
characterization of octyl glucoside-solubilized cell membrane receptors for binding measles virus.optimum conditions were determined for solubilizing cell membrane receptors for binding measles virus (mv). evidence for specific receptors was shown from the saturability of mv binding to intact vero cells or african green monkey erythrocytes (mrbcs). receptors, solubilized from vero cells and mrbc with 1.5% octyl glucoside, inhibited mv attachment, infectivity, and hemagglutination activities. extracts from chicken erythrocytes, which did not bind mv, were inactive in all assays. mv binding ac ...19892672566
acanthamoeba isolates from the houston coastal center: some characteristics and establishment in pure culture.acanthamoeba species were isolated from soil samples taken at the university of houston coastal center. five pure culture isolates (clones) were established starting from single acanthamoeba cysts. all five isolates were able to grow and encyst at 37 degrees c in synthetic media. the isolates also were able to infect, cause cytopathogenic effects and death of african green monkey kidney tissue culture cells.19892673665
molecularly cloned simian immunodeficiency virus sivagm3 is highly divergent from other sivagm isolates and is biologically active in vitro and in vivo.simian immunodeficiency viruses have been isolated from african green monkeys originating from ethiopia. a molecular clone, termed sivagm3, was found to be highly divergent from sivagmtyo-1 in terms of its restriction map and partial nucleotide sequence. a premature stop codon present in the transmembrane protein of sivagm tyo-1 was absent in sivagm3. sivagm3 was biologically active in vitro and in vivo and displayed characteristics reminiscent of the wild-type virus. biological activity was dem ...19892685353
immunohistochemical study of ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine cluster this work an immunohistochemical method was used to study the ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine (glcnac) cluster antigen which is an epitope(s) of highly branched n-linked oligosaccharides terminating in glcnac residues. the ontogenic studies demonstrated that expression of the antigen is developmentally regulated in lymphocytes, epithelial cells of endodermal origin and kidney mesangial cells of the chicken. the antigen was found in several other avian species studied, ...19892715042
studies on the expression of genes encoding apolipoproteins b100 and b48 and the low density lipoprotein receptor in nonhuman primates. comparison of dietary fat and cholesterol.african green monkeys were fed diets containing low and moderate cholesterol concentrations with either polyunsaturated or unsaturated fat as 40% of calories. plasma total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol, and apob concentrations generally were higher in animals fed (a) the higher dietary cholesterol concentration and (b) saturated fat. at necropsy, liver and intestine were removed, and measurement of mrnas for ldl receptors (liver) and for apolipoprotein b (liver and intes ...19892722816
lipoprotein abnormalities associated with lipopolysaccharide-induced lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase and lipase deficiency.density gradient ultracentrifugation was used to isolate and characterize the plasma lipoproteins from african green monkeys before and 24 and 48 h after subcutaneous injection of 300 micrograms/kg lipopolysaccharide (lps) to induce an acute phase response. compared with 0 h values, reductions occurred in plasma cholesterol (39%), high density lipoprotein (hdl) cholesterol (54%), lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (lcat) activity (55%), and post-heparin plasma lipase activity (68%) 48 h after ...19892722868
metabolic behavior of hepatic vldl and plasma ldl apob-100 in african green monkeys.recently, evidence has accumulated suggesting that significant amounts of plasma low density lipoproteins (ldl) may be derived by direct production. these plasma very low density lipoprotein (vldl)-independent sources include the production and secretion of ldl-like particles directly by the liver, and/or a small pool of nascent precursor particles that are converted rapidly to ldl. the current studies were designed to test the hypothesis that hepatic vldl represent a rapidly turning over precur ...19892723543
the growth inhibitor of african green monkey (bsc-1) cells is transforming growth factors beta 1 and beta 2.the growth inhibitory activity in conditioned medium of african green monkey kidney epithelial (bsc-1) cells that has been shown to arise, at least in part, from transforming growth factor beta 2 (tgf-beta 2) [hanks, s. k., armour, r., baldwin, j. h., maldonado, f., spiess, j., & holley, r. w. (1988) proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 85, 79-82] was tested for growth inhibitory activity prior to and following acidification. similar to tgf-beta 1 from human platelets, the inhibitory activity from bsc- ...19892742846
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip)- and neuropeptide y (npy)-containing nerve fibres in the penile cavernous tissue of green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).the cavernous body of green monkeys contains many unmyelinated and few myelinated axons. the unmyelinated axons form terminals in the adventitia of the arteries, between trabecular muscle cells, in the interstitium, and close to endothelium cells of the sinuses. all terminals displayed predominantly" small clear vesicles" and very few "large granular vesicles"; "small granular vesicles" were not seen. however, in rabbit penises, terminals with many large granular vesicles are prominent. immunohi ...19892743393
fetal membranes and placenta of the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).this study examined developmental changes in fetal membranes and placenta of cercopithecus aethiops from a carnegie developmental stage 12 embryo to near-term fetuses. ultrastructurally, yolk sac cells (endoderm and mesothelium) were similar to comparable stages in other primates. endodermal cells had few apical microvilli, abundant rough-endoplasmic reticulum, electron dense mitochondria and dense bodies. in contrast, mesothelial cells were squamous with numerous microvilli, small mitochondria ...19892751120
different patterns of g/t and a/c mismatch repair in simian cells correspond to the specificity of a mismatch binding protein isolated from simian and hela cells.the two transition mispairs g/t and a/c are corrected with different efficiencies and specificities in cv-1 african green monkey kidney cells. g/t mispairs are corrected with 99% efficiency and almost always in favor of guanine, while a/c mispairs exhibit a 31% uncorrected sector and are otherwise randomly corrected. the higher correction efficiency and bias for the g/t mispair can be correlated with the substrate specificity of a protein, found in hela and cv-1 cell extracts, that binds selecti ...19892751192
effects of varying dietary fatty acid ratios on plasma lipids and platelet function in the african green monkey.the influence of varying dietary fatty acid ratios on plasma lipids, platelet function and the potential for thrombosis was evaluated in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops), an animal model widely used in cardiovascular research. ten adult animals, 5 males and 5 females, at intervals of 2 months, were fed a series of 7 diets with fatty acid ratios (p:s) ranging from 3:1 to 1:4. platelet aggregation in vitro, plasma levels of beta-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4, platelet memb ...19892751748
