
kingella kingae sequence type 25 causing endocarditis with multiple and severe cerebral complications. 201626651429
outbreaks of invasive kingella kingae infections in closed describe the results of the epidemiologic investigation of outbreaks of invasive kingella kingae infections among attendees at daycare facilities located in 4 closed communities in israel.201626545728
what to expect from molecular tools for non-documented pediatric infectious diseases.evaluation of the contribution of molecular tools to the overall diagnosis of infectious diseases in children.201526506055
invasive kingella kingae resulting in a brodie abscess. 201526407421
cartilage matrix infection in young children by kingella kingae. 201526315207
[mycotic aneurysm of the ascending aorta and cerebral infarcts in a 17-month old child with kingella kingae endocarditis].endocarditis is an uncommon presentation of kingella kingae infection in children. a previously healthy 17 month old child was referred to our emergency department for evaluation of fever lasting eleven days, aphthous stomatitis and a new systolic murmur. within a few hours of admission, antibiotic therapy was initiated for a presumptive diagnosis of bacteremia and within 24 hours after admission, gram negative coccobacilli were growing in the blood culture. in addition, echocardiography demonst ...201526281080
oropharyngeal kingella kingae carriage in children: characteristics and correlation with osteoarticular infections.the aim of this study was to investigate changes in oropharyngeal k. kingae carriage during the first 4 y of life, including seasonal variation and comparison of asymptomatic carriage with cases of invasive osteoarticular infections (oai).201526186293
bone and joint infections in children: acute hematogenous osteomyelitis.acute hematogenous osteomyelitis (aho) is one of the commonest bone infection in childhood. staphylococcus aureus is the commonest organism causing aho. with use of advanced diagnostic methods, fastidious kingella kingae is increasingly becoming an important organism in etiology of osteoarticular infections in children under the age of 3 y. the diagnosis of aho is primarily clinical. the main clinical symptom and sign in aho is pain and tenderness over the affected bone especially in the metaphy ...201626096866
[osteomyelitis: a probable, uncommon etiology agent].the relation of infectious agents to arthritis is an area of great interest to the rheumatologist. septic arthritis of bacterial origin accounts for approximately 6.5% of all childhood arthritides. septic arthritis usually results from haematogenous spread from a focus of infection elsewhere in the body, but also by direct extension of an infection from overlying soft tissues or bone or traumatic invasion of the joint. as a result, if a focus of underlying osteomyelitis breaks throught the metap ...201525941133
the clinical usefulness of polymerase chain reaction as a supplemental diagnostic tool in the evaluation and the treatment of children with septic arthritis.culture-negative septic arthritis occurs frequently in children. the supplemental use of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) techniques improves the detection of bacteria in the joint fluid. this study evaluates the clinical utility of pcr at a tertiary pediatric medical center.201625887824
hand, foot and mouth disease and kingella kingae infections. 201525876094
aetiology of arthritis in hospitalised children: an observational study.arthritis in children has many causes and includes septic and viral arthritis, reactive arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (jia). we aimed to describe the different types of arthritis among children hospitalised for a first episode of arthritis.201525732253
[septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae in children].approximately 50% of cases of bacterial arthritis occur in childhood. currently kingella kingae is considered as an emerging pathogen.201525727838
high respiratory virus oropharyngeal carriage rate during kingella kingae osteoarticular infections in children.kingella kingae osteoarticular (kko) infections are frequently associated with upper respiratory tract infections. however, no comparative studies detecting respiratory viruses had ever been performed between kko and non-kko (nko).201525598333
sequelae of pediatric osteoarticular infection.the epidemiology and diagnosis of osteoarticular infections (oai) have changed considerably in recent years, partly due to the development of molecular biology. kingella kingae is now recognized as the most frequent pathogen in children under 4 years of age, while methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (sa) has been increasingly reported. although the clinical course of oai is mostly benign, with shorter antibiotic regimens and simplified treatments, serious functional impairments and life- ...201525553604
complementarity between targeted real-time specific pcr and conventional broad-range 16s rdna pcr in the syndrome-driven diagnosis of infectious diseases.molecular tools have shown an added value in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, in particular for those caused by fastidious intracellular microorganisms, or in patients receiving antibiotics before sampling. if 16s rdna amplification had been gradually implemented in microbiology laboratories, specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) would have permitted an increase in the sensitivity of molecular methods and a reduction of contamination. herein, we report our experience in the dia ...201525348607
