
investigations concerning the immunoprophylactic effect of the antidysentery vaccination by live vaccine vadizen (sh. flexneri t32-istrati) in children. 19846400306
prophylaxis of bacillary dysentery by liver vaccine vadizen (sh. flexneri t32-istrati) in children collectivities in is county. 19846400307
economical evaluation of the dysentery vaccination in b municipality. 19846400308
aspects of the dysentery evolution in the territory surveilled by the sanitary-antiepidemic center of b municipality--laboratory no 2 (administrative district 2 and 3) after the introduction of the dysentery vaccination. 19846400309
reduction of morbidity due to bacillary dysentery by live vaccine vadizen (sh. flexneri t32-istrati) in children collectivities in bh county. 19846400310
improvement of production and control methods of live dysentery vaccine vadizen (shigella flexneri 2a t32-istrati). 19846400311
acute bacterial diarrhoeas due to salmonella, shigella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli in zambia. 19846400676
[yersinia enterocolitica: 1st isolation from meat products in argentina].a search for y. enterocolitica in fresh foods of animal origin has been carried out. isolations were obtained from "chorizos" (thick fresh sausages), "salchichas" (slender fresh sausages), bovine and pig's tongues and caecum (tables 1, 2). enrichments were performed in saline phosphate buffer 0.067 m, ph 7.6 and nutrient broth with 0.5% glucose. caecum and tongue samples were postenriched in 0.5% koh. subcultures were done in salmonella-shigella agar, macconkey agar and eosin-methylene blue agar ...19846400722
[annual distribution of serotypes of salmonella, shigella, and infantile enteropathogenic escherichia coli in the republic of argentina, 1979-1981].we report data of isolation of 3,665 strains of salmonella, 1,855 of shigella and 697 of e. coli infantile enteropathogenic (epi) from different sources: human, animal, food and water, in argentina during the triennium 1979-1981, considering their importance in the chain of transmission of enterobacteria. it appears that s. typhimurium is the most common among all the isolated serotypes of salmonella, following in order of importance, s. oranienburg, s. derby, s. panama, s. agona, s. anatum, s. ...19836400758
[effectiveness of biopreparations from propionibacterium shermanii in preventing dysbacteriosis during treatment of salmonella and shigella infections]. 19846400796
[a possible way of improving colibacterin]. 19846401093
[a comparative analysis of beta-lactamase activity in enterobacteria]. 19846401094
laboratory acquired shigellosis. 19836401469
hospital-associated outbreak of shigella dysenteriae type 2--maryland. 19836405168
recent advances in management of bacterial diarrhea.the number of recognized infectious causes of diarrhea potentially treatable with specific antibiotics has markedly increased within the past ten years. laboratories are developing and expanding their abilities to deal with these new pathogens. neither prophylaxis nor specific treatment of diarrhea in travelers is simple, practical, and safe. although enterotoxigenic escherichia coli is the most important cause of diarrhea in u.s. travelers to tropical areas, campylobacter jejuni causes acute di ...19836405474
[antagonism between virulent shigella and avirulent shigella]. 19836406619
[immunological study of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in enterobacteriaceae; taxonomic value].the antigenic structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of the most representative enterobacteriaceae species were compared with an antiserum to escherichia coli glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. the results of the immunodiffusion experiments were confirmed and specified by micro-complement fixation studies. they demonstrated a total immunological identity between the e. coli enzyme and the enzymes of alcalescens-dispar and the shigella species, a marked relatedness of the sa ...19836408965
interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: measles immunization.the effects of measles immunization on diarrhea morbidity and mortality are reviewed using data from field studies and theoretical calculations. 2 types of measles-associated diarrhea are distinguished: with-measles diarrhea, which starts between 1 week prerash-onset and 4 weeks postrash-onset, and postmeasles diarrhea, which starts 4-26 weeks postrash-onset. the etiology of these measles-associated diarrheas is unknown, but some evidence points towards a frequently severe and dysenteric form ...19836414730
the serological properties of the cell surface proteins of vibrio cholerae.the serological properties of cell surface proteins of vibrio cholerae belonging to both the biotypes (classical and el tor) and the serotypes (ogawa and inaba) were investigated. proteins were isolated by extracting v. cholerae with edta in the presence of sodium chloride. the surface localization of these proteins was confirmed with (a) radioiodinated protein a as an immunoprobe and (b) antiserum absorption studies with whole bacteria. there were similarities among the polypeptides of cell sur ...19836415227