tumorigenicity testing of various cell substrates for production of biologicals.the data presented in this paper confirm earlier findings that the antithymocyte globulin (atg) treated newborn wistar rat is more sensitive than the nude mouse in allowing the metastatic potential of a cell substrate to be displayed. several human neoplastic cell lines such as hela, fl, hep-2, kb and widr cells as well as monkey kidney cell lines such as vero and bsc-1 cells, which failed to metastasize in nude mice, formed metastases in atg-treated newborn rats. earlier studies on the tumorige ...19892759351
expression and analysis of cooh-terminal deletions of the human thrombospondin molecule.thrombospondin (tsp) is a homotrimeric extracellular glycoprotein with a subunit molecular mass of 140 kd. the subunits have a modular or domain-like structure and are held together by interchain disulphide bonds. a number of domains have been identified including those for the binding of collagen, fibrinogen, and heparin. due to the trimeric form of the tsp molecule, the various domains are trivalent in nature and this contributes to the ability of tsp to mediate cell-substrate interactions. in ...19892760115
role of supraspinatus in the quadrupedal locomotion of vervets (cercopithecus aethiops): implications for interpretation of humeral morphology.various researchers have noted that terrestrial and arboreal monkeys often differ in the degree to which the greater tubercle of the humerus projects proximally beyond the profile of the humeral head. these differences have been associated with differing leverage requirements for supraspinatus during quadrupedal locomotion. although jolly (the baboon in medical research, vol. ii., pp. 23-50, 1967) suggested that a projecting tubercle can be related to the ability of supraspinatus to control more ...19892764088
mathematical outline-analysis of eminence and fossa of the tmj of cercopithecus aethiops (cercopithecidae, primates, mammalia).the contours of the eminence and the fossa of the temporomandibular joint (tmj) of cercopithecus aethiops, a monkey species, are analyzed in sagittal-vertical sections. the functionally relevant contours can be approximated by catenates for both the eminence as the protrusive guidance and the fossa as the retrusive guidance. this study reveals the more general character of the contour formula y = a cosh(x/a) - a. this may be true because all these catenates are similar to one another and since t ...19892782603
[growth curves of body weight changes in laboratory-bred female african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops)].nonlinear growth models having three or four parameter family were applied to individual weight data of female african green monkeys for estimating their growth pattern. the body weight was measured continuously from birth to six years of age with five female laboratory-bred monkeys. a total of 95 weight data were collected from each monkey. the average body weight was 330 g with the standard deviation of +/- 15 g at birth, and 2.71 +/- 0.33 kg at four years of age. the body weight of female afr ...19892792206
sequence of a novel simian immunodeficiency virus from a wild-caught african mandrill.since the isolation of an hiv-2-related virus from captive macaques (sivmac), the origin of human immunodeficiency viruses, a much debated subject, has been attributed to monkeys. the sequence of sivagm, which is derived from a naturally infected african green monkey, shows equal relatedness to hiv-1 and hiv-2, suggesting that the derivation of these viruses from sivagm is unlikely. recent sequence analysis of siv from a captive sooty mangabey (sivmac), however, shows its close relatedness to hi ...19892797181
delivery of high-density lipoprotein free and esterified cholesterol to bile by the perfused monkey liver.the movement of cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins (hdl) into bile has been studied using perfused livers from cholesterol-fed african green monkeys. mass amounts of hdl were isolated from the plasma of african green monkeys and were doubly labeled with either 125i-apolipoprotein and [3h]cholesteryl ester or with [3h]cholesteryl ester and [14c]cholesterol. for 3 h of perfusion hdl-free cholesterol was cleared from perfusate at a faster rate than hdl ester cholesterol which, in turn, was ...19892801946
changes in social dynamics associated to the menstrual cycle in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).behavioral changes associated to the menstrual cycle in a social group of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were studied. three adult females were used as experimental subjects and in these, vaginal smears were taken every other day in order to detect their menstrual cycles. only the dominant and the mid-ranking female showed regular cycles while the low-ranking female showed amenorrhea. the menstrual cycles were divided into five periods (menstrual, premenstrual, luteal, ovulatory and fol ...19892803469
early experience and cross-generational continuity of mother-infant contact in vervet monkeys.this report presents evidence that suggests that spontaneously-occurring variation in early mother-infant experience within the normal range can influence primate mothering behavior in the next generation. longitudinal observations of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) living in naturally composed captive social groups demonstrated that the average amount of contact that mothers maintained with their infants in the first six months of life could be predicted by the amount of mother- ...19892806728
results of serological examination for leptospirosis of domestic and wild animals in the upper nile province (sudan).195 domestic and 766 wild animals were serologically examined for leptospirosis. cattle was found to be positive at titres 1 greater than or equal to 400 in 63.5%, namely 50.6% for tarassovi, 17.1% for sejroe-hebdomadis, 9.4% for bataviae, 1.2-3.5% for icterohaemorrhagiae, cynopteri, autumnalis, australis, pomona and grippotyphosa. sera from 35 animals reacted with the serovars from two or more serogroups. of 7 sheep 1 was positive for pomona and 18 goats proved to be negative. 10.2% of wild mam ...19892809189
effect of splinting on the mechanical and histological properties of the healing periodontal ligament in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).healing of the periodontal ligament (pdl) after extrusive luxation of two upper central incisors was evaluated when one tooth was splinted and the other left untreated. one millimetre thick, transverse sections of tooth, pdl and alveolar bone were examined in a materials testing machine. load deformation curves were recorded and a number of mechanical properties were assessed. to eliminate the influence of differences in sizes and fibre arrangements, load values were reduced by the area and defo ...19892818270
cloned extrachromosomal circular dna copies of the human transposable element the-1 are related predominantly to a single type of family member.the 2300 base-pair transposon-like human element, the-1, has been identified in the extrachromosomal circular dna of the established human cell line hela as a relatively homogeneous population of covalently closed 1900 base-pair molecules. the-1, which has been classified tentatively as a retroviral-like transposable element (a retrotransposon), is present in the extrachromosomal circular dna of african green monkey (bsc-1) and human lymphoblastoid (jurkat) cell lines. the 1900 base-pair extrach ...19872821286
