
root-induced changes to cadmium speciation in the rhizosphere of two rice (oryza sativa l.) genotypes.our aim was to investigate rhizosphere effects on the chemical behavior of cd. this was done in a glasshouse experiment, where two rice cultivars (zhenong54 and sixizhan) were grown in soil spiked with cadmium (cd) at two levels, 3.9 ± 0.5 and 8.3 ± 0.5 mg kg(-1) soil, placed in a rhizobox until ripening stage. chemical forms of cadmium near the root surface were then assessed using a sequential extraction procedure (sep). there were significant differences in cd species, especially exchangeable ...201121316043
root hair-specific expansins modulate root hair elongation in rice.root hair growth requires intensive cell-wall modification. this study demonstrates that root hair-specific expansin as, a sub-clade of the cell wall-loosening expansin proteins, are required for root hair elongation in rice (oryza sativa l.). we identified a gene encoding expa17 (osexpa17) from a rice mutant with short root hairs. promoter::reporter transgenic lines exhibited exclusive osexpa17 expression in root hair cells. the osexpa17 mutant protein (osexpa17) contained a point mutation, cau ...201121309868
bent uppermost internode1 encodes the class ii formin fh5 crucial for actin organization and rice development.the actin cytoskeleton is an important regulator of cell expansion and morphogenesis in plants. however, the molecular mechanisms linking the actin cytoskeleton to these processes remain largely unknown. here, we report the functional analysis of rice (oryza sativa) fh5/bent uppermost internode1 (bui1), which encodes a formin-type actin nucleation factor and affects cell expansion and plant morphogenesis in rice. the bui1 mutant displayed pleiotropic phenotypes, including bent uppermost internod ...201121307285
rice morphology determinant encodes the type ii formin fh5 and regulates rice morphogenesis.multicellular organisms contain a large number of formins; however, their physiological roles in plants remain poorly understood. here, we reveal that formin homology 5 (fh5), a type ii formin mutated in rice morphology determinant (rmd), plays a crucial role in determining rice (oryza sativa) morphology. fh5/rmd encodes a formin-like protein consisting of an n-terminal phosphatase tensin (pten)-like domain, an fh1 domain, and an fh2 domain. the rmd mutants display a bending growth pattern in se ...201121307283
comparison of aerobic and anaerobic [3h]leucine incorporation assays for determining pollution-induced bacterial community tolerance in copper-polluted, irrigated soils.pollution-induced community tolerance (pict) constitutes a sensitive and ecologically relevant impact parameter in ecotoxicology. we report the development and application of a novel anaerobic [(3) h]leucine incorporation assay and its comparison with the conventional aerobic [(3) h]leucine incorporation assay for pict detection in soil bacterial communities. selection of bacterial communities was performed over 42 d in bulk soil microcosms (no plants) and in rice (oryza sativa) rhizosphere soil ...201121298704
fine mapping qtl for drought resistance traits in rice (oryza sativa l.) using bulk segregant analysis.drought stress is a major limitation to rice (oryza sativa l.) yields and its stability, especially in rainfed conditions. developing rice cultivars with inherent capacity to withstand drought stress would improve rainfed rice production. mapping quantitative trait loci (qtls) linked to drought resistance traits will help to develop rice cultivars suitable for water-limited environments through molecular marker-assisted selection (mas) strategy. however, qtl mapping is usually carried out by gen ...201121298364
rice mads3 regulates ros homeostasis during late anther development.the rice (oryza sativa) floral homeotic c-class gene, mads3, was previously shown to be required for stamen identity determination during early flower development. here, we describe a role for mads3 in regulating late anther development and pollen formation. consistent with this role, mads3 is highly expressed in the tapetum and microspores during late anther development, and a newly identified mads3 mutant allele, mads3-4, displays defective anther walls, aborted microspores, and complete male ...201121297036
identification and characterization of seed-specific transcription factors regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in black rice is rich in anthocyanin and is expected to have more healthful dietary potential than white rice. we assessed expression of anthocyanin in black rice cultivars using a newly designed 135 k oryza sativa microarray. a total of 12,673 genes exhibited greater than 2.0-fold up- or down-regulation in comparisons between three rice cultivars and three seed developmental stages. the 137 transcription factor genes found to be associated with production of anthocyanin pigment were classified int ...201121286901
cytokinin-mediated source/sink modifications improve drought tolerance and increase grain yield in rice under water-stress.drought is the major environmental factor limiting crop productivity worldwide. we hypothesized that it is possible to enhance drought tolerance by delaying stress-induced senescence through the stress-induced synthesis of cytokinins in crop-plants. we generated transgenic rice (oryza sativa) plants expressing an isopentenyltransferase (ipt) gene driven by p(sark) , a stress- and maturation-induced promoter. plants were tested for drought tolerance at two yield-sensitive developmental stages: pr ...201121284800
ehd3, encoding a plant homeodomain finger-containing protein, is a critical promoter of rice flowering.oryza sativa (rice) flowers in response to photoperiod, and is a facultative short-day (sd) plant. under sd conditions, flowering is promoted through the activation of ft-like genes (rice florigens) by heading date 1 (hd1, a rice constans homolog) and early heading date 1 (ehd1, with no ortholog in the arabidopsis genome). on the other hand, under long-day (ld) conditions, flowering is delayed by the repressive function of hd1 on ft-like genes and by downregulation of ehd1 by the flowering repre ...201121284756
pollen semi-sterility1 encodes a kinesin-1-like protein important for male meiosis, anther dehiscence, and fertility in flowering plants, male meiosis produces four microspores, which develop into pollen grains and are released by anther dehiscence to pollinate female gametophytes. the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating male meiosis in rice (oryza sativa) remain poorly understood. here, we describe a rice pollen semi-sterility1 (pss1) mutant, which displays reduced spikelet fertility (~40%) primarily caused by reduced pollen viability (~50% viable), and defective anther dehiscence. map-based molecula ...201121282525
cold sensitivity in rice (oryza sativa l.) is strongly correlated with a naturally occurring i99v mutation in the multifunctional glutathione transferase isoenzyme gstz2.gstzs [zeta class gsts (glutathione transferases)] are multifunctional enzymes that belong to a highly conserved subfamily of soluble gsts found in species ranging from fungi and plants to animals. gstzs are known to function as maais [maa (maleylacetoacetate) isomerases], which play a role in tyrosine catabolism by catalysing the isomerization of maa to faa (fumarylacetoacetate). as tyrosine metabolism in plants differs from animals, the significance of gstz/maai is unclear. in rice (oryza sati ...201121281270