properties of dna rosettes and their relevance to chromosome structure.we have studied the spreading conditions that lead to the formation of rosettes in dna and chromatin preparations from the amphibians bufo marinus and bolitoglossa subpalmata and the bacterium shigella. both nuclear preparations and extensively deproteinized dna produced rosettes. the longest fibers and the most symmetric rosettes were observed in amphibian nuclear spreadings. in this procedure purified nuclei were submitted immediately to kleinschmidt spreading over various types of hypophase. ...19836418477
vero cell toxins in escherichia coli and related bacteria: transfer by phage and conjugation and toxic action in laboratory animals, chickens and pigs.sixty-eight of 519 strains of escherichia coli and six of 10 strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa produced toxins acting on vero cells (vt+); all of 63 salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, enterobacter and proteus strains were vt-. most of the vt+ e. coli strains were from weaned pigs suffering from oedema disease and/or diarrhoea and belonged to serogroups o141:k85,88, o141:k85, o138:k81, and o139:k82; six vt+ e. coli strains were from diarrhoeic human babies, four of serogroup o26 and two of serogro ...19836418852
drug resistance in shigella dysenteriae, s flexneri and s boydii in england and wales: increasing incidence of resistance to trimethoprim.a total of 2753 strains of shigella belonging to subgroups a, b, and c that were isolated from patients in england and wales during the period from 1979 to mid-1983 were studied. of these, 1690 (61%) were from patients recently returned from abroad or in contact with recent travellers, and 760 (45%) of these affected travellers from the indian subcontinent. the number of strains resistant to sulphonamides and streptomycin remained at a high level throughout (average 76% and 72% respectively). re ...19846423079
what do beta-lactamases mean for clinical efficacy?beta-lactamases have proved to be extremely important in influencing therapy with penicillins and cephalosporins against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic species. both plasmid mediated beta-lactamases which are primarily of a constitutive penicillinase type and the inducible chromosomal enzymes which are primarily cephalosporinases are important. the use of penicillins to treat haemophilus, neisseria gonorrhoeae, escherichia coli, klebsiella, salmonella, shigella and pseudom ...19836423546
shigellosis among tourists--union of soviet socialist republics, 1983. 19846423959
shigellosis in day-care centers--washington, 1983. 19846425624
primary amines and chloroquine inhibit cytotoxic responses to shigella toxin and permit late antibody rescue of toxin treated cells.the effect of lysosomotrophic agents and primary amine inhibitors of transglutaminase on shigella toxin activity in hela cells was determined by measuring cytotoxicity and late antibody rescue. all agents tested resulted in significant antibody rescue, but only ammonium chloride, dansylcadaverine, putrescine, bacitracin, serine/borate buffer, and chloroquine were inhibitory in the absence of added antibody. these compounds appear to be acting within the endocytic vacuole and/or inhibiting transl ...19846428408
[bacteriostatic activity of apalcillin on gram-negative bacilli and strict anaerobic bacteria. multicenter study].this work reports a multicenter study of the bacteriostatic activity of apalcillin, a new n-acyl-penicillin, against 1 827 clinical isolates of gram-negative bacilli and obligate anaerobes. the modal minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) for susceptible strains are (mg/l) : salmonella-shigella : 1 ; e. coli : 0.5-2 ; klebsiella : 4 ; citrobacter : 1-2 ; enterobacter : 2 ; serratia : 8 ; proteus-providencia : 1 ; acinetobacter : 1-4 ; p. aeruginosa : 2 ; h. influenzae : 0.06 ; c. perfringens : ...19846429608
[action of various bacterial endotoxins on pleurisy and pulmonary edema induced by thiourea].administration of e. coli lps prior to 3.5 mg/kg dose of thiourea has been reported to protect rats against pulmonary edema and pleural effusion. however, lps of shigella sonnei (either in phase i or ii) did not show any protective effect. these data might suggest a different mechanism of endotoxins on membranes.19836434366
shigellosis--united states, 1983. 19846436661
pseudomonas aeruginosa acid phosphatase and cholinesterase induced by choline and its metabolic derivatives may contain a similar anionic peripheral site.different compounds derived from choline, and obtained by demethylation or by oxidation of the primary alcohol group with subsequent n-demethylation, were tested as inducer agents of acid phosphatase and cholinesterase in ps. aeruginosa. it was found that betaine and dimethylglycine were the most effective inducers of both enzyme activities. these metabolites including choline itself, were not inducers of acid phosphatase and cholinesterase in other gram-negative bacteria such as: escherichia co ...19846436682
[clinical and laboratory studies on acute bacterial diarrhea]. 19846437636
sialic acids of a new type from the lipopolysaccharides of pseudomonas aeruginosa and shigella boydii. 19846437679
