
proctoscopy in infancy with reference to its use in necrotising enterocolitis.experience with the fairly simple and safe technique of proctoscopy in an infant using an ordinary auroscope is reported. the use of the auroscope showed the presence of a frank colitis in 13 of 14 consecutive cases of necrotising enterocolitis. a prospective study was made during a 6-month period of 51 infants with diarrhoea referred to a gastroenterology isolation unit; proctoscopic findings that suggested colitis were found in 10. of these, 3 appeared to have necrotising enterocolitis; 3 had ...19817053194
campylobacter gastroenteritis.campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni has recently been recognized as a very common cause of gastroenteritis. symptoms of campylobacter gastroenteritis include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, myalgia and headache. bloody diarrhea occurs in about 50 percent of patients. this organism is now being isolated more frequently than salmonella or shigella in cases of diarrhea. acute colitis mimicking crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis on proctoscopic examination and on barium enema x-ray has been described ...19827055019
shigella species from addis ababa: frequency of isolation and in vitro drug hundred and five shigella isolates from addis ababa were studied to determine serogroup frequency and in vitro antibacterial drug sensitivity. about 70% of the isolates were shigella flexneri followed by sh. dysenteriae (15%), sh. boydii (10%) and sh. sonnei (5%). all or most of the strains were susceptible to cephalothin, gentamicin, kanamycin, polymyxin b and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. frequencies of susceptibility to ampicillin, carbenicillin and chloramphenicol were, respectively, 7 ...19827057026
[postinfectious (reactive) arthritis--an important differential diagnosis to juvenile chronic arthritis (jca) (author's transl)].symptoms, laboratory findings and clinical course of 10 pediatric patients suffering from postinfectious arthritis are described. the postinfectious arthritis is caused by an infection with salmonella, versina, brucella or shigella. the illness results from a preceding enteritis accompanied by fever. it differs from the juvenile chronic arthritis by the more clarified etiology and pathogenesis and particularly by the markedly shorter course, the lack of functional deterioration and by normal x-r ...19827062684
the differential leukocyte count in shigellosis.we analysed the peripheral leukocyte count of 80 children with shigella gastroenteritis. the total leukocyte count varied widely from leukopenia to leukocytosis, and is therefore of little value in differentiating shigellosis from viral gastroenteritis. the leukocyte differential count, however, revealed a striking shift to the left in 71% of the patients. this parameter may help in the preliminary diagnosis of shigella gastroenteritis. we have stressed the fact that three pediatric textbooks do ...19827068229
differential and selective medium for isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from stools.a new differential and selective medium, dys agar, was developed and evaluated from the isolation of yersinia enterocolitica. ther bile salts content of the medium resulted in high selectivity, and inclusion of arabinose, lysine, and arginine rendered y. enterocolitica very distinct from proteus spp., pseudomonas spp., and other members of the family enterobacteriaceae. dys medium was more efficient for the isolation of y. enterocolitica from experimentally inoculated fecal specimens than maccon ...19827068836
quaternary heterocyclylamino beta-lactams: a generic alternative to the classical acylamino side chain.6 beta-[(1-substituted-4-pyridinio)amino]penam-3-carboxylates and 7 beta-[(1-substituted-4-pyridinio)amino]ceph-3-em-4-carboxylates have been found to be interesting new classes of antibacterial beta-lactams, readily available by sn2 ar coupling of fluoro-substituted quaternized pyridines and appropriate amino lactam carboxylic acids. compared to penicillin g, the penam 12c exhibited a spectrum extended to gram-negative species, such as escherichia, shigella, klebsiella and enterobacter, offset ...19827069725
epidemiology of campylobacter enteritis.campylobacter jejuni/coli (cjc) was isolated from 386 patients (6.9%) of 5571 with a history of acute diarrhoea between december 1977 and june 1980. in the same study population salmonella was found in 4.1%, shigella in 1.7% and yersinia enterocolitica in 2.1%. only 5 (0.25%) of 2000 health controls had cjc in their stools. 53% of the patients had acquired their infection in sweden. the peak incidence for cjc was from july to september. more than 50% of the patients were between 16-35 years. wit ...19827071524
susceptibility of shigella species to erythromycin.two of the most common causes of inflammatory enteritis are campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni and shigella species. no single antimicrobial agent is recommended for treatment of both diseases. erythromycin is used to treat c. fetus subsp. jejuni infections but has not been studied in shigellosis. for this reason, we determined the susceptibility of 22 strains of shigella to erythromycin and found that shigella species are susceptible to concentrations of erythromycin which are obtainable in stoo ...19827073270
