
falcon herpesvirus, the etiologic agent of inclusion body disease of falcons.a viral agent has been isolated from five fatal cases of naturally occurring inclusion body disease in three different falcon species, namely, the prairie falcon (falco mexicanus), the red-headed falcon (f. chiquera), and the peregrine falcon (f. peregrinus). the virus has been shown to possess the physical, chemical, and biological properties of a herpesvirus and has been used to reproduce inclusion body disease in the prairie falcon, merlin (f. columbarius), and american kestrel (f. sparverius ...19734352453
oncogenic marek's disease herpesvirus in avian encephalitis (temporary paralysis). 19734355225
public health implications of marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeyes. studies on human and subhuman primates. 19734355599
protection of chickens against marek's disease virus jm-v strain with statolon and exogenous interferon. 19734358305
a comparative study of marek's disease virus proteins. 19734360181
biological and biochemical evidence for an interaction between marek's disease herpesvirus and avian leukosis virus in vivo.the dna-containing epstein-barr herpesvirus has been implicated in the etiology of burkitt's lymphoma, a malignant tumor of children in africa. recently, however, particles possessing four biochemical characteristics of rna tumor viruses have also been identified in these tumors. the fact that both types of viruses are found suggests that an interaction between them may be playing a role in the etiology of burkitt's lymphoma. to explore this possibility with a defined animal model, experiments w ...19734361680
properties of the common antigen associated with marek's disease herpesvirus and turkey herpesvirus infections. 19744363692
replication of marek's disease virus in cell cultures derived from genetically resistant chickens.various parameters of replication of marek's disease virus (mdv) were studied in cells derived from genetically resistant (line 6) and susceptible (line 7) chickens. cell-free and cell-associated preparations of three strains of pathogenic mdv (jm, ga, and id-1) replicated equally well in cells of resistant and susceptible chickens. there were no demonstrable differences between the two genetic sources of cells for the chronological appearance and type of cytopathic effects and for the type of v ...19744364506
responses of isolator-derived and conventional chickens to marek's disease herpesvirus and avian leukosis virus. 19744364733
marek's disease virus and the herpesvirus of turkeys. 19744371178
eb virus in relation to tumours. 19724376155
oncogenic herpesvirus infections of animals. 19724376157
processing marek's disease vaccine. 19744376435
immunological surveillance against neoplasia. 19734376812
[morphogenesis of marek's disease virus and turkey herpes virus]. 19744377357
[marek's disease virus and turkey herpes virus]. 19744377364
[evaluation of membrane antigen seen in marek's disease virus-infected cells in the arginine-deficient medium]. 19744377365
a transplantable lymphoma induced with marek's disease virus. 19744411786
initial lesions in chickens infected with jm strain of marek's disease virus. 19744420956
[isolation of marek's disease virus ("concours-1" strain) and the results of its inoculation into chicks]. 19744439829
marek's disease herpesvirus-induced dna polymerase.infection of duck embryo fibroblasts by marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv), strain ga, led to the induction of a novel dna polymerase. this novel dna polymerase, designated mdhv-induced dna polymerase, could be distinguished from the dna polymerase activities of uninfected duck embryo fibroblasts by its chromatographic behavior on phosphocellulose, by its sedimentation coefficient, and by its catalytic properties. the characteristics of mdhv-induced dna polymerase which had been purified by phos ...19744473569
deoxyribonucleic acid of marek's disease virus in a lymphoblastoid cell line from marek's disease tumours. 19744474358
membrane antigens in arginine-deprived cultues infected with marek's disease herpesvirus. 19734519604
ultrastructure of tumor cells in marek's disease virus-infected chickens. 19734543201
effects of passive antibody on early pathogenesis of marek's disease.the effects of passive marek's disease virus (mdv) antibody were characterized in three experiments in which 1- or 2-day-old pdrc chickens were inoculated with cell-associated mdv. antibody acquired naturally from the dam, or injected prior to, or at the time of, virus inoculation, failed to prevent infection, but the incidence and severity of the acute necrotizing disease were reduced. also, the number of tissues with viral antigen (fluorescent antibody test) and the amount of antigen in positi ...19724569917
