
the isolation of bovid herpesvirus 2 from cattle in zambia. 1977204098
alteration of mortality and pathogenesis of three experimental herpesvirus hominis infections of mice with adenine arabinoside 5'-monophosphate, adenine arabinoside, and phosphonoacetic acid.the therapeutic effectiveness of adenine arabinoside 5'-monophosphate (ara-amp), adenine arabinoside (ara-a), and phosphonoacetic acid (paa) was compared in three experimental herpesvirus hominis type 2 infections of mice. in animals inoculated with h. hominis by the intracerebral or intraperitoneal route, both ara-amp and ara-a were highly effective in reducing mortality even when treatment was begun 48 to 96 h after viral inoculation. ara-amp was the most effective in both models in that treat ...1978204250
herpes simplex retinitis.fatal encephalitis with accompanying retinitis developed in a previously healthy 18-month-old infant. clinically the disease appeared as whitish-yellow punctate lesions, perivascular cuffing, and hemorrhage. the antibody titer to herpes simplex rose from 1:8 on the day of admission to 1:256 on the day of death. postmortem, intranuclear inclusion bodies that were typical of those found with herpesvirus were seen in the brain and retina. viral particles consistent with those of herpesvirus were fo ...1978204273
an in vivo and in vitro study of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken leukocytes.infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus, an avian herpesvirus, caused an infection in chickens that was followed by leukopenia due to a decrease in the number of circulating lymphocytes. viral synthesis in leukocytes in cell cultures was evident by specific and progressive viral antigens in the nuclei of infected leukocytes as shown by fluorescent-antibody technique and by the formation of multinucleated giant cells, typical of the herpesviruses. in addition, viral multiplication was observed i ...1977204276
dual virus maturation of both pathogenic and apathogenic marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) in the feather follicles of dually infected chickens.infectious cell-free viruses of both pathogenic and apathogenic marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) were detected in feather-tip extracts of chickens dually infected with both mdhv isolants either by inoculation or by contact exposure. this indicated concurrent viral maturation of both pathogenic and apathogenic mdhv isolants in the feather-follicle epithelium, resulting in possible double shedding of the two isolants.1977204277
neutrophils are mediators of antiviral immunity.the paper presents evidence that polymorphonuclear neutrophils upon stimulation with herpesvirus-induced antigens release a material inhibitory to virus infection. the material does not appear to be identical to type i or ii interferon.1978204508
contrasting characteristics of marek's disease herpesvirus isolated from chickens with and without avian leukosis virus infection.marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) isolated from chickens free of naturally occurring avian leukosis virus (alv) infection produced characteristic foci in both chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) and chicken kidney cell (ckc) cultures. mdhv-a, which was extracted from the feather follicle epithelium of chickens naturally infected with alv, did not induce cytologic changes in cef cultures, but did cause focus formation in ck cultures. alv was detected in mdhv-a, but not in mdhv preparations. mdhv-a ( ...1978204600
involvement of microtubules in cytopathic effects of animal viruses: early proteins of adenovirus and herpesvirus inhibit formation of microtubular paracrystals in hela-s3 order to examine the involvement of microtubules in the virus-induced cytopathic effect (c.p.e.), the effect of virus infection on the formation of microtubular paracrystals (pc) induced by 10 microgram/ml of vinblastine sulphate in hela-s3 cells was examined by phase-contrast microscopy. in poliovirus-infected cells, c.p.e. (cell rounding) and the inhibition of pc formation proceeded in parallel, starting 4 h post-infection. in sendai virus-infected cells, however, pc formation was not inhib ...1978204735
studies of an outbreak of acute hepatitis a: ii. antibody changes to cytomegalovirus and herpersvirus.the acute and convalescent sera from 14 schoolchildren with acute hepatitis a were tested for antibody changes to 70 viral antigens. marked decreases were noted in the levels of antibody to cytomegalovirus in 5 of the 14 children and in the levels of antibody to herpesvirus type 1 in 3. no such changes were noted in 9 sex- and age-matched healthy control children from the same classes.1977204739
toxoplasmosis, distemper, and herpesvirus infection in a skunk (mephitis mephitis).a striped skunk (mephitis mephitis) showing abnormal behavior had histopathologic lesions of toxoplasmosis and canine distemper in addition to intranuclear, eosinophilic inclusions in the reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen, liver and lung. the inclusions, on electron microscopic examination, were compatible with herpesvirus infection.1978204802
persisting oncogenic herpesvirus induced by the tumour promotor tpa. 1978204874
the fate of parental herpesvirus dna after infection with normal and photoinactivated virions.the fate of the 3h-dt-labelled parental dna of normal and photoinactivated herpes simplex virus type 1 (kos strain) was followed for 8 h after infection. the sedimentation coefficients of parental virus dna from cells infected with normal virons increased and became associated with the replicative intermediates of hsv-1 dna. when cultured in 5-bromodeoxyuridine-containing medium, the buoyant density of the normal parental virus dna shifted to the hybrid region (containing heavy and light molecul ...1978205628