[use of prodigiozan for increasing the effectiveness of the antibiotic therapy of dysentery in children]. 19846439109
[unusual serovar of the causative agent of flexner's dysentery. i. its distribution and biochemical properties].the data on the circulation of some s. flexneri strains in the ussr are presented. the antigenic structure of these strains (type antigen 4 and group antigens 7, 8) is not characteristic of known serological subvariants 4a, 4b or var. x. the time course of changes in their spreading on certain base territories controlled by the all-union shigellosis center in 1980-1983 is shown. the biochemical characteristics of s. flexneri strains iv:7,8 under study, isolated in the ussr and abroad (czechoslov ...19846441398
[animal carriers of shigella and their possible epidemiological importance]. 19846441399
[a strain of shigella boydii serovar 18 isolated in japan from a diarrhea patient after a trip to southeast asia]. 19846442723
enhancement of endotoxicity and reactivity with carbocyanine dye by sonication of lipopolysaccharide.the specificity of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, lps) in the carbocyanine dye reaction was investigated, and then a stoichiometric study of the dye-lps interaction was conducted with attention to the relationship of biological activities of lps to the reactivity with the dye. absorption maxima of some bacterial components in the dye reaction were as follows; lps from both escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa and lipid a from e. coli lps, 465 nm; shigella flexneri lps, 460 nm; salmonella ...19846442756
effects of different bacterial endotoxins on the drinking behaviour of the rat.endotoxins of pasteurella multocida, pseudomonas aeruginosa, neisseria gonorrhoeae, and shigella sonnei, when given in a single intravenous injection in the rat, showed antidipsogenic effects on drinking behaviour stimulated by 48 h water deprivation, or by intracerebroventricular injection of carbachol (250 ng). in water deprived rats, the antidipsogenic effect was dose related. when drinking was induced by carbachol, endotoxins showed a very long-lasting inhibition. the effect was neither a co ...19846443096
antidysentery immunoprophylaxis in the light of current data about the pathogenicity of shigella and the antidysentery immunity. 19846443688
development and administration of live shigella vaccines. 19846443689
conservation and variation of nucleotide sequences within related bacterial genomes: enterobacteria.we have assessed the degree of relatedness of several portions of the escherichia coli genome to the corresponding portions of the genomes of representative enteric bacteria, using the southern transfer and hybridization technique (e. southern, j. mol. biol. 98:503-517, 1975). the degree of relatedness varied among the regions examined. judging both by the relative amounts of deoxyribonucleic acid in the various enteric genomes that are highly homologous and by the conservation of positions of r ...19806447143
in vitro antibacterial activity of moxalactam, a new broad-spectrum semisynthetic antibiotic.the antibacterial activity of moxalactam was studied in vitro against 229 clinical isolates of gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic microorganisms using the agar dilution technique. mueller-hinton agar was used as growth medium. the results were compared to those obtained with cefamandole. all isolates of staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pneumoniae were inhibited by moxalactam at a concentration of 8 microgram/ml or less. the concentrations of cefamandole with which the same effect was ...19806447672
synthesis and utilization of siderophores by shigella flexneri.strains of shigella flexneri secrete a hydroxamate-type siderophore when grown in low-iron media. this hydroxamate appears to be identical with aerobactin, a siderophore synthesized by aerobacter aerogenes. in contrast to other enteric bacteria, s. flexneri did not produce detectable phenolate siderophores, although it could utilize an exogenously supplied phenolate.19806447691
[shigella differentiation according to r factor affiliation with incompatibility groups taking into account antibiotic resistance spectra].the study on 198 shigella strains isolated from dysentery patients and cultures from 3 different dysentery foci showed a possibility of intraspecies typing of the causative agents according to the r factor incompatibility groups with regard to the antibiotic resistance spectra. the procedure was most effective in defining the similarity of the strain origin from the epidemiological foci.19806448571
[tendencies in the epidemic process of dysentery in ryazan].in shigellosis caused by sh. sonnei and sh. flexneri the epidemic process was found to have considerable difference in the tendencies and pace of its development. shigellosis which dominated in the etiological structure at the period following 1966 was dysentery caused by sh. sonnei; it showed the tendency towards a decrease in morbidity rate. dysentery caused by sh. flexneri was second in respect to the frequency of its occurrence after 1966 and showed the tendency towards increase. the simulta ...19806449121
[results of 20 years of using nutrient media with antibiotics for the purpose of isolating shigellae]. 19806449806