relation of htlv-4 to simian and human immunodeficiency-associated viruses.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) is the aetiologic agent of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in most countries and probably originated in central africa like the aids epidemic itself. evidence for a second major group of human immunodeficiency-associated retroviruses came from a report that west african human populations like wild-caught african green monkeys had serum antibodies that reacted more strongly with a simian immunodeficiency virus (stlv-3mac) (ref.6) than with hi ...19872823148
biological properties of simian virus 40 host range mutants lacking the cooh-terminus of large t antigen.three mutants of simian virus 40 (sv40), with deletions near the 3' end of the a gene, displayed a host range phenotype for growth and virus production in various african green monkey kidney cell lines. the mutants formed plaques in cv-1p cells at 40.5 degrees, in bsc-1 cells at 37 and 40.5 degrees, and in vero cells at 32, 37, and 40.5 degrees. virus yields in these three lines were cold sensitive: the burst size was greatest at 40.5 degrees and least at 32 degrees, but some progeny was produce ...19872823459
redistribution of nuclear ribonucleoprotein antigens during herpes simplex virus infection.infection of human epidermoid carcinoma no. 2 cells with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) leads to a reorganization of antigens associated with both the small and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes (snrnp and hnrnp). the hnrnp core protein antigens remain associated with the host chromatin, which appears to collapse into internal aggregates and along the nuclear envelope. more striking is the formation of prominent clusters of snrnp antigens (both general and u1 snrnp specific) ...19872824525
fur gene expression as a discriminating marker for small cell and nonsmall cell lung carcinomas.the recently discovered fur gene encodes a membrane-associated protein with a recognition function. to further characterize the gene, we studied its expression by northern blot analysis using poly(a)-selected rna from a variety of organs of african green monkey and rat. the fur gene appeared to be differentially expressed, relatively high levels of fur mrna being present in specimens of liver and kidney, low levels in brain, spleen, and thymus, and very low levels in heart muscle, lung, and test ...19872824565
genomic organization of low copy number sequences that are associated with deca-satellite dna in the monkey genome.a previously described segment of african green monkey dna (cloned in phage lambda mka) contains deca-satellite linked to dna sequences that are estimated to occur once per genome. sequences homologous to the low copy number sequences in lambda mka are also associated with species-specific satellite dnas in the human and mouse genomes. a second clone, lambda mk8, contains a monkey dna region that is colinear and homologous to a portion of the low copy number sequences in lambda mka, but no satel ...19872825119
studies of prototype live hepatitis a virus vaccines in primate models.we have prepared two prototype live hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccines by serial passage of the hm-175 strain of hav in african green monkey kidney cells. passage 21 (p-21) hm-175 virus shows evidence of attenuation for chimpanzees but not for marmosets; passage 32 (p-32) hm-175 virus shows evidence of attenuation for both species. animals that received p-32 hav had fewer elevations in levels of liver enzyme activity and evidence of less virus replication in the liver and excretion of virus in sto ...19882826614
a simplified plaque assay for varicella vaccine.a simple and accurate plaque assay is described for potency testing of attenuated varicella vaccine. assays were performed on the african green monkey kidney continuous cell line cv-1, in multidish-plates, under a semi-solid carboxymethylcellulose overlay. the test is economical and yields accurate individual titre estimates, the reliability of which may be assessed by parallel titration of reference preparations.19872828397
[spontaneous hepatitis similar to hepatitis a in african green monkeys].circulation of a virus similar to human hepatitis a virus by antigenic and some other properties was observed among african green monkeys imported from their natural habitats. in some of the monkeys this virus caused a disease similar to hepatitis a in many features.19872833034
heterogeneity of primate foamy virus genomes. brief report.dna of the t-lymphotropic simian foamy virus (sfv) lk-3 was cloned in a plasmid vector and used as a probe in comparative dna:dna hybridization studies with primate foamy viruses (sfv serotypes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, fresh sfv isolates from 12 african green monkeys and one rhesus monkey, as well as human syncytium forming virus). all freshly isolated viruses seemed to be variants of sfv types 2 and 3. especially lk-3 appeared to be closely related to sfv type 3. no hybridization of the lk-3 clone ...19882833201
adaptation of hepatitis a virus to high titre growth in diploid and permanent cell cultures.a hepatitis a virus isolate originally obtained from the feces of a clinically ill patient and passaged in diploid human embryonic kidney and lung cells was adapted to grow in mrc-5, cercopithecus aethiops muscle and in vero cells. three different adaptation methods were applied. either method proved to be suitable to finally give high virus titres of cell-bound as well as cell-free virus in the supernatant of infected cultures during 10 to 15 passages. an easily performable immunoperoxidase sta ...19882834626
essential fatty acid deficiency and neutrophil function: studies of lipid-free total parenteral nutrition in monkeys.linoleic acid (18:2 omega 6), the obligate precursor of arachidonic acid (20:4 omega 6), is an essential nutrient for humans and other mammals. because arachidonic acid release and metabolism are components of neutrophil activation by certain stimuli, we questioned whether neutrophils depleted of arachidonate as a result of essential fatty acid deficiency might be functionally impaired. we examined this possibility by producing essential fatty acid deficiency in monkeys with lipid-free total par ...19882836537
characterization of a herpesvirus isolated from woodchuck hepatocytes.a dna virus with the characteristics of a herpesvirus has been isolated from woodchuck hepatocytes cultured in vitro. we refer to this virus as herpesvirus of marmots (hvm). electron microscopy of thin sections of hvm-infected cells showed nucleocapsids with a hexagonal outline and a diameter of 80 nm. enveloped virions were seen in cytoplasmic vacuoles and outside the cell. negatively stained virus particles purified from cell supernatants were enveloped with the characteristic appearance of he ...19882839596
purification of transiently transfected cells by magnetic affinity cell sorting.a method was developed to purify transiently transfected hela cells or african green monkey kidney cv-1 cells by magnetic affinity cell sorting. monolayer cultures were transfected with mammalian expression vectors coding for either of two novel cell surface antigens, the tac subunit of the human il-2 receptor or vesicular stomatitis virus g protein. during the transient expression phase, cell populations were placed in suspension and mixed with monoclonal-antibody-coated magnetic particles in t ...19882840002