gene tree discordance of wild and cultivated asian rice deciphered by genome-wide sequence comparison.although a large number of genes are expected to correctly solve a phylogenetic relationship, inconsistent gene tree topologies have been observed. this conflicting evidence in gene tree topologies, known as gene tree discordance, becomes increasingly important as advanced sequencing technologies produce an enormous amount of sequence information for phylogenomic studies among closely related species. here, we aim to characterize the gene tree discordance of the asian cultivated rice oryza sativ ...201121277362
seventy million years of concerted evolution of a homoeologous chromosome pair, in parallel, in major poaceae lineages.whole genome duplication ~70 million years ago provided raw material for poaceae (grass) diversification. comparison of rice (oryza sativa), sorghum (sorghum bicolor), maize (zea mays), and brachypodium distachyon genomes revealed that one paleo-duplicated chromosome pair has experienced very different evolution than all the others. for tens of millions of years, the two chromosomes have experienced illegitimate recombination that has been temporally restricted in a stepwise manner, producing st ...201121266659
lr34 multi-pathogen resistance abc transporter: molecular analysis of homoeologous and orthologous genes in hexaploid wheat and other grass species.the triticum aestivum (bread wheat) disease resistance gene lr34 confers durable, race non-specific protection against three fungal pathogens, and has been a highly relevant gene for wheat breeding since the green revolution. lr34, located on chromosome 7d, encodes an atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter. both wheat cultivars with and without lr34-based resistance encode a putatively functional protein that differ by only two amino acid polymorphisms. in this study, we focused on the identific ...201121265893
osbc1l4 encodes a cobra-like protein that affects cellulose synthesis in rice.plant morphogenesis is highly dependent on the regulation of cell division and expansion. the organization of the cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall is a key determinant of cell expansion. previously, a dwarf mutant with fewer tillers, osbc1l4 (oryza sativa brittle culm 1 like 4), was identified by screening a rice t-dna insertion mutant library. it is reported here that osbc1l4 encodes a cobra-like protein that exhibits typical structural features of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor p ...201121264494
discovery of genome-wide dna polymorphisms in a landrace cultivar of japonica rice by whole-genome sequencing.molecular breeding approaches are of growing importance to crop improvement. however, closely related cultivars generally used for crossing material lack sufficient known dna polymorphisms due to their genetic relatedness. next-generation sequencing allows the identification of a massive number of dna polymorphisms such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) and insertions-deletions (indels) between highly homologous genomes. using this technology, we performed whole-genome sequencing of a la ...201121258067
development of casparian strip in rice cultivars.the development of casparian strips (css) on the endo- and exodermis and their chemical components in roots of three cultivars of rice (oryza sativa) with different salt tolerance were compared using histochemistry and fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy. the development and deposition of suberin lamellae of css on the endo- and exodermis in the salt-tolerant cultivar liaohan 109 was earlier than in the moderately tolerant cultivar tianfeng 202 and the sensitive cultivar nipponbare. t ...201121248477
probabilistic risk assessment of dietary cadmium in the south korean interest in the adverse health effects of cadmium (cd) has focused on dietary exposure as the principal source of cd exposure to the general population. common assumptions used in deterministic cd assessment in global or regional diets have limitations when applied to specific national cases where local variation in food composition and consumption patterns are different than for global or regional norms. stochastic dietary cd exposure assessment was conducted for the general south korean ...201121240828
the submergence tolerance regulator sub1a mediates crosstalk between submergence and drought tolerance in rice.submergence and drought are major constraints to rice (oryza sativa) production in rain-fed farmlands, both of which can occur sequentially during a single crop cycle. sub1a, an erf transcription factor found in limited rice accessions, dampens ethylene production and gibberellic acid responsiveness during submergence, economizing carbohydrate reserves and significantly prolonging endurance. here, we evaluated the functional role of sub1a in acclimation to dehydration. comparative analysis of ge ...201121239643
rice two-pore k+ channels are expressed in different types of vacuoles.potassium (k+) is a major nutrient for plant growth and development. vacuolar k+ ion channels of the two-pore k+ (tpk) family play an important role in maintaining k+ homeostasis. several tpk channels were previously shown to be expressed in the lytic vacuole (lv) tonoplast. plants also contain smaller protein storage vacuoles (psvs) that contain membrane transporters. however, the mechanisms that define how membrane proteins reach different vacuolar destinations are largely unknown. the oryza s ...201121224427
osam1 is required for leptotene-zygotene transition in rice.the events occurring at the onset of meiosis have not been fully elucidated. in the present study, osam1 was identified in rice (oryza sativa l.) by map-based cloning. osam1, a homolog of arabidopsis swi1 and maize am1, encodes a protein with a coiled-coil domain in its central region. in the osam1 mutant, pollen mother cells are arrested at leptotene, showing that osam1 is required for the leptotene-zygotene transition. immunocytological analysis revealed that osam1 exists as foci in early prop ...201121221128
cloning and characterization of purple acid phosphatase phytases from wheat, barley, maize, and rice.barley (hordeum vulgare) and wheat (triticum aestivum) possess significant phytase activity in the mature grains. maize (zea mays) and rice (oryza sativa) possess little or virtually no preformed phytase activity in the mature grain and depend fully on de novo synthesis during germination. here, it is demonstrated that wheat, barley, maize, and rice all possess purple acid phosphatase (pap) genes that, expressed in pichia pastoris, give fully functional phytases (paphys) with very similar enzyme ...201121220762
dissecting the genetic basis for the effect of rice chalkiness, amylose content, protein content, and rapid viscosity analyzer profile characteristics on the eating quality of cooked rice using the chromosome segment substitution line population across eight environments.quantitative trait locus (qtl) mapping and stability analysis were carried out for 16 rice (oryza sativa l.) quality traits across eight environments, by using a set of chromosome segment substitution lines with 'asominori' as genetic background. the 16 quality traits include percentage of grain with chalkiness (pgwc), area of chalky endosperm (ace), amylose content (ac), protein content (pc), peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity, breakdown viscosity (bdv), setback viscosity ...201121217807