[septic arthritis in children with normal initial c-reactive protein: clinical and biological features].septic arthritis has to be suspected in children with joint effusion and fever so as to perform joint aspiration, which will confirm the diagnosis by bacteriological methods, and to perform surgical treatment by joint lavage. since development of current molecular methods, such as real-time pcr, kingella kingae has become the first microbial agent of osteoarticular infections in young children, whereas staphylococcus aureus is second. c-reactive protein (crp) is an aid used to diagnose septic ar ...201425282461
primary epiphyseal or apophyseal subacute osteomyelitis in the pediatric population: a report of fourteen cases and a systematic review of the literature.primary epiphyseal or apophyseal subacute osteomyelitis (peasao) is a rare condition that typically has mild symptoms and lack of a systemic reaction, according to opinions, case reports, and case series. we reviewed fourteen consecutive cases of peasao treated at our institution over a thirteen-year period to characterize this disorder.201425232082
differentiating kingella kingae septic arthritis of the hip from transient synovitis in young conduct a retrospective multicenter study to assess the ability of a predictive algorithm to differentiate between children with kingella kingae infection of the hip and those with transient synovitis.201425217199
kingella kingae dna in langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone.langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone is a rare pediatric neoplastic disorder of unclear pathogenesis. we report the case of a 3-year-old girl who presented with langerhans cell histiocytosis of the ilium in which kingella kingae was detected. our findings argue for the search for k. kingae by polymerase chain reaction in children with langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone.201525144797
kingella kingae sequence type-complex 14 arthritis in a 16-month-old child in greece.we describe the first case of kingella kingae arthritis in a 16-month-old girl in greece, which has been diagnosed by novel molecular techniques. a joint aspiration of her knee was performed before the initiation of antibiotics, as well as on the 5th and 14th day of empiric antimicrobial therapy. the synovial fluid white blood cell count decreased from 65,000 to 1500 cells/mm, but the percentage of neutrophils remained 90% in all 3 specimens. molecular analysis of the synovial fluid specimens by ...201525105896
age-dependent carriage of kingella kingae in young children and turnover of colonizing a longitudinal study, kingella kingae carriage rate was nil below 6 months of age, 1.5% at 6 months, 9.6% at 12 months, remained stable between 10.4% and 12.0% during the second year of life, and decreased significantly to 5.3% at 30 months. replacement of carried strains occurred over time.201426625369
genotyping, local prevalence and international dissemination of β-lactamase-producing kingella kingae strains.β-lactamase production has been sporadically reported in the emerging kingella kingae pathogen but the phenomenon has not been studied in-depth. we investigated the prevalence of β-lactamase production among k. kingae isolates from different geographical origins and genetically characterized β-lactamase-producing strains. seven hundred and seventy-eight isolates from iceland, the usa, france, israel, spain and canada were screened for β-lactamase production and, if positive, were characterized b ...201424766502
kingella kingae corneal infections in children. 201426624911
[kingella kingae sternoclavicular septic arthritis in an adult]. 201424556455
systematic pcr detection in culture-negative osteoarticular infections.identification of microorganisms is crucial for the successful treatment of osteoarticular infections. molecular methods are more sensitive than culture-dependent methods but may suffer from lack of specificity.201324135511
possible association of kingella kingae with infantile spondylodiscitis.the course of the spondylodiscitis' infantile form is characterized by a mild-to-moderate clinical and biologic inflammatory response. unfortunately, blood and disk/vertebral aspiration cultures show a high percentage of negative results. however, detecting kingella kingae dna in the oropharynx provided reasonable suspicion, to our opinion, that this microorganism is responsible for the spondylodiscitis.201324131988
recent lessons for the management of bone and joint infections.the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of osteoarticular infections are changing primarily as a result of the emergence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infections. multifocal disease, venous thrombosis and pathologic fractures are manifestations of ca-mrsa osteomyelitis. mri is the diagnostic imaging modality of choice for musculoskeletal infections. nafcillin/oxacillin or cefazolin remains the antibiotic of choice for treating infections caused by mssa. a ...201424119927