rapid isolation of yersinia spp. from plating or cold enrichment or both have been used to isolate yersinia spp. from feces. freeze-shock double enrichment and koh treatment have been recommended for recovery of yersinia enterocolitica from surface waters and food, respectively. these techniques were evaluated as alternatives for rapid recovery of yersinia spp. from feces. stool samples were homogenized in buffered saline and autoclaved. escherichia coli. klebsiella pneumoniae, and pseudomonas aeruginosa were each added to th ...19827076823
[transferable bacterial resistance and its clinico-therapeutic implications]. 19827078789
human yersinia enterocolitica infections in wisconsin. clinical, laboratory and epidemiologic features.yersinia enterocolitica has been sought in stool and blood culture specimens by the wisconsin state laboratory of hygiene (slh) since 1973. clinical information on symptoms, duration of illness, and use of antibiotics for 41 persons with y. enterocolitica infections from january 1, 1979, to september 30, 1980, was obtained by telephone interviews. diarrhea and abdominal pain were the most common symptoms of the ill persons; extraintestinal symptoms were infrequently reported. ten infected person ...19827081274
clostridium difficile and cytotoxin in routine faecal specimens.over a five-month period 1239 unselected, routine faecal specimens from 856 patients were examined for clostridium difficile. one hundred specimens representing 69 patients were culture-positive. toxin was detected in the stool of ten. during the study period, there were 41 salmonella, 12 campylobacter and 9 shigella infections. c difficile was isolated together with salmonella from 12 patients. no patient required specific treatment for c difficile infection. the significance of these findings ...19827085901
effect of certain chemical insecticides on the bacteria associated with the common house-fly musca domestica. 19827086231
campylobacter enteritis in determine the relative importance of campylobacter jejuni as a cause of diarrheal illness in patients coming to three hospitals in denver, we cultured stool specimens from 2,670 patients over a two-year period. c jejuni was identified in the feces of 124 patients (4.6 percent), salmonella from 90 (3.4 percent) and shigella from 77 (2.9 percent). most campylobacter isolates were obtained in the summer months and from patients 10 to 29 years old. the illness usually lasted less than two weeks; ...19827090379
[examination of shigella in ground meat and raw sausage]. 19827090445
yersinia enterocolitica in kansas. attempted recovery from 1,212 attempt was made to isolate yersinia enterocolitica, by cold enrichment, from the stool of 1,212 patients seen at the wesley medical center in wichita, kansas. y. enterocolitica was isolated from 5 (0.4%) of the patients. shigella was isolated from 36 (3.0%) patients while either salmonella or campylobacter were each isolated from 15 (1.2%) patients. two of our five yersinia isolates were from patients admitted to the hospital with diarrhea. one was from a patient who developed transient diar ...19827091055
antibacterial substance from carica papaya fruit extract.ripe and unripe carica papaya fruits (epicarp, endocarp, seeds and leaves) were extracted separately and purified. all the extracts except that of leaves produced very significant antibacterial activity on staphylococcus aureus, bacillus cereus, escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and shigella flexneri. the mic of the substance was small (0.2-0.3 mg/ml) for gram-positive bacteria and large (1.5-4 mg/ml) for gram-negative bacteria. the substance was bactericidal and showed properties of a pr ...19827097295
interruption of shigellosis by hand washing.high attack rates, increasing resistance to antibiotics and high mortality make shigellosis a serious problem. as shigella is associated with poor hygiene we examined the effectiveness of a simple intervention, washing hands with soap and water, in checking the spread of the disease. the study population was comprised of confirmed cases of shigellosis. these and matched controls were followed up for 10 days. several pieces of soap and earthenware pitchers for storing water were provided to the s ...19827101400
evaluation of two salmonella typhi strains with reduced virulence for use in teaching and proficiency testing.a total of 21 cases of laboratory-acquired typhoid fever associated with teaching and proficiency tests occurred in the united states during a 33-month period, prompting a search for less virulent strains of s. typhi which would be suitable for teaching purposes. two strains were evaluated which are reported to have reduced virulence for mice. strain ty21a is a genetically constructed mutant that lacks the enzyme udp-glucose-4-epimerase. this strain has reduced virulence for humans if grown unde ...19827107842
epidemiologic and clinical features of patients infected with shigella who attended a diarrheal disease hospital in bangladesh.the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of 412 patients infected with shigella from a systematic sample of approximately 100,000 patients attending dacca hospital, international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, between december 1, 1979, and november 30, 1980, were reviewed. shigella was isolated from 11.6% of the 3,550 patients in the sample and was the second most common isolate in patients over two years old. two clinical presentations of shigellosis were found: (i) w ...19827108270