method for simple and rapid enumeration of total epiphytic bacteria in the washing solution of rice plants.the phyllosphere is one of the most common habitats for terrestrial bacteria. however, little is known about the populations of bacteria, including unculturable bacteria, that thrive on plant surfaces. here, we developed a fluorescent nuclear staining technique to easily and rapidly observe and enumerate populations of total and living epiphytic bacteria, with particular emphasis on the concentration by centrifugation and fixation of the epiphytic bacteria. an investigation on the optimal condit ...201121217798
rice brittleness mutants: a way to open the 'black box' of monocot cell wall biosynthesis.rice is a model organism for studying the mechanism of cell wall biosynthesis and remolding in gramineae. mechanical strength is an important agronomy trait of rice (oryza sativa l.) plants that affects crop lodging and grain yield. as a prominent physical property of cell walls, mechanical strength reflects upon the structure of different wall polymers and how they interact. studies on the mechanisms that regulate the mechanical strength therefore consequently results in uncovering the genes fu ...201121205179
drought-induced site-specific dna methylation and its association with drought tolerance in rice (oryza sativa l.).an indica pyramiding line, dk151, and its recurrent parent, ir64, were evaluated under drought stress and non-stress conditions for three consecutive seasons. dk151 showed significantly improved tolerance to drought. the dna methylation changes in dk151 and ir64 under drought stress and subsequent recovery were assessed using methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism analysis. our results indicate that drought-induced genome-wide dna methylation changes accounted for ∼12.1% of the total site- ...201121193578
additive and additive × additive interaction make important contributions to spikelets per panicle in rice near isogenic (oryza sativa l.) lines.epistasis plays an important role in the genetic basis of rice yield traits. taking interactions into account in breeding programs will help the development of high-yielding rice varieties. in this study, three sets of near isogenic lines (nils) targeting three qtls for spikelets per panicle (spp), namely qspp1, qspp2 and qspp7, which share the same zhenshan 97 genetic background, were used to produce an f(2) population in which the three qtls segregated simultaneously. the genotypes of the indi ...201021193158
asymmetric distribution of gene expression in the centromeric region of rice chromosome 5.there is controversy as to whether gene expression is silenced in the functional centromere. the complete genomic sequences of the centromeric regions in higher eukaryotes have not been fully elucidated, because the presence of highly repetitive sequences complicates many aspects of genomic sequencing. we performed resequencing, assembly, and sequence finishing of two p1-derived artificial chromosome clones in the centromeric region of rice (oryza sativa l.) chromosome 5 (cen5). the pericentrome ...201122639581
seed pre-treatment in rice reduces damage, enhances carbohydrate mobilization and improves emergence and seedling establishment under flooded conditions.early flooding helps control weeds but reduces seedling establishment in direct-seeded rice (oryza sativa). when combined with appropriate management practices, the use of genotypes that better tolerate flooding during emergence can enhance crop establishment in flood-prone areas. management options include seed pre-treatment and we tested the influence of pre-soaking for 24 h prior to sowing or of priming (soaking for 24 or 48 h followed by drying).201122476478
a web-based platform for rice microarray annotation and data analysis.rice (oryza sativa) feeds over half of the global population. a web-based integrated platform for rice microarray annotation and data analysis in various biological contexts is presented, which provides a convenient query for comprehensive annotation compared with similar databases. coupled with existing rice microarray data, it provides online analysis methods from the perspective of bioinformatics. this comprehensive bioinformatics analysis platform is composed of five modules, including data ...201021181349
combined effects of chromium and arsenic on rice seedlings (oryza sativa l.) growth in a solution culture supplied with or without p fertilizer.the growths of two rice genotypes (jin23a and cdr22) under the coexistence of as and cr in solution culture with and without p were investigated. the result showed that rice shoot dry weight decreased due to the complex contamination of as and cr, however, the influences on plant height, root length and root dry weight were insignificant.201021181348
rice wnk1 is regulated by abiotic stress and involved in internal circadian mammalian system the wnk (with no lysine kinase) serine-threonine protein kinase gene family is suggested to be involved in regulating ion homeostasis and other pathophysiological processes including cancer, hypertension and renal ion transport. in plant system the information about wnk genes is very poor. however, wnk-like genes have also been identified in plants, including ten in arabidopsis, designated atwnk1-atwnk10. here we report the cloning and characterization of a homologue of atwnk ...201121178395
cyp99a3: functional identification of a diterpene oxidase from the momilactone biosynthetic gene cluster in rice.rice (oryza sativa) produces momilactone diterpenoids as both phytoalexins and allelochemicals. strikingly, the rice genome contains a biosynthetic gene cluster for momilactone production, located on rice chromosome 4, which contains two cytochrome p450 (cyp) mono-oxygenases, cyp99a2 and cyp99a3, with undefined roles; although it has been previously shown that rna interference double knock-down of this pair of closely related cyps reduced momilactone accumulation. here we attempted biochemical c ...201121175892
temporal and spatial regulation of drooping leaf gene expression that promotes midrib formation in rice.genes involved in the differentiation and development of tissues and organs are temporally and spatially regulated in plant development. the drooping leaf (dl) gene, a member of the yabby gene family, promotes midrib formation in the leaf and carpel specification in the flower. consistent with these functions, dl is initially expressed in the central region of the leaf primordia (presumptive midrib) and in the presumptive carpel primordia in the meristem. to understand the regulatory mechanism u ...201121175891
relationships of non-structural carbohydrates accumulation and translocation with yield formation in rice recombinant inbred lines under two nitrogen levels.stem non-structural carbohydrates (nscs) and its relationship with yield formation was investigated under low nitrogen (ln) and normal nitrogen (nn) treatments, using 46 recombinant inbred lines from zhenshan 97 × minghui 63 (oryza sativa). apparent contribution of transferred nsc to grain yield (ac(nsc) ) ranged from approximately 1 to 28% under ln and from 1 to 15% under nn. concentration and total mass of nsc in stem (tm(nsc) ) at heading, apparent transferred mass of nsc (atm(nsc) ) and ac(n ...201121175644
silicon enhances suberization and lignification in roots of rice (oryza sativa).the beneficial element silicon (si) may affect radial oxygen loss (rol) of rice roots depending on suberization of the exodermis and lignification of sclerenchyma. thus, the effect of si nutrition on the oxidation power of rice roots, suberization and lignification was examined. in addition, si-induced alterations of the transcript levels of 265 genes related to suberin and lignin synthesis were studied by custom-made microarray and quantitative real time-pcr. without si supply, the oxidation zo ...201121172812