immunoferritin studies of marek's disease virus directed intracellular and membrane antigens. 19734577580
cell surface antigen and viral antigen of marek's disease virus in lymphoid cells of the spleen from chickens inoculated with virulent strains. 19734580979
pathogenesis of marek's disease in old chickens: lesion regression as the basis for age-related resistance.chickens of various age levels, free from prior infection, were simultaneously exposed to marek's disease virus, and the response of each age group was recorded. four- and 20-week-old chickens of lines 15x7 and cm (commercial source) had substantial resistance to mortality and gross lesions. in contrast, in line 7, which was tested at 1-day, 2-, 4-, 8-, 12- and 16-week age levels, 4-week-old chickens were fully susceptible to clinical marek's disease (md), although resistance was demonstrated at ...19734584047
studies on intracellular and membrane antigens induced by marek's disease virus. 19734586541
susceptibility of guinea pig cell cultures to infection with cell-bound and cell-free marek's disease virus (jm strain). 19734588034
deoxyribonucleic acid of marek's disease virus in virus-induced tumors.dna was extracted from [(3)h]thymidine-labeled marek's disease virus (mdv) and purified by two cycles of cscl gradient centrifugation in a fixed-angle rotor. the dna was transcribed in vitro into (32)p-labeled complementary rna (crna). mdv crna did not hybridize with dna from chicken embryo fibroblast cultures or from chicken spleen, but hybridized efficiently with dna from mdv particles or mdv-infected cell cultures. five marek's disease tumors from different chickens and different organs (ovar ...19734591050
transient infectivity and heterokaryon formation in hamster cell cultures inoculated with cell-associated stocks of marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys. 19744612166
[isolation and passaging of marek's disease virus in cell cultures]. 19744614587
decrease of antibody response to mycoplasma synoviae in chickens infected with marek's disease herpesvirus. 19724627550
isolation and characterization of an isolate (hn) of marek's disease virus with low pathogenicity.a cytopathic agent was isolated and characterized as an isolate of marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) with low pathogenicity, and referred to as the hn isolate. this isolate of mdhv did not cause clinical marek's disease (md) or death in a highly susceptible line of chickens within 5 weeks after exposure. gross lesions of limited extent were noted in a few of the inoculated birds. microscopic nerve lesions in the inoculated and contact-infected birds were invariably minimal, closely resembling c ...19724627960
genetic resistance to marek's disease. delineation of the response of genetically resistant chickens to marek's disease virus infection. 19724628020
delayed hypersensitivity reactions in marek's disease virus-infected chickens. 19724628212
[survival of marek's disease virus in the dust]. 19724629681
[presence and survival of the marek's disease virus in dust]. 19724631027
[antigens of marek's disease virus and herpes virus in turkeys]. 19734631130
purification and properties of the 'a' antigen associated with marek's disease virus infections. 19734633174
course of infection in tissues of susceptible chickens after exposure to strains of marek's disease virus and turkey herpesvirus. 19724650200
growth characteristics of a herpesvirus of turkeys.the herpesvirus of turkeys remains associated with cells attached to the culture vessel throughout its growth cycle. the level of infectious centers is essentially constant between 24 and 48 hr when the culture medium is unchanged. thereafter, the number of infectious centers decreases. the cessation of virus synthesis is not due to insufficient numbers of uninfected cells or interferon production. herpesvirus of turkeys does not replicate at 22 c and is similar to other herpesviruses in its sen ...19724675446
cell-free preprations of marek's disease virus from poultry dust. 19734700398
survival and disinfection of marek's disease virus and the effectiveness of filters in preventing airborne dissemination. 19734709778
dual infection of chickens with acute and mild strains of marek's disease herpesvirus. 19734712809
plaque assay of turkey herpesvirus and attenuated marek's disease virus. 19734722361
autoradiography of the tissues of chicks infected with marek's disease virus using 3h-thymidine. 19734729801
inhibitory effect of mycostatin on the plaque formation by marek's disease herpesvirus. 19734747044
vaccination against marek's disease with australian strains of turkey herpesviruses and an attenuated marek's disease herpesvirus. 19734748338
differences between two lines of chickens in the response to acute and mild strains of marek's disease virus. 19734748342
