermotolerance. when the extracts were pre-exposed to 80 °c for 1 hr, spirulina enzymes retained higher activit ...200923572937
dynamic bridges--a calponin-domain kinesin from rice links actin filaments and microtubules in both cycling and non-cycling cells.interaction and cross-talk between microtubules and actin microfilaments are important for the cell axis and polarity during plant cell growth and development, but little is known about the molecular components of this interaction. plant kinesins with a calponin-homology domain (kchs) were recently identified and associated with a putative role in microtubule-microfilament cross-linking. kchs belong to a distinct branch of the minus end-directed kinesin subfamily and so far have only been identi ...200919561334
a novel carotenoid derivative, lutein 3-acetate, accumulates in senescent leaves of rice.the biosynthetic pathway of lutein, the most abundant carotenoid in leaves, has been extensively studied, while its degradation pathway during senescence is poorly understood. we found that a novel carotenoid derivative, lutein 3-acetate, accumulates in senescent leaves of rice (oryza sativa l.). the change in contents of lutein and lutein 3-acetate suggests that lutein is converted to lutein 3-acetate during senescence. analysis of mutants involved in light-harvesting complex ii (lhcii) accumul ...200919561331
oshal3 mediates a new pathway in the light-regulated growth of rice.plants show distinct morphologies in different light conditions through a process called photomorphogenesis. a predominant feature of photomorphogenesis is the reduced growth of seedlings under light conditions compared with darkness. for this adaptive event, the most well-known molecular mechanism involves photoreceptor-mediated inhibition of cell elongation. however, it is not known whether additional pathways exist. here, we describe a newly discovered pathway of light-modulated plant growth ...200919543273
transcriptional regulation of wheat ver2 promoter in rice in response to abscisic acid, jasmonate, and light.ver2 is a key gene associated with vernalization process in winter wheat. the expression of ver2 can be induced by low temperature treatment. to further understand how the expression of this gene is mediated by various external and internal factors, different lengths of the ver2 promoter region have been transcriptionally fused with a reporter gene, green fluorescence protein (gfp), and transformed into the model plant, rice (oryza sativa l.). using confocal and western blot analyses, we determi ...200919539247
comparative analysis of anoxic coleoptile elongation in rice varieties: relationship between coleoptile length and carbohydrate levels, fermentative metabolism and anaerobic gene expression.rice (oryza sativa l.) seeds can germinate under anoxia and can show coleoptile elongation. the anoxic coleoptile is usually longer than aerobic coleoptiles. although several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the ability of rice to elongate coleoptiles under anoxia, conclusive experimental evidence explaining this physiological trait is lacking. in order to investigate whether metabolic and molecular markers correlate with anoxic coleoptile length, we screened 141 italian and 23 sri lanka ...200919538394
gene flow from weedy red rice (oryza sativa l.) to cultivated rice and fitness of hybrids.gene transfer from weeds to crops could produce weedy individuals that might impact upon the evolutionary dynamics of weedy populations, the persistence of escaped genes in agroecosystems and approaches to weed management and containment of transgenic crops. the present aim was to quantify the gene flowrate from weedy red rice to cultivated rice, and evaluate the morphology, phenology and fecundity of resulting hybrids. field experiments were conducted at stuttgart and rohwer, arkansas, usa. twe ...200919530257
evaluation of seven function-known candidate genes for their effects on improving drought resistance of transgenic rice under field conditions.many stress responsive genes have been reported with an effect on improving stress resistance in model plants under greenhouse conditions. towards identification of genes for drought resistance breeding, seven well documented genes (cbf3, sos2, nced2, npk1, los5, zat10, and nhx1) in stress resistance were selected in this study and transformed into rice cultivar zhonghua 11 under the control of constitutive promoter actin1 and stress-inducible promoter of a rice hva22 homolog, and transgenic ric ...200919529831
new changes in the plasma-membrane-associated proteome of rice roots under salt gain a better understanding of salt stress responses in plants, we used a proteomic approach to investigate changes in rice (oryza sativa) root plasma-membrane-associated proteins following treatment with 150 mmol/l nacl. with or without a 48 h salt treatment, plasma membrane fractions from root tip cells of a salt-sensitive rice cultivar, wuyunjing 8, were purified by peg aqueous two-phase partitioning, and plasma-membrane-associated proteins were separated by ief/sds-page using an optimized ...200919526560
sequence and expression analysis of the c3hc4-type ring finger gene family in rice.c3hc4-type ring finger genes comprise a large family in the plant kingdom and play important roles in various physiologic processes of plant life. in this study, we identified 29 c3hc4-type ring finger family genes in rice (oryza sativa) by database search. motif analysis revealed the presence of three conserved motifs with unknown functions within the predicted proteins. promoter analysis found 196 cis-elements in the 2-kb upstream regions of these genes, including a stress-responsive element, ...200919523506