expression profiling and integrative analysis of the cesa/csl superfamily in rice.the cellulose synthase and cellulose synthase-like gene superfamily (cesa/csl) is proposed to encode enzymes for cellulose and non-cellulosic matrix polysaccharide synthesis in plants. although the rice (oryza sativa l.) genome has been sequenced for a few years, the global expression profiling patterns and functions of the oscesa/csl superfamily remain largely unknown.201021167079
identification of rice purple acid phosphatases related to phosphate starvation signalling.purple acid phosphatases (paps) are a family of metallo-phosphoesterases involved in a variety of physiological functions, especially phosphate deficiency adaptations in plants. we identified 26 putative pap genes by a genome-wide analysis of rice (oryza sativa), 24 of which have isolated est sequences in the dbest database. amino acid sequence analysis revealed that 25 of these genes possess sets of metal-ligating residues typical of known paps. phylogenetic analysis classified the 26 rice and ...201121143719
estrogen-inducible gfp expression patterns in rice (oryza sativa l.).we investigated estrogen-inducible green fluorescent protein (gfp) expression patterns using an estrogen receptor fused chimeric transcription activator, xve, in the monocotyledonous model plant rice (oryza sativa l.). this system has been shown to be an effective chemical-inducible gene expression system in arabidopsis and has been applied to other plants in order to investigate gene functions or produce marker-free transgenic plants. however, limited information is available on the correlation ...201121140152
progress studies of drought-responsive genes in rice.rice (oryza sativa l.), one of the most agronomically important crops, supplies staple food for more than half of the world's population, especially those living in developing countries. the intensively increasing world population has put a great burden on rice production. drought as one of the major limiting factors for rice productivity has challenged researchers to improve both the water management system and rice characteristics. biotechnology has assisted researchers to identify genes that ...201121132431
the rice acyl-coa-binding protein gene family: phylogeny, expression and functional analysis.• acyl-coa-binding proteins (acbps) show conservation in an acyl-coa-binding domain (acb domain) which binds acyl-coa esters. previous studies on plant acbps focused on eudicots, arabidopsis and brassica. here, we report on the phylogeny and characterization of the acbp family from the monocot oryza sativa (rice). • phylogenetic analyses were conducted using 16 plant genomes. expression profiles of rice acbps under normal growth, as well as biotic and abiotic stress conditions, were examined by ...201121128943
temporal dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities in a genetically modified (gm) rice ecosystem.we assessed the temporal dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities in a soil ecosystem supporting genetically modified (gm) rice (oryza sativa l., abc-tpsp; fusion of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase and phosphatase). using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and real-time quantitative pcr, we compared bacterial and fungal communities in the soils underlying gm rice (abc-tpsp), and its host cultivar (nakdong) during growing seasons and non-growing seasons. overall, the so ...201121128072
physiological, genetic, and molecular characterization of a high-cd-accumulating rice cultivar, jarjan.cadmium (cd) in rice is a major source of cd intake for people on a staple rice diet. the mechanisms underlying cd accumulation in rice plant are still poorly understood. here, we characterized the physiology and genetics of cd transport in a high-cd-accumulating cultivar (jarjan) of rice (oryza sativa). jarjan showed 5- to 34-fold higher cd accumulation in the shoots and grains than the cultivar nipponbare, when it was grown in either a non-cd-contaminated or a cd-contaminated soil. a short-ter ...201121127026
massive parallel sequencing of mrna in identification of unannotated salinity stress-inducible transcripts in rice (oryza sativa l.).microarray technology is limited to monitoring the expression of previously annotated genes that have corresponding probes on the array. computationally annotated genes have not fully been validated, because ests and full-length cdnas cannot cover entire transcribed regions. here, mrna-seq (an illumina cdna sequencing application) was used to monitor whole mrnas of salinity stress-treated rice tissues.201021122150
the effect of silicon on the leaf proteome of rice (oryza sativa l.) plants under cadmium-stress.the best known silicon (si)-accumulating plant, rice (oryza sativa l.), stores most of its si in leaves, but the importance of si has been limited to a mechanical role. our initial studies showed that si-induced cadmium (cd) tolerance is mediated by the enhancement of instantaneous water-use-efficiency, carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco), and light-use-efficiency in leaves of rice plants. in this study, we investigated changes in the rice leaf p ...201121117708
crystal structure of curcuminoid synthase cus from oryza sativa. 201121117241
transcriptional profiling and in silico analysis of dof transcription factor gene family for understanding their regulation during seed development of rice oryza sativa l.seed development is a complex process controlled by temporal and spatial expression of many transcription factors (tf) inside the developing seed. in the present study, transcript profiles of all the 30 members of rice doftfs from flowering to seed development stages were analyzed. it was found that 16 dof genes besides a previously characterized dof gene 'rpbf' are differentially expressed during the seed development and unlike rpbf are not seed specific. based on the expression patterns, these ...201121113680
identification and analysis of seven h₂o₂-responsive mirnas and 32 new mirnas in the seedlings of rice (oryza sativa l. ssp. indica).plant micrornas (mirnas) have been shown to play critical roles in regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. in this study, we employed high throughput sequencing combined with computational analysis to survey mirnaomes from the seedlings of rice under normal conditions and treatments of h(2)o(2) that result in oxidative stress. comparison of the mirnaomes and subsequent northern blot analysis identified seven mirna families differentially expressed under h(2)o(2) stress. pre ...201121113019
ethylene is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis by regulating the expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in oryza sativa.plants employ two distinct strategies to obtain iron (fe) from the soil. in strategy i but not strategy ii plants, fe limitation invokes ethylene production which regulates fe deficiency responses. oryza sativa (rice) is the only graminaceous plant described that possesses a strategy i-like system for iron uptake as well as the classic strategy ii system. ethylene production of rice roots was significantly increased when grown under fe-depleted conditions. moreover, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxy ...201121112958
developing high throughput genotyped chromosome segment substitution lines based on population whole-genome re-sequencing in rice (oryza sativa l.).genetic populations provide the basis for a wide range of genetic and genomic studies and have been widely used in genetic mapping, gene discovery and genomics-assisted breeding. chromosome segment substitution lines (cssls) are the most powerful tools for the detection and precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (qtls), for the analysis of complex traits in plant molecular genetics.201021106060