salmonellosis at rural and urban clinics in bangladesh: epidemiologic and clinical characteristics.the authors studied the frequency of diarrheal illness associated with non-typhi salmonella at two clinics in bangladesh for the years 1977-1979. non-typhi salmonellae were isolated from 0.29% of fecal specimens or rectal swabs in an urban area and 0.26% of similar specimens in a rural area; the frequency of isolations peaked in the summer months. isolations of shigella and vibrio cholerae were much more common than salmonella. only two of 50 salmonella isolates were resistant to more than one a ...19827114037
innate human serum bactericidal activity against salmonella, shigella, citrobacter and providencia sp. 19827121140
[effect of the use of dysentery divaccine as therapy in experimental radiation sickness on the immune response to heterologous antigens]. 19827122849
patterns of shigella infection in families in rural assess the mode of transmission of shigella infection in rural bangladesh, questionnaire and culture surveys were conducted in baris (neighborhoods) where persons with diarrhea associated with shigella infection and index controls with non-shigella diarrhea lived. nineteen percent of persons in shigella baris and 7% of persons in control baris were infected during the survey periods (p less than 0.001). the prevalence of shigella infection was highest for children 1-9 years of age and for fem ...19827125054
incidence of convulsions and encephalopathy in childhood shigella infections. survey of 117 hospitalized patients.of 117 children ill enough to be hospitalized with shigella gastroenteritis, 53 per cent had neurologic symptoms, the majority during the onset of high fever: 11 per cent had convulsions alone, 22 per cent had encephalopathy alone, and 20 per cent had convulsions and encephalopathy. the neurologic manifestations preceded the gastrointestinal symptoms in one fourth of the patients. shigella sonnei was the predominant organism found in this study, especially in patients with neurologic symptoms.19827127986
acute infective colitis caused by endemic pathogens in western europe: endoscopic a 4-year period 45 patients were admitted to our gastroenterological u nit with acute infective colitis. the endemic pathogens responsible for the colitis were yersinia enterocolitica (46%), campylobacter fetus jejuni (20%), common salmonellae (13%), less virulent strains of shigella (9%), entamoeba hystolytica (7%) and cytomegalovirus (4%). these microorganisms caused very severe disease in 18% of the patients, who were mostly predisposed. while salmonella- and amoebic colitis always mimicke ...19827140655
campylobacter jejuni as an etiological agent of diarrheal diseases in israel.during a 2-yr period starting on 22 july 1979, campylobacter jejuni was isolated in 3,008 stool cultures from 2,450 persons--2,430 (43.%) out of 56,439 patients with acute gastroenteritis and 20 out of 200 asymptomatic household contacts. no isolates of c. jejuni were obtained from any of a control group of 222 subjects. in 176 patients with c. jejuni, salmonella and/or shigella were isolated concomitantly. all illnesses were mild to severe and all patients, including 61 requiring hospitalizatio ...19827141854
the histopathologic spectrum of acute self-limited colitis (acute infectious-type colitis).acute self-limited colitis (aslc) is a self-limiting diarrheal illness which is often caused by known infectious agents (campylobacter, salmonella, and shigella), but many cases are of unknown etiology. this report describes the histopathologic features of acute self-limited colitis as related to its natural history. the extent of inflammation and regeneration varies with the duration of the disease. in the peak activity stage (within 0-4 days of onset of bloody diarrhea) there is mucosal edema, ...19827149092
taxonomic value of a chromogenic test for the detection of aminopeptidases in the genus addition to the conventional methods for the identification of enterobacteriaceae, enzymatic tests using chromogenic substrates have been proposed [1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]. many chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates are now available, and some of these have been employed for the determination of enzymatic profiles of neisseria [3] and enterobacteriaceae [7]. in this article, we report the activity of bacterial cultures of the genus shigella on a new chromogenic substrate: chromozym pl.19827149530
travellers' diarrhoea caused by campylobacter jejuni.over a period of 18 months campylobacter jejuni was isolated from the faeces of 19 (5.8%) of 329 travellers with diarrhoea, among 2488 patients attending the outpatient department of tropical diseases at aurora hospital. incidences of salmonella, shigella and c. jejuni in diarrhoeal patients were very similar. c. jejuni caused initial symptoms of diarrhoeal disease indistinguishable from travellers' diarrhoea from other causes. double bacterial or bacterial-parasitic infections were shown in 22 ...19827149612
accessory replicons of species of salmonella and shigella.shigella and salmonella strains isolated from clinical samples were examined. out of 42 shigella strains tested, 17 (40%) were found to be colicinogenic and another 3 were lysogenic. all three lysogens yielded a phage antigenically homologous to coliphage p2. out of 30 strains tested, only 1 was found to be resistant to both neomycin and sulfamethoxazole. out of 48 strains of salmonella tested for drug resistance, only 2 showed multiple drug resistance. in contrast to shigella isolates, the salm ...19827149715