host manipulation by the orange leafhopper cicadulina bipunctata: gall induction on distant leaves by dose-dependent stimulation.the evolution of the gall-inducing ability in insects and the adaptive significance of the galling habit have been addressed by many studies. cicadulina bipunctata, the maize orange leafhopper, is an ideal study organism for evaluating these topics because it can be mass-reared and it feeds on model plants such as rice (oryza sativa) and maize (zea mays). to reveal differences between gall inductions by c. bipunctata and other gall inducers, we conducted four experiments concerning (a) the relat ...200919513593
identification of cis-localization elements of the maize 10-kda delta-zein and their use in targeting rnas to specific cortical endoplasmic reticulum subdomains.the rnas for the storage proteins of rice (oryza sativa), prolamines and glutelins, which are stored as inclusions in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (er) and storage vacuoles, respectively, are targeted by specific cis-localization elements to distinct subdomains of the cortical er. glutelin rna has one or more cis-localization elements (zip codes) at the 3' end of the rna, whereas prolamine has two cis-elements; one located in the 5' end of the coding sequence and a second residing in t ...200919508424
identification of quantitative trait loci for rice quality in a population of chromosome segment substitution lines.the demand for high quality rice represents a major issue in rice production. the primary components of rice grain quality include appearance, eating, cooking, physico-chemical, milling and nutritional qualities. most of these traits are complex and controlled by quantitative trait loci (qtls), so the genetic characterization of these traits is more difficult than that of traits controlled by a single gene. the detection and genetic identification of qtls can provide insights into the genetic me ...200919508361
elemental content in brown rice by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy reveals the evolution of asian cultivated rice.the phylogenetic relationship for classification traits and eight mineral elements in brown rice (oryza sativa l.) from yunnan province in china was carried out using microwave assisted digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, and the analytical procedures were carefully controlled and validated. in general, the results show that the mean levels of k, ca, mg, fe and cu in brown rice for 789 accessions of rice landraces was distinctly lower than that of impro ...200919508358
evolutionary history of gs3, a gene conferring grain length in rice.unlike maize and wheat, where artificial selection is associated with an almost uniform increase in seed or grain size, domesticated rice exhibits dramatic phenotypic diversity for grain size and shape. here we clone and characterize gs3, an evolutionarily important gene controlling grain size in rice. we show that gs3 is highly expressed in young panicles in both short- and long-grained varieties but is not expressed in leaves or panicles after flowering, and we use genetic transformation to de ...200919506305
identification of a novel gene ef7 conferring an extremely long basic vegetative growth phase in rice.a late heading-time mutant line, hs276, which was induced by gamma-irradiation of seeds of the japonica rice (oryza sativa l.) variety gimbozu, exhibits an extremely long basic vegetative growth phase (bvp). a genetic analysis using the f(2) population from the cross between hs276 and gimbozu revealed that the late heading of hs276 is governed by a single recessive mutant gene. the subsequent analysis on heading responses of hs276 and gimbozu to four photoperiods (12, 13, 14, and 15 h) and to th ...200919495721
molecular characterization of a rice mutator-phenotype derived from an incompatible cross-pollination reveals transgenerational mobilization of multiple transposable elements and extensive epigenetic instability.inter-specific hybridization occurs frequently in plants, which may induce genetic and epigenetic instabilities in the resultant hybrids, allopolyploids and introgressants. it remains unclear however whether pollination by alien pollens of an incompatible species may impose a "biological stress" even in the absence of genome-merger or genetic introgression, whereby genetic and/or epigenetic instability of the maternal recipient genome might be provoked.200919476655
compensation and interaction between risbz1 and rpbf during grain filling in rice.the rice (oryza sativa l.) basic leucine zipper factor risbz1 and rice prolamin box binding factor (rpbf) are transcriptional activators of rice seed storage protein (ssp) genes in vivo. to ascertain the functions of these trans-activators in seed development, knock-down (kd) transgenic rice plants were generated in which the accumulation of risbz1 and rpbf was reduced in an endosperm-specific manner by co-suppression (kd-risbz1 and kd-rpbf). the accumulation of most ssps changed little between ...200919473328
crystal structure of a class xib phospholipase a2 (pla2): rice (oryza sativa) isoform-2 pla2 and an octanoate complex.phospholipase a(2) catalyzes the specific hydrolysis of the sn-2 acyl bond of various glycerophospholipids, producing fatty acids and lysophospholipids. phospholipase a(2)s (pla(2)s) constitute a large superfamily of enzymes whose products are important for a multitude of signal transduction processes, lipid mediator release, lipid metabolism, development, plant stress responses, and host defense. the crystal structure of rice (oryza sativa) isoform 2 phospholipase a(2) has been determined to 2. ...200919457861