effect of ce(iii) on heat production of mitochondria isolated from hybrid rice.the effect of cerium on mitochondria isolated from hybrid rice shanyou 63 (oryza sativa l) was investigated. through in vivo culture, low dose ce3+ promoted, but higher dose ce3+, restrained mitochondrial heat production. however, through vitro incubation, ce3+ showed only inhibitory action on mitochondrial energy turnover, the concentration required for 50% inhibition being 46.7 μm. in addition, ce3+, like ca2+, induced rice mitochondrial swelling and decreased membrane potential (△ψ), which wa ...201121104337
contrasting dynamics of radial o2-loss barrier induction and aerenchyma formation in rice roots of two lengths.many wetland species form aerenchyma and a barrier to radial o(2) loss (rol) in roots. these features enhance internal o(2) diffusion to the root apex. barrier formation in rice is induced by growth in stagnant solution, but knowledge of the dynamics of barrier induction and early anatomical changes was lacking.201121097947
oslea1a, a new em-like protein of cereal plants.proteins abundant in seeds during the late stages of development, late embryogenesis abundant (lea) proteins, are associated with desiccation tolerance. more than 100 of the group i lea genes, also termed em genes, have been identified from plants, bacteria and animals. the wide distribution indicates the functional importance of these genes. in the present study, we characterized a novel em-like gene, oslea1a of rice (oryza sativa). the encoded oslea1a protein has an n-terminal sequence similar ...201021097897
variation and correlation analysis of flavonoids and carotenoids in korean pigmented rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivars.flavonoids and carotenoids of pigmented rice ( oryza sativa l.), including five black cultivars and two red cultivars, from korea were characterized to determine the diversity among the phytochemicals and to analyze the relationships among their contents. black cultivars were higher in flavonoids and carotenoids than the red and white cultivars. the profiles of eight phytochemicals identified from the rice grains were subjected to principal component analysis (pca) to evaluate the differences am ...201021090621
classification of rice (oryza sativa l. japonica nipponbare) immunophilins (fkbps, cyps) and expression patterns under water stress.fk506 binding proteins (fkbps) and cyclophilins (cyps) are abundant and ubiquitous proteins belonging to the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (ppiase) superfamily, which regulate much of metabolism through a chaperone or an isomerization of proline residues during protein folding. they are collectively referred to as immunophilin (imm), being present in almost all cellular organs. in particular, a number of imms relate to environmental stresses.201021087465
rice siz1, a sumo e3 ligase, controls spikelet fertility through regulation of anther dehiscence.• sumoylation, a post-translational modification, has important functions in both animals and plants. however, the biological function of the sumo e3 ligase, siz1, in rice (oryza sativa) is still under investigation. • in this study, we employed two different genetic approaches, the use of siz1 t-dna mutant and siz1-rnai transgenic plants, to characterize the function of rice siz1. • genetic results revealed the co-segregation of single t-dna insertional recessive mutation with the observed phen ...201121083564
fluorogenic ribonuclease protection (frip) analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) in japanese rice (oryza sativa l.) dna for cultivar discrimination.a rapid and easy method to discriminate plant cultivars is indispensable to confirm food labeling. we established a fluorogenic ribonuclease protection (frip) assay to discriminate japanese rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivars based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps). the frip assay uses a hybridization technique between fluorescent probes and the target sequence prepared by run-off transcription, but the requirement of two pcr thermocycles is the problem when preparing template dna for run-o ...201021071870
negative feedback regulation of microbe-associated molecular pattern-induced cytosolic ca2+ transients by protein phosphorylation.microbe/pathogen-associated molecular patterns (mamps/pamps) often induce rises in cytosolic free ca(2+) concentration ([ca(2+)](cyt)) and protein phosphorylation. though they are postulated to play pivotal roles in plant innate immunity, their molecular links and the regulatory mechanisms remain largely unknown. to investigate the regulatory mechanisms for mamp-induced ca(2+) mobilization, we have established a transgenic rice (oryza sativa) cell line stably expressing apoaequorin, and characte ...201121063744
genetic variation in biomass traits among 20 diverse rice varieties.biofuels provide a promising route of producing energy while reducing reliance on petroleum. developing sustainable liquid fuel production from cellulosic feedstock is a major challenge and will require significant breeding efforts to maximize plant biomass production. our approach to elucidating genes and genetic pathways that can be targeted for improving biomass production is to exploit the combination of genomic tools and genetic diversity in rice (oryza sativa). in this study, we analyzed a ...201121062890
rice expression atlas in reproductive development.gene expression throughout the reproductive process in rice (oryza sativa) beginning with primordia development through pollination/fertilization to zygote formation was analyzed. we analyzed 25 stages/organs of rice reproductive development including early microsporogenesis stages with 57,381 probe sets, and identified around 26,000 expressed probe sets in each stage. fine dissection of 25 reproductive stages/organs combined with detailed microarray profiling revealed dramatic, coordinated and ...201021062870
a rice β-1,3-glucanase gene osg1 is required for callose degradation in pollen development.plant β-1,3-glucanases are involved in plant defense and development. in rice (oryza sativa), 14 genes encoding putative β-1,3-glucanases have been isolated and sequenced. however, only limited information is available on the function of these β-1,3-glucanase genes. in this study, we report a detailed functional characterization of one of these genes, osg1. osg1 encodes a glucanase carrying no c-terminal extension. osg1 was found to be expressed throughout the plant and highly expressed in flore ...201121046148
structural basis for the one-pot formation of the diarylheptanoid scaffold by curcuminoid synthase from oryza sativa.curcuminoid synthase (cus) from oryza sativa is a plant-specific type iii polyketide synthase (pks) that catalyzes the remarkable one-pot formation of the c(6)-c(7)-c(6) diarylheptanoid scaffold of bisdemethoxycurcumin, by the condensation of two molecules of 4-coumaroyl-coa and one molecule of malonyl-coa. the crystal structure of o. sativa cus was solved at 2.5-å resolution, which revealed a unique, downward expanding active-site architecture, previously unidentified in the known type iii pkss ...201021041675