the influence of maternal effects on the response of fast and slow growing chickens to a marek's disease virus. 19734754048
neutralization studies with marek's disease virus and turkey herpesvirus.use of marek's disease virus (mdv) in a neutralization test presents several problems, which are described, making this potentially useful test difficult. to obviate these difficulties, a plaque reduction test has been designed based on cross-neutralization of turkey herpesvirus (hvt) by serum-neutralizing mdv. the technique for such a neutralization test is outlined. kinetics of development of neutralizing antibodies in chickens inoculated with hvt and mdv are described. the neutralization test ...19734767297
[a study of the properties of the kekava strain of marek's disease virus in experiments on chickens]. 19734789250
released and extracted virions of marek's disease virus. 19734797375
high-virulence marek's disease virus infection in chickens previously infected with low-virulence virus. 19744831444
the in vitro and in vivo effect of chemotherapeutic agents on the marek's disease herpesvirus of chickens. 19744854877
biogenesis of marek's disease (type ii leukosis) virus in vitro: electron microscopy and immunological study.the kinetic events involved in marek's disease herpesvirus infection of avian cell culture were investigated by assaying viral infectivity and antigenicity as well as by electron microscopy during the infectious cycle. the levels of viral infectivity and complement-fixing (cf) antigens revealed that the rates of appearance of infectious particles and cf antigens were not synchronous. viral specific cf antigen could be detected 5 h after infection, whereas viral infectivity or the appearance of v ...19744856684
dna configuration in the core of marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus dna appears to be wound around a central structure connecting the two inner poles of the capsid. based on electron micrographs of marek's disease virions, a diagram of spatial configuration of virus dna is presented. this diagram may explain the pleomorphic character of the herpesvirus core observed with the electron microscope.19744856840
ultrastructure of lymphoid tissue from chicks infected with marek's disease virus. 19744857027
combined fluorescent-antibody and electron microscopy study of marek's disease virus-infected cell embryo fibroblast (def) and chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) cultures infected with marek's disease virus were studied by combined fluorescent antibody and electron microscopy techniques. in both def and cef cultures, cells containing immunofluorescent (if) antigen also contained herpesvirus particles; conversely, cells lacking this antigen lacked herpesvirus particles. two morphologically distinct if antigens were detected in the cytoplasm. (i) a granular antigen in the perinuclear region w ...19704909910
detection of marek's disease herpesvirus antigen by fluorescent and coating antibody. 19704987720
pathogenetic and serologic studies of type 1 and type 2 plaque-producing agents derived rom cal-1 strain of marek's disease virus. 19714993528
efficiency of commercial air filters against marek's disease a series of 10 replicate trials with susceptible chickens as indicators of the presence of virus in the air, filter b(1) (dri pak, american air filter co.), which has a dust spot rating of 93 to 97%, and filter c (astrocel), with a dioctyl phathalate aerosol rating of over 99%, completely removed marek's disease virus (mdv) from highly contaminated air. however, air passed through filter b(2) (duracel), with a dust spot rating of 34 to 45%, remained infectious. thus, an air filter with a dust ...19725021970
viral interference of types 1 and 2 plaque-producing agents derived from cal-1 strain of marek's disease herpesvirus and turkey herpesvirus. 19725030950
isolation of an anaerobic mycoplasma from avian cell cultures and some of its effects on marek's disease virus. 19725038652
induction of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and the oncogenicity of marek's disease virus.leukocytes recovered from birds inoculated with an oncogenic strain of marek's disease virus synthesized deoxyribonucleic acid in vitro at a rate 7.9 times that of leukocytes from normal birds or birds inoculated with the nononcogenic herpesvirus of turkeys. a close relationship was observed between the level of in vitro deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and in vivo tumor formation.19725073927
isolation of marek's disease virus in lebanon. 19725078480
in vitro cell association of marek's disease herpesvirus. 19715101852
isolation and identification of marek's disease herpesvirus by yolk-sac inoculation method. 19715102179
evaluation of the chicken immune response to marek's disease herpesvirus. 19715155564