solubilization and characterization of herpesvirus saimiri-induced membrane antigens.treatment of herpesvirus saimiri (hvs)-infected owl monkey cells by limited papain digestion removed the hvs-induced membrane antigen (ma) as determined by membrane immunofluorescence and antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity (adlc). soluble antigenically active hvsma was detected by inhibition of adlc and by the decreased binding of 125i-labeled staphylococcus protein a to hvs-infected cells after absorption of an anti-ma-positive serum with papain extracts. approximately 38% of the inhibi ...1978205674
acute pharyngotonsillitis caused by herpesvirus type 2. 1978205688
susceptibility of marmosets to epstein-barr virus-like baboon herpesviruses.epstein-barr virus (ebv)-like herpeviruses, strains of herpesvirus papio (hvp), have recently been isolated from lymphomatous (hvp-l) and from normal baboons (hvp-n). both hvp isolates infect some species of marmosets, hvp-l inoculated adult animals develop a mild to severe and sometimes fatal lymphoproliferative disease whereas newborn marmosets of the same species do not develop a measureable disease after inoculation with hvp-l. hvp-n infects adult marmosets but does not cause disease.1978205854
spontaneous infectious diseases of marmosets.the various species of marmosets are susceptible to a wide variety of infectious agents of which only a few have been fully characterized. little is known concerning spontaneous disease in their natural habitat, and often deaths in the laboratory go unexplained. in captivity, herpesvirus-t infection appears to be the most important viral infection, but serious disease may also follow infection with measles virus (rubeola) and an unidentified paramyxovirus. bacterial diseases are multiple, but ra ...1978205855
transfer factor and its protective effect against herpesvirus infections of marmosets.using skin test response and lymphocyte blastogenesis as indicators of cell-mediated immunity, we have been able to demonstrate in vivo transfer of cell-mediated immunity to marmosets both with dialyzable transfer factor (tfd) prepared from a human donor and transfer factor (tf) from baboon whole cell lysates. we were able to protect marmosets with tfd from fatal herpesvirus hominis type 1 (hvh-1) disease. when tfd was administered prior to challenge with hvh-1, 50% of the marmosets survived. of ...1978205856
epidemiological approaches to determining whether herpesvirus is the etiological agent of cervical cancer. 1978205907
inactivation of clinical isolates of herpesvirus hominis, types 1 and 2, by chemical contraceptives.two chemical contraceptives were examined for virucidal effects against four strains each of herpesvirus hominis, type 2 and 1. seven of the strains represented recent clinical isolates; one strain was a type 2 prototype. either psermicide reduced the infectivities ofall eight viruses after contact for 10 minutes at room or body temperature. the new spermicide-germicide, compound a, produced an antiviral effect at the low concentration of 0.05%, whereas the commercially available preceptin was e ...1978205958
regulation of herpesvirus macromolecular synthesis. vii. inhibition of internal methylation of mrna late in infection. 1978205998
[mechanism of specific vaccine therapy in ocular herpes simplex].the mechanism of specific vaccine therapy in herpetic eye disease was studied. the effectiveness of the therapy in the observation period of 3 to 8 years was established. in 71 (62%) of 114 patients relapses of the disease disappeared completely, in 32 (26%) became less frequent and in 11 (10%) their frequency did not change. the clinical course of relapses in all cases became milder. the vaccination courses given were shown not to influence the level of virusneutralizing antibody but to induce ...1978206026
inhibition of herpesvirus replication and herpesvirus-induced deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase by phosphonoformate.phosphonoformate was found to be an inhibitor of the deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase induced by the herpesvirus of turkeys. the apparent inhibition constants were 1 to 3 mum. phosphonoformate was also able to block the replication in cell culture of marek's disease herpesvirus, the herpesvirus of turkeys, and herpes simplex virus. it was as effective as phosphonoacetate. phosphonoformate was not an effective inhibitor of a phosphonoacetate-resistant mutant of the herpesvirus of turkeys nor of i ...1978206200
an improved method for extracting cell-free herpesviruses of marek's disease and turkeys from infected cell cultures.sonic extraction of cell-free marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) and turkey herpesvirus (hvt) from infected cell cultures was improved by incorporating sorbitol in the suspending media. yields of cell-free virus of virulent mdhv were significantly increased with 10% sorbitol added to spga-edta buffer. avirulent strains of mdhv and hvt were respectively readily extracted with spga-edta and spga as the suspending medium, and extraction of their cell-free viruses was moderately improved by adding s ...1978206250
effect of treatment with exogenous interferon, polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid, or polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid-poly-l-lysine complex on herpesvirus hominis infections in mice.the effect of treatment with exogenous interferon was compared with those of two interferon inducers, polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid [poly(i) . poly(c)] and poly(i) . poly(c)-poly-l-lysine complex [poly(iclc)], in three model herpesvirus hominis type 2 infections of mice. after intraperitoneal inoculation of h. hominis type 2, all drugs significantly protected animals against death and increased the mean day of death when administered as late as 48 hr after viral inoculation. with intra ...1978206632