structural state of newly replicated closed circular simian virus 40 dna.we have studied the early transition of newly replicated, segregated daughter molecules of simian virus 40 (sv40) into their mature, fully supercoiled state. the dna of sv40 replicating in african green monkey kidney cv1 cells was chronically labeled with [14c]thymidine and pulse-labeled with [3h]thymidine. the cells were lysed and the viral dna was isolated. density gradient centrifugation of viral dna in cesium chloride revealed that the pulse-labeled, newly synthesized, closed circular superc ...19882843683
pausing in simian virus 40 dna replication by a sequence containing (dg-da)27.(dt-dc)27.a 200 bp sequence including a stretch of 54 base pairs of alternating guanosine and adenosine nucleotide residues [(dg-da)27.(dt-dc)27] was cloned in the simian virus 40 (sv40) genome between the kpni and hpaii sites. this sequence was discovered earlier as part of a region limiting the amplification of sequences adjacent to an integrated polyoma virus in a transformed rat cell line. the newly constructed dna was transfected into african green monkey kidney cv1 cells and the variant virus was is ...19882843810
serological and structural comparison of immunodeficiency viruses from man, african green monkey, rhesus monkey and sooty mangabey.we have studied the serological relationship among the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), and three simian immunodeficiency viruses (siv). sivagm was isolated from african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops), and compared with the previously described isolates of sivmac from a rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) and sivsm from a sooty mangabey (cercocebus atys). with respect to the glycoproteins, the simian viruses represent a subgroup apparently different from hiv. to classify hiv and ...19882844030
animal models for hiv infection and aids: memorandum from a who meeting.the human immunodeficiency virus is a member of the lentivirus subfamily of the retrovirus family. retroviruses are rna viruses which code for an rna-dependent dna polymerase (reverse transcriptase), which transcribes the rna genome into a dna provirus which, on integration with the host dna, directs the synthesis of new virions. the rna genome consists of a gag gene, which codes for the viral core proteins, a pol gene, which codes for the reverse transcriptase, an env gene, which codes for th ...19882850118
induction of fc (igg) receptor(s) by simian cytomegaloviruses in human embryonic lung fibroblasts.human embryonic lung (hel) fibroblasts infected with simian cytomegalovirus (scmv) were found to bind nonspecifically to the fc portion of human immunoglobulin (ig) g (igg). binding of igg to scmv-infected hel fibroblasts, but not to uninfected hel cells, was visualized as cytoplasmic fluorescence by the indirect immunofluorescence test, regardless of the presence of anti-cmv antibodies. the receptor(s) reacted with the igg class of different species, but not with igm and iga. the purified fc fr ...19882852656
susceptibilities of 14 cell lines to bluetongue virus infection.the effect of bluetongue virus (btv) infection was investigated in 14 cell lines. the cell lines included the following vertebrate cells: baby hamster kidney, african green monkey kidney (vero), rabbit kidney, bovine kidney, canine kidney, bovine turbinate, bovine endothelium (cpae), bighorn sheep tongue, equine dermis, gekko lung, rainbow trout gonad, and mouse fibroblast (l929); they also included the following invertebrate lines: mosquito and biting midge. comparisons between the cell lines w ...19882853175
pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity in simian varicella virus-infected monkeys of (r,s)-9-[4-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl) butyl]guanine, an anti-varicella-zoster virus drug.the acyclic guanosine analog (r,s)-9-[4-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)butyl]guanine, (+/-)2hm-hbg, is an effective inhibitor of herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections in vitro. this report is concerned with the pharmacokinetic evaluation of the drug in rats and monkeys and its antiviral activity in african green monkeys infected with simian varicella virus (svv), a virus closely related to varicella-zoster virus that is also susceptible to inhibition by (+/-)2hm-hbg. elimination h ...19882854453
prevention of murine coxsackie b3 viral myocarditis and associated lymphoid organ atrophy with recombinant human leucocyte interferon alpha a/d.the effects of recombinant human leucocyte interferon alpha a/d on experimental myocarditis due to coxsackie virus b3 were investigated. specific plaque reduction assays showed that 50% of in vitro plaque formation in vero (kidney of african green monkey) cells was inhibited by interferon alpha a/d 48 when administered 24 h before infection with coxsackie virus b3. three week old male c3h/he mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 3 x 10(2) plaque-forming units (pfu) of coxsackie viru ...19882855719
wild african green monkeys of barbados are htlv negative. 19852857892
antibodies to simian t-lymphotropic retrovirus type iii in african green monkeys and recognition of stlv-iii viral proteins by aids and related sera. 19852860515
production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against clostridium perfringens type a enterotoxin.hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for clostridium perfringens type a enterotoxin were produced by fusion of p3x63ag8.653 myeloma cells with spleen cells from balb/c mice immunized with purified enterotoxin. wells containing hybridomas secreting immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies against enterotoxin were specifically identified by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), and 10 elisa-positive hybridomas were selected and cloned twice by limiting dilution. all ...19852865210
a field study of infection with human t-cell leukemia virus among african primates.african non-human primates were surveyed seroepidemiologically for natural infection of human t-cell leukemia virus type i (atlv/htlv-i) or its closely related virus(es). materials from three genera (cercopithecus, papio, and theropithecus), four species (grivet monkey, anubis baboon, hamadryas baboon, and gelada), totalling 983 animals under natural conditions, were obtained in a field study in ethiopia. virus infection was determined by the indirect immunofluorescence test using htlv-i specifi ...19862873501
antibodies to simian immunodeficiency virus in african green monkeys in africa in 1957-62. 19862874433
development of adult t-cell leukemia-like disease in african green monkey associated with clonal integration of simian t-cell leukemia virus type i.proviral integration of a simian retrovirus highly homologous to human t-cell leukemia virus type i was examined in cellular dnas extracted from primary peripheral blood lymphocytes of 31 adult african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) that were seropositive for simian t-cell leukemia virus type i (stlv-i). among these monkeys, one case with overt leukemia, showing pleomorphic leukemia cells similar to those in human adult t-cell leukemia (atl), and five cases in a preleukemic state of atl- ...19872878717