g-string slippage turns white rice red.the mutations that convey the white pericarp phenotype to rice (oryza sativa subsp. japonica) are in a regulatory gene, rc. we have identified a genetic difference between the cultivar 'perla' and its natural red rice mutant 'perla rosso' in the rc gene. the deletion of a g base restores the reading frame for the rc gene, lost by the original 14 bp deletion that gave rise to white rice.200919448729
effect of physical desiccation on plant regeneration efficiency in rice (oryza sativa l.) variety super basmati.this experiment assessed the effect of partial physical desiccation on plant regeneration efficiency in scutellum-derived embryogenic calluses of rice (oryza sativa l.) variety super basmati. a number of callusing cultures were developed, and efficient callus induction was observed on ms (murashige and skoog) basal medium supplemented with 2.0mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. the calluses were proliferated on the same medium for 3 weeks and then shifted to dehydration desiccation treatment f ...200919446363
functional and chemical comparison of apoplastic barriers to radial oxygen loss in roots of rice (oryza sativa l.) grown in aerated or deoxygenated solution.radial oxygen loss (rol) and root porosity of rice (oryza sativa l.) plants grown in either aerated or deoxygenated (stagnant) conditions were combined for the first time with extensive histochemical and biochemical studies of the apoplastic barriers in the roots' peripheral cell layers. growth in stagnant solution significantly affected structural and, consequently, the physiological features of rice roots. it increased adventitious root porosity by about 20% and decreased the rol towards the b ...200919443620
na(+) but not cl(-) or osmotic stress is involved in nacl-induced expression of glutathione reductase in roots of rice seedlings.glutathione reductase (gr, ec 1,6.4.2) is an important reactive oxygen species-scavenging enzyme. the present study examined the relative importance of na(+), cl(-), and the osmotic component in nacl-induced expression of oryza sativa glutathione reductase (osgr) genes in rice roots. semi-quantitative rt-pcr was used to quantify the mrna levels for one cytosolic (osgr2) and two chloroplastic (osgr1 and osgr3) isoforms of gr identified in the rice genome. the expression of osgr2 and osgr3 but not ...200919423186
qtl detection of rice grain quality traits by microsatellite markers using an indica rice (oryza sativa l.) combination. 200919417548
unintended consequence of plant transformation: biolistic transformation caused transpositional activation of an endogenous retrotransposon tos17 in rice ssp. japonica cv. matsumae.genetic instability could be provoked as an unintended consequence of genetic engineering in plants. here, we report that the rice endogenous long terminal repeat (ltr) retrotransposon tos17 was transpositionally activated only in transgenic calli and their regenerated plants produced by biolistic transformation in rice (oryza sativa l.) ssp. japonica cv. matsumae. moreover, the transpositional activity of tos17 was sustained after plant regeneration in the t0 generation, and produced new germin ...200919415284
how large is the metabolome? a critical analysis of data exchange practices in chemistry.calculating the metabolome size of species by genome-guided reconstruction of metabolic pathways misses all products from orphan genes and from enzymes lacking annotated genes. hence, metabolomes need to be determined experimentally. annotations by mass spectrometry would greatly benefit if peer-reviewed public databases could be queried to compile target lists of structures that already have been reported for a given species. we detail current obstacles to compile such a knowledge base of metab ...200919415114
aspartic proteases gene family in rice: gene structure and expression, predicted protein features and phylogenetic relation.aspartic proteases constitute a large family in eukaryotes, which play fundamental roles in protein processing, maturation and degradation. in this study, we identified 96 osap genes in rice (oryza sativa l.), the model plant for monocots, by a reiterative database search. the analysis of the complete set of osap genes is presented, including chromosomal location, phylogenetic relationships, classification and gene structure. moreover, a comprehensive expression analysis of osap family genes was ...200919409457
identification and characterization of the erect-pose panicle gene ep conferring high grain yield in rice (oryza sativa l.).the breeding of japonica varieties with erect-pose panicle (ep) has recently progressed in the northern part of china, because these varieties exhibit a far higher grain yield than the varieties with normal-pose panicle (np). a genetic analysis using the f(2) population from the cross between liaojing5, the first japonica ep variety in china, and the japanese japonica np variety toyonishiki revealed that ep is governed by a single dominant gene ep. based on previous studies, map-based cloning of ...200919407986