[use of data on shigella contamination and immunity indices for studying the activity of the epidemic process in dysentery].the comparative study of the monthly distribution of characteristics indicating the levels of contamination with sh. sonnei and sh. flexneri separately, as well as the seasonal dynamics of the corresponding antibodies, in the years with high and low morbidity levels has been made with the use the indirect hemagglutination test. the possibility of using these characteristics for the evaluation of the activity of the epidemic process in dysentery caused by sh. sonnei is shown.19806449816
[nature of the epidemic process in sonne and flexner dysenteries and the causes of its induction].a comparative study of the epidemic process in sh. sonnei and sh. flexneri dysentery in different regions of the ussr revealed that the morbidity level of sh. sonnei dysentery changed simultaneously in the regions under study at intervals of 2-3 years. sh. flexneri dysentery showed morbidity rises occurring at intervals 6-8 years, and their occurrence did not coincide with the periods of elevated morbidity in sh. sonnei dysentery. the data obtained in the cohort analysis and in the study of recu ...19816457474
[spoilage microorganisms encountered in ultra-high temperature processed milk].40 strains of aerobic or facultative anaerobic microorganisms were isolated from a total of 37 spoiled ultra high temperature processed milk. 13 of them were identified as the genus bacillus. they were 6 b. cereus, 5 b. licheniformis, 1 b. brevis and 1 b. pumilus. the other 27 strains were nonsporeforming microorganisms, which included 5 yeasts, 2 pseudomonas sp., 3 streptococcus sp., 12 lactobacillus sp., 1 shigella sp., 1 aeromonas sp. and 3 micrococcus sp. results indicate that the spoilage o ...19846468029
heterogeneity of lipid a previous study, lipid a from shigella flexneri was separated into eight distinct fractions by thin-layer chromatography (tlc). in the present investigation, lipid a from different gram-negative bacteria was analyzed by thin-layer chromatography for its heterogeneity and compared with lipid a of s. flexneri. purified lipid a preparations from six different enterobacterial species were heterogeneous, but based on rf, comparable bands were found among all preparations. changing the culture con ...19846474004
campylobacter enteritis on hopi and navajo indian reservations. clinical and epidemiologic features.from june 22 through september 30, 1981, stool specimens from 522 hopi and navajo outpatients were cultured because of diarrheal illnesses at the keams canyon indian health service hospital, arizona. campylobacter jejuni was isolated from the specimens of 26 (5%) of the patients. this pathogen was found as frequently as shigella in patients younger than 2 years or older than 20 years, but was significantly less common in the 2 to 20-year age group (p<.000001). campylobacter enteritis was indisti ...19846475040
[distribution of enterobacteria in soil following irrigation with waste water].the filtration of wastewater after irrigation by sandy soil in the area of the braunschweig sewage utilization association was investigated. for that purpose, the concentrations of gram-negative aerobe rods were determined in soil samples of 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm, 75 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm, 120 cm, 135 cm, and 150 cm depth immediately after an irrigation of about 50 mm wastewater during the vegetation (3 series), the vegetationless period (6 series), after one week (3 series) and after two weeks ...19846475379
[analysis of the seasonality of acute intestinal diseases with regard to the detection of dysentery by antigen indication].coincidence in the seasonal changes of the registered morbidity in dysentery and in other acute intestinal diseases is observed. the occurrence of shigella antigens, detected with the use of erythrocyte diagnostic reagents, in the excreta of patients with the clinical diagnosis of dysentery and patients with other acute intestinal disease has a seasonal character, its peak coinciding with the period of increased morbidity in bacteriologically confirmed dysentery. the correction of monthly morbid ...19846485666
campylobacter jejuni myocarditis.a case of campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) myocarditis in a young man is described. c. jejuni was isolated from the patient's stools and he developed specific antibodies to this organism. tests for other etiological agents (salmonella, shigella, brucella abortus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus group a, treponema pallidum and coxsackievirus b) proved negative.19846488601
evaluation of the api latex conjugate reagent for serological typing of salmonella and shigella species.the serological types of salmonella and shigella isolates were determined by using the serimm sure latex conjugates (analytab products, plainview, n.y.) and the standard slide agglutination test. the salmonella latex conjugates correctly typed 114 of the 115 salmonella isolates found in serogroups a through f; 50% these isolates were from serogroups b. the shigella latex conjugates correctly typed 87 of the 92 shigella isolates; 87% of these isolates were from serogroups b and d.19846490819