viral inclusions in raccoon liver cells.three young raccoons (procyon lotor), two from michigan and one from arizona, died suddenly from acute infections. intranuclear inclusion bodies and viral particles typical of herpesvirus were seen in liver cells from all three. inclusions also were seen in the nuclei of endothelial cells in the lung, liver, glomeruli and reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen. the source of the infection was not determined, but possible transmission from other species could not be ruled out.1978206734
[mixed herpesvirus and bacterial sensitization in uveitis]. 1978207000
[electron microscopy studies on the multiplication of herpesvirus-equi-1 in brain cells of hamsters]. 1978207056
isolation of equine herpesvirus type 2 from foals, showing respiratory symptoms. 1978207057
expression of herpesvirus in adherent cells derived from bone marrow of latently infected guinea pigs.the role of bone marrow adherent cells in the latency of guinea pig herpes-like virus (gphlv) was explored. cultures of macrophage-enriched adherent cells derived from infected guinea pigs were examined for evidence of latent gphlv infection. expression of the virus was detected in these cultures 9 to 10 days after in vitro cultivation. increasing virus infectivity titers as well as light and electron microscopic evidence of virion assembly in macrophages and fibroblasts were demonstrated. infec ...1978207189
perinatal foal mortality associated with a herpesvirus. 1977207253
preliminary studies on the diffusion of bovid herpesvirus 2 in experimentally infected calves.this preliminary study on the diffusion of the bovid herpesvirus 2 (bhv2) in calves inoculated intravenously, allowed to identify the target organs of the virus. in particular, in the first phase of the infection, i.e. post infection day (pid) 2, the virus resulted extensively widespread in the body of the calf, whereas in a subsequent phase, pid6, the virus was recovered only from the skin, the lymph nodes and the nervous system. finally virus was not recovered in any of the tissues obtained fr ...1977207630
measurement of neutralizing antibody to equid herpesvirus 1 by single radial hemolysis.antibody to equid herpesvirus 1, which mediates single radial hemolysis, is that responsible for neutralization. hemagglutination inhibition antibody is not necessarily involved in neutralization or hemolysis.1978207720
flow microfluorometric analysis of herpesvirus infected bhk-21 and balb/3t3 cell cultures.the interaction of herpes simplex type 1 with two eukaryotic cell lines (bhk-21 and balb/3t3) was investigated by flow microfluorometric analysis after cell staining with mithramycin. uninfected, lytically infected and persistently infected cell populations were examined. viral replication within an infected cell population could be detected via fmf analysis. the low levels of viral replication occurring within persistently infected cell populations were also detectable. a marked degree of corre ...1978207772
susceptibility of human embryonic kidneys in organ culture to herpesvirus hominis.101 pairs of human embryonic kidneys of 5-12 weeks' gestation were maintained in whole organ culture by our previously described technique, with herpesvirus hominis types1 and 2 added to our regular media. one kidney of each pair served as a control and was exposed to identical culture medium without virus. cultures were maintained for 24-120 h to study the time sequence of viral infectivity. organs were then examined for the presence of virus by electron microscopy and histochemical staining. h ...1978208015
relation of herpesvirus hominis type ii to carcinoma of the cervix. an animal model for the induction of long-term latency of herpesvirus hominis type ii.proof of latency of herpesvirus hominis type ii (hvh-ii) following acute vaginocervical infection must be validated if it is to be considered an etiologic factor in carcinoma of the cervix. an animal model is presented which demonstrates acute hvh-ii vaginocervical infection. following the primary acute infection, animals maintained for an equivalent of 60 human years display persistance of the herpesvirus in the pelvic sensory ganglia. evidence of the specificity of hvh-ii as the infectious age ...1978208035
direct evidence for 6-fold symmetry of the herpesvirus hexon capsomere.rotational power spectrum analysis of scanning transmission electron micrographs of negatively stained herpesvirus capsids has given direct evidence for the 6-fold symmetry of the herpesvirus hexon capsomere. individual hexons have been analyzed in situ without interference from other parts of the capsid because only one level of the capsid was in focus in the micrograph. this study found hexons to have 6-fold symmetry. the majority of the mass of each hexon subunit was seen to lie on a line con ...1978208076
antibody to bovid herpesvirus 2 in the sera from cattle in the netherlands. 1978208225
distribution of bovid herpesvirus 2 in calves inoculated intravenously.the behavior of bovid herpesvirus 2 in the skin, lymph nodes, and nervous system of calves injected intravenously with the virus was studied. after a latent phase that lasted up to 40 hours after inoculation, the virus produced a systemic infection which was characterized by primary localization of virus in the skin, lymph nodes, and nervous system. between postinoculation days 7 and 12, the infection tended to persist in the skin only. the finding of intranuclear inclusions in the pyramidal cel ...1978208435