site of replication of marek's disease virus. 19705538356
evaluation of dna homology of marek's disease virus, herpesvirus of turkeys and epstein-barr virus under varied stringent hybridization conditions.marek's disease virus (mdv) showed only 0.3-0.6% homology in dna sequence with herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) at tm-24.4 degrees c in spite of its antigenic similarity to the latter. southern blot hybridization under stringent conditions showed that the homology between mdv and hvt is located in the restricted portion of these viral genomes. at tm-49.6 degrees c, which permits the detection of homology with one base mismatch in three between the mdv and hvt dnas, sequences with weak homology were ...19846086596
characterization of transplantable subline mdcc-msb1-clo. 18 derived from mdcc-msb1. 19846090745
effect of infectious bursal disease virus on protection against marek's disease by turkey herpesvirus vaccine.chickens inoculated at hatch with pathogenic infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) and the turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccine were poorly protected against challenge at 1 week with virulent marek's disease virus (mdv). however, if vaccination with hvt preceded ibdv inoculation such as by embryonal vaccination with hvt and exposure to ibdv at hatch, or by vaccination at hatch and ibdv exposure 5 days or longer postvaccination, then the vaccinal efficacy of hvt was not influenced. further, the inhi ...19846091603
processing of glycoprotein gb related to neutralization of marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys.the glycoprotein gb related to neutralization of marek's disease virus (mdv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) is composed of several glycosylated polypeptides, which were immunoprecipitated with monoclonal antibodies and rabbit antiserum cross-reactive to mdv-gb and hvt-gb, and analyzed by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the present pulse-chase experiments showed that the precursor forms of mdv- and hvt-gb were glycoproteins with molecular weights of 110k to 115k (gp115/110) and 115k (gp ...19846094991
studies on vaccination of chicks with hvt against marek's disease. 19846096443
cell-specific antiviral activity of 1-(2-fluoro-2-deoxy-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl)-5-iodocytosine (fiac) against marek's disease herpesvirus and turkey herpesvirus.three new fluoroarabinosylpyrimidine nucleosides (fiac, fiau and fmau) were tested for in vitro activity against oncogenic and nononcogenic strains of marek's disease virus (mdv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt). marek's disease is a herpesvirus-induced lymphoma in chickens. nononcogenic strains of mdv and hvt can protect against this disease. all viruses were inhibited by 1 microm of these drugs in chick kidney cell (ckc) cultures, but only fmau and fiau were active in chicken embryo fibroblast ...19846097179
[postvaccination viremia in breeding flocks of layers and broilers after vaccination against marek's disease of fowl].the immunity state after vaccination against marek's disease (md) was studied in three multiplier flocks of laying fowl (mfl), five multiplier flocks of broiler fowl (mfb), and one commercial layer flock (clf). the occurrence and average titres of post-vaccination viraemia in the selected sets of chickens from these flocks, examined at the age of three or twenty weeks, were used as the immunity criterion. the development of post-vaccination viraemia, following the administration of the marvak va ...19846098065
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to marek's disease virus.a reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using marek's disease virus (mdv)-infected cells for the detection of antibodies to mdv is described. the optimum number of mdv-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts (cef) was 5 x 10(4)/well, and test sera were positive at 1:400 dilutions. compared with a purified virus preparation, mdv-infected cef produced high specific and low nonspecific reactivities. wells coated with whole cells could be stored at 4 c or -20 c for at least 3 months wit ...19846098254
antigen requirements and specificity of a microplate enzyme-lined immunosorbent assay (elisa) for marek's disease viral antibodies in chicken, mouse and rabbit sera.a rapid indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies against marek's disease virus in mouse, chicken and rabbit-sera has been established. optimal sensitivity was obtained by using 10 micrograms/ml of partially purified viral proteins. various experimental procedures performed to eliminate nonspecific reactions are described. best results were obtained by the introduction of np 40 at a concentration of 0.1% in sera. with mouse sera, the pretreatment of plaques with ...19846099079