new device for determination of cell electrophoretic mobility using doppler velocimetry.electrical phenomena of cell membranes may be examined by means of cell electrophoresis. direct microscopic techniques are tedious, inaccurate and rarely reproducible. therefore, the authors have developed a new device using doppler velocimetry. after describing the apparatus, they propose two methods for testing treatment against electroosmosis and present the first biological applications on mixed populations of red cells.19827150717
[study on patterns of antimicrobial drug resistance of shigella and detection of r plasmids]. 19827151554
comparative study of selective media for recovery of yersinia determine the relative efficacy of pectin agar, cellobiose-arginine-lysine (cal) agar, y medium, cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (cin) agar, macconkey (mac) agar, and salmonella-shigella (ss) agar for the recovery of yersinia enterocolitica, 35 strains of this organism representing the serotypes most commonly associated with human disease in canada and the united states were inoculated on test media in pure cultures and mixed in fecal specimens. randomly picked stool specimens were also culture ...19827153309
antimicrobial susceptibility of shigellae isolated in minnesota. 19827155110
[fecal leukocytes in acute diarrheal syndrome in infants]. 19827156433
[effectiveness of erythrocytic diagnostic reagents in indicating shigellae].the possibility of the preparation of dysentery antibody diagnostic reagents on the basis of adsorbed sera is shown. such diagnostic reagents permit to determine 200000-600000 microbial bodies or 0.0008-0.0016 microgram of the antigen per ml. the use of antigenic erythrocytic diagnostic reagents for the indication of shigellae is expedient in the second variant of the passive hemagglutination inhibition test in the following modification: immune sera should be diluted not 2-fold, but only 1.5-fo ...19827158163
typhoid perforation: factors affecting mortality and morbidity.thirty-six patients were operated upon for terminal ileal perforations in a two-year period; four cases were due to trauma, four to ascariasis and 28 to typhoid. ileal perforations due to ascaris worms are differentiated from typhoid ileal perforations because worms are usually found lying freely in the peritoneal cavity or in close association with the perforations. also, tests for salmonellae and shigella are usually negative. factors affecting mortality and morbidity in typhoid ileal perforat ...19827160989
shigellosis in infants and children. 19827161716
[use of sodium nucleinate in acute dysentery in children]. 19827162888
diarrhoeal problems in southeast asia.diarrhoea up till now is still a major problem in southeast asia with high morbidity and mortality, particularly among children under 5 years of age, with the peak in children between 6 - 24 months. in indonesia, in 1981, it was estimated that there are 60 million episodes with 300,000 - 500,000 deaths. in the philippines, diarrhoea ranks as a second cause of morbidity (600 per 100,000 in 1974) and second cause of infant mortality (5 per 1,000 in 1974). in thailand, in 1980, the morbidity rate w ...19827163834
salmonella and shigella carrier rates and environmental sanitation in a rural district, central thailand.the study of salmonella and shigella carrier rates were carried out in two tambol (sub districts). klongjik, kanon-laung and amphur (district) bang-pa-in. the carrier rates of salmonella and shigella were 3.3% and 0.8% respectively. most salmonella strains were sensitive to the antibiotics commonly used; only 6.4% and 3.2% were resistant to tetracycline and neomycin. all shigella isolated were resistant to chloramphenicol and 75% to tetracycline. one fourth of the families defecated in the river ...19827163844
enumeration and identification of pathogenic bacteria from sewage in kuwait.mycobacterium spp. was isolated and enumerated in all sewage samples at different stages of the sewage treatment. aeromonas hydrophila, salmonella spp., shigella dysenteriae and others were isolated from both treated and untreated sewage. moreover, the serological identification of salmonella spp. was also done, using antisera specific to their antigenic structures. counts of bacteria in various sewage sludges and effluents tested showed the efficiency of the activated sludge process in reducing ...19827168261
[shigella and salmonella in butare (rwanda) 1974-1980]. 19827168588
intestinal occurrence of campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni and clostridium difficile in children in sweden.stool samples were cultured from 356 children in different states of health and in different age groups between birth and six years of age in order to investigate the occurrence of campylobacter jejuni and clostridium difficile. campylobacter jejuni was isolated from two of 56 children with diarrhoea but was not isolated from any of 300 healthy children or children recently treated with antibiotics. campylobacter jejuni does not seem to be a common cause of diarrhoea in children in sweden and is ...19827173168
drug resistant shigellosis in north india. 19827174045