pathogenesis of marek's disease in chickens with maternal antibody.histopathological lesions were studied in chickens with maternal antibody against md virus at 14-day intervals after their exposure by contact to hprs-16 of md virus in the first-day of life. the first lesions occured 14 days after infection in the liver, kidney, heart, brain and the sciatic nerves. relatively, the most expressive changes were observed between 56th and 70th day after infection. lesions were characterized as light to heavy infiltrations formed by immature and mature pleomorphic m ...1978208481
syncytium formation caused by human cytomegalovirus in human embryonic lung fibroblasts.large syncytia were regularly produced after prolonged infection in vitro of human embryonic fibroblasts by ad169 and other strains of human cmv. the syncytia showed typical cmv intranuclear inclusion bodies and herpesvirus particles in the nuclei and cytoplasm. it is proposed that syncytium formation follows abortive infection of the fibroblasts with defective virus.1978208487
experimental infection of callithrix jacchus marmosets with herpesvirus ateles, herpesvirus saimiri, and epstein barr virus.we inoculated common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) with herpesvirus ateles (hva), herpesvirus saimiri (hvs), and epstein-barr virus (ebv). hva-induced tumors contained several cell types, including giant cells reminiscent of the sternberg-reed cells observed in human hodgkin's disease. hvs and ebv did not induce tumors, although hvs was present in lymphocytes and elicited a strong antibody response. ebv elicited only a variable antibody response. we feel that more common marmosets should be use ...1978208678
response of the respiratory tract of calves kept at controlled climatic conditions to bovine herpesvirus 1 in experiments with four calves each were conducted in which the calves spent at least four days of adaptation in an environmental chamber and then were subjected to climatic stress in the form of a number of constant ambient temperature and humidity combinations. on the second day of climatic stress the calves were individually exposed to measured numbers of infectious units of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv1, virus of infectious bovine rhinotrachetis) in aerosol. the calves were killed seven or ...1978208734
the protective antigens of equine herpesvirus type 1.equine herpesvirus type 1 was cultivated in swine testis cell cultures and partially purified by differential centrifugation and centrifugation in a linear sucrose density gradient. the viral envelope was separated from the nucleocapsid by treatment with rexol 25j followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation. the envelope and nucleocapsid preparations were then electrophoresed in polyacrylamide gel after solubilization with sodium dodecyl sulphate. hamsters were immunized with various preparation ...1978208736
cytologic examination and viral and bacterial culture in herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and varicella.cytologic examination of epithelial cells from the base of vesicles, virus isolation, and bacterial culture were carried out in thirty-one patients with herpes simplex, in eleven patients with herpes zoster, and in three patients with varicella. determination of herpes simplex complement fixation reaction was made in the patients with herpes simplex. cytologic manifestations consistent with herpes were found 65 percent of patients with herpes simplex, while herpesvirus hominis was isolated in 77 ...1978208820
stimulation of chicken spleen cell mitogenic response with turkey herpesvirus vaccine against marek's disease. 1978208875
small-plaque variant of canine herpesvirus with reduced pathogenicity for newborn pups.the plaque characteristics of 13 field isolates of canine herpesvirus were found to be similar. after 312 passages of the f-205 strain in dog kidney cell cultures incubated at 35 degrees c, the virus still was virulent for newborn pups; it also had the macroplaque morphology of the wild-type virus. however, after 20 additional passages at 30 degrees c, a microplaque (mp) variant had emerged as the predominant type. cloned mp virus retained the small-plaque characteristic after 66 transfers at 30 ...1978208969
in vitro establishment of marek's disease herpesvirus-transformed productive and nonproductive lymphoblastoid cell lines.the establishment of two marek's disease herpesvirus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (jmv-1 and jm-1) is reported. cocultivation with chicken embryo fibroblasts, attempts to rescue marek's disease virus from kidney cell cultures, and immunofluorescent staining show that jmv-1 is a nonproductive line and jm-1 is a productive line.1978208974
further characterization of a herpesvirus-positive orang-utan cell line and comparative aspects of in vitro transformation with lymphotropic old world primate orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) suspension line, cp81, was shown to lack myeloid markers of lysozyme activity an d phagocytosis but to be positive for lymphocytic n-alkaline phosphatase activity, and to release a b-cell-tropic herpesvirus. this herpesvirus, termed herpesvirus pongo, had 30--40% dna homology with ebv and was present at 2-3 genome copies per cp-81 cell. gibbon lymphocytes transformed by h. pongo, epstein-barr virus (ebv), and h. papio (of baboon, papio hamadryas, origin) were found ...1978208990
association of cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection with cervical cancer: isolation of cmv from cell cultures derived from cervical biopsy.cytomegalovirus (cmv) was isolated from cell cultures derived from 2 of 10 cervical cancer biopsies from patients in an advanced stage of the disease. five serial passages were necessary before extensive cytopathic changes characteristic of cmv infection appeared. all patients tested had complement-fixing antibodies to both isolates in higher titers than to the prototype ad169 strain. 6 of 8 patients tested also had herpesvirus type 2 antibodies.1978208996