rslpred: an integrative system for predicting subcellular localization of rice proteins combining compositional and evolutionary information.the attainment of complete map-based sequence for rice (oryza sativa) is clearly a major milestone for the research community. identifying the localization of encoded proteins is the key to understanding their functional characteristics and facilitating their purification. our proposed method, rslpred, is an effort in this direction for genome-scale subcellular prediction of encoded rice proteins. first, the support vector machine (svm)-based modules have been developed using traditional amino a ...200919402042
the effect of sucrose and abscisic acid interaction on sucrose synthase and its relationship to grain filling of rice (oryza sativa l.).rice grain filling is a process of conversion of sucrose into starch catalysed by a series of enzymes. sucrose synthase (sus) is considered as a key enzyme regulating this process. this study investigated the possible roles of sucrose and abscisic acid (aba) in mediating the activity and expression of sus protein of grains during grain filling in rice (oryza sativa). field-grown rice plants and detached cultured panicles were used as experimental materials. several treatments, including spikelet ...200919401410
ultra low-dose radiation: stress responses and impacts using rice as a grass model.we report molecular changes in leaves of rice plants (oryza sativa l. - reference crop plant and grass model) exposed to ultra low-dose ionizing radiation, first using contaminated soil from the exclusion zone around chernobyl reactor site. results revealed induction of stress-related marker genes (northern blot) and secondary metabolites (lc-ms/ms) in irradiated leaf segments over appropriate control. second, employing the same in vitro model system, we replicated results of the first experimen ...200919399245
light-saturated photosynthetic rate in high-nitrogen rice (oryza sativa l.) leaves is related to chloroplastic co2 identify the effect of nitrogen (n) nutrition on photosynthetic efficiency and mesophyll conductance of rice seedlings (oryza sativa l., cv. 'shanyou 63' hybrid indica china), hydroponic experiments with different concentrations of n were conducted in a greenhouse. although leaf n concentration on a dry mass basis increased with increasing supply of n, no significant differences in seedling biomass were observed. a higher light-saturated co(2) assimilation rate (a) with a high concentration o ...200919395387
ectopic expression of a cold-responsive osasr1 cdna gives enhanced cold tolerance in transgenic rice plants.the osasrt cdna clone was isolated from a cdna library prepared from developing seed coats of rice (oryza sativa l.). low-temperature stress increased mrna levels of osasr1 in both vegetative and reproductive organs. in situ analysis showed that osasr1 transcript was preferentially accumulated in the leaf mesophyll tissues and parenchyma cells of the palea and lemma. for transgenic rice plants that over-expressed full-length osasr1 cdna in the sense orientation, the fv/fm values for photosynthet ...200919390826
highly sensitive and high-throughput analysis of plant hormones using ms-probe modification and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: an application for hormone profiling in oryza sativa.we have developed a highly sensitive and high-throughput method for the simultaneous analysis of 43 molecular species of cytokinins, auxins, aba and gibberellins. this method consists of an automatic liquid handling system for solid phase extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography (uplc) coupled with a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer (qms/ms) equipped with an electrospray interface (esi; uplc-esi-qms/ms). in order to improve the detection limit of negatively charged compounds, su ...200919369275
genome-wide identification of burp domain-containing genes in rice reveals a gene family with diverse structures and responses to abiotic stresses.increasing evidence suggests that a gene family encoding proteins containing burp domains have diverse functions in plants, but systematic characterization of this gene family have not been reported. in this study, 17 burp family genes (osburp01-17) were identified and analyzed in rice (oryza sativa l.). these genes have diverse exon-intron structures and distinct organization of putative motifs. based on the phylogenetic analysis of burp protein sequences from rice and other plant species, the ...200919363683
the role of root apoplastic transport barriers in salt tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.).increasing soil salinity reduces crop yields worldwide, with rice being particularly affected. we have examined the correlation between apoplastic barrier formation in roots, na+ uptake into shoots and plant survival for three rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivars of varying salt sensitivity: the salt-tolerant pokkali, moderately tolerant jaya and sensitive ir20. rice plants grown hydroponically or in soil for 1 month were subjected to both severe and moderate salinity stress. apoplastic barriers in ...200919363620
towards the understanding of complex traits in rice: substantially or superficially?completion of the genome analysis followed by extensive comprehensive studies on a variety of genes and gene families of rice (oryza sativa) resulted in rapid accumulation of information concerning the presence of many complex traits that are governed by a number of genes of distinct functions in this most important crop cultivated worldwide. the genetic and molecular biological dissection of many important rice phenotypes has contributed to our understanding of the complex nature of the genetic ...200919359285