identification of a novel mitochondrial protein, short postembryonic roots 1 (spr1), involved in root development and iron homeostasis in oryza sativa.• a rice mutant, oryza sativa short postembryonic roots 1 (osspr1), has been characterized. it has short postembryonic roots, including adventitious and lateral roots, and a lower iron content in its leaves. • osspr1 was identified by map-based cloning. it encodes a novel mitochondrial protein with the armadillo-like repeat domain. • osspr1 mutants exhibited decreased root cell elongation. the iron content of the mutant shoots was significantly altered compared with that of wild-type shoots. a s ...201121039568
aerenchyma formation in the rice stem and its promotion by h2o2.• gas spaces (aerenchyma) form as an adaptation to submergence to facilitate gas exchange. in rice (oryza sativa), aerenchyma develop by cell death and lysis, which are poorly understood at the cellular level. • aerenchyma formation was studied in rice stems by light microscopy. it was analyzed in response to submergence, ethylene and hydrogen peroxide (h(2)o(2)) treatment, and in the mt2b::tos17 mutant. o(2)·(-) was detected with nitroblue tetrazolium and an epinephrine assay. h(2)o(2) was dete ...201121039565
differences in transcriptional regulatory mechanisms functioning for free lysine content and seed storage protein accumulation in rice grain.lysine is the most deficient essential amino acid in cereal grains. a bifunctional lysine-degrading enzyme, lysine ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase (lkr/sdh), is one of the key regulators determining free lysine content in plants. in rice (oryza sativa. l), a bifunctional oslkr/sdh is predominantly present in seeds. here, we show that oslkr/sdh is directly regulated by major transcriptional regulators of seed storage protein (ssp) genes: the basic leucine zipper (bzip) transcri ...201021037241
expression analysis of mirnas and highly-expressed small rnas in two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids.heterosis, or hybrid vigor, is the phenomenon whereby progeny of two inbred lines exhibit superior agronomic performance compared with either parent. we analyzed the expression of mirnas and highly expressed small rnas (defined according to solexa sequencing results) in two rice (oryza sativa) subspecies (japonica cv. nipponbare and indica cv. 93-11) and their reciprocal hybrids using microarrays. we found that of all the 1141 small rnas tested, 140 (12%, 140 of 1141) and 157 (13%, 157 of 1141) ...201020977655
ovp1, a vacuolar h+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (v-ppase), overexpression improved rice cold tolerance.vacuolar h(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (v-ppase, ec is an electrogenic proton pump and has been studied in many plants. here we report characterization of the ovp1 gene from rice (oryza sativa l.). quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis (rt-qpcr) showed that ovp1 was induced by cold stress. ovp1 overexpression resulted in enhanced cold tolerance in transgenic rice, which was related to an increased integrity of cell membrane, decreased mda c ...201120974539
genome-wide association studies of 14 agronomic traits in rice landraces.uncovering the genetic basis of agronomic traits in crop landraces that have adapted to various agro-climatic conditions is important to world food security. here we have identified ∼ 3.6 million snps by sequencing 517 rice landraces and constructed a high-density haplotype map of the rice genome using a novel data-imputation method. we performed genome-wide association studies (gwas) for 14 agronomic traits in the population of oryza sativa indica subspecies. the loci identified through gwas ex ...201020972439
migration, isolation and hybridization in island crop populations: the case of madagascar rice.understanding how crop species spread and are introduced to new areas provides insights into the nature of species range expansions. the domesticated species oryza sativa or asian rice is one of the key domesticated crop species in the world. the island of madagascar off the coast of east africa was one of the last major old world areas of introduction of rice after the domestication of this crop species and before extensive historical global trade in this crop. asian rice was introduced in mada ...201020964753
selenium speciation in soil and rice: influence of water management and se fertilization.rice (oryza sativa) is the staple food for half of the world's population, but the selenium (se) concentrations in rice grain are low in many rice-growing regions. this study investigated the effects of water management on the se speciation dynamics in the soil solution and se uptake and speciation in rice in a pot experiment. a control containing no se or 0.5 mg kg(-1) of soil of selenite or selenate was added to the soil, and plants were grown under aerobic or flooded conditions. flooding soil ...201020964343
genetic effects of major qtls controlling low-temperature germinability in different genetic backgrounds in rice (oryza sativa l.).the effects of qtls are demonstrated basically within the population used in the original qtl analysis as the difference between the alleles of the parental varieties. for the efficient use of qtls in breeding programs, it is necessary to assess whether the qtl exhibits its genetic effect when it is introgressed into different genetic backgrounds. extensive studies of tolerance to low temperature at the seed germination stage (called low-temperature germinability) in rice revealed that 2 major q ...201020962882
proteomic and metabolic profiling of rice suspension culture cells as a model to study abscisic acid signaling response pathways in plants.rice (oryza sativa cv taipei 309) suspension culture cells (sccs) were used as a simple, single cell model system to gain insights into the complex abscisic acid (aba) signaling response pathways in plants. following system establishment involving morphological observations and transcript profiling of genes known to be aba responsive in planta, a comprehensive proteomic and metabolomic study was performed. a total of 759 buffer-soluble proteins that included 3284 peptides categorized into 656 pr ...201020961066
origins of functional nucleotide polymorphisms in a major quantitative trait locus, qltg3-1, controlling low-temperature germinability in rice.qltg3-1 is a major quantitative trait locus (qtl) controlling tolerance to low-temperature at the seed germination stage (termed low-temperature germinability) in rice using a population derived from the cross between italica livorno from italy and hayamasari from japan. map-based cloning identified that qltg3-1 encodes a protein of unknown function. the molecular identification of this major qtl could make it possible to identify allelic variation and favorable alleles for rice breeding program ...201120960223
global gene profiling of laser-captured pollen mother cells indicates molecular pathways and gene subfamilies involved in rice meiosis.pollen mother cells (pmcs) represent a critical early stage in plant sexual reproduction in which the stage is set for male gamete formation. understanding the global molecular genetics of this early meiotic stage has so far been limited to whole stamen or floret transcriptome studies, but since pmcs are a discrete population of cells in developmental synchrony, they provide the potential for precise transcriptome analysis and for enhancing our understanding of the transition to meiosis. as a st ...201020959420
differential histone modification and protein expression associated with cell wall removal and regeneration in rice (oryza sativa).the cell wall is a critical extracellular structure that provides protection and structural support in plant cells. to study the biological function of the cell wall and the regulation of cell wall resynthesis, we examined cellular responses to enzymatic removal of the cell wall in rice (oryza sativa) suspension cells using proteomic approaches. we find that removal of cell wall stimulates cell wall synthesis from multiple sites in protoplasts instead of from a single site as in cytokinesis. nuc ...201120958091