naturally occurring canine herpesvirus infection in japan. 1978209235
the effect of herpesvirus infection and 2-deoxy-d-glucose on glycosphingolipids in bhk-21 cells. 1978209617
recurrent genital herpes among women: symptomatic v. asymptomatic viral investigate whether asymptomatic shedding of herpes simplex virus occurs in women with recurrent genital herpes, six women with documented disease were followed up twice weekly with viral cultures and pelvic examination. during the study period of 1330 patient days and 452 patient visits, 26 episodes of genital herpesvirus infection were recorded. twenty-three (88%) episodes were accompanied by signs and symptoms. three (14%) of the culture-positive recurrences were asymptomatic. in one episo ...1978209847
effect of maternal antibody on viraemic and antibody responses to cell-associated and cell-free turkey herpesvirus in chickens. 1978209848
antigen-inducing ability of herpesvirus papio in human and baboon lymphoma lines, compared to epstein-barr virus.herpesvirus papio(hvp)-carrying baboon lymphoblastoid lines do not express a nuclear antigen like the epstein-barr virus(ebv)-determined nuclear antigen (ebna), as judged by in situ anticomplement fluorescence staining, although the carry multiple viral genomes and, in the case of producerlines, early antigen (ea) and viral capsid antigen (vca) that cross-react with the corresponding human ebv-determined antigens. to test whether the lack of in situ nuclear antigen expression is a property innat ...1978210135
herpesvirus morphology: visualization of a structural subunit.the presence of spontaneously disrupted cytomegalovirus capsids has made it possible to visualize a subunit within the herpesvirus capsomere. the pattern resolved agreed well with the theoretical net based on the concept of a structural subunit at each apex of the hexon.1978210144
trisodium phosphonoformate, a new antiviral compound.trisodium phosphonoformate selectively inhibits cell-free dna polymerase activity induced by herpesvirus. the new inhibitor has an antiviral effect on herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, pseudorables virus, and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in cell culture. it has a good therapeutic activity against cutaneous herpes simplex virus infection in guinea pigs.1978210500
clinical manifestations of infections with herpesviruses after kidney transplantation: a prospective study of various syndromes.herpesviruses infections occur commonly following kidney transplantation and immunosuppression, and contribute substantially to morbidity in the transplant recipient. in this prospective study, stomatitis, mononucleosis, hepatitis, or interstitial pneumonia occurred in 24 of 30 patients (80%) as a result of reactivation of latent herpesvirus infections, but the majority of these syndromes were self-limited and the infections were often asymptomatic. rejection occurred significantly more frequent ...1978210727
perinatal foal mortality associated with a outbreak of perinatal foal mortality associated with a herpesvirus is described. twenty two foals either were still-born, or died soon after birth, or were weak and soon developed severe respiratory signs, or were normal at birth and developed respiratory symptoms 18 to 24 hours later. elevated temperatures, heart and respiratory rates were constant features. the animals were severely leucopaenic, and showed an absolute neutropaenia. at autopsy the lungs were enlarged, and showed varying degr ...1978210751
equine abortion associated with herpesvirus. 1978210753
pneumonia in calves produced with aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 and pasteurella each of 11 experiments, four calves were exposed first to an aerosol of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv1, virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) and second to an aerosol of pasteurella haemolytica. the interval between aerosols was three to five days. in two other experiments, calves were exposed only to a bacterial aerosol. climate was controlled for all experiments from the day of viral exposure and for eight of the experiments it was also controlled for four to six days before the first aer ...1978210912
proctitis associated with herpesvirus hominis type 2 infection. 1978210921
suppression and enhancement of mitogen response in chickens infected with marek's disease virus and the herpesvirus of turkeys.the kinetics of phytohemagglutinin (pha) response of peripheral blood lymphocytes from chickens infected with oncogenic marek's disease (md) virus (mdv) or nononcogenic herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) was studied with a whole blood microassay. at about 7 days after inoculation, a depression in pha response was observed in mdv-inoculated resistant line n or susceptible line 7(2) chickens and in hvt-inoculated line 7(2) chickens. all chickens initially regained their pha responsiveness. susceptible c ...1978211085
demonstration of marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen in chickens infected with nononcogenic marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys.the presence of marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) was demonstrated on spleen cells from p-line chickens inoculated 5--6 days earlier with herpesvirus of turkeys and sb-1 (a nononcogenic marek's disease virus). antisera against matsa expressed on five marek's disease lymphoblastoid cell lines were able to recognize the matsa present on sb-1-infected spleen cells. no viral membrane antigens and only a low incidence of viral internal antigens could be demonstrated.1978211242