[effect of anxiolytics--buspirone and diazepam--on the prolactin, thyrotropin and cortisol content of the blood in the green monkey].the influence of two anxiolytics--diazepam and buspirone--on prolactin, thyrotrophin and cortisol levels in green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) plasma was studied 30 min following i/m injection. diazepam at 1 mg/kg decreased prolactin and cortisol levels by 30-50% compared to the control animals. buspirone at 2.5-10 mg/kg induced a 7-10-fold increase in prolactin level but did not change cortisol and thyrotrophin concentration. buspirone analog--mj 138-05 at 10 mg/kg produced a 2-3-fold increa ...19862879573
survival and growth of fetal catecholamine neurons transplanted into primate brain.dopamine and norepinephrine neuroblasts of the ventral mesencephalon, hypothalamus, and dorsolateral pons were transplanted from fetal african green monkeys into multiple brain sites in adult (host) african green monkeys. tissue was grafted from both early and late gestational age fetuses. immunohistochemical analysis, with antibodies to tyrosine hydroxylase, a marker of catecholamine-containing neurons, showed large numbers of transplanted catecholamine neurons in host cerebral cortex, corpus s ...19862879615
hematologic abnormalities similar to the preleukemic state of adult t-cell leukemia in african green monkeys naturally infected with simian t-cell leukemia virus.studies were made of the hematologic features of 23 adult african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) naturally infected with simian t-cell leukemia virus (stlv), which is closely related to human t-cell leukemia virus type i. none of the stlv-infected monkeys showed any clinical signs, but their absolute lymphocyte count and percentage of atypical lymphocytes were significantly higher than those of uninfected monkeys. three stlv-infected monkeys had especially high percentages of atypical ly ...19862880832
comparison of simian immunodeficiency virus isolates.information on the extent of genetic variability among non-human primate lentiviruses related to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is sorely lacking. here we describe the isolation of two molecular clones from the simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and their use to derive restriction endonuclease maps of five siv isolates from rhesus macaques and one from a cynomolgus macaque. although similar, all six viral isolates are readily distinguishable; the single isolate from a cynomolgus macaque is ...19882893293
the origins of hiv-1 and htlv-4/hiv-2.more sophisticated knowledge of the different strains of seemingly closely related retroviruses is essential to understanding acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and developing a successful vaccine. distinct exogenous human retroviruses include human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), the etiologic agent in aids; human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1), which has been linked with adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma; and htlv-ii, a virus closely linked to htlv-i but not definitively impl ...19872894192
prevalence of antibodies to 3 retroviruses in a captive colony of macaque monkeys.the prevalence of antibodies to 3 retroviruses in the macaque colony of the new england regional primate research center (nerprc) was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedures as well as radioimmunoprecipitation-sds polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and indirect immunofluorescence tests. out of 848 macaques, 3 (0.35%) had antibodies to simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), 27 (3.2%) had antibodies to simian t-lymphotropic virus type i (stlv-1) and approximately 285 (34%) had ...19882895751
invasive amebiasis in naturally infected new world and old world monkeys with and without clinical disease.histopathological preparations of cecum and colon from monkeys naturally infected with invasive entamoeba histolytica were examined to determine the distribution of amebae in the tissues and the types of lesions, if any, associated with them. infections were studied in 3 new world species (10 callicebus moloch, 1 c. torquatus, and 2 aotus trivirgatus) and 3 old world species (8 macaca mulatta, 6 erythrocebus patas, and 1 cercopithecus aethiops). amebiasis was recorded as the principal or a contr ...19882903689
a prospective field evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay: detection of eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus antigen in pools of culiseta melanura.a prospective field study was conducted to determine the sensitivity and specificity of an enzyme immunoassay (eia) compared to virus isolation in cell culture for the detection of eastern equine encephalomyelitis (eee) virus in naturally infected mosquitoes. a total of 10,811 adult female culiseta melanura were collected in light traps during 1985 from four locations in maryland. eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus was isolated from 5 of 495 mosquito pools in african green monkey kidney and ...19872904960
the reactivity of plasma phospholipids with lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase is decreased in fish oil-fed monkeys.the size of low density lipoproteins (ldl) is strongly correlated with ldl cholesteryl ester (ce) content and coronary artery atherosclerosis in monkeys fed cholesterol and saturated fat. african green monkeys fed 11% (weight) fish oil diets have smaller ldl and less ce per ldl particle than lard-fed animals. we hypothesized that this might be due to a lower plasma lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (lcat) activity in fish oil-fed animals. using recombinant particles made of egg yolk lecithin- ...19892914920
renal epithelial cell lines (bsc-1, mdck, llc-pk1) express 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity.renal tissue of several species has been shown to express considerable 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-hsd, ec activity. however, it is uncertain as to which renal cell types exhibit 11-hsd activity. in the present study, we investigated corticosterone metabolism in bsc-1 cells, a continuous renal epithelial cell line derived from the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). in incubation experiments using 3h-labelled corticosterone and hplc, we have demonstrated oxidat ...19892920178
[description of cercopithifilaria verveti n. sp., a subcutaneous filaria of a cercopithecus in kenya].description of the fifth species of cercopithifilaria from african primates. the four previous species are parasites of baboons (papio spp.), this one is a parasite of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). the male has yet to be recovered for the new species.19892930121
definition of a region required for transformation in e1a of adenovirus order to define functionally important regions of the e1 a gene of adenovirus 12 (ad12), a number of ad12 mutants were studied. these mutants share an identical 69-bp deletion in the first exon of e1a as well as duplications of a long terminal repeat sequence at the end of the ad12 genome. the mutants are fully competent for replication and growth in their normal hosts and have a host range extended to include the vero cell line of african green monkey origin. the partially deleted e1a can st ...19872955566