rapid and accurate detection of plant mirnas by liquid northern hybridization.northern blot analysis is a powerful research tool for discovery, validation and expression of genes, and is currently widely used to detect microrna (mirna) accumulation. however, the traditional northern blot procedure, which is based on a support membrane, is overly elaborate and time-consuming, although it is unsurpassed in accuracy for determining the sizes and amounts of multiple small rnas sharing high sequence identity. here we present an alternative method derived from plant mirnas, liq ...201020957084
heat shock-triggered ca2+ mobilization accompanied by pectin methylesterase activity and cytosolic ca2+ oscillation are crucial for plant thermotolerance.apoplastic ca(2+) concentration controls membrane permeability, cell wall stabilization, and cell integrity; however, little is known about its role in thermotolerance in plants. here, we report that the acquired thermotolerance of etiolated rice seedlings (oryza sativa) was abolished by an exogenously supplied ca(2+) chelator, egta, related to increased cellular content leakage during heat shock (hs) treatment. thermotolerance was restored by the addition of ca(2+) during egta incubation. pecti ...201020948293
[genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a high-tillering mutant (ht1) in rice.].a rice (oryza sativa l.) mutant with a high-tillering capacity, designated as ht1, was found from a japonica rice variety xindao18. this high-tillering mutant phenotype was stably expressed through successive five self-crossed generations, and the number of tillers in mutants was three times more than that in wild-type rice. genetic analysis showed that the phenotype of ht1was controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene, temporarily designated as ht1. by means of molecular marker technique, the ...201020943495
reducing rice seed storage protein accumulation leads to changes in nutrient quality and storage organelle formation.rice (oryza sativa) seed storage proteins (ssps) are synthesized and deposited in storage organelles in the endosperm during seed maturation as a nitrogen source for germinating seedlings. we have generated glutelin, globulin, and prolamin knockdown lines and have examined their effects on seed quality. a reduction of one or a few ssp(s) was compensated for by increases in other ssps at both the mrna and protein levels. especially, reduction of glutelins or sulfur-rich 10-kd prolamin levels was ...201020940349
molecular cloning and functional characterization of osjag gene based on a complete-deletion mutant in rice (oryza sativa l.).in this article, we report an independent work of positional cloning and functional characterization of osjag gene in rice. the merit of our work is that we used a genuine null mutant, in which the wild-type allele was completely deleted. this allowed us to identify the mutant phenotypes accurately without the interference of residual function of the target gene. osjag is an important gene with pleiotropy, expressing almost throughout the plant and acting in both vegetative phase and reproductiv ...201020938801
fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of ptgms2-1, the photoperiod-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile gene in rice (oryza sativa l.).photoperiod-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (ptgms) rice exhibits a number of desirable traits for hybrid rice production. the cloning genes responsible for ptgms and those elucidating male sterility mechanisms and reversibility to fertility would be of great significance to provide a foundation to develop new male sterile lines. guangzhan63s, a ptgms line, is one of the most widely used indica two-line hybrid rice breeding systems in china. in this study, genetic analysis based on f(2) and ...201120938764
arsenic localization, speciation, and co-occurrence with iron on rice (oryza sativa l.) roots having variable fe coatings.arsenic contamination of rice is widespread, but the rhizosphere processes influencing arsenic attenuation remain unresolved. in particular, the formation of fe plaque around rice roots is thought to be an important barrier to as uptake, but the relative importance of this mechanism is not well characterized. here we elucidate the colocalization of as species and fe on rice roots with variable fe coatings; we used a combination of techniques--x-ray fluorescence imaging, μxanes, transmission x-ra ...201020936818
capillary electrophoresis for analysis of microheterogeneous glutelin subunits in rice (oryza sativa l.).glutelin, the major storage protein of rice seed, consists of microheterogenous subunits and partially exists in a macromolecular form that is polymerized by intersubunit disulfide bonds. in order to analyze the glutelin subunits using high-throughput ce, we first identified a sample preparation procedure suitable for ce. the polymerized glutelin treated with a reductant could not dissociate into its constituent monomer subunits when it was dissolved in an acidic solution. however, the glutelin ...201020931619
development of an efficient inverse pcr method for isolating gene tags from t-dna insertional mutants in rice.the central goal of current genomics research in plants, as in other organisms, is to elucidate the functions of every gene. insertional mutagenesis using known dna sequences such as t-dna is a powerful tool in functional genomics. development of efficient methods for isolating the genomic sequences flanking insertion elements accelerates the systematic cataloging of insertional mutants, and thus allows functions to be assigned to uncharacterized genes via reverse genetic approaches. in our curr ...201120931378
alchemy: a reliable method for automated snp genotype calling for small batch sizes and highly homozygous populations.the development of new high-throughput genotyping products requires a significant investment in testing and training samples to evaluate and optimize the product before it can be used reliably on new samples. one reason for this is current methods for automated calling of genotypes are based on clustering approaches which require a large number of samples to be analyzed simultaneously, or an extensive training dataset to seed clusters. in systems where inbred samples are of primary interest, cur ...201020926420
root-specific transcript profiling of contrasting rice genotypes in response to salinity stress.elevated salinity imposes osmotic and ion toxicity stresses on living cells and requires a multitude of responses in order to enable plant survival. building on earlier work profiling transcript levels in rice (oryza sativa) shoots of fl478, a salt-tolerant indica recombinant inbred line, and ir29, a salt-sensitive cultivar, transcript levels were compared in roots of these two accessions as well as in the roots of two additional salt-tolerant indica genotypes, the landrace pokkali and the recom ...201120924028
cross talk between the knox and ethylene pathways is mediated by intron-binding transcription factors in the barley (hordeum vulgare) hooded (kap) mutant, the duplication of a 305-bp intron sequence leads to the overexpression of the barley knox3 (bkn3) gene, resulting in the development of an extra flower in the spikelet. we used a one-hybrid screen to identify four proteins that bind the intron-located regulatory element (kap intron-binding proteins). three of these, barley ethylene response factor1 (berf1), barley ethylene insensitive like1 (beil1), and barley growth regulating factor1 (bgrf1 ...201020921155