herpesvirus infection modifies adenovirus rna metabolism in adenovirus type 5-transformed cells.the effect of herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection of mrna metabolism was examined in a system where the fate of specific rna sequence can be assayed. adenovirus type 5-transformed rat embryo cell line 107 synthesizes adenovirus-specific rna (ad-rna), which functions in the cytoplasm as mrna. we have utilized ad-rna as a model for mrna metabolism, and in a preliminiary study we characterized ad-rna in the nucleus and cytoplasm by hybridization to filter-bound adenovirus dna. the results indicate ...1978211246
anatomy of bovine mammillitis dna ii. size and arrangements of the deoxynucleotide sequences.we previously reported that bovine mammillitis virus (bmv) dna consists of two covalently linked components designated l and s and estimated to be 71.5 x 10(6) and 15.7 x 10(6) in molecular weight, respectively; the components invert relative to each other, giving rise to four equimolar populations differing soley in the relative orientation of the two components. we now report that (i) bmv dna has a contour length corresponding to a molecular weight of 89 x 10(6). (ii) component l consists of a ...1978211253
[occurrence of canine herpesvirus infections in switzerland]. 1978211582
dna viruses in urine after renal transplantation.approximately 2 500 specimens from 96 renal transplant recipients were examined for virus particles. electron microscopy of negatively stained preparations showed that only 3 virus groups were present, namely polyomavirus, adenovirus and herpesvirus. no rna viruses or oncogenic rna viruses (retraviridae) were detected. over a 5-year period polyomavirus was excreted by 37,5% of patients. both herpesvirus and adenovirus were excreted by approximately 11% of the patients. although trace quantities ...1978211648
skin hypersensitivity to equid herpesvirus type 1 in horses. 1978211756
duration of vaccinal immunity against marek's disease.specific vaccinal immunity against marek's disease (md) virus was measured by a short-term challenge test in which chickens vaccinated with turkey herpesvirus (hvt) and control chickens at various ages up to 40 weeks were inoculated with virulent md virus and evaluated 2 weeks later for microscopic lesions and md viremia. vaccinal immunity induced by high (2,900 pfu) and low (29 pfu) doses of hvt persisted without detectable reduction through the 40th week in line 151 chickens, thus indicating t ...1978211999
identification of a herpesvirus isolated from cytomegalovirus-transformed human cells.human cells transformed by cytomegalovirus and transplanted to athymic nude mice yielded a cytopathic virus, hershey medical center virus, following prolonged in vitro passage of the tumor cells. the virus is a double-enveloped herpesvirus, is sensitive to ether, and is inhibited by iododeoxyuridine. no significant antigenic relationship to herpes simplex virus was detected using herpes simplex virus-immune sera in neutralization and immunofluorescence tests, but indirect immunofluorescence test ...1978212591
biochemical transformation of deoxythymidine kinase-deficient mouse cells with uv-irradiated equine herpesvirus type 1.a line of 3t3 mouse cells lacking deoxythymidine kinase (dtk-) was stably transformed to the dtk+ phenotype after exposure to uv-irradiated equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1). biochemical transformants were isolated in a system selective for the dtk+ phenotype (eagle minimal essential medium containing 10(-4) m hypoxanthine, 6 x 10(-7) m aminopterin, and 2 x 10(-5) m deoxythymidine). transformation was accompanied by the acquisition of a dtk activity with immunological, electrophoretic, and bioch ...1978212607
isolation of a herpesvirus-specific dna polymerase from tissues of an american patient with burkitt lymphoma.a dna polymerase (dna nucleotidyltransferase) has been partially purified from a neck mass of an american patient with burkitt lymphoma and separated from the cellular dna polymerases. the molecular weight of the enzyme was approximately 90,000. the enzyme differs from the cellular dna polymerases, but resembles herpes-virus-induced dna polymerase in its primer template preference, high monovalent cation requirement for activity, and sensitivity to phosphonoacetate. enzyme activity was inhibited ...1978212756
activation of endogenous type c virus in balb/c mouse cells by herpesvirus dna.several virion and nonvirion dnas were tested for the ability to activate endogenous type c virus in balb/c-derived mouse cells using the calcium precipitation technique. the dnas from all herpesviruses tested activated xenotropic type c virus synthesis. these included dnas from herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, epstein-barr virus, human cytomegalovirus, sa8 virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, pseudorabies virus, and herpes saimiri virus (m-dna). in contrast, dnas from vaccinia vir ...1978212761
effect of ribavirin on type 2 herpesvirus hominis (hvh/2) in vitro and in vivo.ribavirin was found to inhibit five strains of hvh/2 tested in kb cells with the m1c range being 10-100 microgram/ml. in a mouse tail animal model, it effectively reduced hvh/2-induced lesions particularly at the peak lesion periods. ribavirin was remarkably effective when intravaginal treatment was initiated late in the infection, which suggests that it may have potential for treatment of human cutaneous infections.1977212976
antiviral potential of phosphonoacetic acid.phosphonoacetate has been found to inhibit specifically the replication of herpes-viruses. a partial inhibition of vaccinia virus represents the only activity outside the herpesvirus class. the drug was found to be a specific inhibitor of the virus-induced dna polymerases. normal cellular polymerases were relatively insensitive to phosphonoacetate, resulting in low cellular toxicity. our working hypothesis is that the drug binds to the enzyme and that initiation of polynucleotide synthesis occur ...1977212978