incidence of shigellosis among paediatric diarrhoeal disorders (a bacteriological study). 19846491334
leads from the mmwr. shigellosis--united states, 1983. 19846492360
external quality assessment for clinical microbiological laboratories in norway 1983.the external quality assessment scheme for clinical microbiology (eqa-m) used in norway in 1983 is described and the results are evaluated. altogether three distributions, each consisting of 3--4 simulated clinical specimens, were carried out. all specimens were distributed as "open" tests (identifiable by the participants as eqa-m tests), but two were also simultaneously distributed as "blind" tests (not identifiable by the participants as eqa-m tests). the eqa-m in 1983 has revealed some probl ...19846493581
[daphnia magna straus as consumers of enteropathogenic bacteria].the ability of daphnia magna straus to digest enteropathogenic bacteria, i.e. salmonella, shigella and yersinia was studied in a series of experiments. high antibacterial activity of daphnia magna straus against these enteropathogenic bacteria was demonstrated by bacteriological and radionuclide methods. thus, on the 3d-5th day of experiment a complete water clearance was observed in experimental flasks where daphnia were fed salmonella, shigella and yersinia, while attempts to isolate bacteria ...19846498328
serotype prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of shigella strains isolated in malaysia during 1980 and 1981. 19846501820
shigellosis in ethiopia. i. prevalent shigella serogroups and serotypes. 19846501823
distribution and spread of colonic lesions in shigellosis: a colonoscopic a study of the distribution and severity of colonic lesions in patients with shigellosis, colonoscopy was performed for 33 men with this disease. all 33 patients had inflammatory lesions in the rectosigmoid area; in 18 (55%) the lesions extended to the splenic flexure, in 14 (42%) the disease extended to the distal transverse colon, in nine (27%) the area of involvement included the proximal transverse colon, and in five (15%) pancolitis was evident. in most patients lesions were continuous a ...19846501931
shigellemia. 19846506675
typhoid fever in santiago, chile: a study of household contacts of pediatric patients.we obtained clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory data (including three stool cultures) from 155 (96%) of 161 household contacts of 24 patients less than 16 years old with culture-confirmed typhoid fever; these 24 patients represented approximately 40% of such patients seen in three hospitals in santiago during a 12-week period. a chronic typhoid carrier was identified in only one household, with concurrent or secondary cases seen in two other households. when index cases were matched with h ...19846507731
[seasonal incidence of diarrhea caused by shigella]. 19846523026
[severe digestive complications of aids in a group of patients from zaire].severe digestive complications of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) were observed in 9 patients among a group of 17 patients from zaire treated for aids in belgium between may 1979-april 1983. among the 9 cases, there were 10 ailments of the upper digestive tract, 7 of intestinal disorders, 3 of hepatic disorders, and 2 of pancreatic disorders. the average age of affected patients was 35 years. 4 men averaged 32 years and 5 women averaged 39 years. their average stay in belgium was ...19846524266
shigellosis in ethiopia: ii. patterns of drug resistance in shigella serotypes. 19846530529
detection of aminopeptidases in enterobacteriaceae by three simple chromogenic tests.the action of 907 strains belonging to the various genera and species of the family enterobacteriaceae were assayed on three chromogenic substrates used for the detection of aminopeptidases. the observed patterns of reactions may be useful for the biochemical identification of some serovars and biovars, particularly in the genus shigella.19846532282
[etiology of bacillary dysentery in the southern autonomous region of guizhou province in 1981]. 19846532529
transmissible antibiotic resistance among shigella species. 19846532949
shigellosis: incidence of convulsions and resistance to hundred and ninety-three children with bacillary dysentery were admitted to the "assaf harofeh hospital" during the years 1975-1980. generalized convulsions were observed in 37 (19.2%) children. the incidence of seizures was significantly higher in children whose age ranged between 1 and 6 years when compared to those below or above this age range. convulsions were not observed when fever was below 38 degrees c, however, higher fever was not associated with a parallel increase in their incid ...19846543835
wheat germ agglutinin potentiates uptake of bacteria by murine peritoneal macrophages.exposure of thioglycollate-elicited murine peritoneal macrophages to wheat germ agglutinin (wga) increased markedly the uptake of six different bacteria, which have surface receptors for the lectin. uptake of staphylococcus aureus h was higher by 3-5-fold, of s. aureus 52a2 by 1.8-fold, of s. aureus 52a5 by 1.7-fold, of s. albus by 2.3-fold, of shigella flexneri by 6-fold and of micrococcus luteus by 6.5-fold. klebsiella pneumoniae, devoid of receptors for wga, was not phagocytosed following pre ...19846547690