astrocytes in the guinea pig, horse, and monkey retina: their occurrence coincides with the presence of blood the present study the distribution of astrocytes in the nerve fiber layer (nfl) has been studied in the sparsely vascularized retinae of the guinea pig and horse and in the richly vascularized retina of the old world monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) using immunocytochemical methods. in the guinea pig retina glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap)-positive astrocytes could not be detected. they were found, however, in the myelinated region of the optic nerve. the optic nerve head and a small ret ...19882976740
retinal epithelial fine structure in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).the morphology of the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) and closely associated bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) and choriocapillaris have been investigated by electron microscopy in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). the rpe is composed of a single layer of cuboidal cells joined laterally by apically-located junctional complexes. basally (sclerally) these cells display numerous infoldings while apically (vitreally) abundant processes enclose and interdigitate with rod outer segments. ...19882980205
photoreceptor fine structure in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).the structure of the photoreceptors of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. in this species the photoreceptors can be readily differentiated and adequately described by the classical terminology of rods and cones, with rods being the more numerous. rods are long, slender cells while cones are shorter and stouter. both rods and cones are highly differentiated cells and consist of an outer segment, a connecting cilium, and inner segment ...19872980747
characterization of angiotensin ii binding sites in african green monkey uterus.the observation that there are significant differences in the concentration, affinity, and specificity of both central nervous system (cns) and peripheral angiotensin receptors among several different mammalian species, including the african green monkey, led to the detailed analysis of 125i-angiotensin ii binding in the uterus of the african green monkey. the bmax for angiotensin receptors in uterine tissue from this species is 56.6 +/- 8.7 fmole per mg protein. the kd for angiotensin ii is .60 ...19852981383
expression of an ouabain resistance gene in transfected cells. ouabain treatment induces a k+-transport system.we have investigated the expression of a cloned mouse gene which confers ouabain resistance to african green monkey kidney (cv1) cells. cv1 cells carrying the transfected ouabain resistance (ouar) gene express an ouabain-inducible k+-transport system. this k+-transport system is not a normal (na,k)-atpase since plasma membranes prepared from the transfected cells have significantly reduced na+-stimulated atpase activity. rna sequences homologous to the transfected gene are observed in abundance ...19852981832
two separable functional domains of simian virus 40 large t antigen: carboxyl-terminal region of simian virus 40 large t antigen is required for efficient capsid protein synthesis.the carboxyl-terminal portion of simian virus 40 large t antigen is essential for productive infection of cv-1 and cv-1p green monkey kidney cells. mutant dla2459, lacking 14 base pairs at 0.193 map units, was positive for viral dna replication, but unable to form plaques in cv-1p cells (j. tornow and c.n. cole, j. virol. 47:487-494, 1983). in this report, the defect of dla2459 is further defined. simian virus 40 late mrnas were transcribed, polyadenylated, spliced, and transported in dla2459-in ...19852982029
selectivity of interferon action in simian virus 40-transformed cells superinfected with simian virus 40.treatment of african green monkey kidney cv-1 cells with human alpha interferons before infection with simian virus 40 (sv40) inhibited the accumulation of sv40 mrnas and sv40 t-antigen (tag). this inhibition persisted as long as the interferons were present in the medium. sv40-transformed human sv80 cells and mouse sv3t3-38 cells express tag, and interferon treatment of these cells did not affect this expression. sv80 and sv3t3-38 cells which had been exposed to interferons were infected with a ...19852983099
serotypic characterization of rotaviruses derived from asymptomatic human neonatal infections.nineteen rotavirus strains derived from asymptomatic neonates (seven from england, five from australia, two from venezuela, and five from sweden) were successfully cultivated in primary african green monkey kidney cell cultures, serotyped by plaque reduction neutralization tests, subgrouped by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and electropherotyped by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. all 19 strains were shown to fall into one of the four known human serotypes; serotype 1 (all venezu ...19852984247
the kpni family of long interspersed nucleotide sequences is present on discrete sizes of circular dna in monkey (bsc-1) cells.discretely sized molecules of small circular dnas in african green monkey kidney (bsc-1) cells contain nucleotide sequences homologous to the kpni family of long interspersed repetitive nucleotide sequences. the size distribution of these kpni family-containing circular dnas differs markedly from those of bsc-1 cell circular dnas containing either the alu family of short interspersed nucleotide sequences or the alpha-satellite family of tandemly repeated sequences. the structures of several clon ...19852984431
simian agent 12 is a bk virus-like papovavirus which replicates in monkey cells.we have begun to characterize the genomic structure and replication of the baboon papovavirus simian agent 12 (sa12). we have defined a wild-type clone of sa12 (sa12 wt100) by plaque purification from a heterogeneous stock. the functional map of sa12 wt100 can be aligned with those of the other primate papovaviruses by assigning one of the two ecori sites as 0/1.0 map units. the origin of bidirectional viral dna replication maps near 0.67 map units, consistent with the limits of sequences homolo ...19852985810
mutations near the carboxyl terminus of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen alter viral host range.we report the characterization of three mutants of simian virus 40 with mutations that delete sequences near the 3' end of the gene encoding large tumor antigen (t antigen). two of these mutants, dl1066 and dl1140, exhibit an altered viral host range. wild-type simian virus 40 is capable of undergoing a complete productive infection on several types of established african green monkey kidney lines, including bsc40 and cv1p. dl1066 and dl1140 grow on bsc40 cells at 37 degrees c. however, both mut ...19852985819
persistently infected cultures as a source of hepatitis a virus.primary african green monkey kidney, continuous african green monkey kidney cell line bs-c-1, and buffalo green monkey kidney cultures were infected with a uniform inoculum of hepatitis a virus (hav). although both the cell line bs-c-1 and primary african green monkey kidney cultures produced useful amounts of virus, hav was detected earlier and in greater quantities in primary african green monkey kidney cultures. a persistently infected primary african green monkey kidney culture was developed ...19852988436