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of serum antibodies to marek's disease virus in vaccinated chickens. 19826127941
[obtaining a specific antigen for the comparative testing of immunological methods in the diagnosis of marek's disease].comparative studies were carried out on the diagnostic possibilities of immunological methods--precipitation in agar gel, immunofluorescence and indirect hemagglutination, as well as isolation of the virus through primary cellular cultures for the diagnosis of marek's disease. for the purpose were obtained 9 series of specific antigens. the comparative studies were carried out on fowl and blood serums from different poultry yards, as well as from spf chickens, experimentally infected with hprs-1 ...19806163249
monoclonal antibodies with specificity for three different serotypes of marek's disease viruses in chickens.a total of 50 antibody-secreting hybridoma cells against marek's disease virus (mdv) and turkey herpesvirus (hvt) have been produced. eleven hybridomas were used for serotyping a panel of 15 pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of mdv and hvt, representing three serotypes. the antibodies from the culture medium have fluorescence antibody (fa) titers of up to 100 and those from mouse ascitic fluid have titers ranging from 10(4) to 10(6). monoclonal antibody t81 is type-common, i.e., it reacts at ...19836184394
specificity in the immunosuppression induced by avian reticuloendotheliosis virus.several parameters of the cellular and humoral immune responses of chickens infected with reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev-t), an avian defective acute leukemia virus, or with its helper virus, reticuloendotheliosis-associated virus (rev-a), were evaluated. spleen cells from chickens infected with rev-t (rev-a) or rev-a exhibited depressed mixed lymphocyte and mitogen responses in vitro. allograft rejection was delayed by 6 to 14 days in birds infected with rev-a. the specific antitumor cell imm ...19836187691
most virus-specific polypeptides in cells productively infected with marek's disease virus or herpesvirus of turkeys possess cross-reactive determinants.most virus-specific polypeptides in cells productively infected with marek's disease virus (mdv) or herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) possess cross-reactive antigenic determinants, although the two viruses have very little dna homology. the cross-reactivity appeared to be more evident when [35s]methionine-labelled polypeptides were immunoprecipitated than when the [3h]glucosamine-labelled polypeptides were immunoprecipitated, suggesting that the glycoproteins of mdv and hvt may be less related in str ...19836187896
monoclonal antibodies specific to and cross-reactive with marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of order to identify the specific and cross-reactive antigens to marek's disease virus (mdv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt), we prepared hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies against these viruses. these monoclonal antibodies were screened by the indirect immunofluorescence method. the purified virus-specific antigens appeared to be more effective immunogens than unpurified virus-infected cell homogenates. totals of 50 and 14 hybridoma clones were found to produce antibodies specific to m ...19826191751
marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys: antigenic aspects. 19836195671
antigenic relatedness of pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus to other avian herpesviruses.pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus (phev) was compared with seven avian herpesviruses for antigenic relatedness using monospecific antisera and the indirect fluorescent-antibody (ifa), agar-gel-immunodiffusion, and serum-neutralization tests. no antigenic relationship was detected between phev and marek's disease virus, turkey herpesvirus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, and duck enteritis virus. a common precipitating antigen was detected between the phev and pigeon herpesvirus (phv), ow ...19836196014
comparative studies on antigens induced by turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. i. agar gel precipitation and neutralization studies. 19836196928
comparative studies on antigens induced by turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. ii. immunofluorescent studies. 19836197828