hla-b27-negative arthritis related to campylobacter jejuni enteritis in three children and two adults.five out of 37 patients with proven campylobacter jejuni enteritis developed arthritis. two adult patients presented with classical reiter's syndrome. one of the three children had reactive arthritis, and clinical suspicion of septic arthritis could not be confirmed in two. the acute synovitis subsided usually without treatment in all patients within 3-7 days, while arthralgia persisted longer in 4 patients. hla-b27 was not present in the 5 patients with arthritis, but was found in 4 others. in ...19836605028
in vitro antibacterial activity and beta-lactamase stability of e-0702, a new cephalosporin.the in vitro activity of e-0702 was compared with the in vitro activity of cefotaxime, ceftazidime, moxalactam, and aztreonam against 600 gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic isolates. e-0702 had a minimal inhibitory concentration for 50% of isolates (mic50) of 25 micrograms for staphylococcus aureus, 50 micrograms for staphylococcus epidermidis, and 1.6 to 3.1 micrograms for streptococci, with streptococcus faecalis resistant. e-0702 had mic50s against escherichia coli, klebsie ...19836605718
[national survey on reactive arthritis by the french society of rheumatology].in 1982, 3370 cases of inflammatory rheumatism were declared. the geographical analysis of the distribution of these cases (departmental and regional) suggests that their distribution is not homogeneous throughout the country, with a predominance of psoriatic arthritis in the midi and the pyrenees and a predominance of rheumatic pelvispondylitis in aquitaine. based on the number of cases declared, we can calculate the distribution of each type of inflammatory rheumatism by age and by sex and the ...19836607498
[the reactive arthritis syndrome. rheumatological limits].the term reactive arthritis (ra) refers to an inflammatory joint disease in the absence of bacteria in the joint, but which is caused by a distant extra-articular infection. they occur as a result of a variety of infections, which are essentially genital or gastro-intestinal in subjects with a particular genetic predisposition characterized by the presence of the hla-b27 antigen or one of the creg group of antigens (b7 - b27 - bw22 - bw42). the most complete clinical expression of reactive arthr ...19836607499
[reactive arthritis caused by non-yersinia intestinal infections].aseptic arthritis can occur following intestinal infections due to shigella, salmonella, campylobacter jejuni and clostridium difficile. these rheumatisms are rare, only occurring in about 1 p. cent of cases, generally in patients with the hla-b27 antigen. whatever the causative organism, the arthritis has features in common with all reactive arthrites. they generally have a favourable course.19836607501
campylobacter enteritis. a 3-year experience.campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 135 infants and children seen at the oklahoma children's memorial hospital over a 3-year period. the comparative frequency of isolation of c. jejuni, salmonella, and shigella were 1.5 percent, 2.2 percent, and 3.1 percent, respectively. campylobacter enteritis was most prevalent during the warm months from may to october, peaking in july. seventy percent of the afflicted children were 2 years old or younger; only 13 percent were older than 5 years. there we ...19846609793
convulsions in shigellosis. evaluation of possible risk factors.we studied 158 children with culture-proven shigellosis, 37 (23.4%) of whom had convulsions. historical, clinical, and laboratory data were compared between patients with and without convulsions to define risk factors for the development of seizures. age was the most important predisposing factor. the highest incidence of shigellosis associated with convulsions was found in children between 6 months and 4 years of age. peak body temperature and a family history of convulsions also independently ...19836613944
infectious colitis endoscopically simulating inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective evaluation.this prospective evaluation of patients presenting with mucoid bloody diarrhea and suspected idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease demonstrated a 38% incidence of infectious colitides. the infectious agents detected were campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, amoeba, and clostridium difficile. an increased awareness and the utilization of selective culture media should allow the clinician to definitively diagnose patients who present with signs and symptoms suggestive of idiopathic inflammatory bo ...19836618115
faecal leucocytes in patients with infectious diarrhoea.the value of faecal leucocyte examination was assessed in 376 hospital in-patients with acute diarrhoea. comparison was made with 50 controls. all faecal samples were examined for bacteria, viruses and parasites. 91% of diarrhoeal cases caused by shigella had faecal leucocytes. similar findings were obtained from cases infected by campylobacter or salmonella. in contrast, those diarrhoeal cases due to viruses, parasites or bacterial toxins were not associated with faecal leucocytes. the test is ...19836623587