inhibition of herpesvirus dna synthesis by 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine in cellular and cell-free systems.9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine 5'-triphosphate (ara-atp) is an inhibitor both of dna polymerase-alpha and -beta from noninfected rabbit kidney cells and of the dna-dependent dna polymerase induced by herpes simplex virus type 1 (strain ies). the studies were performed with partially purified enzymes, and each of the different polymerase preparations contained only one dna-dependent dna polymerase species. these enzymes were inhibited in a competitive manner. the hsv-induced dna-dependent dna p ...1977212980
the effect of cyclic nucleotides on virus infection.the yield of influenza virus from infected primary chick kidney cells (pckc) was enhanced by treatment with dcamp. in addition, rapid serial passages of the virus in treated chick cells at low multiplicities did also exhibit maintenance of high virus titers. the action of dcamp upon viral replication could be reproduced in the chick cells by treatment with various agents known to increase intracellular camp levels by differing mechanisms. furthermore, an adrenergic component in the activation of ...1977212982
effect of a novel adenosine deaminase inhibitor (co-vidarabine, co-v) upon the antiviral activity in vitro and in vivo of vidarabine (vira-atm) for dna virus replication.a new potent inhibitor of adenosine deaminase (co-vidarabine) was used in combination studies with adenine arabinoside (vidarabine, vira-atm) to protect this purine nucleoside from enzymatic deamination to the more weakly active metabolite, hypoxanthine arabinoside. comparing the combination to vidarabine alone, a significant increase (10-fold) of the antiviral activity of the combined drugs was observed against herpes and vaccinia viruses in tissue culture and subcutaneously, against cranial he ...1977212990
phosphonoacetic acid in the treatment of simian varicella.phosphonoacetic acid inhibited replication of simian varicella virus (delta herpesvirus) in tissue culture. the drug was tested in patas monkeys 40 h after infection with delta herpesvirus. a total of 200 mg/kg per day was given intramuscularly, divided into two doses every day for a total of 10 days. the treated monkeys were protected from clinical illness, and delta herpesvirus was not recovered from their lymphocytes. complement-fixing and neutralizing antibody titers were significantly lower ...1978213014
therapeutic effect of trisodium phosphonoformate on cutaneous herpesvirus infection in guinea pigs.when applied topically, trisodium phosphonoformate (pfa) displayed activity against established cutaneous herpesvirus infections in guinea pigs similar to that exhibited by the closely related phosphonoacetic acid (paa); however, unlike paa, pfa was not locally skin irritating. the therapeutic benefits of topical application of pfa were clearly evident when application was delayed for 48 h after virus inoculation, at which time lesions were well developed. the therapeutic effect was dependent on ...1978213015
widespread occurrence in australian marsupials of neutralizing antibodies to a herpesvirus from a parma wallaby.serum neutralizing antibodies to a parma wallaby herpesvirus (pwhv) have been detected in a wide range of marsupials from different locations across australia, including several islands. a study of 242 animals (mostly macropods) sampled in the wild showed that 23% had antibodies; a significantly higher frequency (41%) of 116 animals in captivity had antibodies, which were generally at higher levels than those of animals in the wild. antibodies to pwhv were also detected among parma wallabies fro ...1978213046
genital herpesvirus infection in women attending a venereal diseases clinic.routine cervical viral cultures (and cultures from lesions if present) were performed on 2630 female patients attending a venereal diseases clinic over a period of four years. of these patients 96 (3.7%) had genital herpetic infection; of these 23 (24%) were asymptomatic. the association of herpesvirus with other genital infections is considered, but no increase in the incidence of neisseria gonorrhoeae, trichomonas vaginalis, and genital warts was found; there was an increased incidence of cand ...1978213162
augmentation of the in vitro mitogenic response of owl monkey peripheral blood lymphocytes by levamisole and loss of this effect with the development of herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoma.levamisole (lms) has been shown to be capable of enhancing the proliferative response of normal owl monkey peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) to pha, and, to a lesser degree, of increasing the level of spontaneous dna synthesis. with the development of herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoma, these stimulatory responses were lost. lms was not capable of stimulating tumour cells to normal functions, or of reversing the disease-induced suppressed functions on normal cells.1978213219
serological reactivities of human and baboon sera against ebna and herpesvirus papio-determined nuclear antigen (hupna). 1978213288
development of cell-mediated immunity to marek's disease tumor cells in chickens inoculated with marek's disease vaccines.chickens inoculated with herpesvirus of turkeys or with apathogenic or attenuated vaccine strains of marek's disease virus (mdv) developed a t-cell-mediated immune response to marek's disease (md) tumor cells. this immune response was detected in a 4-hour 51cr-release assay in which effector cells obtained from spleens of vaccinated chickens were reacted with 51cr-labeled target cells of an md lymphoblastoid cell line (msb-1). the cytotoxic effector cells generated by the vaccine viruses had cha ...1978213610