a prospective study of intrafamilial oropharyngeal transmission of kingella evaluate the intrafamilial oropharyngeal transmission of kingella kingae, we conducted a prospective study among pairs of siblings. we found that 55% of children who suffered from osteoarticular infections due to k. kingae, and 40% of asymptomatic carriers of k. kingae had siblings with positive oropharyngeal carriage.201424096731
prospective survey of acute osteoarticular infections in a french paediatric orthopedic surgery unit.the epidemiology of acute paediatric osteoarticular infections (oai) has recently evolved, mainly due to the improvement of microbiological diagnosis. we conducted a prospective study to analyse the recent epidemiology and the clinical evolution of paediatric oai in order to validate the adequacy of our probabilistic first-line antibiotic treatment (intraveinous cefamandole + gentamicin). all children suspected of community acquired oai were included and followed-up for 3 years. the etiologic di ...201323957786
unusually severe cases of kingella kingae osteoarticular infections in children.with the development of molecular biology and specific polymerase chain reaction, kingella kingae has become the primary diagnosis of osteoarticular infections in young children. clinical features of these osteoarticular infections are typically mild, and outcome is almost always favorable. we report a series of unusually severe cases of k. kingae osteoarticular infections.201423856785
oropharyngeal colonization density of kingella kingae. 201323838786
pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis of the finger due to kingella kingae. 201323838734
[a case of osteomyelitis due to kingella kingae].kingella species including k. kingae are non-motile coccobacilli or short straight rods, and their normal habitats appear to be the upper respiratory and oropharyngeal tracts of humans. in recent years, k. kingae strains have been increasingly recognized as common causes of invasive infections in children at the age of less than 4 years. in japan, however, invasive k. kingae infections including osteomyelitis have rarely been described. we incidentally encountered isolation of a k. kingae strain ...201323713331
beta-lactamase production by kingella kingae in israel is clonal and common in carriage organisms but rare among invasive strains.the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of β-lactamase and the genomic clonality of a large collection of kingella kingae isolates from israeli patients with a variety of invasive infections and asymptomatic pharyngeal carriers. β-lactamase production was studied by the nitrocefin method and the minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) of penicillin and amoxicillin-clavulanate were determined by the epsilon (etest) method. the genotypic clonality of isolates was investigated ...201323479041
treatment of acute septic arthritis.acute septic arthritis is a rare, but potentially devastating disease. the treatment is initiated intravenously, but can be safely switched to oral after 2-4 days providing large doses of a well-absorbing antibiotic and, for time-dependent antibiotics, 4 times-a-day administration are used. empiric treatment should always cover staphylococcus aureus and common respiratory pathogens, whereas kingella kingae and salmonella are important only regionally. studies conducted by our group have shown th ...201323439494
30 years of study of kingella kingae: post tenebras, lux.kingella kingae is a gram-negative bacterium that is today recognized as the major cause of joint and bone infections in young children. this microorganism is a member of the normal flora of the oropharynx, and the carriage rate among children under 4 years of age is approximately 10%. k. kingae is transmitted from child to child through close personal contact. key virulence factors of k. kingae include expression of type iv pili, knh-mediated adhesive activity and production of a potent rtx tox ...201323374128
investigation of an outbreak of osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae in a childcare center using molecular techniques.we describe an outbreak of 5 osteoarticular infections among 24 daycare center attendees. polymerase chain reaction revealed kingella kingae in the joint fluid of 1 child and in 85% of throat samples from healthy contacts. multilocus sequence typing performed on the joint fluid and carriage isolates identified an unique sequence type. rifampin failed to eradicate k. kingae carriage.201323348810
comparing the oropharyngeal colonization density of kingella kingae between asymptomatic carriers and children with invasive osteoarticular infections.colonization of the oropharynx by kingella kingae is currently considered to be a prerequisite for later development of invasive infections. however, the oropharyngeal k. kingae dna bacterial load in children with osteoarticular infections caused by this microorganism is not different than that of asymptomatic carriers.201323271444
detection of kingella kingae osteoarticular infections in children by oropharyngeal swab pcr.the purpose of this study was to investigate if oropharyngeal swab polymerase chain reaction (pcr) could predict osteoarticular infection (oai) due to kingella kingae in young children.201323248230