retroviruses associated with leukemia and ablative syndromes in animals and in human beings.t-lymphotropic retroviruses of cats cause lymphopenia and immunosuppression and represent the major cause of death in that species. similarly htlv-i which is t4 tropic is associated with an increased risk for development of infectious disease in regions where the virus is endemic. since htlv-i is also believed to be transmitted by blood and by sexual intercourse we considered the possibility that a variant form of htlv might cause aids. the identification of cross-reactive antibodies to htlv-i-m ...19852990682
the association of the interspersed repetitive kpni sequences with the nuclear matrix.the kpni sequences constitute the dominant, long, interspersed repetitive dna families in primate genomes. these families contain related, but nonidentical sequence subsets, some of which border functional gene domains and are transcribed into rna. to test whether these sequences perform an organizational function in the nucleus, their association with the nuclear matrix has been examined in african green monkey cells. dnase i treatment depleted the residual matrix of most of the kpni 1.2- and 1 ...19852991242
transcription factor sp1 recognizes promoter sequences from the monkey genome that are simian virus 40 promoter.a 440-base-pair fragment of african green monkey genomic dna shares homology with the transcriptional regulatory region of simian virus 40 (sv40) and has been reported to direct transcription in vivo. we find that two regions within this fragment bind the promoter-specific cellular transcription factor sp1 and are protected in dnase protection ("footprinting") experiments. as in sv40, binding occurs in regions containing multiple copies of the sequence gggcgg. these regions, when fused to the pr ...19852991898
covalent cross-linking of vasoactive intestinal peptide (vip) to its receptor in intact colonic adenocarcinoma cells in culture (ht 29).[125i]monoiodinated vasoactive intestinal peptide (125i-vip) was cross-linked with human colonic adenocarcinoma cells (ht29 cells) grown as a monolayer using dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) as cross-linking reagent. the cross-linked polypeptides were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. a major polypeptide of mr = 67 000 was characterized and it behaved like a high-affinity binding site for vip according to the following data. the concentra ...19852992966
association of phosphorylated simian virus 40 t-antigen with subnuclear fractions of infected and transformed define the roles of subnuclear structure in sv40 infection, the relative distribution of t-antigen (t-ag) in various subnuclear fractions obtained from both lytically infected and transformed african green monkey kidney cells was determined. depending on the differential sensitivity of nuclear t-ag to extraction by salt and detergent, nuclear t-ag could be separated into nucleoplasmic t-ag, salt-sensitive t-ag and matrix-bound t-ag subclasses. at least fivefold less matrix-bound t-ag was foun ...19852995093
antigens of human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus.antigens encoded by the gag and env genes of the human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy associated virus (htlv-iii/lav) include a p55 gag polyprotein that yields p24 as the major virus core protein, and an env gene polyprotein, gp 160, that produces gp 120, the most immunogenic protein in humans, at the amino terminus. although its use is limited to research laboratories due to the cost and specialized procedures involved, the analysis of sera by radioimmunoprecipitation and sodium ...19852996402
isolation and adaptation characteristics of hepatitis a virus in primary african green monkey kidney cells: production of antigen useful for elisa serology.four strains of hepatitis a virus (hav) were isolated from four fecal samples of patients with type a hepatitis by using primary african green monkey kidney (pagmk) cells or frhk-4 cells. in all four samples viral antigen became detectable in pagmk cells at the 3rd passage level after 9 weeks of incubation; detectable levels of antigen were reached earlier in frhk-4 cells. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was used to detect hav antigen (hav-ag). blocking experiments with negative and ...19852997078
one role for dna methylation in vertebrate cells is strand discrimination in mismatch repair.although the occurrence of 5-methylcytosine (m5c) in dna is widespread, the function of this modified base remains unclear. at some specific sites it apparently has an effect in controlling gene expression, but many sites do not appear to be involved in this regulation. balanced against its regulatory usefulness at some sites is the mutational risk it imposes upon the cell. deamination of m5c can lead to its replacement by thymine (t). one possible role for excess methylation is strand discrimin ...19852997788
isolation of t-lymphotropic retrovirus related to htlv-iii/lav from wild-caught african green monkeys.present evidence suggests that the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) emerged in central africa as a new disease in recent decades. this disease has recently approached epidemic proportions in many parts of the world. the etiologic agent of aids is believed to be the virus htlv-iii/lav, which has been proposed as having originated from a recent simian-human transmission in africa. this report describes the isolation of a designated stlv-iiiagm retrovirus closely related to htlv-iii/lav f ...19852997923
recombinants between attenuated and virulent strains of poliovirus type 1: derivation and characterization of recombinants with centrally located crossover points.recombinants with a centrally located crossover point were selected from crosses between poliovirus type 1 strains and intertypic (type 3/type 1) recombinants. two such recombinants were characterized in some detail. in one of them (v1/a1-6), the 5' half of the genome was derived from a virulent type 1 strain, while the 3' half came from an attenuated type 1 strain. the genome of the other recombinant (a1/v1-7) had the reverse organization, with the 5' and 3' halves being derived from the type 1 ...19852998022
significance of glycosidases and phosphatases in cercopithecus and macaca cells.when selected ratios of different glycosidases and phosphatases from primary monkey kidney cells or from monkey kidney cell lines are presented graphically, characteristic patterns do evolve. three different subtypes of vero cells show similar glycosidase patterns. the vero subtypes tested show glycosidase patterns that are closely similar to those of primary cells of cercopithecus aethiops. glycosidase patterns of bs-c-1 and cv-1 cells are less similar to those of primary cercopithecus cells th ...19852998900
a shuttle vector plasmid for studying carcinogen-induced point mutations in mammalian cells.we have constructed a shuttle vector plasmid for studying mutagenesis in mammalian cells. the plasmid replicates in cell lines permissive for sv40 virus as well as in the bacterium escherichia coli and carries a bacterial suppressor trna gene (supf) that can serve as a mutagenesis marker. the plasmid replicates as efficiently as sv40 virus in african green monkey kidney cv1 cells, indicating that all traces of the inhibitory sequences normally found in pbr322 and its derivatives have been remove ...19852998945
adult t-cell leukemia-like disease in monkey naturally infected with simian retrovirus related to human t-cell leukemia virus type i.spontaneous t-cell leukemia similar to human adult t-cell leukemia (atl) was found in an african green monkey naturally infected with simian retrovirus closely related to human t-cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i). monoclonal integration of the simian retrovirus was detected in the primary leukemic cells, suggesting an association of the retrovirus with atl-like leukemia in the monkey.19853001009