a novel factor floury endosperm2 is involved in regulation of rice grain size and starch quality.rice (oryza sativa) endosperm accumulates a massive amount of storage starch and storage proteins during seed development. however, little is known about the regulatory system involved in the production of storage substances. the rice flo2 mutation resulted in reduced grain size and starch quality. map-based cloning identified floury endosperm2 (flo2), a member of a novel gene family conserved in plants, as the gene responsible for the rice flo2 mutation. flo2 harbors a tetratricopeptide repeat ...201020889913
characterization of a novel rice metallothionein gene promoter: its tissue specificity and heavy metal responsiveness.the rice (oryza sativa l.) metallothionein gene osmt-i-4b has previously been identified as a type i mt gene. to elucidate the regulatory mechanism involved in its tissue specificity and abiotic induction, we isolated a 1 730 bp fragment of the osmt-i-4b promoter region. histochemical β-glucuronidase (gus) staining indicated a precise spacial and temporal expression pattern in transgenic arabidopsis. higher gus activity was detected in the roots and the buds of flower stigmas, and relatively low ...201020883443
mapping 49 quantitative trait loci at high resolution through sequencing-based genotyping of rice recombinant inbred lines.mapping chromosome regions responsible for quantitative phenotypic variation in recombinant populations provides an effective means to characterize the genetic basis of complex traits. we conducted a quantitative trait loci (qtl) analysis of 150 rice recombinant inbred lines (rils) derived from a cross between two cultivars, oryza sativa ssp. indica cv. 93-11 and oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. nipponbare. the rils were genotyped through next-generation sequencing, which accurately determined the ...201120878143
phytochrome-regulated ebl1 contributes to aco1 upregulation in rice.the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase gene (aco1) was upregulated in rice (oryza sativa l.) phyaphybphyc mutants lacking any phytochrome and containing the gcc box element, a binding site for rice ethylene-responsive element binding protein 1 (oserebp1), in its promoter region. since the oserebp1-like gene ebl1 (oserebp1-like 1) was significantly downregulated in phyaphybphyc mutants, ebl1 was suspected to repress aco1 expression in wild-type plants. however, aco1 was downregulated in eb ...201120872166
[submergence tolerance and sub1 locus in rice].great progresses have been made in understanding of both submergence tolerance in rice (oryza sativa l.) and the molecular mechanism of tolerance over 4 years. tolerance of rice plants to submergence is controlled by submergence-1 (sub1) locus. sub1 regulates ethylene- and ga-mediated responsiveness, leading to restriction in carbohydrate consumption and quiescence in shoot elongation during submergence and subsequently causing submergence tolerance. this article reviewed two strategies adopted ...201020870609
spatial and seasonal distribution of nitrate-n in groundwater beneath the rice-wheat cropping system of india: a geospatial analysis.increased use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the intensively cultivated rice (oryza sativa)-wheat (triticum aestivum) cropping system (covers a 13.5-ha m area in south asia) has led to the concentration of nitrates (no(3)-n) in the groundwater (gw) in haryana state of india. six districts from the freshwater zone were selected to identify factors affecting no(3)-n enrichment in gw. water and soil samples were collected from 1,580 locations and analyzed for their chemical properties. about 3% (26, ...201120865320
high-affinity nitrate uptake by rice (oryza sativa) coleoptiles.nitrate uptake by rice coleoptiles was evaluated using ¹⁵n-nitrate in relation to the expression of high-affinity nitrate uptake-related genes, osnrt2s (osnrt2.1-2.4) and osnar2s (osnar2.1 and 2.2). apparent nitrate uptake by coleoptiles was about one-sixth of that by hydroponically cultured seedling roots. real-time rt-pcr analysis revealed that osnrt2.1, a root-specific key gene of inducible high-affinity transport system for nitrate, was most strongly induced in coleoptiles following nitrate ...201120862512
mexican rice borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) oviposition site selection stimuli on sugarcane, and potential field applications.the mexican rice borer, eoreuma loftini (dyar) (lepidoptera: crambidae), a key pest of sugarcane (saccharum spp.) and rice, oryza sativa l., in texas, has not been controlled with chemical insecticides or biological agents, but some sugarcane varieties have shown degrees of resistance. assessment of selected sugarcane leaf characteristics indicate that preference for oviposition sites is mostly determined by the presence of a leaf fold and secondarily by the availability of dry leaf tissue, both ...201020857726
arsenite treatment induces oxidative stress, upregulates antioxidant system, and causes phytochelatin synthesis in rice seedlings.the effects of arsenite treatment on generation of reactive oxygen species, induction of oxidative stress, response of antioxidative system, and synthesis of phytochelatins were investigated in two indica rice (oryza sativa l.) cvs. malviya-36 and pant-12 grown in sand cultures for a period of 5-20 days. arsenite (as(2)o(3); 25 and 50 μm) treatment resulted in increased formation of superoxide anion (o (2) (.-) ), elevated levels of h(2)o(2) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, showing e ...201120857150
mapping qtl main and interaction influences on milling quality in elite us rice germplasm.rice (oryza sativa l.) head-rice yield (hr) is a key export and domestic quality trait whose genetic control is poorly understood. with the goal of identifying genomic regions influencing hr, quantitative-trait-locus (qtl) mapping was carried out for quality-related traits in recombinant inbred lines (rils) derived from crosses of common parent cypress, a high-hr us japonica cultivar, with rt0034, a low-hr indica line (129 rils) and lagrue, a low-hr japonica cultivar (298 rils), grown in two us ...201120857082
characterization of the beta-carotene hydroxylase gene dsm2 conferring drought and oxidative stress resistance by increasing xanthophylls and abscisic acid synthesis in rice.drought is a major limiting factor for crop production. to identify critical genes for drought resistance in rice (oryza sativa), we screened t-dna mutants and identified a drought-hypersensitive mutant, dsm2. the mutant phenotype was caused by a t-dna insertion in a gene encoding a putative β-carotene hydroxylase (bch). bch is predicted for the biosynthesis of zeaxanthin, a carotenoid precursor of abscisic acid (aba). the amounts of zeaxanthin and aba were significantly reduced in two allelic d ...201020852032
spatial distribution of arsenic and temporal variation of its concentration in rice.• in order to gain insights into the transport and distribution of arsenic (as) in intact rice (oryza sativa) plants and its unloading into the rice grain, we investigated the spatial distribution of as and the temporal variation of as concentration in whole rice plants at different growth stages. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a study has been performed. • inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (icp-ms) and high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc)-icp- ...201120840510
Displaying items 6501 - 6600 of 8745