[kingella kingae pediatric septic arthritis].kingella kingae is a bacterium that colonizes the upper respiratory tract. despite its low pathogenicity in this location, previous respiratory pathological processes may favor its systemic spread causing bone and joint infections, mainly in children under five years. it can be considered an emerging pathogen in osteoarticular infection in pediatric patients. we report the case of a two-year-old girl with hips pain and limitation of both abduction and extension, and fever. radiography and ultras ...201223224317
prevalence of pharyngeal carriage of kingella kingae in young children and risk factors for colonization.the carriage rate of kingella kingae among jewish and bedouin children living in southern israel paralleled the age-related incidence of invasive infections. age 6-29 months was a significant risk factor for k. kingae colonization in both ethnic groups; day-care attendance was a risk factor in jewish children, whereas living in a shanty town was negatively associated with carriage in bedouins.201323014360
risk for invasive kingella kingae infections and day-care facility attendance. 201222982952
genotyping of invasive kingella kingae isolates reveals predominant clones and association with specific clinical syndromes.despite the increasing recognition of kingella kingae as an important pathogen of early childhood, the relative frequency and invasiveness of different strains of the organism has not been investigated. a study was conducted to determine the association of k. kingae genotypes with specific clinical syndromes and the temporal and geographic distribution of invasive clones.201222806593
small risk of osteoarticular infections in children with asymptomatic oropharyngeal carriage of kingella kingae.the aim of this study was to evaluate the absolute risk for children younger than 4 years of age with asymptomatic oropharyngeal carriage of kingella kingae to sustain an osteoarticular infection. the rate of k. kingae carriage in the oropharyngeal mucosa was 9% among healthy children, and the risk for an asymptomatic carrier to develop an osteoarticular infection due to k. kingae was estimated to be lower than 1%.201222572754
haematogenous acute and subacute paediatric osteomyelitis: a systematic review of the literature.a delay in the diagnosis of paediatric acute and subacute haematogenous osteomyelitis can lead to potentially devastating morbidity. there are no definitive guidelines for diagnosis, and recommendations in the literature are generally based on expert opinions, case series and cohort studies. all articles in the english literature on paediatric osteomyelitis were searched using medline, cinahl, embase, google scholar, the cochrane library and reference lists. a total of 1854 papers were identifie ...201222529075
isolation of kingella kingae in the oropharynx during k. kingae arthritis in children.kingella kingae arthritis in children is now mainly diagnosed by pcr, which has surpassed conventional culture of joint fluid. as oropharynx colonization is the first step of kingella kingae invasion, we prospectively investigated the possibility of cultivating it from throat swabs, in children hospitalized for k. kingae arthritis. throat culture was 5.6-fold more sensitive than joint fluid cultures in isolating k. kingae (66.7% vs. 11.9% respectively, p <0.001) and may be used to perform antibi ...201222390653
antibiotic susceptibility of kingella kingae isolates from children with skeletal system infections. 201222252209
pediatric sacroiliitis: clinical and microbiologic differences between infants and children-adolescents.the aim of this study was to improve knowledge of pediatric pyogenic sacroiliitis (psi) in the pediatric population based on a consecutive case series.201628002357
review of pediatric osteoarticular infections.pediatric osteoarticular infections are relatively rare but important diseases to identify early and treat appropriately in order to avoid associated acute complications or long-term morbidity.201728847286
genomics of the new species kingella negevensis: diagnostic issues & identification of a locus encoding a rtx toxin.kingella kingae, producing the cytotoxic rtx protein, is a causative agent of serious infections in humans such as bacteremia, endocarditis and osteoarticular infection, especially in young children. recently, kingella negevensis, a related species, has been isolated from the oral cavity of healthy children. in this study, we report the isolation of k. negevensis strain eburonensis, initially misidentified as k. kingae with maldi-tof ms, from a vaginal specimen of a patient suffering of vaginosi ...201728802585
molecular tests that target the rtx locus do not distinguish between kingella kingae and the recently described kingella negevensis species.kingella kingae is an important invasive pathogen in early childhood. the organism elaborates a rtx toxin presumably restricted to this species. consequently, real-time pcr (qpcr) assays targeting the rtx locus have been developed in recent years and are gaining increasing use for the molecular diagnosis of k. kingae infections. however, this study shows that kingella negevensis, a kingella species newly identified in young children, harbors an identical kingella rtx locus, raising the question ...201728794176