identification and expression analysis of oshsfs in rice.heat stress transcription factors (hsfs) are the central regulators of defense response to heat stress. we identified a total of 25 rice hsf genes by genome-wide analysis of rice (oryza sativa l.) genome, including the subspecies of o. japonica and o. indica. proteins encoded by oshsfs were divided into three classes according to their structures. digital northern analysis showed that oshsfs were expressed constitutively. the expressions of these oshsfs in response to heat stress and oxidative s ...200919353748
two-step regulation of lax panicle1 protein accumulation in axillary meristem formation in rice.axillary meristem (am) formation is an important determinant of plant architecture. in rice (oryza sativa), lax panicle1 (lax1) function is required for the generation of am throughout the plant's lifespan. here, we show a close relationship between am initiation and leaf development; specifically, the plastochron 4 (p4) stage of leaf development is crucial for the proliferation of meristematic cells. coincident with this, lax1 expression starts in the axils of leaves at p4 stage. lax1 mrna accu ...200919346465
localization and speciation of arsenic and trace elements in rice tissues.the consumption of arsenic (as) contaminated rice is an important exposure route for humans in countries where rice cultivation employs as contaminated irrigation water. arsenic toxicity and mobility are a function of its chemical-speciation. the distribution and identification of as in the rice plant are hence necessary to determine the uptake, transformation and potential risk posed by as contaminated rice. in this study we report on the distribution and chemical-speciation of as in rice (oryz ...200919345396
risk assessment of potentially toxic element pollution in soils and rice (oryza sativa) in a typical area of the yangtze river delta.soil pollution with potentially toxic elements (ptes) resulting from rapid industrial development has caused major concerns. selected ptes and their accumulation and distribution in soils and rice (oryza sativa) collected from changshu, east china, were analyzed to evaluate the potential health risk to the local population. the soils were primarily contaminated with hg, followed by cu, cd, pb, and zn. the concentrations of pb, hg, and cd of 46, 32, and 1 rice samples exceeded their national maxi ...201719344985
neck leaf 1, a gata type transcription factor, modulates organogenesis by regulating the expression of multiple regulatory genes during reproductive development in the monocot rice species oryza sativa l., one of the most striking morphological processes during reproductive development is the concurrence of panicle development with the sequential elongation of upper internodes (upis). to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms, we cloned the rice gene neck leaf 1 (nl1), which when mutated results in delays in flowering time, smaller panicles with overgrown bracts and abnormal upi elongation patterns. the nl1 gene encodes a gata-type transcription ...200919337211
genic non-coding microsatellites in the rice genome: characterization, marker design and use in assessing genetic and evolutionary relationships among domesticated groups.completely sequenced plant genomes provide scope for designing a large number of microsatellite markers, which are useful in various aspects of crop breeding and genetic analysis. with the objective of developing genic but non-coding microsatellite (gnms) markers for the rice (oryza sativa l.) genome, we characterized the frequency and relative distribution of microsatellite repeat-motifs in 18,935 predicted protein coding genes including 14,308 putative promoter sequences.200919335879
pcr marker-based evaluation of the eating quality of japonica rice ( oryza sativa l.).evaluation of eating quality in early breeding generations of rice is critical to developing varieties with better palatability. this paper reports dna markers associated with eating quality of temperate japonica rice and an evaluation method aided by multiple regression analysis. a total of 30 markers comprising stss, snps, and ssrs were tested for their association with palatability using 22 temperate japonica varieties with different palatability values. eating quality-related traits of the 2 ...200919334756
genome-wide survey and expression profiling of heat shock proteins and heat shock factors revealed overlapped and stress specific response under abiotic stresses in rice.heat shock proteins (hsps) are molecular chaperons, which function in protein folding and assembly, protein intracellular localization and secretion, and degradation of misfolded and truncated proteins. heat shock factors (hsfs) are the transcriptional activators of hsps. it has been reported that hsps and hsfs are widely involved in response to various abiotic stresses such as heat, drought, salinity and cold. to elucidate the function and regulation of rice hsp and hsf genes, we examined a glo ...200926493149
establishment of a high efficiency agrobacterium-mediated transformation system of rice (oryza sativa l.).technologies for transformation of rice have been developed to meet the requirements of functional genomics in order to enable the production of transgenic rice plants with useful agricultural characters. however, many rice varieties are not efficiently transformed by agrobacterium. we have succeeded in establishing a highly efficient transformation system in rice by co-cultivating rice calli with agrobacterium on three filter papers moistened with enriched n6 or dkn media instead of using solid ...200926493142