acute diarrhoea associated with rotavirus among children living in belém, brazil.between january 1979 and december 1980, rotaviruses were detected in faecal samples from 122 (33.1%) of 369 diarrhoeic children less than six years old, living in belém, brazil. in 55 (45.1%) of the 122 rotavirus-positive specimens, no bacteria or parasite associated with gastro-enteritis was found. salmonella typhimurium, shigella and escherichia coli were found in 92 (35%) of the 263 faecal specimens examined for bacterial pathogens. rotaviruses were readily detected throughout the year, which ...19836623597
[fatty acid composition of the lipopolysaccharides of bacteria in the genera escherichia, shigella and salmonella as a taxonomic trait].the comparative study of the fatty acid composition of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (lps) in the genera escherichia, shigella, salmonella has been carried out under identical experimental conditions. the lps of the bacteria under study have been found to contain a number of saturated fatty acids and oxyacids which could not be previously detected in these bacteria in other studies. in all bacterial strains under study lps include mainly 3-oxytetradecanoic, tetradecanoic and dodecanoic fatty aci ...19836624310
conjugal transferability of multiple resistance in shigella strains.shigella strains isolated in japan between 1971 and 1979 were surveyed for drug resistance and distribution of r plasmids. of 2,510 strains, 89.3% were resistant to either one or various combinations of four drugs, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and sulfanilamide. about 66% of the shigella isolates were quadruply resistant. the frequency of isolation of r plasmids from quadruply resistant shigella strains was the highest when compared with other strains resistant to various combina ...19836633298
isolation and characterization of campylobacter jejuni from acute diarrhoeal cases in calcutta.during a seven-month survey, campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 9.6% of the 116 acute diarrhoeal cases admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, calcutta. in six of the 11 cases, c. jejuni occurred together with v. cholerae biotype el tor (ogawa) while in one case it was found in association with shigella sonnei. no age or sex specific incidence was observed. a distinct clinical profile in cases suffering from campylobacter enteritis was not discernible. biochemically all strains isolate ...19836636274
campylobacter jejuni enteritis in honolulu, hawaii.the incidence of campylobacter jejuni in patients with acute diarrhoea was studied in honolulu, hawaii. c. jejuni was recovered from 8.7% of diarrhoeal stools, compared to isolation rates of 4.2% for salmonella and 3.8% for shigella. c. jejuni occurred mainly in the summer and autumn, and in all age and racial groups. there was a significantly higher incidence of abdominal pain, fever history, bloody stools and faecal leucocytes in patients with campylobacter enteritis.19836636278
enteric fever in patients admitted to a diarrhoeal disease hospital in bangladesh.the hospital records of 62 patients with blood culture-proven enteric fever admitted to the dacca hospital of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, over a one-year period were reviewed. older children and young adults had the highest age-specific rates of disease. the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory features of patients with enteric fever were compared with similar information from patients in hospital for cholera and shigellosis. patients with enteric fe ...19836636284
symptomatic and asymptomatic rotavirus infections in hospitalized children.during one year, 871 infants and children admitted to a dutch paediatric ward were examined weekly for rotavirus. rotavirus was detected in the stools of 64/129 (49.6%) children with diarrhoea and in 283/742 (38.1%) controls. the incidence of asymptomatic rotavirus excretors increased from 14.5% in infants 0 to 6 months of age to 65.8% in children of 6 years and over, a feature not yet reported. possible explanations may be the methodology used, the age groups studied, the local hospital (and co ...19836637464
transmission dynamics of enteric bacteria in day-care centers.the role of fomites in the transmission of diarrhea in day-care centers was evaluated. during a nine-month period (december 1980-august 1981), inanimate objects and hands of children and staff in five houston day-care centers were cultured monthly and again during outbreaks of diarrhea. air was sampled from the classrooms and bathrooms using a single-stage sieve sampler. when a diarrhea outbreak occurred, stool specimens were collected from ill and well children and from staff in the affected ro ...19836637983
[preparation of a live shigella vaccine using t32 strain (roumania) in a form of popsicle and observation of its prophylactic efficacy]. 19836640637