rapid diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in infants by electron microscopy.electron microscopy was applied to the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in infants; we used the pseudoreplica method, which permits detection of herpesvirus particles within 15 to 30 minutes. viruses were most readily detectable in urines with infectivity titers greater than or equal to 10(4) per milliliter (95 per cent correlation with the tissue-culture method). virus particles were detected in 18 of 20 urines obtained from symptomatic or asymptomatic, congenitally or postnatally acquire ...1978213712
decreased antiviral effect of phosphonoacetic acid on the poikilothermic herpesvirus of channel catfish disease. 1978213781
intranasal tumor of the ethmoid olfactory mucosa in sheep.intranasal tumors (papillary adenomas or adenocarcinomas) of the ethmoid olfactory mucosa of sheep were investigated by light and electron microscopy. the fine structure of the tumor cells was characterized by the presence of numerous secretory granules. viral particles, which were morphologically similar to a visna-maedi virus, were detected in all tumor tissues and in 3 of 4 cultures examined. the particles (about 97 nm) had an eccentrically located electron-dense core and numerous spikes on t ...1978213993
enhanced plating efficiency of herpesvirus dna on herpes simplex virus type 1 dna-transformed cells.partial resistance of hamster cells transformed by sheared herpes simplex virus (hsv) dna to superinfection by intact hsv could be overcome by transfection with viral dna's. hsv dna plated more efficiently on hsv type 1 dna-transformed hamster cells than on spontaneously transformed hamster or rabbit cells or on hamster cells transformed by other dna viruses.1979214606
herpesvirus. 1978214731
[antiviral activity of phenolic polymers against type 1 herpesvirus hominis]. 1978214800
induction of deoxythymidine kinase activity in several mammalian cell lines after infection with six different strains of equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1). 1978214953
[demonstration of bovine herpesvirus 1 (ibr/ipv) in cattle with gastrointestinal diseases]. 1978215117
biological properties of equine herpesvirus type 1 dna: transfectivity and transforming capacity.dna extracted from purified virions of equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1) was examined for its transfectivity and transforming ability. the infectivity of the herpesvirus dna was demonstrated by addition of calcium phosphate-dna coprecipitates to monolayers of permissive horse cells, with resultant plaque formation. the efficiency of transfection (50 to 100 plaque-forming units/microgram of dna) was reduced by treatment of the viral dna with deoxyribonuclease or sonication but not with pronase o ...1978215545
varicella-zoster virus immunizes patas monkeys against simian varicella-like define further the antigenic relationship between human varicella-zoster virus and herpesviruses which produce varicella-like disease in certain simian species, patas monkeys were inoculated with varicella-zoster virus and then challenged with delta herpesvirus, which uniformly produces severe, clinically apparent disease in susceptible animals. protection against delta herpesvirus was conferred both by hyperimmunization with varicella-zoster virus and by a single immunization with a cell-fre ...1979215708
treatment of genital herpes simplex virus infection with photodynamic inactivation.a double-blind randomized study to evaluate the effect of proflavine in the treatment of genital herpesvirus infection was conducted. one hundred fifty-seven women were studied, of whom 75 were treated with proflavine (treated women) and 82 were treated with placebo (control group). there were 62 women with primary disease and 95 with recurrent infection. under the conditions by which this study was conducted, there was no apparent difference in the time of healing of lesions, development of rec ...1978216264
[incidence and prevalence of antibodies to measles, herpesvirus infections, mumps and rubella in the cerebrospinal fluid and serum of subjects with abiotrophic-degenerative type diseases of the central nervous system]. 1978216379
[incidence and prevalence of antibodies to measles, herpesvirus infections, mumps and rubella in the cerebrospinal fluid and serum of subjects with demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system]. 1978216380
case report: an outbreak of herpesvirus myeloencephalitis in vaccinated the foaling season of 1977, five vaccinated horses in a standardbred breeding stable were affected with herpesvirus myeloencephalitis. respiratory and abortigenic forms also occurred in other individuals on the premises. equine herpesvirus type 1 was isolated from the brain of one case of myeloencephalitis and from lungs of two aborted fetuses. twelve of 16 horses demonstrated fourfold or greater increases in titres to equine herpesvirus type 1.1979216473
antibody responses to herpesvirus papio antigens in baboons with epstein-barr virus-related herpesvirus, termed herpesvirus papio (hvp), was isolated from baboons (papio hamadryas) at the institute of experimental pathology and therapy, sukhumi, ussr, where there is a continuing outbreak of lymphoma. in the present study sera from diseased baboons and from age- and sex-matched control animals were examined for antibodies to hvp antigens. results showed that animals with lymphoid disease had antibodies to hvp virus capsid, early, soluble, and nuclear antige ...1979216640
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