monoclonal antibodies reactive with the surface and secreted glycoproteins of marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys.hybridomas were formed between mouse myeloma cells and spleen cells from mice immunized with marek's disease virus (mdv) or with herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt). three monoclonal antibodies were obtained, two (m26 and m34) from mdv clones and one (h9) from an hvt clone, all of which were specific for cross-reactive membrane antigen (ma) expressed on the surface of cells infected with mdv or hvt. all three antibodies also reacted with mdv- and hvt-specific glycoproteins in the molecular weight (mol. ...19836198439
monoclonal antibody-mediated immunoprecipitation of proteins from cells infected with marek's disease virus or turkey herpesvirus.the major immunogenic viral proteins of marek's disease virus (mdv) and turkey herpesvirus (hvt) share antigenic determinants. the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis pattern of five viral polypeptides immunoprecipitated with homologous convalescent chicken plasma was identical with the pattern obtained after immunoprecipitation with heterologous convalescent chicken plasma. a panel of monoclonal antibodies was used to identify mdv and hvt polypeptides. sixteen monoclonal antibodies were positive ...19846205501
studies on the serological cross-reaction between marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys using monoclonal antibodies to major virus-specific polypeptides. brief report.a major virus-specific polypeptide antigenically cross-reactive between marek's disease virus (mdv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) was characterized by two monoclonal antibodies against mdv. the antigenic determinant recognized by one monoclonal antibody was present only in the mdv polypeptide but not in the hvt polypeptide, whereas the antigenic determinant recognized by the other antibody was present in both mdv and hvt polypeptides. peptide mapping showed the difference in the amino acid se ...19846206826
the latex particle adherence assay: inhibitory effects of protein preparations.the latex particle adherence to peripheral chicken lymphocytes in the presence of different concentrations of various protein preparations was examined. non-specific inhibition of adherence was observed at and above concentrations of 500 microgram/ml, whereas protein concentrations at and below 250 microgram/ml gave no significant adherence inhibition in control chicken lymphocytes. the protein concentration of 250 microgram/ml of antigens prepared from mdv-infected chicken skin and hprs-1 cells ...19806244992
cell-mediated immunity in marek's disease: correlation of disease-related variables with immune responses in age-resistant chickens.a sequential study of cytotoxic and mitogen stimulation responses of peripheral blood leukocytes (pbl) after inoculation with marek's disease (md) virus was done with the 7 x 15 chickens at 2 weeks of age (group 1) and at 12 weeks (group 3). control groups were inoculated with chicken kidney cells at 2 weeks of age (group 2) and 12 weeks (group 4). during an 8-week observation period, morbidity and mortality were greater in group 1 chickens than in group 3 chickens. the cytotoxic response of pbl ...19806245607
cohelical arrangement of the dna strand in the core of marek's disease virus particles.electron microscopic studies on marek's disease virus demonstrated that fibrils of 20 to 30 a were arranged in a cohelical configuration within an electronopaque band of about 100 a thickness in the core of immature particles. these fibrils were presumed to be the dna double helix itself. this configuration may represent an arrangement of the herpesvirus dna.19806246858
heterogeneous population of virus dna in serially passaged marek's disease virus preparation. 19806247828
effects of levamisole on pathogenesis of marek's disease.levamisole was administered to chickens previously inoculated with merek's disease virus (mdv) or infected by contact, and the influence of the drug on the mortality rate of merek's disease (md) was examined. the chickens inoculated with mdv and then administered levamisole (3 mg/bird) began to die earlier than chickens not treated with levamisole. however, the chickens infected with mdv by contact and then treated with the levamisole had delayed deaths. when the capacity of peritoneal exudate c ...19806248672
effect of neonatal thymectomy on pathogenesis of herpesvirus of turkeys in chickens.effect of immunosuppression on pathogenicity of herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) in chickens was studied. in three experiments, newly hatched chickens of two genetic strains were surgically thymectmized and gamma-irradiated and then exposed to hvt. lymphoid cells of thymectomized-irradiated chickens had reduced in vitro mitogenic response; this result indicated that the immunosuppressive regimen caused suppression of t cell function. the immunosuppressed chickens had more circulating hvt and had a s ...19806250430
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1987