salmonella and shigella adherence to the intestine of mice.the in vivo adherence of [14c]glucose-labeled shigella and salmonella strains to the intestine of the mouse was investigated. salmonella strains adhered significantly better to the small bowel mucosa than to the large bowel, while shigella strains adhered significantly better to the colonic mucosa than to the small bowel mucosa. a mannose-sensitive lectin-bearing salmonella strain adhered significantly better to the jejunal mucosa than did a mannose-resistant variant. a mannose-sensitive shigell ...19827174270
a numerical taxonomic study of the genus hundred and two strains representing four species of the genus shigella and sixty-four strains representing fourteen other genera of the family enterobacteriaceae were tested for 192 characters based on their morphology, biochemistry and physiology. the data were subjected to a number of numerical analyses. the results (confirmed by the use of overlap statistics) showed that four phenons can be distinguished within the genus shigella. these correspond with the species s. dysenteriae. s. flex ...19827175494
shigellosis surveillance in oklahoma: ten-year review, 1971-1980. 19827175590
[useful and superfluous measures in the treatment of infant diarrhea].in acute diarrhea of infancy we distinguish between infectious and noninfectious causes. in the latter we know some autosomal recessive disorders, e.g. the glucose-galactose-malabsorption, the lactase deficiency as well as the sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. in addition the most frequent acquired disorders like the cow's milk protein intolerance and celiac disease contribute also to the group of noninfectious causes of diarrhea. here the most effective therapy consists of the elimination of the t ...19827178037
[distribution of bacterial types of shigella among the troops in 3 provinces of northeastern china]. 19827185426
[changing patterns of microbial types of pathogens of dysentery in hunan province from 1974 to 1978]. 19827185427
[preliminary studies on preparation of dysenteric vaccines with a bacillary polysaccharide-protein complex and its use in human immunization]. 19827185470
[pyrazine-1,4-dioxides fused to heterocycles / 2nd comm.: synthesis and antibacterial activity of substituted pyrido[2,3-b]pyrazine-1,4-dioxides (author's transl)].the position selective synthesis of substituted pyrido[2,3-b]-pyrazine-1,4-dioxides is reported. compound 3g was subjected to a series of screening-tests for antibacterial activity and compared to therapeutical standards. the range of antibacterial activity mainly comprises enterobacteriaceae, above all e. coli, klebsiella, proteus and shigella strains. activity against gram-positive organisms and serratia is much weaker and completely lacking with pseudomonas. therapeutic activity in septicaemi ...19827199336
high frequency of hla-b27 and reiter's syndrome in navajo indians.eighteen cases of reiter's syndrome were found in a population of approximately 6,000 navajo indians. the phenotype frequency of hla-b27 in this population was found to be 36%. the area in which these people live is endemic for shigellosis, shigella flexneri being the most common species isolated. presumably the high frequency of hla-b27 and shigella infections account for the high incidence and prevalence of reiter's syndrome in this population.19807205829
liposomes as vehicles for vaccines.lipid a from shigella flexneri lps, or acylated derivatives of muramyl dipeptide (mdp), were incorporated into the lipid bilayer of liposomes to enhance the adjuvanticity of the liposomes in rabbits. liposomes containing lipid a induced antibodies against lipid a, phosphocholine, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin. lipid a was resolved into eight fractions, some of which did, and others of which did not, induce antibodies against liposomes. anti-liposome antibodies also were induced (in the ...19807208512
prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis by microsomes of inflamed rabbit ciliary body--iris.microsomes of albino rabbit ciliary body--iris were prepared 6 hr, 24 hr, 3 days, 7 days, and 28 days after intravitreal injection of 10 micrograms of shigella endotoxin. the microsomal preparations were incubated for 15 min with [1-14c]arachidonic acid. prostaglandin and thromboxane products (cyclo-oxygenase products) were identified by thin-layer chromatography and quantified by scintillation counting. synthesis of prostaglandin f2 alpha (pgf2, pgd2, 6-keto-pgf1 alpha (a stable metabolite of p ...19817216665
clostridium difficile in relation to enteric bacterial pathogens.all feces samples (n = 2,390) sent to the bacteriological laboratory, göteborg, sweden over 43 days were, in addition to the standard procedure, cultivated to detect clostridium difficile by using a special selective medium. c. difficile was found in 81 of the 2,390 samples (3%). these 81 samples represented 56 patients. fifty of the 56 patients had diarrhea. in 20 of the 56 patients (36%), salmonella, campylobacter, or yersinia were also found. of the 2,390 samples 252 (11%) from 132 patients r ...19807217331
evaluation of urea-motility-indole medium for recognition and differentiation of salmonella and shigella species in stool cultures.a semisolid urea-motility-indole medium designed for detection in enterobacteriaceae of urease activity, motility, and indole production in one tube was prepared and evaluated. the formulation of the medium was similar to that of christensen urea agar, but the agar concentration was 0.2%, and 1% tryptone was added. results with 687 strains of enterobacteriaceae were the same as those obtained with standard test media (98% overall agreement). the urea-motility-indole medium was also used in combi ...19807217332