effect of chlordane on influenza type a virus and herpes simplex type 1 virus replication in vitro.the effect of chlordane on the susceptibility of madin-darby canine kidney cells and african green monkey kidney cells to infection with influenza type a/pr/8/34 (hon1) virus and herpes simplex type 1 virus was determined. exposure of both cell lines to various concentrations of chlordane for 24 h at 37 degrees c (acute exposure) effected a marked reduction in the efficiency of influenza type a virus infection, except at a dose of 0.025 ppm. acute exposure of the monkey cells did not alter their ...19853001327
human t-cell leukemia virus type i is a member of the african subtype of simian viruses (stlv).the nucleotide sequences of the long terminal repeat (ltr) of simian retroviruses (stlv), which are closely related to human t-cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i) were found to be of at least two subgroups: an asian subtype in macaques and an african subtype in african green monkeys and chimpanzee. the nucleotide sequence of htlv-i was found to be included within the divergence among stlv, but showed closer homology (95%) to african subtype stlv than to asian subtype stlv (90%).19863002040
control of ribonucleic acid function by oligonucleoside methylphosphonates.oligodeoxyribonucleoside methylphosphonates contain nonionic 3'-5' linked methylphosphonate internucleotide bonds in place of the normal charged phosphodiester linkage of natural nucleic acids. these oligomers are resistant to nuclease hydrolysis, can pass through the membranes of mammalian cells in culture and can form stable hydrogen-bonded complexes with complementary nucleotide sequences of cellular rnas such as mrna. the oligomers are readily synthesized on insoluble polymer supports. their ...19853002493
alpha dna in african green monkey cells is organized into extremely long tandem arrays.we have determined the size of arrays formed by tandemly repeated monomers of alpha dna in african green monkey cells. dna fragments containing intact alpha dna arrays were generated by digestion of genomic dna with restriction endonuclease that do not have sites in the alpha dna consensus sequence. their size was determined by southern analysis and by sedimentation through neutral sucrose gradients followed by probing of each fraction for alpha sequences. the restriction fragments varied in siz ...19863003109
new human t-lymphotropic retrovirus related to simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii (stlv-iiiagm).this report describes serologic evidence for a virus similar to that known as simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii of african green monkeys (stlv-iiiagm) infecting apparently healthy people in senegal, west africa, and the isolation of virus from these individuals. serum samples from selected healthy west african people showed unusual serologic profiles when tested with antigens of htlv-iii/lav, the etiologic agent of aids, and of stlv-iiiagm. the samples reacted strongly with all of the major v ...19863006256
varicella-like herpesvirus infections of nonhuman least three distinct herpesviruses cause varicella like exanthematous diseases among nonhuman primates. spontaneous epizootics have resulted in high morbidity and mortality rates among cercopithecus aethiops, erythrocebus patas and macaca species in research colonies. mild infections have been observed in infant chimpanzees and a gorilla. this group of diseases is of interest not only because they are a threat to primate colonies, but also because their pathologic similarity to progressive hu ...19863007865
an infectious cdna clone of the poliovirus sabin strain could be used as a stable repository and inoculum for the oral polio live vaccine.viruses were recovered from hela s3 cells and african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells transfected with an infectious cdna clone of poliovirus vaccine sabin 1 strain. the viruses recovered from the different dna-transfected cells were tested for the biological characteristics of temperature sensitivity (rct marker), plaque size, and bicarbonate concentration dependency (d marker). the results revealed that the above properties were similar to those obtained from tests on the sabin 1 vaccine refe ...19863008430
quantitation and kinetics of induced hsv-1 ocular shedding.iontophoresis of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-hd) to the rabbit eye, followed by topical instillation of 2% epinephrine, induces ocular shedding of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) reliably and with a high frequency in latently infected rabbits. rabbit eyes inoculated with hsv-1 (mckrae strain) showed dendritic lesions indicative of acute hsv infection and subsequently shed virus spontaneously at least once during days 20 to 39 postinoculation (p.i.). two iontophoretic conditions were employed. group ...19863009094
evaluation of cell line 293 for virus isolation in routine viral diagnosis.cell line 293, a continuous line of transformed human embryonic kidney cells, has been recognized for its sensitivity in the isolation of adenoviruses, particularly the fastidious species 40 and 41, from stool specimens. to explore the possibility of using this cell line for the isolation of other viruses from clinical specimens, 293 cells were tested for their susceptibility to a variety of viruses including herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and the enter ...19863009540
chromosome-specific subfamilies within human alphoid repetitive dna.nucleotide sequence data of about 20 x 10(3) base-pairs of the human tandemly repeated alphoid dna are presented. the dna sequences were determined from 45 clones containing ecori fragments of alphoid dna isolated from total genomic dna. thirty of the clones contained a complete 340 base-pair dimer unit of the repeat. the remaining clones contained alphoid dna with fragment lengths of 311, 296, 232, 170 and 108 base-pairs. the sequences obtained were compared with an average alphoid dna sequence ...19863009826
analysis of line-1 family sequences on a single monkey chromosome.the structure of line-1 (l1ca) family members present on african green monkey chromosome cae-19 is compared with that of the entire set of l1ca sequences present in the monkey genome. the analysis involved annealing of cloned subsegments of monkey l1 family members to dna-blots containing restriction endonuclease digests of either total monkey liver dna or dna isolated from a monkey/mouse somatic cell hybrid carrying the single monkey chromosome. in addition, l1ca segments cloned from hybrid cel ...19863012483
influence of dietary fiber on lipids and aortic composition of vervet monkeys.a semipurified, cholesterol-free diet containing 40% carbohydrate can produce aortic sudanophilia or aortic atherosclerosis in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops pygerethrus) depending on the particular carbohydrate fed. four groups of vervet monkeys (three males and three females per group) were fed semipurified diets containing lactose. two of the groups were also fed 15% cellulose (c) or 15% cellulose plus 0.1% cholesterol (cc); the two other groups were fed 15% pectin (p) or 15% pectin p ...19863014255
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