isolation and expression analysis of ospme1, encoding for a putative pectin methyl esterase from oryza sativa (subsp. indica).pectin methyl esterases (pmes) play an essential role during plant development by affecting the mechanical properties of the plant cell walls. recent studies indicated that pmes play important role in pollen tube development. in this study, we isolated a 1.3 kb cdna clone from rice panicle cdna library. it contained a 1038 bp of open reading frame (orf) encoding for a putative pectin methyl esterase of 345 aminoacids with a 20 aminoacid signal peptide and was hence designated as ospme1 (oryza sa ...200923572921
international collaborative study of the endogenous reference gene, sucrose phosphate synthase (sps), used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified rice ( oryza sativa ) gene, sucrose phosphate synthase (sps), has been proven to be a suitable endogenous reference gene for genetically modified (gm) rice detection in a previous study. herein are the reported results of an international collaborative ring trial for validation of the sps gene as an endogenous reference gene and its optimized qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pcr) systems. a total of 12 genetically modified organism (gmo) detection laboratories from sev ...200919326953
characterization of glossy1-homologous genes in rice involved in leaf wax accumulation and drought resistance.the outermost surfaces of plants are covered with an epicuticular wax layer that provides a primary waterproof barrier and protection against different environmental stresses. glossy 1 (gl1) is one of the reported genes controlling wax synthesis. this study analyzed gl1-homologous genes in oryza sativa and characterized the key members of this family involved in wax synthesis and stress resistance. sequence analysis revealed 11 homologous genes of gl1 in rice, designated osgl1-1 to osgl1-11. osg ...200919322663
dehydration-responsive nuclear proteome of rice (oryza sativa l.) illustrates protein network, novel regulators of cellular adaptation, and evolutionary perspective.water deficit or dehydration is the most crucial environmental constraint on plant growth and development and crop productivity. it has been postulated that plants respond and adapt to dehydration by altering their cellular metabolism and by activating various defense machineries. the nucleus, the regulatory hub of the eukaryotic cell, is a dynamic system and a repository of various macromolecules that serve as modulators of cell signaling dictating the cell fate decision. to better understand t ...200919321431
a major quantitative trait locus controlling cadmium translocation in rice (oryza sativa).the trait of low cadmium (cd) accumulation in brown rice (oryza sativa) is important for food safety. an effective way to reduce cd accumulation in the grain is to control cd transfer from the roots to the shoots. here, we investigated genotypic variation in the shoot cd concentration among 146 accessions from a rice core collection and performed a quantitative trait locus (qtl) analysis to determine the loci controlling shoot cd accumulation. furthermore, we physiologically characterized the tw ...200919309445
molecular evolution and functional divergence of hak potassium transporter gene family in rice (oryza sativa l.).the high-affinity k(+) (hak) transporter gene family is the largest family in plant that functions as potassium transporter and is important for various aspects of plant life. in the present study, we identified 27 members of this family in rice genome. the phylogenetic tree divided the land plant hak transporter proteins into 6 distinct groups. although the main characteristic of this family was established before the origin of seed plants, they also showed some differences between the members ...200919302972
efficiency of experimental rice (oryza sativa l.) fields in mitigating diazinon runoff toxicity to hyalella azteca.this study assessed the viability of using planted, mature rice fields in mitigating diazinon (an organophosphate insecticide) runoff toxicity using aqueous 48 h hyalella azteca whole effluent toxicity bioassays. rice fields decreased diazinon concentrations 80.1%-99.9% compared with 10.8% in the unvegetated field control. h. azteca survival responses coincided with observed diazinon concentrations. estimated lc50 effects dilutions (%) ranged from 1.15 to 1.47 for inflow samples and 1.66 (unvege ...200919290453
osdeg10 encoding a small rna-binding protein is involved in abiotic stress signaling.excessive light can be harmful to photosynthetic apparatus since it causes photoinhibition and photooxidation, and plants often encounter hypoxic or anoxic environments when they become submerged by heavy rain or an ensuing flood. in this study, oryza sativa differentially expressed genes (osdegs) from rice under photooxidation and anoxia conditions were isolated using dd-pcr. among them, osdeg10 is predicted to encode a small rna-binding protein (rbp) and the transcript levels of osdeg10 strong ...200919285007
a novel epistatic interaction at two loci causing hybrid male sterility in an inter-subspecific cross of rice (oryza sativa l.).postzygotic reproductive isolation (ri) often arises in inter-subspecific crosses as well as inter-specific crosses of rice (oryza sativa l.). to further understand the genetic architecture of the postzygotic ri, we analyzed genes causing hybrid sterility and hybrid breakdown in a rice inter-subspecific cross. here we report hybrid male sterility caused by epistatic interaction between two novel genes, s24 and s35, which were identified on rice chromosomes 5 and 1, respectively. genetic analysis ...200819282622