family illness associated with shigella infection: the interrelationship of age of the index patient and the age of household members in acquisition of illness. 19817217710
numerical and dna: dna reassociation analyses of erwinia rubrifaciens and other members of the enterobacteriaceae.phenetic data on 75 strains of erwinia and other representative genera of the enterobacteriaceae were collected and analysed using two numerical taxonomic methods. in both methods the same subclusters were recovered. the subclusters, however, were defined at different similarity levels and were classified into clusters of different composition. erwinia rubrifaciens strains formed a very tight, homogeneous subcluster, completely distinct and readily distinguishable from other erwinia and enteroba ...19807217917
[physicochemical properties of the newcastle group bacteriophages].physico-chemical properties of dysentery therapeutic-prophylactic newcastle phages h-i, h-5, h-10, h-22 were studied. the morphology of the phage particles is described; their molecular weight and buoyant density in cscl were determined by ultracentrifugation. the type of nucleic acids (dna) was determined. by all the above characteristics and their chemical composition, bacteriophages of the newcastle group approach t-even phages.19807222633
shigella septicaemia in children: report of three cases. 19807228219
cultural and biochemical characteristics of clinical isolates of unusual colistin-resistant pseudomonads.biochemical characteristics and antibiotic susceptibilities of 12 strains of colistin-resistant pseudomonads isolated from clinical specimens are reported. the isolates were short, oxidase-positive, nonfluorescing, gram-negative rods that failed to grow on salmonella-shigella or cetrimide agars, to decarboxylate amino acids, and to reduce nitrates. most strains peptonized litmus milk and grew at 42 degrees c. glucose, lactose, maltose, xylose, and fructose were slowly oxidized, whereas sucrose w ...19807229004
salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria.the bacterial origin of waterborne diseases was discovered at the turn of this century. introduction of slow sandfiltration, chlorination, and bacteriological control dates back to the same period. although greater concern is given to-day to chemical pollutants or to viruses, bacteria are still a menace to countries with advanced water treatment. within the last decade outbreaks were reported in europe and the us due to salmonella types, shigella, e. coli, and to vibrio cholerae, generally due t ...19817233156
[utilization and fermentation of 2-ketogluconate by "enterobacteriaceae" (author's transl)].two methods were compared: 1) the ability to use 2-ketogluconate (2-kg) as source of carbon and energy in defined medium, and 2) the ability to produce acid by fermentation of 2-kg (0.5 g/100 ml) in peptone water with phenol red. results of growth on, and acid production from, 2-kg were identical. a total of 990 strains was studied. no strain of escherichia coli, shigella (4 species), salmonella (4 sub-genera), yersinia pestis, y. pseudotuberculosis, edwardsiella (2 species), proteus vulgaris, p ...19817235456
salmonella, arizona, shigella and aeromonas isolated from the snail achatina achatina in nigeria.the salmonella, arizona, shigella and aeromonas contents of 39 snails (achatina achatina) were investigated. serotyping of the salmonella isolates revealed the presence of s. manhattan, s. ndolo, s. reading, s. uppsala, and s. typhimurium. six of 18 shigella isolates were identified as sh. sonnei while all the aeromonas proved to be a. hydrophila. fifty eight percent of these a. hydrophila isolates were enterotoxigenic, and their toxin was shown to be heat labile. all the a. hydrophila strains w ...19807235689
[production of enterotoxins by different enteropathogenic bacteria with the aid of the rabbit ligated ileum test]. 19807235776
aerobic bacterial oral flora of garter snakes: development of normal flora and pathogenic potential for snakes and humans.garter snakes that are used for scientific laboratory studies or kept as exotic pets often become ill and die early in captivity. they may also act as reservoirs of potential human pathogens or transmit infection to man. a total of 126 strains of aerobic and facultative bacteria, most potential human and snake pathogens, were isolated from 82 garter snake oropharyngeal cultures. coagulase-negative staphylococcus species were the most common species isolated. acinetobacter calcoaceticus var. anit ...19817240404
campylobacter enterocolitis.we report four patients with bloody diarrhea and colitis from campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni. two patients had dogs with campylobacter fetus in their stools. all patients responded rapidly and completely to erythromycin therapy. campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni is now a relatively common cause of enterocolitis, more common than salmonella or shigella. when the organism causes short-lived water diarrhea, a definitive diagnosis is not necessary. in a patient with bloody diarrhea and ac ...19817240691
transferable resistance to trimethoprim in shigella. 19817240809
[specificity and properties of shigella dna-methylases]. 19817245875