antimicrobial susceptibility testing of kingella kingae with broth microdilution and disk diffusion using eucast recommended media.due to the increasing use of improved culture techniques and sensitive nucleic acid amplification assays, kingella kingae was recognized as an important cause of invasive infections in young children, especially in septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, bacteremia and endocarditis. in 2016, eucast established clinical mic breakpoints for k. kingae (published in eucast clinical breakpoint tables v 7.0, 2017). the present study was carried out to produce mic-zone diameter correlations for k. kingae on a ...201728760709
isolation and characterization of kingella negevensis sp. nov., a novel kingella species detected in a healthy paediatric population.we herein report the isolation and characterization of 21 gram-stain-negative strains cultivated from the oropharynx of healthy children in israel and switzerland. initially described as small colony variants of kingella kingae, phenotypic analysis, biochemical analysis, phylogenetic analysis based on sequencing of the partial 16s rrna gene and five housekeeping genes (abcz, adk, g6pd, groel and reca), and whole genome sequencing and comparison between members of the genera kingella and neisseri ...201728699877
pyogenic tenosynovitis in infants: a case series.pyogenic tenosynovitis is an uncommon condition in children and there are few published case reports. we present a series of 11 cases who were treated in the geneva's children hospital in the last 10 years. kingella kingae was the main pathogen and the characteristics of infection (inflammatory indices, clinical findings and severity) are similar to other osteoarticular k kingae's infections in infants.201728661965
spondylodiscitis by kingella kingae: an emerging pathogen in an older pediatric children, greater than 95% of kingella kingae infections are diagnosed between 6 and 48 months of age. kingella kingae has not been systematically investigated, especially in older children. we describe a case of spondylodiscitis by kingella kingae in an 8-year-old child.201728650419
paediatric bone and joint infection.despite advances in understanding and management, paediatric osteoarticular infections continue to pose diagnostic difficulties for clinicians. delays in diagnosis can lead to potentially devastating single investigation, including joint aspiration, is sufficiently reliable to diagnose conclusively paediatric bone and joint infection. diagnosis should be based on a combination of clinical signs, imaging and laboratory investigations. algorithms should supplement, and not replace, cl ...201728607765
oropharyngeal carriage rates of kingella kingae in young children in new zealand and australia. 201728573812
kingella kingae keratitis in a child with underlying vernal keratoconjunctivitis.kingella kingae had rarely been reported as a causative organism for corneal ulcer and had not been described before in vernal keratoconjunctivitis (vkc). generally regarded as commensals of respiratory tract particularly in young children, it had however been isolated from the corneal ulcer scraping of both adult and children. we report a case of bacterial ulcer with isolation of kingella kingae from the corneal scraping in a young child with underlying vkc.201728546880
investigation of kingella kingae invasive infection outbreaks in day care facilities: assessment of a rapid genotyping tool targeting the dna uptake sequence.outbreaks of kingella kingae invasive infections have recently been reported in day care centers. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and multilocus sequence typing (mlst) revealed that although the invasive strains had widespread dissemination in the day care population, less virulent strains were also circulating in the facilities. however, these typing tools are costly, time-consuming, and labor-intensive and provide delayed results. a study was conducted to assess the performance of a ra ...201728539344
brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis in a 2-year-old child caused by kingella kingae.we report the case of a brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis from which kingella kingae was isolated. this is to the best of our knowledge the first report of a brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis from which k. kingae was isolated.201728432046
paediatric bone and joint infections in french guiana: a 6 year retrospective review.the epidemiology of paediatric bone and joint infections from south america is poorly known. we herein report a retrospective study conducted in whole french guiana from january 2010 to december 2015. medical charts of 55 previously healthy children were analysed, identifying 27 with osteomyelitis, 22 with septic arthritis and 6 with multifocal infections and/or osteoarthritis. the male:female ratio was 2.2:1, and the mean age was 7.5 years. eighty percent children were ≥36 months old who had pr ...201728204806
[kingella kingae septicemia in a patient with coxsackievirus infection].kingella kingae is a gram-negative cocci present in the oral flora ; this organism is difficult to isolate by conventional culture techniques ; it can be detected after longer incubation period (more than 6 days) in blood culture. it is responsible of various infectious diseases, especially in children below 3 years-old where it is a cause of arthritis and osteomyeli tis. it is included in hacek organisms responsible of 2 to 3 % of all cases of native endocarditis. the case report is the case of ...201628525210
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