histidine kinase and response regulator genes as they relate to salinity tolerance in rice.we have previously shown that oryza sativa l. pokkali maintains higher levels of transcripts under non-saline conditions, which are otherwise induced under salinity in the sensitive genotype-ir64. we wanted to test this hypothesis of differential gene regulation further, within the members of a given stress responsive gene family, which share significant structural and functional similarities. for this purpose, we chose to work on the two-component system (tcs family) which plays an important ro ...200919277738
fine mapping spp1, a qtl controlling the number of spikelets per panicle, to a bac clone in rice (oryza sativa).near isogenic lines (nils) can be used to efficiently handle a target quantitative trait locus (qtl) by blocking genetic background noise. one qtl, spp1, which controls the number of spikelets per panicle (spp), was located on chromosome 1, near gn1a, a cloned gene for rice production in a recombinant inbred line population. nils of the spp1 regions were quickly obtained by self-crossing recombinant inbred line 30 which is heterozygous around spp1. using a random nil-f(2) population of 210 indiv ...200919266175
inducible antisense suppression of glycolate oxidase reveals its strong regulation over photosynthesis in rice.photorespiration is one of the most intensively studied topics in plant biology. while a number of mutants deficient in photorespiratory enzymes have been identified and characterized for their physiological functions, efforts on glycolate oxidase (glo; ec have not been so successful. this is a report about the generation of transgenic rice (oryza sativa l.) plants carrying a glo antisense gene driven by an estradiol-inducible promoter, which allowed for controllable suppressions of gl ...200919264754
expression profile of calcium-dependent protein kinase (cdpks) genes during the whole lifespan and under phytohormone treatment conditions in rice (oryza sativa l. ssp. indica).calcium-dependent protein kinases (cdpks) control plant development and response to various stress environments through the important roles in the regulation of ca(2+) signaling. thirty-one cdpk genes have been identified in the rice genome by a complete search of the genome based upon hmm profiles. in this study, the expression of this gene family was analyzed using the affymetrix rice genome array in three rice cultivars: minghui 63, zhenshan 97, and their hybrid shanyou 63 independently. twen ...200919263224
influence of cooking on anthocyanins in black rice (oryza sativa l. japonica var. sbr).the composition and thermal stability of anthocyanins in black rice (oryza sativa l. japonica var. sbr) produced in california were investigated. six anthocyanin pigments were identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography using photo diode-array detection (hplc-pda) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry [lc-(esi)ms/ms]. the predominant anthocyanins are cyanidin-3-glucoside (572.47 microg/g; 91.13% of total) and peonidin-3-glucoside (29.78 microg/g; 4.74% of total). ...200919256557
detection of a quantitative trait locus controlling carbon isotope discrimination and its contribution to stomatal conductance in japonica rice.increasing leaf photosynthesis offers a possible way to improve yield potential in rice (oryza sativa l.). carbon isotope discrimination (delta(13)c) has potential as an indirect selection criterion. in this study, we searched for quantitative trait loci (qtls) controlling delta(13)c, and assessed their association with leaf photosynthesis. substitution mapping by using chromosome segment substitution lines (cssls), that carry segments from the indica cultivar kasalath in the genetic background ...200919242671
cloning and characterization of drought responsive partial gene sequence(s) from oryza sativa l. subsp. indica.differential display gels were run for the drought tolerant (n-22) and drought susceptible (panidhan) genotypes of rice (oryza sativa) to identify the genes showing differential expression with respect to moisture stress. differential cdna products were cloned in pcr-trap vector and analyzed for differential expression by northern hybridization. two clones namely r4a and r7g were found to be associated with water deficit stress (wds). sequencing revealed an insert of 244 bp in the clone r4a. bla ...200819239124
genome-wide analysis of rice (oryza sativa l. subsp. japonica) tata box and y patch promoter elements.the tata box is one of the best characterized transcription factor binding sites. however, it is not a ubiquitous element of core promoters, and other sequence motifs such as y patches seem to play a major role in plants. here, we present a first genome-wide computational analysis of the tata box and y patch distribution in rice (oryza sativa l. subsp. japonica) promoter sequences. utilizing a probabilistic sequence model, we ascertain that only approximately 19% of rice genes possess the tata b ...200919234558
delimitation of the psh1(t) gene for rice purple leaf sheath to a 23.5 kb dna fragment.leaf sheath color plays an important role as a marker for rice genetic improvement. a recombinant inbred line (ril) population consisting of 220 individuals was developed from a cross between an oryza sativa subsp. indica variety, irbb60, and an oryza sativa subsp. japonica variety, 9407. within the ril population, a line, ri51, was found to have purple leaf sheath (psh). to map the gene governing psh, ri51 was crossed with 9407 green leaf sheath (gsh) to develop an f2 segregating population. th ...200919234555