[effectiveness of certain immunologic methods in the diagnosis of acute bacterial dysentery].the effectiveness of some immunological methods for diagnosing dysentery has been compared. this comparison has indicated that such methods as the determination of the presence of specific sensitization in the patients (by the indirect mast cell degranulation test), the detection of circulating complement-fixing antibodies to shigella (by the complement fixation test) and antigenically reactive lymphocytes (by the lymphocyte agglutination test with the use of the antigen and by the indirect rose ...19817245964
diarrhea due to campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni. a clinical review of 63 cases.campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni was isolated fom the feces of 63 (3.2%) of the 1,953 patients who had stools cultured at the mayo clinic in 1979. in contrast, salmonella and shigella combined were isolated from 31 (1.6%) patients. two patients had double infections with salmonella species and c. fetus subsp jejuni. three patients had no diarrhea at the time of stool culture. one patient, who had chronic lymphocytic leukemia, had both blood and stool cultures positive for c. fetus subsp jej ...19817253703
the occurrence of enteric bacteria on lettuce leaves sold in local markets in penang, malaysia. 19807254003
annual and geographical distribution of shigella serotypes in sabah, malaysia from 1974 to 1978. 19807254007
incidence of campylobacter, salmonella and shigella infections in dogs in an industrial town. 19807257102
[chemical and physico-chemical properties of the dna of newcastle group bacteriophages].dna of h-1, h-5, h-10, h-17, and h-22 phages were studied, their nucleotide composition, their buoyant densities in cesium chloride and cesium sulphate, curves of melting and spectra of circular dichroism were determined 5-oxymethylcytosine in the composition of h-i and h-22 phage dna was shown immunologically to be glucozylated.19817257328
salmonella and shigella surveillance in hungary 1972-1976. i. salmonella surveillance. 19817257876
[determination of shigella and salmonella antigens by the coagglutination reaction in patients with acute intestinal infectious diseases]. 19817268537
[sero- and biovars of levinea malonatica (syn. citrobacter diversus, citrobacter koseri) in clinical material (author's transl)].the biochemical and serological examination of 31 strains of levinea malonatica isolated from faeces, urine, sputum, wound infections and blood showed no correlation of bio- or serovars with the origin of the strains. serological cross-reactions between o-antigens of l. malonatica and certain salmonella, shigella and yersinia enterocolitica serovars were analysed. they are low-titred and seem to be of minor importance. sensitivity testing revealed the resistance of l. malonatica against penicill ...19817269856
[errors in the bacteriologic diagnosis of dysentery and ways of eliminating them].the study of 1023 strains, formerly identified as shigella, has revealed that 67 of these strains belong to escherichia, enterobacter, klebsiella, providencia, pseudomonas, flavobacterium. such errors are due to the insufficient use of biochemical tests in the process of identification. to improve shigella identification, after the evaluation of changes in olkenitsky's medium of trisaccharide agar the tests for urease activity, citrate and acetate assimilation, lysine decarboxylase, mobility at ...19817269916
evaluation of the in vitro activity of nifuroxazide on enteropathogenic microorganisms: determination of bacteriostatic and bactericidal concentrations and disk susceptibility. 19817270001
antibiotic treatment of acute shigellosis: failure of cefamandole compared with trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin.intravenously administered ampicillin (amp), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (tmp-smx) and cefamandole (cef) were evaluated in 30 children with shigellosis: 11 children received amp, 10 tmp-smx, and 9 cef for a maximum of five days. discharge criteria included; afebrile greater than 12 hrs, less than 9 stools/day, absence of seizures, and adequate oral intake. amp or tmp-smx patients required significantly fewer median days to meet discharge criteria than those who received cef. amp and tmp-smx pa ...19817270569
[antimicrobial activity of chlorine-substituted 4-alkyl- and arylphenols].the results of the study on the antimicrobial activity of 12 chlorine-substituted 4-alkyl- and arylphenols against staphylococcus, streptococcus, e. coli, salmonella typhosa, salmonella typhimurium, shigella dysenteriae, proteus, klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, candida, trichophyton gypseum and microsporum lanosum are presented. it was found that introduction of the alkyl substitute to position 4 of orthochlorphenol increased the activity of the substances against the majority of test microbes. the ...19817271258
comparative efficiency of brilliant green, bismuth sulfite, salmonella-shigella, hektoen enteric, and xylose lysine desoxycholate agars for the recovery of salmonella from foods: collaborative study.the relative efficiency of brilliant green (bg), bismuth sulfite (bs), salmonella-shigella (ss), xylose lysine desoxycholate (xld), and hektoen enteric (he) agars for the recovery of salmonella from 5 foods was collaboratively studied in 11 laboratories. the analytical efficiency of various paired combinations of the 5 agars was statistically compared according to 3 parameters: (1) productivity or recovery of salmonella, (2) rate of enumeration of cultures that were false positive for salmonella ...19817275908