antibody-dependent cell-mediated antibacterial activity of intestinal lymphocytes with secretory iga.secretory antibodies of the iga class (siga) are thought to have an important role in the defence against bacteria at mucosal surfaces--the level at which the infectious agents first come into contact with the host. however, the mechanism by which siga exert their antibacterial activity is still a matter of debate. after the recent discovery of receptors for the fc portion of iga (rfc alpha) on lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes of human, rabbit, guinea pig and mouse origin, it has been hyp ...19836646200
comparative in vitro activities of ten antimicrobial agents against bacterial enteropathogens.the in vitro susceptibilities of 50 strains of salmonella spp., 80 strains of shigella spp., and 50 enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, 14 yersinia enterocolitica, 6 aeromonas hydrophila, 4 plesiomonas shigelloides, 9 vibrio parahaemolyticus, and 30 campylobacter jejuni strains that were recently isolated from worldwide sources were determined for 10 antimicrobial agents. the antimicrobial agents tested included ampicillin, bicozamycin, doxycycline, enoxacin (ci-919), erythromycin, furazolidone, a ...19836651278
results of bacteriophage treatment of suppurative bacterial infections. ii. detailed evaluation of the results.the results of treatment with specific bacteriophages of 184 nosologic units diagnosed in 138 cases as septic bacterial infections, presented in the first part of this report, were submitted to detailed analysis. the results obtained revealed that phage therapy may be successfully applied in the treatment of septic infections induced by staphylococcus, klebsiella, escherichia, proteus and pseudomonas as well as of the digestive system infections induced by shigella and salmonella. they also wide ...19836651485
cytopathic effects of shigellae on vero & hela cells. 19836654406
survival rate of salmonella and shigella in fermented milk products with and without added human gastric juice: an in vitro study.the survival rates of salmonella agona, salmonella java, salmonella typhimurium and shigella sonnei in milk and fermented milk products were investigated with and without the addition of human gastric juice during a 7 to 10 hour test period. it was found that yoghurt inhibited the growth of salmonella and shigella very effectively even when the yoghurt had been heated to 100 degrees c for 15 minutes, whereas milk and the other fermented milk products showed a lower ability to inhibit the growth ...19836657980
bacteria, parasitic agents and rotaviruses associated with acute diarrhoea in hospital in-patient indonesian children.faeces from children (aged from one month to 12 years) with acute diarrhoea admitted to hospital in yogyakarta, indonesia, from june 1978 to june 1979, were examined for the presence of enteric pathogens. one or more recognized enteropathogens were identified in 56% of children. rotaviruses were identified in 38% of all children. toxigenic coliforms (predominantly escherichia coli) were isolated from 12% of children. salmonella sp. (6%), shigella sp. (4%) and enteropathogenic parasites (predomin ...19836659051
[intestinal bacteria incriminated in reactive arthritis].amongst the numerous microbial species which constitute the intestinal flora, three bacteria belonging to the family of enterobacteria have been incriminated in cases of reactive arthritis: the salmonellae, the shigellae and the klebsiellae. these bacteria are easy to isolate and identify, but they are difficult to classify because of the multiplicity of serotypes and species. the participation of these bacteria in reactive arthritis is far from being clear: their isolation does not always have ...19836665498
whole-gut transit time and its relationship to absorption of macronutrients during diarrhoea and after recovery.whole gut transit time (tt) was measured in 68 children aged up to 5 years (29 cholera, 17 rotavirus, 13 enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, and 9 shigella) during acute stages of diarrhoea and 2 weeks after recovery. absorption of calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates contained in a normal bangladeshi diet was studied for 72 h after the first appearance of a charcoal marker in the stool, both during acute diarrhoea and 2 weeks after recovery. mean tt varied from 5.5 to 7.3 h during the acute ...19836669929
studies on the role of shigella-like bacilli in the etiology of the diarrheic disease. 19836673694
significance of yersinia enterocolitica isolates and antibody titers. a prospective study in patients with enteritis and healthy controls under bacteriological, serological, epidemiological and clinical aspects.a simple and fast isolation procedure in combination with the search for salmonella and shigella spp. has been applied for the screening of yersinia enterocolitica from the faeces. the microorganisms was isolated from 31 out of 4052 patients with gastrointestinal symptoms (0.8%) and from one out of 2295 healthy individuals (0.04%). 42% of the isolates were detected from infants up to the age of 3 years. y. enterocolitica was excreted on the average at least 22 days after the clinical onset (n = ...19836675345
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