nitric oxide alleviates arsenic toxicity by reducing oxidative damage in the roots of oryza sativa (rice).nitric oxide (no) is a bioactive gaseous, multifunctional molecule playing a central role and mediating a variety of physiological processes and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses including heavy metals. the present study investigated whether no applied exogenously as sodium nitroprusside (snp) has any protective role against arsenic (as) toxicity in oryza sativa (rice). treatment with 50 microm snp (a no donor) significantly ameliorated the as-induced (25 or 50 microm) decrease in root an ...200919233306
fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of a green-revertible albino gene gra(t) in albino is a novel type of chlorophyll deficiency in rice (oryza sativa l.), which is helpful for further research in chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development to illuminate their molecular mechanism. in the previous study, we had reported a single recessive gene, gra(t), controlling this trait on the long arm of chromosome 2. in this paper, we mapped the gra(t) gene using 1,936 recessive individuals with albino phenotype in the f(2) population derived from the cross betw ...200919232310
not just a grain of rice: the quest for quality.a better understanding of the factors that contribute to the overall grain quality of rice (oryza sativa) will lay the foundation for developing new breeding and selection strategies for combining high quality, with high yield. this is necessary to meet the growing global demand for high quality rice while offering producing countries additional opportunities for generating higher export revenues. several recent developments in genetics, genomics, metabolomics and phenomics are enhancing our und ...200919230745
cytoplasmic male sterility-related protein kinase, osnek3, is regulated downstream of mitochondrial protein phosphatase 2c, dcw11.osnek3 (oryza sativa l. nima-related kinase) and dcw11 encoding a mitochondrial putative protein phosphatase 2c were found in our previous microarray study as down-regulated genes in the rice cw-cms line, which lacked pollen germination ability. further analysis of dcw11 revealed that dcw11 is strongly correlated with cw-cms occurrence. here we show the relationship between osnek3 and dcw11. osnek3 was preferentially expressed in mature pollen. a knockout mutant with tos17 inserted into osnek3 d ...200919224952
studies on rice seed quality through analysis of a large-scale t-dna insertion population.a rice (oryza sativa) t-dna insertion population, which included more than 63 000 independent transgenic lines and 8 840 identified flanking sequence tags (fsts) that were mapped onto the rice genome, was developed to systemically study the rice seed quality control. genome-wide analysis of the fst distribution showed that t-dna insertions were positively correlated with expressed genes, but negatively with transposable elements and small rnas. in addition, the recovered t-dnas were preferential ...200919223856
mitochondrial proteome during salt stress-induced programmed cell death in has been shown that mitochondria play a pivotal role in plant programmed cell death (pcd). previous study established a salt stress-induced pcd model in rice (oryza sativa l. cv. wyj 8th) root tip cells, demonstrated by dna laddering, cytochrome c release, and tunel positive reaction. in this study, the role of mitochondria during the early phase of pcd (2h-pcd) was analyzed in rice roots. after 2h-pcd induction, the integrity of mitochondria decreased slightly, consistent with a small releas ...200919217306
circadian clock- and phytochrome-regulated dof-like gene, rdd1, is associated with grain size in rice.we report here on the characterization of a putative dof transcription factor gene in rice (oryza sativa)--rice dof daily fluctuations 1 (rdd1). daily oscillations in rdd1 expression were retained after transferring to continuous dark (dd) or light (ll) conditions, indicating circadian regulation. however, rdd1 showed arrhythmic expression in etiolated coleoptiles. experiments revealed that the rdd1 transcript accumulated up to 1 h after transferring from dd to ll conditions and decreased therea ...200919210638
arsenic uptake and metabolism in plants.arsenic (as) is an element that is nonessential for and toxic to plants. arsenic contamination in the environment occurs in many regions, and, depending on environmental factors, its accumulation in food crops may pose a health risk to humans.recent progress in understanding the mechanisms of as uptake and metabolism in plants is reviewed here. arsenate is taken up by phosphate transporters. a number of the aquaporin nodulin26-like intrinsic proteins (nips) are able to transport arsenite,the pre ...200919207683
proteomic identification of small, copper-responsive proteins in germinating embryos of oryza sativa.although copper (cu) is an essential micronutrient for plants and algae, excess cu is toxic to most plants and can cause a wide range of deleterious effects. to investigate the response of rice (oryza sativa) to cu stress, a proteomic approach was used to analyse cu stress-induced changes in the expression of low molecular-weight proteins in germinating rice seed embryos.200919201764
Displaying items 6801 - 6900 of 8745