the immune response of splenic lymphocytes after cimicifugoside treatment in vitro and pretreatment in vivo.pretreatment of mouse splenocytes with shigella lipopolysaccharide and concanavalin a followed by 50 ng/ml of cimicifugoside resulted in a 69% and 31% inhibition of blastogenesis compared to controls. the plaque forming colony assay using sheep erythrocytes (srbc) showed a decreased number of plaque forming colonies after exposure of the splenic cells to 1 microgram/ml of cimicifugoside. cimicifugoside, 0.1 mg/mouse i.p. suppressed the anti-srbc response in the plaque forming assay. the major in ...19807277179
[shigella and salmonella viability in river water under different temperature conditions]. 19817278716
measurement of hypozincaemia in mice: a sensitive test for detection of pyrogens.1. the effect of bacterial pyrogens on plasma zinc concentration in mice was studied as a method of bioassay for these substances. 2. a dose-related depression of plasma zinc concentrations was observed 4 h after intravenous injection of doses of 0.05-500 ng of purified endotoxins of salmonella abortus equi, shigella dysenteriae and escherichia coli. responses were dose-dependent and reproducible for each endotoxin in five strains of mice. 3. tolerance to endotoxin could be induced in mice by in ...19817285495
seasonality of deaths in matlab, bangladesh.deaths registered between 1972 and 1974 in a population of 260 000 in a rural area of bangladesh were analysed for seasonal patterns. age and cause of death groups were considered. the findings include: (1) the number of neonatal deaths has a peak in october but after adjustment for the seasonal pattern of births, the actual risk of neonatal morality is found to peak 2 months earlier. (2) postneonatal deaths peak in april with above average proportions of deaths in the peak month attributed to d ...19817287288
[role of nonspecific bacterial allergy in dysentery]. 19817289492
[salmonella and shigella isolated from diarrheal states]. 19807291770
[enterobacterial taxonomy: erwinia carotovora and yersinia enterocolitica].the immunotyping of the intracellular protein complex in enterobacteria has allowed to reveal that the intracellular proteins of e. carotovora and y. enterocolitica possess an antigenic profile characteristics of bacteria belonging to the family enterobacteriaceae. e. carotovora are similar to the main group of enterobacteria (escherichia, shigella, salmonella, enterobacter, klebsiella, citrobacter, arizona) in the degree of the antigenic homology of their intracellular protein complex. y. enter ...19817293572
proliferation of enteropathogens in oral rehydration solutions prepared with river water from honduras and surinam.oral rehydration of infants with diarrhoea is an effective therapy that is becoming increasingly available in developing countries. to formulate judicious recommendations for preparation and storage of such solutions, we assessed the capability of recognized bacterial enteropathogens to survive and proliferate in solutions made either with sterile distilled or river water collected in two developing countries. shigella flexneri, an enteropathogen typically transmitted by faecal/oral contact rath ...19817299876
[effect of antibiotics and stimulants on the functional activity of cultured macrophages].kanamycin and ampicillin alone or in combination with leucocytic pyrogen, pyrogenal and prodigiozan were tested in cultures of peritoneal macrophages infected with shigella. the function of the cells was estimated by the phagocytosis indices (with an account of the phases of the shigella absorption and digestion) and activity of the oxidation-reduction (the nbt test) and hydrolytic (acid phosphatase) enzymes. the inhibitory effect of the antibiotics on the functional activity of the cultivated m ...19817305315
comparative evaluation of selective media for isolation of salmonellae/shigellae from faecal samples. 19817309180
effect of proteins on the immunogenicity of enterobacterial common antigen.enterobacterial common antigen isolated by two independent extraction procedures was found to precipitate with a number of basic or hydrophobic proteins. complexes of enterobacterial common antigen with protamine sulfate, with methylated bovine serum albumin or with a fraction of outer membrane proteins of two different shigella wild types proved to be highly immunogenic in rabbits upon intravenous immunization, in contrast to the enterobacterial common antigen preparations by themselves. this e ...19817309231
characteristics of human isolates of unidentified fluorescence pseudomonads capable of growth at 42 degrees c.five strains of an unidentified fluorescent pseudomonas sp. which were capable of growth at 42 degrees c were isolated over a 3-year period and were examined and compared with chosen strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa, p. fluorescens, and p. putida. the strains were examined in a range of biochemical and carbon substrate alkalinization tests. the outstanding properties of the unidentified fluorescent pseudomonas sp. included monopolar arrangement of flagella, gelatin liquefaction, litmus milk pep ...19817309846
[epidemiological and therapeutic considerations on 46 cases of shigellosis in childhood]. 19817312491
Displaying items 6401 - 6500 of 13650